Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Ling Qi gingerly drew the vase closer to her chest, it was at once as light as air and staggeringly heavy for its size. She glanced down, looking into its depths and…

Shu Yue's hand was pressed firmly over the open top of the vase.

"Not here, and not now. Sup lightly, drink lightly, in a space of your comfort and choosing. Not this place, my studio suites me, not you."

LIng Qi pressed her lips together in a thin line and nodded. "Not tonight then?"

"No. Go, return home, rest make merry work, and then when you feel yourself fortified, a look into the dark," Shu Yue agreed. "Tonight… this conversation is enough for you to ponder."

+2 Want XP
Always nice to have Want X, also it's going to be a rough trip when she does it.

At this stage it was only drafting, and putting forward basic sketches for costuming and scene setting, but she could tell already that her correspondence was going to grow an order of magnitude from her time here in Xiangmen.

It wasn't bad of course. She even enjoyed it, the little insights she gleaned, who was genuine in their desire to portray their success, who was angling for favors in connection to their main patron, where those lines changed throughout an interview…

But she was still glad to finish it, the day before the new years, when the great procession of scale armored warriors and attendants climbed the great tree, the arrival of the delegation of the Bai.
She's embraced being a theater kid.

It's excellent to be healthy. I thought I might crawl out of my own skin, those months I was healing," Ling Qi chuckled.

"That would be quiet a feat, I would surely be under suspicion for releasing clan secrets if you had, so let us be glad it did not come to that," Bai Meizhen replied dryly.

"I am told the greater danger was the stoking of the embers in her dantian back to flame after the third time she attempted to 'have just a bit of cultivation'. I was sorely tempted to grant her physicians even more authority, but Madam Ling's scolding was sufficient," Cai Renxiang said cooly, adding a careful few dripss of milk to her tea.

"A mother's scolding can be more effective than any number of other voices I suppose. Even for one so reckless," Bai Meizhen sniffed.

"Foolish indeed." Xiao Fen agreed haughtily, managing to look down her nose in a way few could manage against Ling Qi.

"I recovered more quickly than any of the doctors anticipated, so who was really wrong here?" Ling Qi said, tilting her chin back defiantly.



She sagged under her friends withering glares, why was she under attack here!

Bad girl get scolded? Ling Qi bad. Get scolded. Be good! Let Qiyi make more pretty. They will forgive!

Even Qiyi had turned on her!
Treachery most vile.

"Ah, this is Qiyi. She awoke not too long ago," Ling Qi introduced, brushing her hand over the fabric.

Bai Meizhen's expression scrunched up. Ling Qi grinned. She did love telling people her names for the first time.
Puns for the Pun throne, the Law that shall be carved into Creation is the love of Puns.

"We'll have to have another reunion when they do," Ling Qi said, taking a long drink, the feeling of frost forming along her throat was pleasant. "But you have to tell us how things went back home, all I;ve heard were some rumors about the Heir to the Bai clan…"

Bai Meizhen smiled thinly. "I am officially the daughter of Bai Suzhen, my mother has performed all the adoption rites. I am no different than a child of her body, legally. It has been… nice."

Ling Qi grinned happily for her friend. The small smile on Bai Meizhen's lips was practically an expression of giddiness for the taciturn girl.

"I am pleased for you. That is a great honor," Cai Renxiang said more quietly.
She already viewed her like a mother so that's really nice.

[ ] A fine, midnight blue choker, from which hung a thumb sized clear gem, set in silver.
It's a defensive item and funny.
[X] A serpentine hair ornament of dark jade and silver wire, meant to be woven into a braid.

For the reactions from other wedding attendees. Plus it could tip the scales against some harder opponents.
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I think I'm leaning towards the choker, because it gives us a bit more latitude to take crazy stupid risks. Reinvest protective equipment into endangering ourselves, I always say.

I do like the idea of getting a snek hair ornament from the daughter of the heir of the Thousand Lake province tho.
I do like the idea of getting a snek hair ornament from the daughter of the heir of the Thousand Lake province tho.
It's funny because I'm like 70% sure she's doing it because she hated that Fairy Flower headpiece we picked up before the first year tournament in the Outer Sect.
[ ] A serpentine hair ornament of dark jade and silver wire, meant to be woven into a braid.
A retaliating talisman, charged with a mote of purest killing venom, a reacharging punishment for those who would strike the wearer.
Fairy Flower hairpiece:
A beautiful floral hair decoration based off a certain notorious flower in the depths of the Emerald Sea. Like a plant, it drinks in the ambient qi, but when under threat, the rustling of its petals fortells the spread of hallucinatory pollen. -3 Wood/Moon art costs(min 1). 2 Qi regenerated per turn.
- Startled Blossom: for 2 qi, the hairpiece releases pollen around its user, disorienting a nearby enemy. An Enemies within ten meters must pass a DC3 Wits test or suffer a penalty of -3 to all rolls for 1 turn (this turn + the next).
[X] A fine, midnight blue choker, from which hung a thumb sized clear gem, set in silver.

Lol lmao
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[X] A fine, midnight blue choker, from which hung a thumb sized clear gem, set in silver.

I'm imagining this as basically being a coiled snake, with the head dangling down to grip the gem between its fangs. (The head facing to the side, so you can see both the head and the gems.) It's an appropriately covetous design for Ling Qi, and it's close enough to the Ouroboros to have some associations with immortality and renewal.
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[ ] A fine, midnight blue choker, from which hung a thumb sized clear gem, set in silver.

I'm imagining this as basically being a coiled snake, with the head dangling down to grip the gem between its fangs. (The head facing to the side, so you can see both the head and the gems.) It's an appropriately covetous design for Ling Qi, and it's close enough to the Ouroboros to have some associations with immortality and renewal.
I definitely like that more detailed design than the current description. Because as is it's a rather plain accessory that doesn't actually have any visual Bai representation, which is what's holding me back from it despite liking the mechanical effect more.
[X] A fine, midnight blue choker, from which hung a thumb sized clear gem, set in silver.

The snake hairpins fine and all, but Ling Qi struggles to keep that head on her shoulders to much to pass up the chance to keep her from losing it again since shes bound to block with her exposed neck the next time a friends in trouble.

Would be nice if the chocker had more of a snakey design to it though
...Wait, will she turn around and gift the hairpin to her girlfriend?
[X] A fine, midnight blue choker, from which hung a thumb sized clear gem, set in silver.
An absorbative antitoxin talisman, meant to protect against even the venoms of the Bai and the impurity of the ith
[X] A fine, midnight blue choker, from which hung a thumb sized clear gem, set in silver.
Is it just me or is our teacher a person method acting taken to its illogical extreme?

She screams theater kid to me.
Shu Yue's entire being is the wearing of masks, so absolutely. Their role as a character is to build on the themes of theater, pretend, and illusion that we chose for Ling Qi - just like Huisheng builds on themes of theft, heresy, and secrets.

Also, Shu Yue is not a woman - they go by they/them.

She grinned at her friend, stopped just short of embracing the other girl. Even if she might be okay with that now, Bai Meizhen would probably be overwhelmed.

Also Xiao Fen might actually attack her and that would just be awkward for everyone involved.

Amazing, lovely chapter! Best friend reunion with light teasing, yessss

(apologies to CRX, her physical form dgaf today, but she at least still seems chill about it)
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