With regards to S'Taxu I am somewhar reluctant to say "sure send the monitor" when if things get dicey on the jump in it will be stuck. Also not quite sure if we light to send everything, but....
It was purpose-built for situations such as the one we're dealing with now. We've got an FSS, so unless we jump in the middle of an ongoing battle, the refuelling can happen before the Monitor engages. I think it's safer than just sending the ICs, since these might take casualties if forced to fight bigger targets alone.
That said, we do want the Monitor back in Home as soon as the threat is neutralized, since Aslan finding and taking a swipe at Xyri remains a risk.
[X] Operation Tempest's End
-[X] Sending a force to ensure peace is re-established in S'Taxu. What ships?
--[X] 1x Monitor, 5x IC, 1x FSS, 1x DSS
---[X] FSS remains in S'taxu until the Monitor can be safely refuelled and basic intel about the war can be received from HSWS Sakumo or gathered. It then jumps back to Home with news.
---[X] Primary objective is remove threats to S'Taxu-4. Secondary objectives is link up with HSWS Sakumo and assess the scale of the damage to S'Taxu-4 to prepare for the relief effort. Tertiary objective is to prevent S'taxu yards from being destroyed.
-[X] The BMF Sloop
--[X] With modifications. Remove the biosphere & libraries. Add a particle barbette and upscale the power plant as needed. If able, add a small infirmary and some emergency low berths. If able, add drop tanks to provide for 2+2 range.