Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
...She says she'll have no influence, but giving her two or three options to pick from with zero notice and no explanations would be such a Shenhua move.

Option 1 Fully supports the recent policies of the Emerald Seas but has limited connections in Court and few mature available resources. The fact that CRX has to help him get his shit off the ground means that they'll be equal partners in the end (provided we actually succeed)

Option 2 is an excellent Orator and well regarded in the court of public opinion but views the Emerald Seas themselves as somewhat of a backwater that needs to be brought up to Imperial Standards. If CRX can't change his mind look forward to having to put out a fire that's inside the house.

Option 3 had no opinion on the Emerald Seas until Shenhua announced who she had her new baby with. Her current opinion is that girls are hot and she would appreciate not having to marry a guy to produce an heir. if CRX takes this option it will be to have someone who's introducton to the Emerald Seas will be CRX herself and to officially prove two girls can marry for politics too (Meizhen's reaction to this choice will be...interesting)

Shenhua of course will only tell her daughter the names of her options and leave figuring out what they actually bring to the table to CRX's spy network (aka us) who will surely be up to the task.
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hmm, looks like the math cabal went to sleep early?
I'm stealing someone's plan on discord:

[X] Plan bountiful efficiency
-[X]1d10 (10 GS)
-[X]2d8 (16 GS)
-[X]2d4 (6 GS)

This way we're keeping just under half for investment and gold under the bed (32 GS of cost, on our current net income of 63). Also, as a responsible clan head, we're reestablishing LQ as the biggest Green stone consumer of the household. Gotta show Zhengui how it's done. The average result for those dice should be 19.5 before the multipliers (*6 from talent, then a further *1.5 for having completed the prerequisites for our current stage)
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[X] Plan bountiful efficiency
Time to snort the good shit.
Whatever Shenhua did to retain her love for Linqin was something else entirely.
My theory: she became Revolution. Love is not incompatible with that, especially the way she goes about it, so she was able to keep it.
Wow... Zhengui is going to be a chonky boy.

No wonder there are so few Xuanwu if this is the upkeep they need to keep growing at the green stage. That's just monstrous. Left unattended, they would have to be walking ecological disasters, consuming everything in their path. Or they grow very slowly and Zhengui is speed running it.
I am convinced that we're going to end up introducing some of Zhengui's kids to Xiulan's extended family on her father's side so that they can have said disaster happen to the horribly zombie wasteland instead of our wallet.
Third-grade shampoos are expensive!
Shampoo? Not detergent?
My theory: she became Revolution. Love is not incompatible with that, especially the way she goes about it, so she was able to keep it.

Suzhen thinks not. Specifically, she saw Shenhua's soul and said something (well, thought it at us the readers) to the effect of 'there was no room for love there' following it up with a note that she must have done something weird. Ways that involve love at White are possible, but I don't think Shenhua's qualifies.
They're going straight to betrothal? That seems ill-adviced. Isn't the whole point of the courting process to make sure they don't have incompatible Ways?
They're going straight to betrothal? That seems ill-adviced. Isn't the whole point of the courting process to make sure they don't have incompatible Ways?
Probably a combination of A) Emerald Seas doing lots of weird, unconventional and worrying stuff (some war, some surprisingly not-war, allying with the Bai, overthrowing foundational principles of dynastic politics) so they need extra attention, and B) Renxiang shooting up in prominence in short order (she's the official heir now).

Also, the past Cai thing to do when growing quickly is to overthrow the ruling duke. They don't know that Shenhua plans to make this the family tradition, instead of the alternative of overthrowing your liege. Which, if the whole getting overthrown by her kids doesn't work out, might still be on the table (I doubt the imperial family knows the core of her path, or they would be a lot more worried about her).
They're going straight to betrothal? That seems ill-adviced. Isn't the whole point of the courting process to make sure they don't have incompatible Ways?
In that case, the two persons doing the matching are both White, frinedly with each other even if that particular move could be called forceful on the Empress' part, and one is at least a dab hand at divination while the other is intimately aware of her heir's Way because she sculpted a good chunk of it. Assuming both are doing a good faith effort to ensure the match works and that their is at least a candidate that does fit, I'm no too worried.
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"I'll have something to show you myself, a… historical source you'll enjoy, so don't consider it merely an obligation," Ling Qi said. If anyone else would want to pick at Huisheng's blossom filled skull it would be Meng Dan.
TFW when you've been unknowingly recruited as your student's wingman/courting gift
huh! A new mechanic that goes way over my head! I'll leave that to the mathletes.

Of more interest....The heavy hinting at good results if we invest in the Saline Grotto is telling...If its an especially good cultivation spot for Ling Qi, will people be warring over its potential value to power Ling Qi up vs its debuff to defense?
(since Moon senpai seems unlikely to ever happen, sad) but I've been pleasantly surprised by Meng boy and am looking forward at the implications of what he discovers.
I keep foolishly hoping for Moon senpai, too.

Meng Dan honestly seemed like such a low contender because he wasn't Ling Qi's type (no abs?? smh) but his timing seems to match up nicely with Ling Qi growing past her trauma, so he keeps winning in my eyes. Also, he flirts!! And Ling Qi gets to try flirting back!

[] Plan: Maxed Half
[X] Plan bountiful efficiency
btw, these plans are the same.
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huh! A new mechanic that goes way over my head! I'll leave that to the mathletes.
Quick reminder on the mechanics for cultivation XP: it's calculated monthly, and it consists of the following formula:
cultivation Xp for the month=((xp from cultivation art+ xp from sites+ xp from art projects+xp from drugs) x talent)x 1.5 if we already met the conditions to finish this stage.
LQ's talent is 6, she met the requirements for every stage of Green except G7 (she hasn't done her Name Quest yet) and her cultivation art, Songseeker's ceremony, gives her 110 cultivation Xp/ month. Let's ignore the boni from drugs, site or cultivation arts for now, and it makes her monthly cultivation look like this:

(110x6)*1.5=990xp per month.

The sites normally only give a bonus to either spiritual or physical cultivation, which explains why we don't have as much xp for both.

The important thing to remember is that the result of the drugs rolls will be multiplied by 9 (6*1.5) and added to our XP like the rest, and that we need about 3500Xp to get to Green 6
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Come on, we're a cultivator. If we wanted to indulge in moderation, we should have become a farmer.

[X] More Drugs Is Good Drugs
-[X]3d10 (30 GS)
-[X]2d8 (16 GS)

This is an average of 0.55 XP per GSS, which is very similar to Bountiful Efficiency (0.61) and Good Shit (0.56). We aren't losing an appreciable amount of efficiency, we'll be getting just as much bang for our buck - and we want as much bang as we can get.

Overspending is not an issue either - with a war chest of 800 GSS and still having a net profit of +17 GSS for the month under this plan, we can easily afford to go ham. We are working for a ducal family, let's act like it.
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