What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Hmm also yeah had the thought of "We don't have anything else we can do with the Watchtower Confederacy". Like we started relations increase like 3 turns or so ago and did the ISC access. @HeroCooky are they ready for things like the Horizon Program, Freedom of Movement, Economic Integration and Military Alliance and such?
Hmm, updating Choir math a bit. We can't fully sing the anti-chaos song unless we want to give up all of our bigger songs & the auto-ticker. But if we get another +250 choir turn then the way I've written this it will fully turn on.

[X] Plan: To Acquire the Military Capstones, Black Ash and Cat, and also by the way SCREW CHAOS
-[X] [Psykana][Free] Turn off the Grand Design
-[X] [Psykana][Free] Turn off Heartbeat of Industry, turn on Glint of Genius and Devouring Mechadendrite at full strength, 100 Choirs into Hippity Hoppity & Foretold Luminous Paths Seen. All remaining choirs into See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil while leaving 50 free for auto-tickers.
-[X] [Free] Assign automated frigate production to Taurus-S Troopship production
-[X] [Free]
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Green Ship Infused Missile Payloads (6/7) - [2 Actions Locked]
--[X] Voidcraft Generation 4 (bonus research action 1)
--[X] Industrialized Production of Gravity-Weapons (bonus research action 2)
-[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
--[X] The Black Cat Buyout (1/2)
--[X] Duel Of The Fates (3/12) (half action from Mechadendrite off Black Cat buyout)
--[X] [Free] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion (Orbital Habitat in Jak-Hal system and Oqo in Ishanu)

Should work because Duel of The Fates is explicitly filling up at a rate of 0.5 per turn anyway, so this just accelerates it a turn.

By my math we'll end up with:
Free Choirs for Auto-Tickers - 50x Choirs
The Devouring Mechadendrite - 20x Choirs.
A Glint of Genius - 40x Choirs
Heartbeat of Industry - 0x Choirs
Unto Works Generational - 0x Choirs
See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil - 258x Choirs
Hippity Hoppity - 100x Choirs
Hiss of the Steam Valve - 0x Choirs
Foretold Luminous Paths Seen - 100x Choirs
But if we get another +300 choir turn then as written those choirs will fully activate See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil.
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For the Lords of Eternity, imagine an Ethiopian Wise Man petting a Psychic Cheshire Cat with PTSD, sharing some light snacks with Glim as both talk about esoteric applications of basic Psykanas.

For the Black Cats...imagine Glim being lured into the backrooms of a dingy bar by a grizzly, scarred, chain-smoking mercenary woman with the promise of being shown the woman's battleship, ending with said woman gaining a Sugar Mommy (much to her confusion) and Glim gaining a battleship to gloat with. And 10 minutes after entering Glim's home, Black Cat gets scammed by Ashan hiding from his loan-sharks in her basement.
Yah I can see the LoE as that, they did pretty well for themselves once we broke the stalemate and had the recovery period, nothing was too wrong that we saw from their dossier or interactions. Poor Msk'fa the Psychic cats with PTSD that was recuse. Also I'm picturing them eating snacks and smoking some shit talking about the Pyskana and applications while high, is anyone else getting that picture at all?

PFFFFT, HAHAHAHA! oh my sides, they may be in the gutter but you can't blame me when you phrase it like that. Very much in character for the Glim Fed Nun and considering the size our of faction she would be the Sugar Mommy considering the Ashan Families and what she did for Brans. Still we got a battleship now and Black Cat is part of the Family... I wonder how Black Ash is looking at this and realizing their next. She throws on purpose just so she has an excuse to always be around the Yeeni.

"You know," Thule-6969 HRMHVR said wistfully, swinging her legs slightly on the ledge she was sitting on, "I still dream of that day." There were no words needed after that. He understood. Looking down, 69 saw the chaotic and frantic movements of a hangar in operation, a hive of barely controlled chaos that nonetheless operated fluidly and swiftly. It wasn't a combat operation, but training the new cadres to operate alongside the Siblings walking into the void alongside their fighters before turning their slightly awkward walk into a graceful flight. Future generations wouldn't need such training; they'd come out of the creches already well-used to the Sibling's presence...unlike her, to whom it was still new. Then again, much was. It seemed like there were Automata everywhere now, from the ship ratings to the ground-pounders and even the civvies. Though the ones destined for the latter had more friendly and cuddly shapes.
Ah remembering old days when she couldn't wait to get into combat deployment or dream back then and Thule6969 talking to her new Sibling Automata. Wow though, I do undersand the training needed for existing Thules considering its a new addition but are they really pairing the Thules up the Siblings from creches? damn okay, not sure how it would go but we'll soon see.

Hah, neat to see that last bit there how Automata are everywhere now a days with all the research we did and how the civilian automatas are veiwed.

"Of the charge of those brave and stupid cadets," she continued, pushing her fork into the box of cooked noodles again, though not in the mood to eat anything right now. She did it because the movement gave her something to focus on. "And how you charged ahead of them. The light you shed in that dark hour...and the explosion. I can vividly remember it...all of it." She stopped, leaning back as she watched one of her much-younger Sister-Siblings sneak a quick peck to a hangar technician, a young guy born in the ship like probably generations of his family had been. There was always a...hue and some changes to the bodies of Void-Borne like him, a little less color, a little less muscle, but more adapted to weird gravity and recycled air. She even heard one complain about how "dirty" planets were.
Oh she's talking about the Warp Leviathan, I mean if can speak it to the Void Siblings who may last a long time if they don't get blown up and view Thule 6969 as a Sister/mother then makes sense she can speak it without worrying about how it would hear/view it. Wait.... oh she's talking about Fren and mourning him isn't she? well we all knew what was gonna and it was set for tragedy anyways.

Pffft, showing how the generations on a ship and in the void is changing baseline human now, used and adapted to recycled air and the like, viewing planets as dirty compared to void ships as you need to clean and maintain where you can just let dust and dirt linger on planet if need be. Good subtle reminder to do medical services to 15 if we can to fix any future dormant mutation genes though.

"The days after...it hurt. Like razors cutting through nerves." She sighed and looked out into the eternal glittering starscape stretching beyond sight immortal. With her right hand, she grabbed a small can of alcohol, a brand she despised but he liked, and raised it to the air. "This one's for you, Fren." And with that, she cracked it open.

+++You do know I am still here, right?+++
OH, pffft. She's doing THAT. So she wasn't venting or talking to her Sibling Automata but to Fren Himself. Good on him for surviving that. Gotta love friends like that and will pour one out for you.

69 made a fake sniffle and knocked the entire can back. "Sometimes I think I can still hear your voice."

+++Woman. I did not survive suiciding a Warp Titan to be mocked by the likes of you.+++

"Bite my entire ass," she laughed, leaning to her left, donking her head against the Warcasket plates of Brother Fren, a grumble running through his frame.
Oh, he survived but in Warcasket, thank goodness we finally did it AND we did the Soothing version of it. Alas they will never hold hands in the flesh..... time to go medical Service XX to clone Fren a new body with implants to transfer his consciousness.

and true friendship there 'I did not survive a suicide attack on a warp titan to hear this shit' with 6969 doing the joke of them being dead while in front of them. Just need to upgrade the WarCasket into a Dreadnaught now.

Current Warp Tremors: [High - Stagnant].
Oh shit, turn it off! Turn it off! I think that Stagnant is from the Observatory now? good to see it works and that it won't change next turn sadly. But at least we now know the direction of the flows.

[] [General] Colonize (Sub-Sector)
It is time to bring more worlds into the fold. Thanks to the Irrita becoming our Kin, we will not lose any Development when colonizing worlds that are less than habitable due to them being terraformed into habitable worlds.
(Gain: One Colonized Sub-Sector.
Warning: Already occupied systems are not colonized.
Habitable Sub-Sectors: Chery (2/9 Systems), Gulf's Edge (9/14 Systems).)
Oh wow, that got a rework there. and terraforming got folded into that as well. most of the worlds focused on the new Sub-sectors but what about the terraformable worlds we had and the four worlds that were ripe for colonization?

-[] Warcasket Improvements (0/2)
(Gain: Standardized Warcaskets that improve on all aspects.)
-[] Industrialized Production of Gravity-Weapons
(Gain: Gravity-Weapon Proliferation.)
Ah so one more project before we can do a proper Dreadnaught project then? fair enough. hoping to do this before the game ends.

And YES industrialized production of Grav-Weapons. always good to get and make Grav-Weapons more common so we have options.

-[X] Green Ship Infused Missile Payloads (6/7) - [2 Actions Locked]
(Gain: Infused Missile Payloads and something else...)
Huh, so we only needed one and overpaid? or what was up with this?

-[] Voidcraft Generation 4
(Gain: Generation 4 Voidcraft.)
As great as they would be lets design and build some ships before going back to our strikecraft. Still something we want to build soon.

-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development III (0/2)
(Gain: Infantry Weapons and Armor Upgrades.)
-[] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0/1)
(Gain: New Infantry Weapons and Armors.)
-[] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development III (0/2)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Weapons.)
-[] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development III (0/2)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Armor.)
-[] Ship Equipment Standardization III - [1 DP Equipment] (0/5)
(Gain: Standardize 1 [One] 1 DP Ship Equipment across all new Designs.)
-[] Shipyard Automatization IV (0/4)
(Gain: 10 Destroyers and 3 Frigates every Turn.)
And mostly more improvements and upgrades, considering how things are right now we should be good on this and not need any more.

That said it seems the Ship Equip Standardization seems to go up everything time we do it. sadly we won't be getting autoloaders or the like, had the chance to.

WOOOOOOO 10 destroyers and 3 frigates each turn? that would help a lot and hopefully the next project would be Light Cruisers. just a bit pricy but nothing Glint of Genius wouldn't fix.

-[] Sigils (0/6)
Carved into reality itself, born from song and melody, humm and symphony.
(Gain: Sigils.)
-[] Anti-Psychic Materials (0/7)
There are some materials that, for one reason or another, seem to repell psychic phenomena and works, which, in the right hands, could prove to be a boon in our anti-daemon efforts.
(Gain: Anti-Psychic Materials collected and understood.)
Huh, didn't we have Sigils already or is this allowing more freeform type instead of using the Scared Sands that can't be mobile? still worth looking into.

Oh shit Blackstone or the like are right there... sadly these two will need to wait as while they would be GREAT additions for us we need Heavy Metal right now about two turns of ship design and ship production before we can afford to go over to this.

-[] Psykana-Repelling Persons (0/10)
Though they are rare, some people seem to not merely be uncomfortable to be around but possess an...anti-soul if one would say something so base. Yet, while normal people find them unpleasant, our Hymnals would rather run away or self-harm themselves than be in their presence. This...could be useful.
(Gain: Anti-Souls?)
Ahhhhh Blanks right there but at 10 actions, its quite a investment but it would be worth it, once we have about Five Battleships I'll be willing to focus hard on this to complete it. Something to note down is part of the description of our Hymnals wanting to flee or harm themselves then stand near them, a detail on the strength of the blanks? or just how they are in lore?

-[] Arcanum Psyker Staves (0/9)
The ability to create psychic focii is no longer a mere beginner's art within the Glimmering Federation, and with knowledge and familiarity comes the ability to strive further than yesterday. With The Sun Melody having become a measuring stick upon which one can see progress, it is estimated that further refinement will be capable of reducing the damages incurred into "mere" full-body second-degree burns.
(Gain: Improves Choir efficiency and might when using Songs and Melodies.)
-[] Arcanum Psychic Hoods (0/9)
Thanks to the work done in figuring out how to psychically tune and shape cloth and metals to weave together into one whole, a "Psychic Hood" for the layperson, the Celestial Choir is eager to not only begin large-scale dissemination of knowledge and practice but also delve deeper into their understanding of how they function and can be improved.
(Gain: Improved Psychic Hoods are equipment that shields your Psykers from backlash to varying degrees.)
I love how the Sun Melody is the measuring stick we use for this. And sweet, we can get it down to 'only' full body second Degree Burns. progress! and honestly would help with repeat casting by the same choir.

the Psychic hoods are always good since it gives a buffer for any psykana failures and lets them escape the worst of it. Force Preservation is important when a single choir takes a few hundred years of training to be deployed.

[] The Black Cat Buyout (1/2)
We have been infiltrating the Black Cat Company for centuries and now wish to use the influence we have acquired and the wealth we can offer to buy them out permanently so they join the Glimmerling Federation in perpetuity. We will share our high quality of life with all their citizens, as they'd become ours, including Re-Juvenat access to their high admiralty. Unfortunately, the very same demands more proof of our commitment to their people, including several extensive ground-based anti-orbital defense bastions.
(Gain: The Black Cat are incorporated into the Glimmering Federation. Also, a Battleship.)
Oh that wasn't just taken from the the action pool? alright then, not a surprise as we need to do this as required anyways. Oh they want Ground to Orbit defenses as well? damn they really want to make their worlds like turtles bristling with guns.

[] Free Neutrality Agreement
After so much time passing, the anger of the past is now fully in the past. With trade increasing by the year, and tempers cooled off, it is time to formally agree to bury the past and prepare for the future.
(Gain: Fully normalized relations with the Van Zandt Free Duchy)
Hah, how much things have changed now, we should do this soon like in two or three turns if we can to get it there and we can pull the one of the two relation increase... wait we don't really have anyone else to use it on right now anyways... still best to bury the past and move on at this point.

[] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
(Add 50% Progress to another choice when taken.)
Nice, an additional 50 percent added huh? we really should take advantage of this and next turn just do all design actions and from there go two full turns of ship production since at that point it would give us all the battleship and SBG's we need for an expedition to go and stall one of the cults.

[] [Military] Construct God-Engines (20x Grandis (0/1), 10x Modeste Immensus (0/2), 4x Immensa Immensus (0/2), 2x Magnificus (0/3), 1x Momentus (0/5), 1x Deus Machina (0/8))
(Add 50% Progress to another choice when taken.)
Oh sweet the research reduced the required cost by one action for most of them and two for the Deus Machina and its already a 50 Percent boost on this... honestly I think we can fill out a bunch in one turn with Heartbeat of Industry, just more a thing of what to focus on? the heavy hitters that will crush Grand Armies or make the current Immensa Immensus the centerpoint and focus on filling out the screening forces and more of the Immensa. Choices Choices. Cry for the Future will be great to have if we can manage to get it in the next few turns.

[] [Military] The Ancient's [Bone-Mender Temple/Jubilant Den] - (Write-In Military Forces)
(Add 50% Progress to another choice when taken.)
Wait... oh whoops, this and the Titan Construction say 50 progress added to ANOTHER choice when taken not the same one which.... fair. We won't easily fill out the titans it seems also I think it might be worth it to send out another Expedition for most lost tech just so we are doing more Military actions and getting the progress.

[] [Faith] Saint Candidate Thule-6969 HRMHVR
Hallowed be She Who Wakes The Spirits.
(Gain: Saint Choice Sub-Turn.)
We really should do this as we know how this goes and that we passed over this last time. Lets do this when we can spare an action or do Cry for the Future Symphony.

AN: Because I couldn't fit in anywhere, the reason the Warp is so fucky is because the Cults are busy fishing their Battleships out of the Warp after they got a bloody nose when you slammed the door in their faces.
.......FUCKKKKK. Okay, Ship design next turn and full turn of battleship production the turn after. we WILL have one battleship from the Black Cats and the Shipwright Grove is building so that's two but I want to make around three more so we have 5 so its only a 5 to 6 for the Cult to the Northwest and if need be we still have four battleships to stall or push against the Nurgle cult.

many Ye's, many faces.

still good to know.

Thereabouts, depending on how long you want them to be fed.
.... how many would it take to feed them for decades? or does it depend on the fleet its assigned to? All we need is to extend the supply line a good amount, don't need them to be self-sufficient completely if it costs too much DP.

1. The Observatory indicates which way the Warp swings on its own, not how your actions affect its tremors. But your peeps think you should shut it off.
Ohhhh okay, so reads the natural currents, so yah we do need to turn it off as it isn't going down on its own.

But for the general construction, it's kinda pointless. There's a reason we just had automated ship construction doing nothing but scouts for ages, for lack of anything better to do.
That would be because we never invested more into shipyard automation, it was only two AP for a long time and would get us more options to increase that further.

Mmm, so an Aquarius could do the maintenance in the field, but it's not viable for repeated battles, but having an inertialess drive super mode on a brawler--especially if it's a god damn Battleship--is nightmare fuel for most polities, huh?
Damn right that's nightmare fuel! imagine a brawler Battleship with maybe some ramming and then seeing it Initial D into ships while firing everywhere. It might be a one time use weapon and leave the ship needing yard time or needing to leave combat but I think since it would be focused on Grand Cruisers and above? its worth it as it should quickly take that target out of the battle right away and leaving wreckage of what is in its way as well.

wait a minute.... guys look at the very bottom right hand corner near the Nurgle Cult, who the fuck are the Unfallen?
[] [Battleship] Hercules-class Battleship
-[] Length
- 28.000 Meters (-5 DP)
-[] Width - 6.000 Meters (-5 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 1 Gravity (-5 DP)
-[] Armor - Deus-Ultima Pattern Armor (-7 DP)
-[] Shields - Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields (-5 DP)
-[] Weapons - 1x Spinal Starlance/4x Green Arc Cannon Turrets/2x Green Arc Lance Batteries/50x Light Lance Turrets (-27 DP)
-[] Equipment - Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/Tuned Shields/Armored Bridges/Harsh Crew Training/Improved Internal Security Systems/Hardened Prow/Lattice Hulls/Enhanced Strategium/Augmetic Security Department/Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Yeeni Auxillary Engineer Division/Shrine of the Charging Revenant/Icons to the Faith/Elite Crews/Micro-Warp Jump Engine/Infused Armor Plates/Twisted Knotted Vinealloy/Gravimetric Control System (-96 DP)

Yeah, this ship's kind of disgusting, not gonna lie, the only way I think it could have been made better would have been to also somehow squeeze the Living-Warp Machines equipment in, but it moves this away from its primary role of going "But what if we just teleported a Gloriana into close quarters combat, wrecked your shields, burned your armor to bits, and your scariest ship just evaporates in the face of its glare.
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Oh huh. Unto Works Generational will work on research actions.
Unto Works Generational - Reduces Action Cost of all General Actions by 33%, but requires 50 Choirs to operate. If said Choirs are removed, the reduced Actions are re-applied. In that case, Action Cost Reductions, if Unto Works Generational is sung again, are calculated upon the new re-applied Costs, instead of overall costs. This only affects Full Actions.

That includes:
-[] Rejuvenat Experimentation IIb (0/3). Minus 1 action to 2.
-[] Ship Equipment Standardization III - [1 DP Equipment] (0/5) Minus 1 action to 4
-[] Shipyard Automatization IV (0/4) Minus 1 action to 3.
-[] Sigils (0/6) Minus 2 actions to 4
-[] Anti-Psychic Materials (0/7) Minus 2 actions to 5
-[] Psykana-Repelling Persons (0/10) Minus 3 actions to 7
-[] Arcanum Psyker Staves (0/9) Minus 3 actions to 6
-[] Arcanum Psychic Hoods (0/9) Minus 3 actions to 6.

And it's really not that expensive to sing. Just a thought.

[] [Battleship] Hercules-class Battleship
-[] Length
- 28.000 Meters (-5 DP)
-[] Width - 6.000 Meters (-5 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 1 Gravity (-5 DP)
-[] Armor - Deus-Ultima Pattern Armor (-7 DP)
-[] Shields - Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields (-5 DP)
-[] Weapons - 1x Spinal Starlance/6x Green Arc Cannon Turrets/50x Light Lance Turrets (-27 DP)
-[] Equipment - Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/Tuned Shields/Armored Bridges/Harsh Crew Training/Improved Internal Security Systems/Hardened Prow/Lattice Hulls/Enhanced Strategium/Augmetic Security Department/Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Yeeni Auxillary Engineer Division/Shrine of the Charging Revenant/Icons to the Faith/Elite Crews/Micro-Warp Jump Engine/Infused Armor Plates/Twisted Knotted Vinealloy/Gravimetric Control System (-96 DP)

Yeah, this ship's kind of disgusting, not gonna lie, the only way I think it could have been made better would have been to also somehow squeeze the Living-Warp Machines equipment in, but it moves this away from its primary role of going "But what if we just teleported a Gloriana into close quarters combat, wrecked your shields, burned your armor to bits, and your scariest ship just evaporates in the face of its glare.
Looks good to me.
Oh huh. Unto Works Generational will work on research actions.

That includes:
-[] Rejuvenat Experimentation IIb (0/3). Minus 1 action to 2.
-[] Ship Equipment Standardization III - [1 DP Equipment] (0/5) Minus 1 action to 4
-[] Shipyard Automatization IV (0/4) Minus 1 action to 3.
-[] Sigils (0/6) Minus 2 actions to 4
-[] Anti-Psychic Materials (0/7) Minus 2 actions to 5
-[] Psykana-Repelling Persons (0/10) Minus 3 actions to 7
-[] Arcanum Psyker Staves (0/9) Minus 3 actions to 6
-[] Arcanum Psychic Hoods (0/9) Minus 3 actions to 6.

And it's really not that expensive to sing. Just a thought.

Looks good to me.

Yeah, it's not built for ramming, but it can probably do it effectively in a pinch thanks to that Hardened Prow and **Deus-Ultima** level Armour. The real issue is hitting the target in that event.
Arboretum can--in sufficient quantities--feed a crusade force on the move. I'd honestly probably build a Grand Cruiser as a breadbasket ship rather than a Battleship, but that's just because our Battleships are absolutely colossal and should be decisive.
Why not a Heavy Freighter? They'd probably be more food for your FP's and it's what they're for after all.
It's a good design but if and when we get the capstone we are gonna have to revamp something again. I cannot wait to see how dumb we can make this thing
One thing to keep in mind is that once we fully buy out the Mercenaries we can inspect their Battleship for equipment and possibly gain a boost for building our own.

Edit: @Alectai, you said that you were coming up with a proposal to update the SBG system to account for the expansions. I'm mostly certain that it could be implemented as a Free Action. Might as well put it up, now that we have an idea on what the Battleships will look like.
One thing to keep in mind is that once we fully buy out the Mercenaries we can inspect their Battleship for equipment and possibly gain a boost for building our own.

Edit: @Alectai, you said that you were coming up with a proposal to update the SBG system to account for the expansions. I'm mostly certain that it could be implemented as a Free Action. Might as well put it up, now that we have an idea on what the Battleships will look like.

Every day you demand me to update it, I delay it another day out of spite.

I will get to it as part of the build up, please stop reminding me, I know it needs to be done.

I still have to do my final pass on what the Flag Command Squadrons will contain, and that requires more designs.
Why not a Heavy Freighter? They'd probably be more food for your FP's and it's what they're for after all.
... I hadn't thought of that. That's potentially a great idea. Build dedicated logistics ships that just hang out a few systems away, stuffed to the gills with manufactorums and repair bays etc. We'll need to do the math on what you can squeeze into one of those versus a Grand Cruiser & their respective costs.

One thing to keep in mind is that once we fully buy out the Mercenaries we can inspect their Battleship for equipment and possibly gain a boost for building our own.
This is part of why I want to do it now. I hope getting to talk to people who've maintained a Battleship for a thousand years and crawl through the repair bays they use to do it will help us understand more about it. Maybe we'll even get a choice about taking it apart for some sort of DP bonus or keeping it.

Edit: @Alectai, you said that you were coming up with a proposal to update the SBG system to account for the expansions. I'm mostly certain that it could be implemented as a Free Action. Might as well put it up, now that we have an idea on what the Battleships will look like.
Yeah, we will probably be doing that next turn, so let's start thinking about it.
Every day you demand me to update it, I delay it another day out of spite.

I will get to it as part of the build up, please stop reminding me, I know it needs to be done
We need some more structure to do this properly. So:
@HeroCooky We're about to design new fleets, but I don't know how to do that while also keeping in mind build costs. Here's how we designed the LRADs to be the same cost as the SBGs, which was pulled from the old FP costs:

FP cost per ship:# ships in SBGSBG FP cost# ships in LRADLRAD FP cost
Totals33 ships248 FP33 ships248 FP

So an SBG costs ~250 points. Let's call that a "Strategic Build Unit" (Or whatever, I don't care) and make it how we measure our shipbuilding. As we design fleets I'd prefer to do them in multiples of 250 FP, or multiples of SBUs. To make that happen I have two questions:
1. How many FP do Grand Cruisers & Battleships cost? Same question for Light/Heavy freighter I guess, and definitely fine if you want to edit the FP cost per ship class.
2. Can we revamp the [] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair action to be something like "Build 5 SBUs of fleets" with a list of the available options, such as
-[] SBG (1 SBU)
-[] LRAD (1 SBU).
-[] Evacuation Fleet (2 SBUs, I dunno I didn't do the math, but this sounds right).
Once we have that framework, we can go ahead and design fleets with battleships and then they'll cost like 6 SBU apiece, or we can design a policing fleet of 250 Lupuses and it'll cost 1 SBU or whatever.
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...arent they a group of Dark Angels?

I Mean... its not blue so I doubt its the bird mollusk and we never did know where that other Space Marine Chapter was doing.


So I was right about Chaos fucking with the Warp currents to fish their battleships out of the Warp.
Yup, on the plus it sounds like they slammed into each other or something else when we closed it and caused some problems. Still can't do anything else at this point. we lock in the ship designs next turn and make some titans, turn after that we produce the designed ships.

[X] Plan: To Acquire the Military Capstones, Black Ash and Cat, and also by the way SCREW CHAOS
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Why not a Heavy Freighter? They'd probably be more food for your FP's and it's what they're for after all.

... I hadn't thought of that. That's potentially a great idea. Build dedicated logistics ships that just hang out a few systems away, stuffed to the gills with manufactorums and repair bays etc. We'll need to do the math on what you can squeeze into one of those versus a Grand Cruiser & their respective costs.
Because we also need what amounts to a mobile shipyard. And using Heavy Freighters means that there is going to have to be dedicated escorts even against small raiding ships. A Crusade of the kind we are imagining of deep strikes against Chaos cults is going to be diving deep into enemy territory and will not really have a secure backline. And any supply/support ship is going to have to be loaded up with internal defense against Chaos fuckery because of how important they are.

The only hull that has the traits and DP amount to fit everything we want is a Battleship hull. A battleship can have 50 light lance turrets for just 5 DP. No small raider is going to be able to do anything but die against 50 light lances- even light cruisers would get mulched by that many light lances boosted by a few equipment.

Especially this Equipment:

Monumental On-Board Manufactory - Fuck it. This ship is now a Warp-capable manufactury capable of outright producing most non-Warp ship-classes and items up to Heavy Monitors. You can guess what that means for the fleets they are attached to.

Which costs 60 DP and effectively makes the ship that has it a mobile shipyard.
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[] [Battleship] Hercules-class Battleship
-[] Length
- 28.000 Meters (-5 DP)
-[] Width - 6.000 Meters (-5 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 1 Gravity (-5 DP)
-[] Armor - Deus-Ultima Pattern Armor (-7 DP)
-[] Shields - Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields (-5 DP)
-[] Weapons - 1x Spinal Starlance/6x Green Arc Cannon Turrets/50x Light Lance Turrets (-27 DP)
-[] Equipment - Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/Tuned Shields/Armored Bridges/Harsh Crew Training/Improved Internal Security Systems/Hardened Prow/Lattice Hulls/Enhanced Strategium/Augmetic Security Department/Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Yeeni Auxillary Engineer Division/Shrine of the Charging Revenant/Icons to the Faith/Elite Crews/Micro-Warp Jump Engine/Infused Armor Plates/Twisted Knotted Vinealloy/Gravimetric Control System (-96 DP)

Yeah, this ship's kind of disgusting, not gonna lie, the only way I think it could have been made better would have been to also somehow squeeze the Living-Warp Machines equipment in, but it moves this away from its primary role of going "But what if we just teleported a Gloriana into close quarters combat, wrecked your shields, burned your armor to bits, and your scariest ship just evaporates in the face of its glare.
Every time I see the fucking 50x Light Lance Turrets I honestly kind of lose my shit, lmao

God, that's disgusting. Pure Lenses + Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice remains such a funny fucking combo, I've got a soft spot for disco ball builds since BattleTech. Shame you couldn't squeeze in Arcane Lenses, but it is what it is.

Interesting choice to not bring in the Specialist Equipment -- I guess Battleships are so fucking fat that you figured you didn't need them? Are you gonna save them for Grands or Heavies?

I really like the Shrine of the Charging Revenant, it's a very nice touch for a hardcore brawler Battleship. Hopefully getting the Thule Saint soon (tm) will get us some good stuff for strikecraft in general. I'm glad you chose to stick Vinelloy in there -- we just got a glut of Choirs, so I figure we can have some Choir equipment, for a treat.

How do you picture it in battle? Neablis brought up a good point in how two of these guys can serve as basically a wrestling tag team, with one butchering people and then swinging back to regen and guard the rear while the other one swings back in to always constantly keep the pressure up.

Albeit, if the Nurglites and Slaaneshi can afford to send 13 fucking BBs in a Task Force toward us, we might not be afforded that luxury.

Why not a Heavy Freighter? They'd probably be more food for your FP's and it's what they're for after all.
... I hadn't thought of that. That's potentially a great idea. Build dedicated logistics ships that just hang out a few systems away, stuffed to the gills with manufactorums and repair bays etc. We'll need to do the math on what you can squeeze into one of those versus a Grand Cruiser & their respective costs.
I think it's going to be a mix of things, to be frank -- we'll need both.

One, yes, correct, we need resupply missions, and setting up logistical networks to support a campaign proper. More critically, we'll need to crashbuild a lot of these to rescue people from Chaos Cultists -- I'm not sure how many of these planets are going to be exactly... Livable, anytime soon, and I don't doubt they pull some Logistics Fuckery through blood and sacrifice that allowed many people to "live" longer than they had to.

That being said, this is still a Crusade Fleet, and they need to be built to be able to operate without support for decades, because they're buying us time to build those logistical networks. We're going to want Grand Cruiser supply ships because they'll be able to have teeth while supplying the rest of the fleet -- have a poorly armed ship being the core of a Crusade Fleet's self-sufficient supply line seems like not a great idea in Chaos-held space.

We're also going to need to bite the bullet and either get a lot of Titanic Manufactories or a few Monumentals, IMO -- I really hope that the Kil'drabi are retooling all their stuff in light of all the stuff we researched. Their half-cost Manufactories and such are going to be critical to our continued sustain. There's a reason why I think there might be a serious argument to send our Crusade Fleet ships with Luxurious Amenities and Luxurious Quarters, because they're going to be out there seeing the worst of things for a fucking while -- the shrines are a good start, but... yeah.

If it helps, think of the Grand Cruisers being Star Trek Explorer-style ships! Well-armed, well-equipped, and ready to boldly go anywhere. If we manage to return to Peacetime before the game ends, I think converting a lot of our Crusade Fleet into an autoticker for Colonization / Exploration would be a not-bad idea, imo.

2. Can we revamp the [] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair action to be something like "Build 5 SBUs of fleets" with a list of the available options, such as
I mean, looking at our actions, it's probably more 4 SBUs, but yeah, looks like a good idea!
Because we also need what amounts to a mobile shipyard. And using Heavy Freighters means that there is going to have to be dedicated escorts even against small raiding ships. A Crusade of the kind we are imagining of deep strikes against Chaos cults is going to be diving deep into enemy territory and will not really have a secure backline. And any supply/support ship is going to have to be loaded up with internal defense against Chaos fuckery because of how important they are.

The only hull that has the traits and DP amount to fit everything we want is a Battleship hull. A battleship can have 50 light lance turrets for just 5 DP. No small raider is going to be able to do anything but die against 50 light lances- even light cruisers would get mulched by that many light lances boosted by a few equipment.

Especially this Equipment:

Monumental On-Board Manufactory - Fuck it. This ship is now a Warp-capable manufactury capable of outright producing most non-Warp ship-classes and items up to Heavy Monitors. You can guess what that means for the fleets they are attached to.

Which costs 60 DP and effectively makes the ship that has it a mobile shipyard.
This is what pretty much I had in mind, albeit I think Cooky might also allow us to have a Battleship or + sized Temple Ship sooner rather than later, hopefully. They have a lot of useful equipment even beyond their Exterminatus options, and they had a fat amount of DP compared to our Void Industry when we last build them. They still seem to be at 25 DP to design, but who knows, we'll see.

But yeah, a "support" Battleship won't be a bad idea -- albeit I think Alectai might already be cooking one if he's thinking about Command Ships. And god, yeah, fucking 50 Light Lances is just, so fucking funny.

[X] Plan: To Acquire the Military Capstones, Black Ash and Cat, and also by the way SCREW CHAOS