What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Not much honestly, but I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: Yeah, I can't really find enough to make it worth it. Fortunately, with our boost, 2 action Researches still only cost us 1 AP.
My two cents are that the ships we're about to redesign are our close-range brawlers. Crux, Scorpio, Leo. So we really really really want better armor for them.

We could either drop two of the "flavor" medical advances or one of the starlance or the shatterprow. I also think we could stand to lose the standardized ship shrines to get necron-sourced armor for our brawlers.
2. Next turn we do a military turn where we design new ships, a policing force and make about 6 more SBGs. (5 total military actions)
Speaking of, maybe we could redo the SBG templates to expand them considering our industrial capabilities, then do another round of production to get like 18 of them? 6 the next turn, and then 6 somewhere in the future, that should definitely keep us safe.
[ ] Plan: Technology is about to go crazy!
-[ ] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Grace of the Faith - Ixcat)
-[] [General] Research:
--[] Green Ship Armor Alloy? (1 AP + Free AP)
--[] Irritan Contagion Bombs and Clone Creation Improvement
--[] Noosphere Harmonized Interface and Directed Anti-Gravity Military Utilization (Free AP)
--[] Small Automata Experiments and Plasma Integrity Studies

--[] The Starlance (Free AP)
--[] Burner Seeker Mines and Rotary Plasma-Macro Cannons (Symphony AP)
--[] Standard Psychic Hoods (Symphony AP 2)
--[] Ship Equipment Standardization - [Ship Shrines] (0/1) (Free AP)

-[] [Free] Advise the Lamenters that, you know, we do have a decent sized psychic population and a now seasoned paradigm, if you want Librarians, we're perfectly willing to help you get that set up.

-[] [Free] Change doctrine to Crusader Fleet Carrier Focus
Also hot damn we got a chance to look at the green ship stuff. We probably have time to get the rest(as our favourite necron is like 3000 light years away) but that's tempting
[X] Plan: Technology is about to go crazy!
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Grace of the Faith - Ixcat)
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Green Ship Armor Alloy? (1 AP + Free AP)
--[X] Irritan Contagion Bombs and Clone Creation Improvement
--[X] Noosphere Harmonized Interface and Directed Anti-Gravity Military Utilization (Free AP)
--[X] Small Automata Experiments and Plasma Integrity Studies

--[X] The Starlance (Free AP)
--[X] Burner Seeker Mines and Rotary Plasma-Macro Cannons (Symphony AP)
--[X] Standard Psychic Hoods (Symphony AP 2)
--[X] Ship Equipment Standardization - [Ship Shrines] (0/1) (Free AP)

-[X] [Free] Advise the Lamenters that, you know, we do have a decent sized psychic population and a now seasoned paradigm, if you want Librarians, we're perfectly willing to help you get that set up.

-[X] [Free] Change doctrine to Crusader Fleet Carrier Focus

I do wonder how this'll manifest, a permanent base armor grade improvement would be lovely.
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[X] Plan: Technology is about to go crazy!

Getting one of the noosphere techs still works out as it will spread out the tech more
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I'm hoping the automation paradigm shift will also accelerate getting our full sized Knights online.
You already use it for common folk. Around ~3-4% of your total population is/are clones.

Cloning follows the route of "only accelerate growth if you need troops now, and don't care about needing them in a few years." You basically grow babies/young children (2/3 years old) and decant them before giving them to caretakers or to the family units that requested and bought a child via cloning.

And I did. Only 1 off for Tzeentch, much sadge. 😔
Oh right that's a decent size size considering its mostly pilots. that much of the population is pilots or teachers.

Ahhh so not star wars and more of Death Corp of Krieg cloning.... I don't know if the cloning on Kreig is normal human aging or what either. but yah we're kinda in a Death Siege right now that we would need that, nice to see how it goes about now.

Holy shit we were close, I'm glad we missed that because we do not need any fuckery going on with what we were making this turn.

It is a Painlord-Class Titan. >:3
.... I want to say that's made up but with 40k it could very be an actual thing. Still I'm guessing its a step up from Reaver.... FUCKKKKK this is going to be painful.

Yeah, all the Necron Tech you unlocked.
.... as in what we absorbed from the Dutchy and Ashan Families with what they did? or... its locked behind researches we never did isn't it? Because the only Necron tech we did was ships to find out how to fight against them with some measure of victory and what is hinted at with the two mentioned factions having tech deprived or inspired by them.

They roll a D20 every Turn, where 1-5 is -1, 6-15 a +1, 16-19 a +2, and 20 a +3 on their journey to you. They need a total of 20 points to arrive.

They have -2.
Pffffft, damn that Cyrpt-tek is really pissing off his boss and getting chased around for getting them lost. so they have done at least two 1-4 rolls so far, still that 16-19 is +2 and a 20 is a +3 that can change very fast. Still shows shit initial luck though.

"Hey, we found these weird ships [send pict recording] and prophecy says their owners are coming to retrieve them and that we have no chance to stand against them if we try to resist. So we won't be able to guard the thing-you-told-us-not-to-touch against them. We also found [send another pict recording]"

"WHERE, BY ISHAS FUCKING TITS, HAVE YOU FOUND THOSE NECRON SHIPS?! IS THAT A-"*eldar dies of blood pressure induced heart attack*
HAHAHAHA we just can't stop can we? we should have done this way earlier but who knows what would have happened? We just keep breaking the setting/'rules' for things and would make the Eldar react and give a heart-attack to them and how they didn't know this shit was close by. It'd be funny if doing so showed the Eldar we can't be trusted on our own and send attaches over just to monitor what we find so they aren't blindsided at all.... and then the first decade they are there we find 3 maiden worlds, a stash of soulstones, another Necron Dynasty, and a crashed Craftworld and hear that this is a slow decade for us.

Have we had any WOG on how the Lamenter's equipment is doing with the various infantry weapon upgrades we've done? I remember a lot of discussion around it early on but that was around having HI if I remember correctly
Yah pretty much that Power Swords are standard equipment for ALL Space Marines instead of being relics or only issued to the 1st Company and Force Swords for the same... exception the Lamenters can't use them at all since they have no Librarians. Also I don't think they've been affected by the past ones and we didn't do the novel or experimental weapon upgrades this turn.

Basically standard Space Marine armory levels, but Power Swords are standard equipment (instead of very rare), and Force Swords are available for their Librarians...if they had any.
Oh yah, basically what I said... Acutally what does that do to their performance that every marine has a Power Sword? I will once again say-

Think we could make Astartes Choirs? I'm not sure what the benefit of having regular Librarians is, anyone more knowledgeable about them able to explain?

Can we even make Librarians without any pre-existing ones? Do the Lamenters have backups and records of Psyker training/practices?
I want too, I'd been stating we can do it for an write-in and to give them some but no one wants to waste an action or give up a single choir to them since they've been fine this long without them. All we need to do is to let them take some, we hog every single psyker and don't allow any left over, for good reason mind you, so we just need to let them see if any are compatible with the geneseed and let them recruit them.

Yeah, I'm thinking we definitely should make sure we work something out with the Lamenters to see if they can find some Librarians of their own, attached Choirs are useful, yeah, but the Space Marine Chassis is capable of some impressive feats too.
.... Where have you been the last 15 turns?! I've been stating its an option and one we can do easily, we got word they would be doing so in the 5 person choir set up and be space marines doing their normal shit. As in Punching up and they wouldn't be as vulnerable/squishy as the normals, being able to use the Force Swords and being able to keep up. All we need to do is let them recruit some pyskers we take in.

We should try to reverse-engineer dreadnoughts for them.
They have all of one.
Actually this one has been stated to us by the QM the Dreadnaught is part of a build chain and we can unlock them by following it, currently we need the Noosphere Harmonized Interface as the next step and I think two more before we can finally build Dreadnaughts. its different in that we need to go for specific techs to get them and they often get sidelined since its not what the thread is looking to upgrade or doesn't seem worth doing it. We also tend to forget if no one reminds everyone that it is a gateway project.

You just need to allow them to recruits from your Psyker population, they'll figure out the rest on their own. (Mostly by cribbing off of your Psykana Traditions. :V)

And, to compare, a bog-standard Librarian would be the equivalent of a Veteran Choir of around Gamma levels as its norm between its members.
Does anyone have that Vindication meme the QM used on the Enhanced Servitor upgrade of the VINDIACTION Meme? This is me again right now. There is NO change and NO need to change the structure for Space Marine Librarian or develop a whole new thing for them, they will just do the choir set up and all we need to do is allow them to recruit the psykers we find that are capable of being Space Marines.

Holy shit though I didn't know a Librarian using our set up would be a Veteran Choir of Gamma levels.... is this because of the equipment and Standard of 200 years of training or just the body capable of handling more?

Dunno. Some.
Basically immortal until killed.
Chyron only got killed by Old Age because nobody knew how to maintain his Dreadnough Chassis, so time got to gank him after he "resurrected" the Lamenters. Tragedy and all that. :V
Yahhh its mostly that Space Marines tend to die in Combat and I don't think ever died of old age. I think Dante of the Blood Angel is the oldest Space Marine at Thousand years old so its up in the air if they are aging much or writer inconsistency, I prefer to ascribe Space Marines can live for thousands of years easily, just none of them do since they tend to die in their line of work.

Yahhhhh that was a problem and considering the Research Costs and we would waist Deep into Voxx primus hive World hell, I don't think we could have afforded the Actions to rush to unlock it. It really does suck but I do think its for the best for the Lamenters to grow and develop without him as we couldn't have done much to save it without dropping everything and to grow into their own people instead of relying on him all the time. I do wonder how it will go once we do since Chyron's Dreadnught is a Relic and pretty damn powerful considering what we slotted on it.

Can't have shit (time) on SV (while sick). SMH.😔
Don't worry we understand, just take your time as by the time I'm posting this you already did so.

A Cry For The Future

Croon to me of our glory days.
When idle hands were never found.
Where a thousand minds shared one.
When generations abound without the sting of whip and lash of yoke.
When lords were chosen and gods were gone.
Croon to me of days long gone.
So I can sing of days to come.
Ohhhh, this is Adorable, its a simple and cutesy design, which means it goes against 40k itself.

And the text really is basically how everyone was thinking of what they would do once the Great Crusade ended and they all could just retire. Its very much a 'once we are just finished with all of this and don't need to worry, we've achieved it' and very hopeful thing to it. Glad the placement of Songs were right for this.

The ways we wander,
The roads we take,
The journey in our head.
LOL very on point image for paths, not much to say there. I think it the text will be added more to as we level it up like the others have been. and more perception about how the paths we take are based on our view of it.

From tiny shoot we grew.
From little seed we were born.
hahaha very easily done one with it being growth and just vines. and that is the basis of growth for it.... oh I very much dread the slew of songs that will be incoming soon.

Immutable fate?
More like mutable hate!
Oh shit, so its not about reading it but changing it? HAH suck on that Eldar! we can change the future via hate or just moving stuff around. A diamond made up of four other diamonds interesting choice and this was NOT what I was expecting when choosing it. I kinda want to level this up more and make a song with this. This shit is going to make the Eldar change their tune and strategy because their prophecies on us is now going to start messing them up and making it unreliable.

We all belong to a tribe.
I am glad to call this mine. Family
Oh shit white background. Void and Struggle didn't have them... I think? no they had them. Oh wow, nice change and way to show the difference in the Melodies their origin, the Irrita are using standard black background but the QM might change that later once they feel better. Still the little nodes and connections, reminds me of the structure of atoms and the like with the atomic bonds. and we found the Melody of the Kil'drabi that leads to tribes. or this being more a subset.

For some; the world.
For some; heaven.
For some; hell.
For others; a means.
For me; strangers.
Hahaha, ahhh where's the Vin Diesel Family meme when you need it? but yah the essence of family and the 'blood of the convent thicker than the water of the womb' in that you choose who is your family and what that means. World, Heaven, Hell, and A Means referring to how some view their family itself, as the reason for living, something precious and they wouldn't trade for the world, a hellish thing they wish to escape from, or as tools to use for their goals. And then for the speaker/Kil'Drabi/Federation/Choir that Family for them are stranger with having two different interpretations that their family may as well be strangers or even strangers are family.

"I don't need to see every possibility, I just need to see the ones you're looking for and close them"

... Well, looks like the Symphony gambit went well, that seems to be a solid narrative in it! And a positive one too!
Yah I'll say that will very useful to use against Eldar and chaos forces, those under the Mollusk especially, and be able to mess with. That sentence is actually the core of it, we don't need to use it to find our perfect future, we don't rely on it but they sure as hell do and we can fuck them up by looking at the future they are looking for and just lock it and shut it down.

It really did, the narrative behind it is great and the lore/fluff to it just makes it better. Cue in the Glimmering Federation getting all the hate in the Iconoclast expansion and hated due to the fact they are capable of changing the setting for the better. Also a blood feud with Eldar Players, small number they are, for messing with their Farseers.

So, Devouring Mechadendrite only requires 20 Choirs to reach full power, Paths Without Treason works on the scale of months (So, campaign level stuff, and presumably even the most horribly corrupted stuff can be salvaged over the course of years), and while Hippity Hoppity still costs 100 Choirs to activate, it guarantees we get Something, when before, it only pointed where a Ruin is, not if it had anything useful in it. Now it presumbly eliminates ruins that have already been picked clean. Still no guarantee of a Big Find, but a guarantee that it'll be worth our time at least.
Wait seriously? that's a huge upgrade!

The Devouring Mechadendrite - Each Choir assigned to this Song grants an extra 2.5% Progress to [General] Actions, Research Excluded In All Matters, up to 50%.
Paths Without Treason - Requires 10 Choirs. Neutralizes Chaos Corruption within Machines over months, instead of years. (Depends on level of Chaos Corruption.)
Hippity Hoppity - Requires 100 Choirs to operate. Find 1 [One] Dark Age of Technology Ruin the Turn after. Loot varies starkly, and no important finds are guaranteed. But finds are.
Yah your right on that, it was worth upgrading for both the reduced choir sizes and speeding up the Neutralization of Chaos Corruption of machine to months.... damn that is very useful and allows us to clean any shit the Chaos forces try to sneak in or leave behind.

I think the level three upgrade to Hippity Hoppity is the most important, I honestly didn't pay attention to the wording of it and that we would find anything useful and that we could find nothing. At least now we're guaranteed to find SOMETHING now, though we should go and use it sometime, I mean we might as well to just find the site and see what the range is on this is.

Cue up the ruin and find is two sectors away and many turns away

"So, what's the verdict, doc?" Thule-6969 HRMHVR asked Magos Biologis Ultrinor, pulling on her clothes again as the immense semi-mechanical amalgamation of flesh, metal, machinery, and gribbly stuff stopped molesting her with needles the size of her forearm, mechadendrites the length of a Star Guardian, and the overall temperature of a frozen popsicle.

Not a fan of any of that.

+++A most curious result regarding your latest augmentation with Juvenat, Thule-6969 HRMHVR+++ Magos Biologis Ultrinor spoke, looking at a dozen read-outs with interested eyes and augments by the dozens across their face and 'dendrites. +++It seems that your body is indeed changing due to a polluted sample reacting with a therefore unseen genetic change.+++

"What?" That...that caused both alarm and attention, it was one thing to die in the cockpit, another to waste away in the medbay because someone fucked with your juvy'. "What does that mean? Am I gonna be okay?"

+++You will most likely experience fever, nausea, rashes, headaches, and the occasional mild discomfort in your skeletal system for the next [ONE TO THREE] years+++ they spoke, a 'dendrite turning to look at her. +++But after that, you should be at the peak of your biology. The Juvenat dose given to you has apparently decided to grow a new organ adjacent to your heart, which, if my prognosis is correct, will enable you to live far longer than regular Juvenat should+++
Heeyyyyy its 6969, the Thule that single handily brought down the whole of her sisters' reputation in the eyes Starchild with her prayers of a Yeeni Boyfriend.

Ahhh so problem with her creation and some pollutant that got into her tube... wait Juveenat? is she part of the hyper elite among elite squadrons? or why is she having Juvenats? is that just Rejuvenants? Either way so something polluted with it and considering we just did Improved Medical Diagnostics and Cure of Lycanthropy ... something came up here.

Okay for a minute there I thought I read all of that in her bones and was wondering how fever and rashes on the bones were a thing but nevermind. Wait, did 6969 just hear she is getting a organ that makes Rejuvenat next to her heart and being at peak form? the hell?!

Thule-6969 HRMHVR paused momentarily, the news that she had essentially won the genetic lottery and gotten free immortality on a random chance rather...out there if she was honest. But...wait. "What do you mean with 'Your Biology' here?"

+++Your body will likely regress to the physical age of 19-20 Standard Terran Cycles before staying that way, with scars and blemishes removed. I am given to understand that this is a desirable age bracket and circumstance for most females of our species+++ The Magos spoke the sentence with a mix of interest, curiosity, and a leading confusion ending in a question, like they, themselves, were not certain.
Yah, Yah. She got immortality since her body just made a new organ to make and pump that through her body now. I guess this is why and 6969 is going to be a permanent character now unless she dies in combat. Oh wow and back during her 19-20 years. hahaha, yah a lot of women would want to stay in those years of their lives and she gets all healed. so she did get extremely luckily.

Thule-6969 HRMHVR looked at them and then at her body.

A woman's body, around 30 years old, weathered and filled with the scars and trophies of a long life lived in combat and duty, bulked by lean muscles well-sculpted and reflexes well-honed, stared back at her.

Then, she remembered what she looked like when she was 20.

It took fourteen naval ratings to stop her from flinging herself out of the nearest airlock.
HAHAHAHA, oh my lord. It happened to the ONE thule that hated how she looked at 19-20 or just wants to keep her scars and lean muscled body build. She likes the scars because it tells a story and a reminder and just likes being body as is and to lose that was horrifying. Well that's going to be a change and of course 6969 will bounce back from this or develop a complex over losing that. Still we have a new character to recognize in Updates now.

I wonder if she's going to be a legend/rumor/fantasy of Piscarrian teenagers considering how they view the Thules already.

A Cry For The Future - Gain 0.25 Actions for every Total Action spent. Actions gained this way are rounded up.
....... Holy fuck. every action? hot damn that means we can get .75 done and given it rounds up, that's an extra action each turn! we have four actions per turn now! HAH, this is why melodies and Songs are the corner stone of our Civilization and we should have been doing this a long time ago. Holy fuck some of these bonuses and effects for the Songs and Symphonies.

Inteeeeeresting. How many psykers are in a choir again? I looked, but don't see any numbers under information or media. I wonder what kind of action that would take to allow that--could be fold that in under the "[Chapter] Recuperate (1.5/2.5)" action?

Now I wonder how good a choir of lamenters would be with Power staves!
Its literally just a write-in. Let them recruit the Pyskers and that's all. and it would be their next action once they finished or a new project we help with.

5 Psykers per Choir. Just as a reminder; these only include STABLE AND SANE Psykers from the Rank Iota (8) and up. All those below, or not stable and sane are turned into aides and helpers. Fun Fact: You have around 400 Delta Rank Psykers in your nation.
(The scale goes to 40+, but anything after 19+ is either not feasible for sane humans, or theoretical. Bnuy was a Gamma (14) Rank Psyker, FYI.)
We did get confirmation a while back there were more who had assistances that just weren't Choir Material and that the not stable or sane ones were taken out back and put down. oh shit that's pretty amount amount of Deltas right there. and fair enough as the body can't handle it so 19 as a limit makes sense.

Holy shit Bnuy was a Gamma? Impressive.

Mind that it also says "Actions gained this way" here.
..... wait. does that mean... holy shit even free actions we get via the Banked Research points AND the General AP we generate using during The Devouring Mechadendrite?..... we just unlocked so many damn actions to use on research, hell if we do research it just feeds into itself and either allow us to use that for more research or to do a full research turn with our normal actions and use the one's we generate into doing other stuff.

Is this what is feels like to unlock the ability to escape action hell?

Same, same.

HOLY SHIT. I just realized! Building the Planet Maw and Bucephalus Class Battleship at Void Industry 20 with actions is possible! we can do it! we can pay the actions holy shit this can snowball.

... *hyperventilates*

... Yeah, I see why you said the Space Elfs would sit up and take Notice, this is functionally giving us a permanent 4 AP. Which can scale up even higher if we have other ways of generating actions.
Did I missed something earlier? the Space Elves taking notice and all? when was that? but yah this some gives us a permanent 4 AP and changes the game very much since its a free action when we don't do tech. with tech it goes up even more.

-[] Green Ship Gun? (0/2)
(Gain: A GS-gun derivative. Probably short-ranged.)
-[] Green Ship Armor Alloy? (0/2)
(Gain: Okay. What the fuck is that thing?)
-[] Green Ship Other Gun? (0/2)
Oh shit I didn't even notice this at all.... or rather it only just dropped now.... Was this acutally planned or just because I asked and it these weren't dropped earlier?

-[] Reverse Engineer the Knights (1/5)
(Gain: You can now build Knights Paladin, Errant, and Gallant.)
Oh found out what New Dawn was doing now.

1. QM I have to ask compared to the standard equipment load out of other chapters how does our Lamenters having Power Swords as standard Issue and once we get Librarians using our melodies and songs along with having Force Swords as Standard issue stack up? like how much does it make them a menace and threat?
2. what would be the ranking for Beta and Alpha on those scales?
Not much honestly, but I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: Yeah, I can't really find enough to make it worth it. Fortunately, with our boost, 2 action Researches still only cost us 1 AP.
We can always spend another chunk of ap next turn on research, too.
.... I want to say that's made up but with 40k it could very be an actual thing. Still I'm guessing its a step up from Reaver.... FUCKKKKK this is going to be painful.
Its a chaos knight. Slaaneshi, to be exact.
It does, it's getting that AP. We'll now have standard issue Force Staves and Psychic Hoods for our Psykers, which is pretty crazy honestly.

I wonder how the Improved level stuff is? Given how they're pretty damn complicated topics, does that mean we're actually surpassing the Imperium's Good Shit in this field? Or just matching it but mass producing?
We can always spend another chunk of ap next turn on research, too.

Its a chaos knight. Slaaneshi, to be exact.
Oh Come On! that's actually a thing!?

and of course its a damn WARLORD Class titan. Third biggest one and about 3 sizes up from the Questoris ones.... Just fuck. Okay what do we have that can help deal with that? we have the Paladin, Errant, and Gallant Knights we can make and produce but what else? Do we need write-in there and make our own Anti-Titan tank destroyers? or rely on Choirs and focus on more Staves and hoods so the Lamenter Librarians and choirs to deal with that one?

At this point I would say to do ship automation in hopes of getting something locked behind it or doing the Experimental infantry weapon development to hope we get a project to do it for vehicle sizes.

It does, it's getting that AP. We'll now have standard issue Force Staves and Psychic Hoods for our Psykers, which is pretty crazy honestly.
I... oh wow I don't know. Is Force Staves and Psychic Hood not standard issue for pyskers at all? or only for gamma and up? or what's the case there.
Oh Come On! that's actually a thing!?

and of course its a damn WARLORD Class titan. Third biggest one and about 3 sizes up from the Questoris ones.... Just fuck. Okay what do we have that can help deal with that? we have the Paladin, Errant, and Gallant Knights we can make and produce but what else? Do we need write-in there and make our own Anti-Titan tank destroyers? or rely on Choirs and focus on more Staves and hoods so the Lamenter Librarians and choirs to deal with that one?

At this point I would say to do ship automation in hopes of getting something locked behind it or doing the Experimental infantry weapon development to hope we get a project to do it for vehicle sizes.

I... oh wow I don't know. Is Force Staves and Psychic Hood not standard issue for pyskers at all? or only for gamma and up? or what's the case there.

Nope! They're both tightly restricted artifacts that only the most well connected Imperials can reliably get access to, or Primaris Psykers, ordinary ones are expected to make good with whatever garbage they can find lying around.
Nope! They're both tightly restricted artifacts that only the most well connected Imperials can reliably get access to, or Primaris Psykers, ordinary ones are expected to make good with whatever garbage they can find lying around.
.... what? they were that hard to make in general? or just the Imperium's view of Pyskers and deny giving them equipment like that until they proved themselves worth it? Holy shit so a bunch of Battle pyskers dying from their own powers or backlash because of that?

So... what does that say for our Choirs and then the Lamenters Librarians that its standard issue for all of them to have? or rather how is that viewed by other factions/the Imperium?
.... what? they were that hard to make in general? or just the Imperium's view of Pyskers and deny giving them equipment like that until they proved themselves worth it? Holy shit so a bunch of Battle pyskers dying from their own powers or backlash because of that?

So... what does that say for our Choirs and then the Lamenters Librarians that its standard issue for all of them to have? or rather how is that viewed by other factions/the Imperium?

Oh, Librarians get this stuff standard issue, but they're firmly in the "Elites" category.

But yeah, for the most part, it boils down to "The Imperium hates their own Psykers and wants them all to die, but ideally in a place where they hurt something when exploding." Its official Psyker training wings are notoriously awful, because the Edict of Nikaea effectively means all Psykers are born deserving of the Death Penalty, which can only be commuted by a life in service to whichever arms of the Imperial Bureaucracy can find a use for them. You don't generally get good training, you don't generally get good equipment, you just either Git Gud, die, or get eaten by a Daemon and then die. You get support equipment after you prove yourself to be in the "Git Gud" category.

It's just that the Imperium is so ginormous that they can afford to throw out 99.999% of all Psyker candidates and still drown us with the lucky survivors.
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Oh Come On! that's actually a thing!?

and of course its a damn WARLORD Class titan. Third biggest one and about 3 sizes up from the Questoris ones.... Just fuck. Okay what do we have that can help deal with that? we have the Paladin, Errant, and Gallant Knights we can make and produce but what else? Do we need write-in there and make our own Anti-Titan tank destroyers? or rely on Choirs and focus on more Staves and hoods so the Lamenter Librarians and choirs to deal with that one?

At this point I would say to do ship automation in hopes of getting something locked behind it or doing the Experimental infantry weapon development to hope we get a project to do it for vehicle sizes.
Look at it positively:
If we can wrestle that thing down...
Paths Without Treason - Requires 10 Choirs. Neutralizes Chaos Corruption within Machines over months, instead of years. (Depends on level of Chaos Corruption.)
Voting is open