Yeah, you can just grab one of the prompts I've written for myself if you like.
-Ogryn Shieldbearer and her squad ensure a tactical retreat from a hab-block succeeds by shielding the masses of refugees with her portable ion-shield, Yeeni snipers firing over/between them to silence the attacking PDF.
-A Psyker-Lord and their Acolytes attempt to kill a Choir with the aid of Kasrkin Squads as Templars and local Fifth Column Elements stop them.
-A Choir utterly annihilates the defences of a Hive with Song and the Melodies of Fire, Justice, and Death.
-a Choir no-sells an attempted shelling of a camp, returning fire with a Melody of Health to turn the enemy into cancer-ridden biomass blobs.
-Saint Candidate Theodorius leads the Ancient Pack in another charge against Hive defenses, the accumulated paint of centuries of handprints atop the backs of the Knights burning and flacking off in invisible fire as they shield locals charging with them beyond their shields.
-Native priest having the time of their life rousing millions with their sermons to rebell against the Nobles.
-Lamenter Tragedy #381560
Shit some of these Omakes are pretty great prompts. Like seriously good moment.
And damn that Pskyer Lord with Acolytes vs Choirs. I want to see what Melodies of Fire, Justice, and Death on the Field look like. and shit that battle between Templars and local rebels against the Pskyer Lord and Kasrkin squads. nice.
The Theodorius moment is a fucking movie moment and I would love to see that.
DAMN IT! What happened this time to the Lamenters?
It is with thunderous collapses of reality that the Federation Fleet arrives within the Echish system, their sensors already pinging against the ships surrounding Phantom, and the attached Choirs find that the Warp is filled with messages screamed at the nearest world. With idle smugness, they find that the methods used by the Duchy's Psyker Lords are far more primitive than the Song used by the Federation to connect star systems to their neighbors.
Oh? that's interesting and great to know. So we can pick up and detect their Astro-paths communicating and sending messages but not quite what they are. Maybe if we upgrade the melodies for some of our songs it might help.
With far more interest to High Admiral Huntress is the way the Duchy Fleet has taken position over Phantom, seemingly uncertain if they are to fight or defend the world, hours ticking by as the ships fire off communications between themselves and the planet as noticed by the bleed-off of their communications systems and the sensors of the Federation.
And then, as a day passes and the two fleets are a mere hour away from engaging in combat, the Duchy Fleet ignites its flee once more.
I'm guessing due to the infiltration and subverting the Defenses, the battle went far faster then many would have thought and there hasn't been any time to get any orders back from high command. I guess there wasn't any time for the reinforcements to get here and the pace of our advance considering we had ships lasered in half patched together that was combat worthy.
Oh... we win I guess? they pulled back once more.
Bewildered, several scans are taken at that revelation before the fact seems to take hold; the Duchy is retreating from Echish. A quick call by the Choirs of the SBGs confirms that the Duchy Fleet has received a shout from a nearby system, and though its contents could not be deciphered, the Choirs agree that the fleet has been ordered to retreat to conserve strength.
...most likely.
Fair enough, depending on how much our fleet was able to be fielded and there it makes sense they pulled back. 2 SBG was a fight in our favor but if it was 3 or 4? and the Dutchy don't have enough Flyssa or number of ships to make use of it? retreat does make sense to preserve what they have. Of course the low rolled help a lot but narrative wise it makes sense.
I like how it was described as a Loud Shout from the other system.
Which leaves the fleet, once more, in an awkward position. Technically, it is now in near-to-full control over the Echish system, with only a smattering of SDF ships desperately screaming at their comrades to turn around remaining in the near future. Even if these ships were crewed by the elite of the elite and blessed with captains and a commodore capable of wielding each piece to its utmost extent...the 200 ships of the Federation would win by default of having far more tonnage than they.
Yah, little awkward since they finished their job in record time without fighting. HAHAHA, those poor sods in the SDF screaming for the Dutchy Fleet to come back and fight with them to have any hope of victory instead of leaving the SDF for the carrion.
yah just the SDF alone is like what? 7 ships? just tell them to surrender.
Do you stil follow your plan with Echish (destroy local Void Infrastructre and then bail)? What are the next movements of the fleet. Do you pursue? Change plan and invade Echish? Try something else?
Nah, we should take them. I would advocate for scouts or 1 SBG to head to the Kaig and Vluas not to raid or take the systems but to take note of the stellar bodies and positioning of everything. Since we haven't outfitted Orreries on any ships yet, I think popping into the system to take a look around and note anything that stands out for later would be a good idea. Might also convince the Dutchy we are still pushing ahead and try to rally and focus on the next worlds behind those two systems.
But overall, we just hold up here above Echish until we we free up enough forces and take the planet then build it up.
You guess it to be about ~6 SAGs worth in soldiers, with likely another 5~10 worth in fortifications.
Not too bad. This depends on the losses on Voxx Primus but overall seems like the SAG's and Warpacks from Voxx Secundus will be enough to take this place, just need to wait until then or try to get them to surrender as well.
They just...left? Quickly gonna look at the map hold on.
I thought and did the same thing man. Overall looks like nothing really changed, still the same fleets in the same places in the Breskal Sub-Sector. That will change soon.
Huh... okay checking things we have a SBG strength fleet on the planet of Xoot that has an unstable warp route to Echish. So there is that but I think given the state of messages and the like, I believe my feint and scouting would have the Dutchy send the Fleet on Xoot to reinforce the Frontline they think is advancing instead doing a deep strike on there from the Unstable warp route.
EDIT: God, I almost think they're expecting us to do the usual Xeno Thing where we respond to defeat by chasing until something stops us. And then they'll get a real surprise when we hit our wargoal and proceed to dig in while they're waiting for us to hit them.
I think they are, thought to be fair it looks like they have chances with the unstable warp routes that have two fleet of SBG strength able to jump to Echish and Kiag they could be trying to do that still. but yah, I push for a fake out and scouting in the nearby two planets to keep up the illusion and try to finish up quickly on the Voxx Secundus.
It's even easier because they conceded it without a fight. Roughly 10 SAGs worth (So, like, 2 War Packs and 5 or so other forces we can shake loose), is easy money especially with full control of the orbitals and ideal use case for ortillery and mechanized warfare.
Oh my god,
@HeroCooky . They're fucking up because
The Battleship Mafia is still strong in their brains, aren't they? They think they've only ultimately done damage to a secondary aspect of our fighting strength instead of gutted the core of our doctrine, and we effectively bluffed them into thinking that they've barely done a scratch, haven't we?
HAHAHA, ohh the misinformation and fog of war is really helping us out here. And that does make a lot sense as to why the Admiral considering the Flyssa destroyers a failure since they didn't even manage to kill the support for the 'Battleships'. He was expecting Battleships that went all in on macro-cannons and torpedoes, no lances on them but whatever and I think due to our auto-loaders it did make it seem we had enough Macro-cannons to match that. So when faced with the Null-nets only getting the Supports for the Battleships in the forms of the carriers and Heavy Cruisers and not the main problem he pulled out and order withdrawals.... I mean it makes sense as we saw the Black Cat Mercenaries having a real battleship and what they power represents on the map and in terms of resources and the Dutchy Admiral thought we had FOUR of them.
damn we really did max bluff without even knowing it and it paid off well. They really do think they only chipped away at the support at most.
Though it looks like the Black Ash Clan kicked off their war since the Stracs systems is a giant battleground
yah, that's really the only change to map that happened so far. We'll see how that goes.
I also think they did not expect us to recover our losses so quickly. Imagine how they must feel after seeing more than half our carriers get taken out only for us to show up with all of them in a functional, if heavily damaged condition. They spent their wunderwaffen super destroyers and they couldn't even ensure their targets were outright destroyed.
While I personally would have liked to destroy more of their assets here, then ceding ground would improve our future chances at holding the system as we get dug in and our ships repaired and replenished. We should bite and hold, likely spending a couple actions to fortify with defense stations and minefields.
I do think that had something to do with it, I think it is more having the 'Core' of our forces in the 'battleships' and the repaired carriers mostly looking like they didn't kill any ships. I mean think about it, how many ships were damaged vs truely lost? and then seeing most ships, even if damaged patchwork repairs, are still there for battle. We look like a damn horde.
Agreed, less of a fleet that knows how we fight and just deny any SBG strength fleet going back but I'll take this if it means we get time to prepare and digest. Indeed, minefields, Defense Stations, and Repair yards set up here ASAP.
Yeah, though not without a (minor) fight. Notw that most of them are just fueling/cargo stations, with like, three defense stations with guns.
Nope. Just some worlds slowly getting raised up to Civilized World status.
Yah that checks out and grabbing those is still fine. we'll build more on our own. At least we have something to work off of.
Ah so non-important worlds. not worth taking or stretching the fleet for. What would sending some ships or an SBG to do scouting of the system do? I'm aiming for just an image or data for the system before a build up of Dutchy forces to use so if we do move in to the system at a later date to attack we have data to compare and work off of.
We should take recordings of them abandoning Eschich or whatnot and literally broadcast it to all the defenders (especially the leadership) on Voxx Primus.
Help is now not one, or even two systems away, but THREE or more!
Oh for sure. make them into a reel and include it but I say do a drive by during our scouting for Vluas and Kaig and take photos of them and our fleet above them as well. make seem we pushed to there and already took it. I don't think the Voxx primus Pskyers get still communicate to the rest of the dutchy for confirmation so it really would make it seem hopeless or that we are rolling up the dutchy.
Ok. I'm going to ask about songs.
NOOOO. I was so close! I was so close to finishing this early and having free time! So Close!
but yah, already went and added them in there. Consider this a logged update to check how far I've kept up with them.
Equal. Which is a fucking strong endorsement of your system if there ever was one, because they need to take Gamma And Higher Psykers to reliably work, you take the shit below Gamma and punch up.
I mean, it makes sense considering the nature of choirs being to make things stable and less risky to psykers, just that it takes five people to form one instead of treating those pskyers as individual weapons. Stable power via choirs is the biggest point of strength.
Oh and that, we can make do and punch up with weaker pyskers while they have to have high level pskyers to work and even then its a risk. So grouping up weaker Psykers and punching up is better since there are many more of them. HAH, love to hear it.
Hippity Hoppity, Where The FUCK Are Our Ancestor's Properties?!
okay this song is a must have when we have free time. This sounds like it will give us hints to finding tech hidden away or something. Problem with that is the implied ANY old tech and how it may fight back or was hidden for a reason. Still worth the action to grab though.
Extinguish Their Foolish Ambitions To Create Anew
Cease Their Foolish Ambitions To Create Anew
Nurgle-Grade Depression
well those songs are very ominous and last one is something we don't want to try.
My fellow questers, I beg of you. Please for the omisaiash sake lets do it
I agree with your brother but we need many more in support of this. many will choose immediate returns over mystery box, we must wait to find an opening and sway all to our side.