What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Nice! A sketch means it's a valid vote. I'm leery of spending so many more military actions so close to when we unify with the Grove, but a titan is needed for the Black Ash, and this means we're less likely to need to build more when chaos titans finally show up.

Besides, we're just waiting for the warp to calm it's tits before we can Engage the Next Step of the Plan.
Nice! A sketch means it's a valid vote. I'm leery of spending so many more military actions so close to when we unify with the Grove, but a titan is needed for the Black Ash, and this means we're less likely to need to build more when chaos titans finally show up.

Besides, we're just waiting for the warp to calm it's tits before we can Engage the Next Step of the Plan.

Yeah, we're in good stead either way, if we can pull the trigger, we can do so. If we can't, we can keep chipping at that while starting some Expeditions.

As awesome as it is, unless you personally drew that, it's not valid T_T

Though it would be a kickin' rad God-Machine scale Titan for us.
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Nice! A sketch means it's a valid vote. I'm leery of spending so many more military actions so close to when we unify with the Grove, but a titan is needed for the Black Ash, and this means we're less likely to need to build more when chaos titans finally show up.

Besides, we're just waiting for the warp to calm it's tits before we can Engage the Next Step of the Plan.
Remember that the Slaanesh cult has Titans. Plus they are almost certainly to spring a Greater Daemon on us when they attack us. We need super combatants of our own. And all the Titans we make will be blessed and holy. Ita important to build up our Titan Legion now since it'll take them time to build up experience and doctrine in how best utilize them.
Oh, it's time? Let me get that in then. Sleep isn't likely happening for a while due to various real life things.

[X] Valiant Battle Titan

Maybe not quite this boxy and a bit more curved (Maybe the shoulder armaments are also properly balanced too), but you can't expect miracles on short notice and no money. Shoutout to @TheCount for doing this up for me!
-[X][Size] Immensa Immensus
-[X][Left-Hand Armament/s] Plasma Destructor w/Protective Shield Cowling
-[X][Right-Hand Armament/s] Titan Power Sword (Heat Sword? I don't know)
-[X][Left Shoulder Armament/s] 2x Gatling Blaster
-[X][Right Shoulder Armament/s] 2x Missile Launchers
-[X][Number of Legs] Two

The first Titan designed by the Glittering Federation, the White Knight that stands in defiance against the most terrible forces of Old Night and those who would bring despair to the Star Child's adherents, a God-Machine in truth, the Valiant Battle Titan's purpose is to serve as a check against hostile superheavy forces, with a special focus on battling other Titans. To that end, the Valiant is equipped with a Titan-scale Close Combat Blade, and a Plasma Destructor on its offhand--shrouded by a protective cowling resembling that of a great kite shield. Its shoulder-mounted armaments are a Gatling Blaster intended to suppress Void Shields on the approach, as well as a set of naval grade Missile Launchers to provide a degree of indirect fire support on the approach. At the end of the day though, the Valiant is intended to strike against its opposite numbers over all other purposes, and in the name of its patron Saint Theodorus, it will not be found wanting.
Incidentally, if it can only mount one of these weapons per shoulder slot (It was unclear how many could fit), so be it. My information sources aren't clear on how many guns you can put on a Titan per slot.

2. No, that was already the default. They are growing less "hate the witch!" like, and more "pity the witch," which will lead to your stance of "they are doing valuable work, so give them to those who can train them and pray for their souls."
3. Both died happy. One surrounded by friends and family, the other after a night of debauchery with her harem.
4. Yes. Yes they can do that.
5. Nope, just people living in less-than-good environments.
1. Pffffft so she did get a growth spurt, more skilled and powerful with looks and Glim Fed Nun is thinking 'okay time to knock her down a peg or two.
2. Ohhh that's what you meant, nice to see and good to hear about it.
3. ....Is it bad I can't tell which is which? I want to say the younger sister had a harem of Thules and died after the night of debauchery but you never know.
4. .....Ohhhhh shit, we do NEED that Warp Observatory and the thread needs to learn restraint. Because we WILL cause a warpstorm because 'well we can still use the Symphony, we can squeeze it one more turn of it' thought processes and the warp current will carry that into a Warp Storm from rough and strong currents because the current changes that turn. Or rather it just WON'T go down at all.
5. damn, so only Deathworlds are worth the cost for it then.

1. "Oh, neat." "Bitch, what, in all that is holy, the FUCK?!"
2. "As long as you don't want territory, and only spoils, sure." "By the Empress' Holy Tits!"
3. They are what you described them as, and they have a diplomacy stance of "please leave us alone, thank you and goodbye."
Yah, that checks out. Both 'oh great more enemies' and 'sure bring along whatever you want if you're in it for the loot' to 'why are there so many fracking ships?!' and 'you had all theses this whole damn time!?' It makes sense as we never met with the Croaf Hegemony and the Black Ash just... never got the chance to see how far we were spread before and the forces we can bring to bear.

Shipwright's Grove
Government Type:
Unitary Meritocratic Council Democracy
Culture Type: Ecological Void Unity
Attitude: Expanionistic Terraformers
Specie/s: Human (Primus Inter Pares) and Irrita (Secundus Inter Pares)
Oh, okay we're getting a dossier on them again. I think it updated with the Unitary part? not sure but the culture has changed for sure with it being... Ecological Void Unity which is only a thing I say you would find in 40k.How would you explain that?

Yup, given how it is and how fast they expanded, Expanionistic Terraformers with terraforming every world they could and settling them So makes sense in that and how many sub-sectors they have.

1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Shipwright's Grove contains an estimated ~15k Warp-Capable vessels, the majority of which (~57%) are the Living Ships of Irritan [Child]-Of-The-Voids plying the trade routes of their expanded domains. It should be noted that every Living Ship is a wholly unique vessel, an effect of the species shipbuilding approach, which is entirely artisanal in nature. Not only are their Warp Drives and Gellar Field Generators not manufactured but individually grown, augmented, and combined into self-sustaining bio-mechanical creations that interface with the hulls they are placed within. It should be noted here that an Irrita is not only capable of, but expected, to create their own Warp Drive and Gellar Field Generator with nothing but some advice, second-hand parts, and the drive to make their own in case they lack parts they require should they desire to become a Son-of-the-Void.
Holy shit that is a lot, a majority of it being the Living ships makes some sense considering how the Irrita are and how they were before but still that's insane having that many, I'll get answer later on for it but why the hell do they need that many ships there? what powers are they trading with or places they are settling that need that many.

I still laugh that Irrita are the Mon Cala with how their ships are artisanal and are a nightmare for normal maintenance workers and having everything grown and combined into systems.

Seriously the Irrita building Warp Drive Gellar Field Generator with plants and parts into ecosystems on their own. Are we sure they aren't psykers?

Their primary imports/exports consist of bulk goods such as people, ores, manufactured base goods (construction materials, armor plating, and tools ranked highest), and medicine. They maintain several trade stations with us, alongside dozens of treaties managing commerce, and joined anti-piracy patrols.

They operate an estimated ~1.500 military vessels, most of which are on dispersed defensive duty to bolster local SDF efforts to combat a constant Low-Level Pirate Threat from within the various Oort Clouds of their claimed and held systems and a High-Level Pirate Threat from the Corsair's Haven Sector Cluster.
well the ore, manufactured goods, and Medicine make since, surprised people are one of the exports... I think they are. maybe just immigration and population large so its why they keep expanding? Still we are trading a lot with them from 621 Sub-sector and chill for a good while. I think things went up when they popped up around the Voxx Primus trigger getting primed and we agreed to do that outsourcing shipbuilding to start the diplomacy with them.

Oh shit quite a lot of them but I'm guessing SDF are much weaker then our and have the Military rotating out from system to system to help combat pirates.....Oh you are kidding me they STILL haven't dealt with the Pirates in the Oort Clouds of their systems? I home they got rid of the one one in the Core Sub-sector at this point.

And there is a major problem with pirates over in their sub-sectors with ... Oh right that group of five Sub-sectors there. Oh boy that's going to be fun to deal with.

1.b) Shipbuilding
The Shipwright's Grove maintains a Scout Fleet of around ~100 vessels.

Their total ship production capabilities outstrip those of the Glimmering Federation by a factor of 2.5x due to their cultural and societal mindset, which enforces the continual expansion of habitation stations, asteroid settlements, and the subsequent needed intra-stellar infrastructure. Most of their shipyards are privately owned, with the rest distributed between dedicated military shipyards and corporate holdings. It should be noted here that the Grove enforces a clause within any new yard construction that sets aside 10% of the yard's total output for use by the Grove Navy, which can be called upon in the form of maintenance, re-fitting, or the construction of new ships.
Quite a lot of scouts, which you would need for locating planets to terraform, scout out other systems and sub-sectors to check things and the like. Seriously I wonder how many scouts are always looking for new planets to terraform and how many they currently are doing.

Holy shit, not a surprised given its their niche and whole culture that their ship production is that much bigger. Oh, THAT's why there are so many warp capable ships, they encourage continual void expansion with habitation stations and asteroid settlements, its not JUST the Planets they settle or terraform, its like Sophia Paraside in Macrbe Sub-sector with the more then ten thousand stations. Those would need a lot of ships always coming and going. And Still having that clause for the shipyards to ten aside ten percent of their yards for use by the Grove, nice to see that was kept around.

Their Destroyers are between 1.5km and 1.8km, Frigates between 2km and 2.4km, Light Cruisers between 4.6km and 4.8km, Heavy Cruisers between 5.5km and 6km, and their Grand Cruisers range between 7.2km and 7.8km. Living Ship sizes range from ~180m to ~15km.

Their armaments are focused on a mix of Macro-Cannons, Lances, and some torpedos sprinkled in, with their Destroyers primarily outfitted with the latter. At the same time, their Frigates are armed with only Lances. Their Grand Cruisers primarily use Rotary or Plasma Macro-Cannons, with the Grove's Heavy Revolving Prow Lance a standard armament.

They are currently undergoing the effort to construct a Battleship called 'The Old Forest' in their Core Worlds. It will be around ~17km long once finished.
Oh shit the Irrita ships really vary and can be terrifying and damn, they have standardized Grand Cruisers already, like that's just part of the ships now like the Heavy Cruisers, Light Cruisers, Frigates and Destroyers. We just got there and can do battleships with a few more developments soon but still. We're gonna have to do some Grand Cruiser designs soon.

Hmmm so standard loadouts overall with a mix and focus on torpedos for smaller and lighter ships. Frigates armed only with lances.... hey wait a second that sounds familiar. Grand Cruisers sticking to normal loadout as well with Macro cannons and lances...... Hold up they are building a Battleship right now?! shit they are getting far ahead, we need to buy out the Mercs and use their battleship to learn how to build them easier and better because we still lack them and the Cult may have six battleships. That said the name Old Forest for their first Battleship fits well.

2) Socio-Economics
The Irrita and Humans have fused the first self-professed "Federal Anarchy" (composed of their will to grow harmoniously as independent individuals and bring new blooms to the galaxy, though they have some positions of respect, typically translated as "Song-of-[Subject]" by Federation and Shipwright linguists due to the words and concepts used being too complex to be described outside of an academic paper) and the latter's more traditional government.

The Irrita regard Humans with a note of self-professed joy as they "enjoy the sight of [our] linear bioluminescence." It is unclear what this means.
huh, Federal Anarchy. Guess there's a first for everything and the term itself being a short term to use in everyday conversation while the full name only shows up in an academic papers and the like.

What the heck is the 'linear bioluminescence'? It sounds like pretty patterns or glows on the Irrita themselves that humans just watch, similar to how when you're bored and will just look at and follow something moving or watching the patterns change on signs and the like? or could mean thoughts.

The Grove's political hierarchy is based on elected merit. You cannot become a shipyard leader if you do not put in the hours in that same yard working alongside everyone else. You cannot rise to become a Minister of Medicine if you have never had the displeasure of assisting in an outbreak of cholera within a station whose sanitation systems have broken down. There is no captain amongst their people that their crews do not trust implicitly with their lives. This system is reinforced by top-down propaganda efforts to ensure that hard work is not only rewarded but seen to be rewarded by all people they can reach. The downside of such a system is that their upper leadership generally tends to be on the older side, with changes in Ministers happening roughly every ~10/40 years due to either death by old age or retirement, depending on if they are Human or Irrita.

Their education system is not comparable to any polity encountered, as the Irrita seem to have a pre-installed genetic memory of specific topics. They also heavily use implants and cybernetic augments to download and unpack information and lessons within days instead of years. However, a six-year schooling period (starting at age 6 (for Humans) is mandated, focusing on math, reading, law, first aid, quick repairs, and emergency drills.
Oh good that is still around. I do like that mindset and requirement for that: you want to become a leader in your work? put in the hours and spend an amount of time doing every job there and have to do all the dirty jobs so you remember where you came from. Though as stated, this means its slow to change do to needing to put in years of work to be able to get to that position of leadership and then make changes and they don't last too long considering the age where you do become a leader.

The Irrita cheat like that but that's a given. I do find it interesting the culture of the Grove and how it was include the Quick Repiars, and Emergency drills for what I assume is more void/ship based lessons in those six years of schooling.

Do not ask a Song-of-Growth about their work. They will literally not tire of talking, as they lack the biological components to do so. You have been warned. The most popular sport within the Alliance is Void Racing, where pilots of unique strike craft-derivative race a prepared track of asteroids, caverns, and old useless hulks against each other. Deaths are supposedly relatively uncommon despite the sport's dangerous and highly lethal nature once an accident occurs.

Law enforcement is more low-level, organized by, and consisting of community-appointed and rotating enforcers keeping the peace with a higher organization called in to investigate High Order Crimes like murder, abductions, and smuggling of illegal substances.
HAH, that part about the Irrita will still ring true there about them talking about their work and never tiring of it. Also Void Racing is still the most popular sport. Nice to see that's still alive and kicking.

law enforcement the same from last time as well I think.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption exists. Mundane Corruption exists below acceptable levels.

4) Propaganda
Most of their propaganda is focused on supporting their political systems and generating buy-in from their population.
Nothing changed from there since last time.

-[] Green Ship Teleportarium Insights? (1/4)
(Gain: Teleportarium Upgrade?)
-[] Green Ship Alloying Insights? (0/4)
(Gain: Armor Equipment?)
-[] Green Ship Structural Insights? (0/4)
(Gain: Armor Upgrades?)
-[] Green Ship Power-System Insights? (0/4)
(Gain: Void Shield Equipment?)
-[] Green Ship Inertia Compensation Insights? (0/4)
(Gain: Engine Equipment? May lead to something more...)
Holy shittttttttttt, there was five damn projects still hidden behind there? okay remember when we were so sure we could do all the research before the necrons got here because it was only three projects? I think there still might be more behind these and now its costs four actions to do this.... fuckkkkkk, we may just have to do Grand Design, Glint of Genius and just do some full tech turns. depending on the rewards will be for the all X development.

Out of all of these I'd say focus on the INertia Compensation, Power Systems, and Structural insights should be among the first researched. we are in for a long haul.

[] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
-[] 3x Nomadic Fleets [Automatic] (0.8/1)
-[] Hydralisk, Necrolisk, Kraken, and Gorgon (0/1)

-[] Gryphon, Wyvern, Dragon, and Cyclops (0/1)
-[] Kraken, Phoenix, Scylla, and Chimera (0/1)

-[] Garuda, Enfield, K'uk'ulkan, and Anansi (0/1)
-[] 4x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1)
Holy shit, where did this come from? was this because we got void industry up to the level of making Grand Cruisers now? I do wonder if we should spend another action doing designs for Grand Cruiser and reforming the SBG's now into another level to have Grand Cruisers, and later Battleships leading them.

At least this way we can pump our... 12 SBG's? in a single turn if need be.

Oh sweet Jesus. Okay so we can drop 4 fleets per action now. Oh lord.
Yup, should make keeping up with the Cults and the Dutchy a lot more doable now, I hope. Still we should do a few actions on them so we have the SBG's to send out right away.

It is holy now. Otherwise, as far as you know, *shrugs*?
Oh... well that's a shame. Was expecting something to be mentioned or pop up when it was done. Maybe if we build on it and passive holy effect or something?

[] Plan: Let The QM Write Some Star Child-Damned Titans (And Other Interesting Stuff) Already!
-[] [General] Medical Services IX (0/1)
-[] [General] Void Automata (0/1)
-[] [General] Civilian Automata (0/1) (Bonus)
-[] [Military] Construct A God-Engine (Variable Action Cost) + (Mechadendrite)

We Refuse, you must continue to write dry updates about us upgrading our developments more. And No Civilian Automata until we do Grand Design! I want that Empathic trait on them.

Give us more action points to do it!
Truly the most accurate relation of planquest/civ building quest players and their QM's.

4. Depending on the size of the Titan. A Scout-Class will take less Actions than an Imperator.
Oh boy, it makes sense but also feels me with dread.

The time has begun. A Titan will be born on Qulach's Forge, born in the epicenter of a planet's worth of Sacred Sands, melding its geo-scape into one holy rite and command, crafted with sacred machinery and by blessed Magi of the Star Mechanicum.

It is the beginning of a new age.
I REALLY Hope it gives something as we build titans here.

(Note that the bigger the Titan, the more Actions required to finish. You can, currently, only finish a Grandis Titan Cohort with the Actions invested.)
Ohhhhh action, and we only put one action into it. Well still a good learning experience, now we know that we have to put two or even three actions into this to get bigger titans. we make a scout titan for now and then jump a few.

-[][Size] Grandis
The smallest Titan-Size, standing at 50 meters tall. They can only equip 2 [Two] Hand Armaments.
-[][Size] Modeste Immensus
The second-smallest Titan-Size, standing at 120 meters tall. They can equip 2 [Two] Hand Armaments and 1 [One] Back-Mounted Armament.
So the Grandis is the smallest at 50 feet and only two Hand Armaments, basic but we have to start somewhere. I'm guessing two actions would give us the modeste Immensus and that one gives us... holy shit 120 meters seriously? this is going to get out of hand fast, it gives a back mounted armament at least.

-[][Size] Immensa Immensus
Though situated in the middle, Immensa Immensus-Class Titans still deliver awe and dread into any battle they are deployed to at 250 meters. They can equip 2 [Two] Hand Armaments and either 2 [Two] Shoulder Armaments or 1 [One] Back-Mounted Armament.
-[][Size] Magnificus
Those of the Magnificus-Class stride into battle as walking high-rise hab-towers, 500 meters of destruction and death unleashed upon the enemy without care for the geological changes they inflict upon the land. They can equip 4 [Four] Hand Armaments, 2 [Two] Shoulder Armaments, and 1 [One] Back-Mounted Armament.
Hmmmm, considering the equivalents in classes? I say we try to aim for Magnificus if we can but settle for the Immensa Immensus if we can't.

So the Immensa Immensus is... fucking 250 meters tall?! how they hell does this thing move?! so it has two hand armaments and either two shoulder or one back-mounted armaments, the back mounted one being a more heavy or powerful one with the shoulder more shoulder and secondary's I think, its really not that bad and would be my pick to be honest. It all depends on the actions put in and what is required for the Magnificus.

As for the Magnificus itself.... 500 meters tall (what the actual fucking hell) and able to have.... Four hand armaments? holy shit, two shoulder armaments and one back mounted armament... and you don't have to pick or choose? yah go for the Magnificus if we can get it for two or three actions, if not settle for the Immensa Immensus.

-[][Size] Momentus
The second-largest Titan that can be built looms over the battlefield at around 800 meters, every step the harbinger of a new artificial lake in the future. They can equip 4 [Four] Hand Armaments, 4 [Four] Shoulder Armaments, and 1 [One] Back-Mounted Armament.
-[][Size] Deus Machina
The largest class of Titans that can be constructed, towering over even some shorter Hive Spires at 1.5 kilometers in height. They can equip 6 [Six] Hand Armaments, 4 [Four] Shoulder Armaments, and 2 [Two] Back-Mounted Armaments.
and now the truly insane ones. the Momentus being fucking 800 meters tall how do you even fight such a thing!? and it is able to carry 4 hand armaments, four Shoulder armaments, and a back mounted one, one so large it makes an artificial lakes with each step. really getting crazy and probably getting to 4-6 actions worth.

And then our own Emperor/Imperator Class Titan, the Deus Machina. standing nearly as tall as hive spires at 1.5 km tall and carry SIX damn hand Armaments, four Shoulder, and TWO back mounted ones. fucking hell this is insane and now I see why you wanted us to do this already QM.
Besides, we're just waiting for the warp to calm it's tits before we can Engage the Next Step of the Plan.
The fact that Herocooky gave this a laughing reaction makes me... worried.

Maybe the Warp Observatory would be good, actually. But dammit, it seems like we're stuck in stasis waiting for the warp to chill. We need that before getting all-X, and we need all-X before unifying with the shipwrights.

Ohhhhh action, and we only put one action into it. Well still a good learning experience, now we know that we have to put two or even three actions into this to get bigger titans. we make a scout titan for now and then jump a few.
We put two actions in, actually. Heartbeat of Industry song last turn.
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And the maps is because I am debating just not bothering with System-Maps, and just show Sub-Sector ones to save myself literal dozens of hours once you start expanding again.
Oh - @HeroCooky I was thinking about this and wanted to make some suggestions, though of course totally up to you and I'm fine with whatever you decide.

Once we start operating on a larger scale (i.e. when we unify with shipwright's) then it definitely makes sense to rework how the maps works, along with anything else that you want to retool. If I were you I'd look at any other bookkeeping you find annoying and figure out how to abstract it away. This kind of change of scale requires a reworking of systems.

I personally think it would make sense to completely deprecate the old maps and only use the huge sub-sector map, though we'll likely need more names or numbers for all of the sub-sectors to keep them all straight.

That would require some other tweaks to a few other systems, such as:
1. Consecration (maybe make it a ticker and every 2-3 turns we consecrate a whole sub-sector?) Assuming of course we keep the Holy Sands trait after the unification, which I'd certainly like to.
2. Terraforming/colonization. Maybe 1 action colonizes 1 sub-sector, and terraforming just passively increases our population by back-filling more worlds in our existing territory. I certainly don't see us losing auto-terraforming in unifying with the Shipwright's Grove.
3. Polities that are less than 1 sub-sector in size won't even show up on the map and spending an action to conquer them doesn't make sense. Maybe fold it into the 'colonization' action (make it an 'expansion into neutral space' action). They're basically abstracted away beneath our notice to a similar status as uncolonized space.
4. Subversion - maybe make it work for whole polities, maybe just fold it into the 'expansion' action somehow, so we're subverting small nations when we expand to neutral sub-sectors.
5. I don't *think* psykana needs to change much. We already have a reasonable way to scale that without breaking abstraction and it's a fun system.
6. Military is ok, though I would like slightly more detailed rules for defining new fleets, specifically the relative cost for each ship type. Maybe also unify the 'build' action so we get a certain number of fleets measured in units of SBGs. Then we can design HBGs for Heavy BattleGroups that have battleships, and a HBG costs the same as 3 SBGs, or a ATF for Anti-Tyranid Fleet that's the same price as an SBG but specialized like an LRAD is. I feel like us plan-makers and ship-designers still have the capacity to operate at the ship-design levels of abstraction even if we're building 20 SBGs at a time. We'd need to figure out the nomadic fleets auto-build. Maybe design them to an SBG-scale with a true-battleship core.

Bah. Talking about all of this makes me want to hurry up and do the Shipwright's Unification and get to the next phase of the game. We could just pull the trigger and grab the anti-chaos trait instead of Bounty of Labor. If we did that again at all-XV and sung No Evil at max power then we'd max the anti-chaos trait. And given how Chaos is the ultimate enemy that's... really not a bad idea.
3. You have three left to go.
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A bit late but I would also advocate for our actually big titans to deviate meaningfully from the imperium and other factions, whose titans are essentially man but bigger. I think 2 legs makes sense for these small titans, but I would like imagine our huge titans as 4 or 6 legged with a BIG gun mounted on the 'back' of it. Maybe with missiles as secondary, and smaller 'turrets' on the legs, rotating around them so it can fire anywhere under or over itself.
Does the Glimmering Federation and/or the Star-Mechanicus have a Logo?
Similar to this flag;

But with a plike navy-blue colored Star, and the left hand replaced by a hyena claw/paw, with the circle a cog, with the flag vertical, instead of horizontal.

The Star-Mechanicum is the same as the Cog Mechanicum, but with a plike navy-blue and white coloration instead of black and white.
[X] Tetrapod Titan

View: https://imgur.com/a/hg30EpD

Pretty rough sketch but it has been years since I last drew something
-[X][Size] Immensa Immensus
-[X][Left-Hand Armament/s] Plasma Destructor (With Energy Shield if allowed)
-[X][Right-Hand Armament/s] Titan Sized Atrapos Lascutter
-[X][Left Shoulder Armament/s] Laser Gatling Blaster
-[X][Right Shoulder Armament/s] Laser Gatling Blaster
-[X][Number of Legs] Four

The first Titan designed by the Glimmering Federation, this God-Machine is a Testament to the ingenuity of the Star-Mechanicus. Standing on four legs to allow for superior stability and mobility, while being slower than a traditional two-legged design would allow, this Titan is well protected by a series of Void-Shields. The Plasma Destructor and the two Laser Gatling Blaster allow for a high amount of Ranged Firepower, while the Lascutter allows the destruction of any Titan-sized enemy who dares to approach closely. With no expendable munition, this Titan can fight for Months without resupply until the fuel for the Titanic plasma reactor runs low. The Princepts itself is fed a variety of sensory information by the Titans systems, the main source being two eyes at the front of the chassis.