The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

Voting is open
[] Plan: Nomadic Therapists.
- [] World Eaters.
-- [] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seeds.
-- [] 1 Charge of Legendary Gene-Seeds.
- [] Fleet Based: The Chapter is fleet based and will be constantly on the move, but as a result will lack a proper home unless it decides to claim a world for its own in the future.
-- [] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seeds.

Yes, everything about this, just yes.
Sightless (I like the thematics of Blind therapist Melee monsters), at least from a first glance.
I like that imagery.

[X] Plan: Blind Therapist Melee Monsters
-[X] World Eaters.
--[X] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seeds.
--[X] 1 Charge of Legendary Gene-Seeds.
-[X] Sightless: The rather on the nose name of this planet is due to the fact that a large portion of the planet's population is blind - thanks to the local wildlife, whom seem to consider human eyeballs a delicacy. It a rare individual on the planet of Sightless that keeps one eye late into their lives, let alone both. (Ultramar Region)
--[X] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seeds.

A reformed Earth for reforming Space Marines. Nice.

[X] Plan: Home for the Homeless
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Would be funny of we tell everyone they came from the lineage of the stoic Dorn, and everyone would think they are salamanders successors with how nice, honorable, and how good they are in fighting along side baseline humans.
Alright it looks like the only thing we are differentiating from is if this chapter should be fleet based or not and if not what planet here are some ideas for plans:

[ ] Plan King of Crete
-[ ] The World Eaters: The Sons of the maddened Angron, the World Eaters - are possibly the most powerful melee combatants among all Space Marines, with only the Blood Angels rivaling them. Obviously, they heavily focus on melee combat, even outside of their Assault Squads, and are always willing to charge into even the worst imaginable odds. To your surprise and confusion, though the World Eaters expectedly suffer from natural anger issues even without the Butcher's Nails those Nucerian lunatics created, they also have a potential for…. empathy, of all things. Not full Psyker powers, but an innate ability to sense and understand the emotions of others. You haven't the foggiest idea where that comes from, but it's certainly something to note.
-[ ] 1 charge of Potent geneseed
-[ ] 1 charge of Legendary geneseed
-[ ] Thesus: A planet composed mostly of very rocky archipelagos stretched over a vast ocean, the world of Thesus is one of the various Death Worlds that have embraced Emperor Worship, though oddly enough they seem to worship the Emperor as multiple deities - believing he was shattered into such as a result of his final battle with Horus. As annoyed as you are at their defiance of the Imperial Truth, you'll grudgingly admit that they seem harmless enough.
-[ ] 1 charge of Adaptive geneseed

-[ ] The World Eaters: The Sons of the maddened Angron, the World Eaters - are possibly the most powerful melee combatants among all Space Marines, with only the Blood Angels rivaling them. Obviously, they heavily focus on melee combat, even outside of their Assault Squads, and are always willing to charge into even the worst imaginable odds. To your surprise and confusion, though the World Eaters expectedly suffer from natural anger issues even without the Butcher's Nails those Nucerian lunatics created, they also have a potential for…. empathy, of all things. Not full Psyker powers, but an innate ability to sense and understand the emotions of others. You haven't the foggiest idea where that comes from, but it's certainly something to note.
-[ ] 1 charge of Potent geneseed
-[ ] 1 charge of Legendary geneseed
-[ ] Spuuuurta: A war-like planet, full of constantly warring city states. They have - in flagrant defiance of the Imperial Truth you might add - taken to worshiping the Emperor as some sort of war god. (Segmentum Solar).
-[ ] 1 charge of Adaptive geneseed

[ ] Plan DUNE Raiders
-[ ] The World Eaters: The Sons of the maddened Angron, the World Eaters - are possibly the most powerful melee combatants among all Space Marines, with only the Blood Angels rivaling them. Obviously, they heavily focus on melee combat, even outside of their Assault Squads, and are always willing to charge into even the worst imaginable odds. To your surprise and confusion, though the World Eaters expectedly suffer from natural anger issues even without the Butcher's Nails those Nucerian lunatics created, they also have a potential for…. empathy, of all things. Not full Psyker powers, but an innate ability to sense and understand the emotions of others. You haven't the foggiest idea where that comes from, but it's certainly something to note.
-[ ] 1 charge of Potent geneseed
-[ ] 1 charge of Legendary geneseed
-[ ] Mururua: A planet that is effectively a single titanic salt desert, the people of Mururua are masters at making due little resources, and at dealing with the threat of being eaten by train-sized, carnivorous burrowing centipedes. (Ultramar Region).
-[ ] 1 charge of Adaptive geneseed

-[ ] The World Eaters: The Sons of the maddened Angron, the World Eaters - are possibly the most powerful melee combatants among all Space Marines, with only the Blood Angels rivaling them. Obviously, they heavily focus on melee combat, even outside of their Assault Squads, and are always willing to charge into even the worst imaginable odds. To your surprise and confusion, though the World Eaters expectedly suffer from natural anger issues even without the Butcher's Nails those Nucerian lunatics created, they also have a potential for…. empathy, of all things. Not full Psyker powers, but an innate ability to sense and understand the emotions of others. You haven't the foggiest idea where that comes from, but it's certainly something to note.
-[ ] 1 charge of Potent geneseed
-[ ] 1 charge of Legendary geneseed
-[ ] Skaltland: A large planet of lush green forests, the inhabitants are tough and belligerent folk - being extremely prone to excessive swearing, and picking fights at the drop of the hat. And this is without the horrid shrieking caused by the 'bagpipes' that are their most popular musical instrument. (Fenris Region).
-[ ] 1 charge of Adaptive geneseed
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[] Plan: Siege of Terra Flashbacks
- [] World Eaters
— [] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seeds
— [] 1 Charge of Legendary Gene-Seeds
— [] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seeds
-[ ] Ooarth: A planet that, according to ancient records, was deliberately terraformed to be an exact copy of Terra itself as it was before becoming a hive world in ages past. It is infested with Orks, but many within the wider Imperium consider it a somewhat 'holy' site regardless. (Segmentum Solar).
[X] Plan: Home for the Homeless
-[] World Eaters.
--[] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seeds.
--[] 1 Charge of Legendary Gene-Seeds.
-[] Ooarth: A planet that, according to ancient records, was deliberately terraformed to be an exact copy of Terra itself as it was before becoming a hive world in ages past. It is infested with Orks, but many within the wider Imperium consider it a somewhat 'holy' site regardless. (Segmentum Solar).
--[] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seeds.
[] Plan: Nomadic Therapists.
- [] World Eaters.
-- [] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seeds.
-- [] 1 Charge of Legendary Gene-Seeds.
- [] Fleet Based: The Chapter is fleet based and will be constantly on the move, but as a result will lack a proper home unless it decides to claim a world for its own in the future.
-- [] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seeds.
Can anyone tell me what traits or benefits give a chapter by being fleet based? Because i searched information for it and i'm drawing blank on it.
I would prefer to do penancia because if we're not doing it for this chapter we're probably not gonna get a better chapter for it.
I would prefer to do penancia because if we're not doing it for this chapter we're probably not gonna get a better chapter for it.
You know, that we don't need to take requests right? Even without requests, we still can tell cool and thematic stories with our Chapters. For example, we can add Luna Wolves Chapter on Penancia.

Or Night Lords Chapter, who instead of terror specialists, would became Codex-defiant errant knights, who based on ritualized visions, would go around Galaxy adventuring, to defend the weak and slay monsters. Their errant vision-quests, a form of atonement in the name of Penancia II people.

We can make cool Chapters, with cool, fitting stories, without taking any requests. By all means, we can get a better Chapter for it, by simply making it ourselves.
[X] Plan: Nomadic Therapists.
- [X] World Eaters.
-- [X] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seeds.
-- [X] 1 Charge of Legendary Gene-Seeds.
- [X] Fleet Based: The Chapter is fleet based and will be constantly on the move, but as a result will lack a proper home unless it decides to claim a world for its own in the future.
-- [X] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seeds.

[X] Plan: We know how you feel.
- [X] World Eaters.
— [X] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seeds.
— [X] 1 Charge of Legendary Gene-Seeds.
- [X] Penancia II.
— [X] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seeds.
Voting is open