What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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okay that was about.. wow 14 new songs. All updated into the Song Combinations we have asked the QM already Post.

Remember Questers You Can Help by Expanding it.

You do not have Paths or Death.
I was dumb and legit thought this was the name of the song instead of the literal 'you don't have these two Melodies'. Glad I did that before I edited it in.

Shield Us From The Influence Of The Four
Well hello there! I didn't expect to see THAT at all. that is a good one we should pick up before a war against chaos again.

So lets see that was a combo of Protection, Hope, Grounding, Health, Protection. I'm guessing protection make sense with Hope, Grounding, and Health countering the effects of the four or something with Protection locking it in or the like.

Let Their Debts To Us Be Paid In Fire
A Veil Turned Curtain
Okay the first is dope as hell and I want to see what it does. but Veil turned curtain sounds like it weakens the barriers of the materium and the warp turning it into a curtain one can see past or cross.

I do wonder just how the first one does it? does it turn karma and the like into how hot it burns?

Empty All Warmth Into The Yawning Abyss
Okayyyy, I guess the combo of Void, Fire, Sun, Song, Void. is literally gathering all heat and dumping it away... I mean this COULD work against thermal based weapons or the like? I think we would need to just take the risk and conduct it to see how it does it.

The Mashan Temple Authority (hereafter shortened to MTA) maintains a trading and transportation fleet consisting of at least ~150 unique ships noticed by our traders keeping logs, with an estimated ~1000-2000 ships possible as they claim to hold over 94 systems with 134 colonized/inhabited celestial bodies
Oh, wow. That is a LOT more than I thought they would have, by far. I guess same thing that applied to the shipwright's Alliance applied to the MTA as 'just tips in this sector' and based in other sectors. Still a good ally that is strong. just surprised it was this big, glad we didn't go to war against them just for the clay.

Their primary imports/exports consist of luxury goods such as art, religious paraphernalia, and everything related to reading and writing, with books from the Federation selling out before a trader has even managed to dock at any station within their Border Region. Compared to other found sapient species, their food industry is miniscule compared to their population size due to their primarily silicoid nature.
That makes sense with being a theocracy and importance of religions, nice they like books and that its such a big trade good. I wonder what they think of Federation literature.

And yah, being rock people that dont' eat much or require different food would do that. Must be nice not to worry about food.

A notable quirk of their species is the use of spheroid-shaped ships instead of most species' typical "pencil" shapes. When asked, the Mashan often profess confusion as to why anyone would not use spheroid designs due to the "obvious advantages" the ball shape offers.

An estimated ~100 military vessels are located within Sub-Sector 621, though they are slowly drawing them away to "other, more pressing, borders," as official news and questioned Mashan state. On that note, the withdrawal of most military assets to Ultima Sigritta in Sub-Sector Archwan, aside from native SDF from the Temple-Glimmering Border, has led to increased trade between the Avethread-Terrore-Lethysan triangle.
Right they have the sphere shaped ships. I would say its harder and weirder to use Sphere as, while yes there are no blind spots and you can fire in all directions, it also means its hard to use the guns in a battle line. since it would mean half is not firing at all.

makes sense as we have been at peace with them for a while and have no interest in invading them. it is interesting that the withdrawal of military assets caused it but I guess it makes sense, we are focusing most SBG's there to check the Dutchy incursions and scouting. So us drawing away military assets and just leaving PDF's and SDF's there for that long gives the impression 'okay guess its alright for us as well' and doesn't have the specter of possible war lingering over their heads.

Classifying their military vessels is more difficult due to their unorthodox shape, but their sizes still follow specific observed roles and conventions. Their toroidal expansion points are not counted for their size. Destroyers have a radius of 160m, Frigates of 400m, Light Cruisers of 1000m, Heavy Cruisers of 2.500m, Grand Cruisers of 4.000m, Battleships of 7.500m, and one propagandized example of a 15.000m radius Grand Archive ship. However, it is unclear if the vessel is a singular example, the start of a new, if likely extremely rare, class, or even of military nature at all.

The MTA predominantly uses Lances for its armaments, though it tends to have a token strike craft force on every military vessel.
Huh well that's interesting for how big they area and how one is a 15 km that is a grand archive ship.

Lances huh? so long range focus and high damage focus.

They lack the stratified class system (within their species) usually associated with authoritarian societies, with no difference in their ability to rise to the highest ranks of government being made for the offspring of common laborers or highly placed religious figures. However, backgrounds in theological fields are a prerequisite to do so, as is continued observation and dedication to religious ceremonies, iconographic creation, and sermons. It is improbable that they will be easily swayed to the side of the Star Child without long-term efforts on conversion.
So interesting how there isn't a class system in their species but require religious studies in theological fields to advance and given given this shit, it is unlikely they would convert to the StarChild unless it was at the end of a barrel and most would still choose death. We can be just fine with being neutral or allies.

Non-Mashan, however, are delegated to Second Class Citizens. This, in all fairness, only prevents them from journeying to the Archive Worlds (translators note: Archive Worlds can also be read as Home, Origin, Soul Rest, Home of the Mind, and Place of Remembrance) and taking any office that would put them higher than their Planetary Councillor equivalent. However, it should be noted here that a Mashan excretes a slightly toxic substance when alive, which, in low quantities, merely leads to unpleasant itches for a human before increasing the risk of cancer, bone cancer in particular, and skin inflammation for long-term exposure. Sometimes, literally, if skin contact is made long enough. This, naturally, makes co-habitation difficult, especially as all Mashan universally regard human sweat as unpleasant to be around due to its salt content.
Not too bad, while it would matter for those that converted tot he Mashan religions, its not really to big of a thing if that's the only restriction. Humans can still hold positions and be a planetary governor. And not physical contact for most with the Mashan do to that. interesting note about their species with that little bit about their sweat.

Their education system is far more thorough than that of the Federation. Citizens are expected to complete, at minimum, 30 years of schooling, though that is lowered to 15 for humans. Further educational tracks are encouraged and propagandized. All citizens, even humans, must write at least one 200-page book before graduation.
Oh shit, they take that seriously and about 15 for humans.... I guess it matches up with elementary to university. I know the Imperium couldn't give two shits unless it's part of the school that trains commissars or officers. but how does our education match us with theirs QM?

Holy hell that is a nightmare to write a 200 page book before graduation.

Their primary currency consists of minted/shaped copper, silver, gold, platinum, and jade coins, which increase in value by a factor of x1000 per rank. A silver coin's value is equivalent to a day's labor within the Federation.
Ohhh intersting inclusion of Jade there. the rest are expected or make sense. but Jade coins sounds very interesting. Oh shit, so Silver coins are day's labor which sounds close to Roman times. So.. what are jade coins used for with that kind of value increase.

As far as we can determine, their enemies are several Human and Minor Xenos Polities which are engaged in a low-level propagandistic fashion, yet the "Cleansing Rain," an omnicidal Xeno race similar to an ancient myth of a water elemental seeking to "cleanse" the early Mashan of their bodies, is the most focused upon. Their propaganda outright states that these Xenos will be fully eliminated once the war is won, as they are psychologically incompatible with "civilized society."
Fair enough, I think the Mashan should be fine against most and I hope they will ask for assistance against the Cleansing Rain if it gets to much.

Ashan Families Intelligence Report
Notice: This Report has been flagged with the [Dysfunctional State] Warning.
Oh boy that's something you love to see attached to a faction.

The Families possess around ~80 unique ships, alongside another ~50 military ships ranging from Destroyer to Light Cruiser size. All of them are, in one way or another, owned by at least three people, four funds, seven corporations, and ninety-eight interest groups who throw lawsuits at each other like candy at children during a parade.

All ships are unique designs. There is no standardization. They are nuts. Their logisticians have staged at least 467 rebellions and breakaway polities. Forty-two of them are still around and in a deep and bitter feud with each other over naming rights.
Holy hell that's it? just around 130 and the biggest being around a Light Cruiser Size? and wow that is... do the ships have shares in them or something? seems like in perpetual legal limbo.

Oh hell there's no standardization? I feel bad for the engineers and maintenance workers. holy hell you know its serious when you logisticans revolt, let alone 467 times. How the hell does this function?

Most of their ships are used to ferry all manner of goods, but finished goods, illegal narcotics, weapons, and children's toys are their primary imports/exports.
Expected, I wonder if the children toys are legit or just ways to smuggle in the illegal narcotics.

Their ship production capabilities are anarchic to the extreme, with at least eight groups vying for legal or illegal ownership of any yard or a component thereof. The fact that they are capable of producing any ship is a testament to the skill of their yard workers...ability to defend themselves long enough to finish a project before the higher-ups fight over another one.

The sizes of their Destroyers and Frigates are [All Of The Above], with armaments ranging from rams to a cannon that shoots green beams that disintegrate hit targets. Their ability to operate in any coordinated fashion can, at best, be called sub-par.
its constant swapping of hands and switching of work crew or projects. The yard workers are the ones going to protect their yards and ships until its finished. damn.

.... hold up, are those Green beam the Necron weapons? holy shit, I guess they don't need bigger ships when you have those.. I think we should do the necron research if we do move in to the sector just in case. At the very least they're all fragmented to all hell.

The Ashan Families are heavily split into different factions that only hold to one principle: "We fight amongst ourselves, but if anyone pokes one of ours? Beat that fucker bloody and take their organs to the nearest Grey Market."

Worker's Unions, Criminal Gangs, Mafia Syndicates, Corporate Holdings, Banks, Governmental Strongholds, Mercantile Guilds, and a perplexed group of possible Xenos/possible Abhumans/possible Science Experiments Gone Horribly Wrong/Right that have formed a Naked Free Commune in Conar are all examples of the forces that exert political influence amongst their people.

Quality of Life can be considered "poor" across the board, with only the High Classes of the Ashan Families able to maintain a standard of living equal to Federation High Classes.
Oh that mentality. I wonder if it applies to us giving a bunch of shit to one group. I do think if we did go conquest route, it would be a bloody slog. Wonder how the cooperation would be if we did push into it. How has chocolate been over there or is the second we hand off any the person or ship who has it gets mugged of it?

You Know? I want to do a quest in that kind of hell hole running a group and just trying to survive and such. Sounds like it would be fun time and seeing how far we could get.

Huh, kinda surprised the top is still able to get a standard of living equal to our high classes.

They are either a Hyper-Capitalistic Disgrace, Anarcho-Communists, Anarcho-Capitalists, or Free Market Socialists depending on who is asked, the time of day, the number of shots fired into the air during the conversation, and the amount of goods stolen from your pocket while you weren't watching for thieves.

Their "Law Enforcement" consists of whatever forces the various groups deem sufficient to keep "order" around and within their territories.
sounds about right and makes me want a quest based there even more now.

Look. There are somewhere of around ~7k different individual factions belonging to 18 general movements themselves subscribing to 3 typical guidances. If you want a stance to be heard, you will likely find 900 more pushed into your skull by the nearest scam artist that already picked you clean and took a shit in your pants. Just to fuck with you.
Holy hell that is a lot and yah, i wouldn't want us to force our analysts into that kind of hell.

@Weaving_Dreamer Would it be too much trouble to ask you to add some of the other recent Song compositions to your informational post? Now that it's threadmarked it seems like something we'd like to dial in on again. As well as this little nugget:
already did, just didn't post that I did because I was writing this. I will add that nugget of info as well now.
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They were using The Sun. It nearly killed them because they were singing the Melody of The Sun. Which is a tad bit more powerful an image within the Warp than using Fire. Or Protection.
*gasps and points dramatically*
This seems significant, maybe add it to the song info post?

Also I'm amazed how you keep pumping out these badass song names.
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*gasps and points dramatically*
This seems significant, maybe add it to the song info post?

Also I'm amazed how you keep pumping out these badass song names.
Yah yah, hearing it and adding it now. Damn so this is what's it like needing to keep up to date on the minute as thread goes.

QM would raising the Sun to II or III help at all with it? or just make the damage more powerful for still burning out the choir?
Makes me wonder what a song of:
Sun, Fire, Void, Fire, Sun
would do. imma firin mah lazer! It's great to finally have enough melodies to be able to play around with them.

Oh, time for the next vote?
[X] Eldar - (Lone Wave) and the Republic of Asharru
I kind of want to hold off Stellar Growth until I write the next Omake about them. Maybe tonight or tomorrow.
I would say its harder and weirder to use Sphere as, while yes there are no blind spots and you can fire in all directions, it also means its hard to use the guns in a battle line. since it would mean half is not firing at all.
I mean, that is also the same for your ships the second you use batteries? Besides, they can just rotate their ships till their guns all have a firing arc since they are located on the middle section. :V
Weaving_Dreamer said:
So interesting how there is a class system in their species
There isn't tho? I spelled it out. Its an occupation-based structure.
Weaving_Dreamer said:
but how does our education match us with theirs QM?

Holy hell that is a nightmare to write a 200 page book before graduation.
You have around ~8 years of education that is "pretty meh" in terms of quality.

And if you can't write a 200-page book in 15~30 years there is something wrong with you.
Weaving_Dreamer said:
So.. what are jade coins used for with that kind of value increase.
State transactions, like buying/constructing ships or stations.
Weaving_Dreamer said:
QM would raising the Sun to II or III help at all with it? or just make the damage more powerful for still burning out the choir?
No comment.
Sun, Fire, Void, Fire, Sun
A Birth Of Celestial Violation
I mean, a sphere is the optimal shape, it's just hideously expensive. So you're just building ships that count as three mass scales higher to get that delicious ORB.

That, or they're made of tinfoil and crumple at the first unmitigated hit.

Designing ships as a cylinder also has the advantage that you can concentrate your defenses and firing arcs, while limiting your target profile. A sphere is equally approachable from all directions, even if it can shoot in all directions, the enemy isn't required to attack you from every direction.

The only "Sphere" I can think of is the Kroot Warsphere, and it's... Well, it's a big battering ram and not really good for much else. It moves like a slug and has defenses more in line with an Imperial Cruiser than a Battleship scale vessel that it is.

Presumably, in-universe, Spheres have largely been dismissed as a viable design approach by the most ancient and experienced polities, and I don't think it's a One Neat Trick that these bois came up with either, because at least two of those veteran shipbuilders got there from trial and error properly, and none of them go that way. (Necrons like their crescents and flat profiles, Imperials ride metal boxes, while Space Elfs use fancy modern high speed sailers, but they all share the same idea of minimizing your profile when you can't shoot, and maximizing your guns-on-target when you can, the only polity that really does spheres are explicitly a few steps behind in the tech tree compared to the other Great Powers--which makes me almost feel like "Sphere shaped ships" is a phase every polity goes through at some point before they realize that it's paying a whole lot for a marginal increase in effectiveness)
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There isn't tho? I spelled it out. Its an occupation-based structure.
Oh damn it, I meant there WAS NOT any class. I didn't put it in there. I'll fix it.

You have around ~8 years of education that is "pretty meh" in terms of quality.

And if you can't write a 200-page book in 15~30 years there is something wrong with you.
Oh its over the course of your education? I thought you meant as the final assignment or such. and could it be anything? I was thinking the hell that must have been the last year.

Would a write in for increasing education quality and standard have any effects? didn't realize it was only 8 years of it. but I certainly don't want a stanrd of 20 or 30 years.

A Birth Of Celestial Violation
That... is a phrase.
So with Sun, Fire, Void, Fire, Sun I'm guessing with it being a reverse order and the same process after Void is the cause for it being a Celestial Violation this time.
[] [Destroyer] Aid(16DP)
-[] Length - 1.600 Meters
-[] Width - 400 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 8 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull +1
-[] Shields - One Array
-[] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Type/Mounting.)
--[] Medium Hangars - [Mixed] (1)
-[] Equipment - (Write-In, Example: #1, #2, #3.)
--[] Propaganda Center - Be it a vox-caster, pict-recorder, or pamphlet, this center for propaganda is more than capable of churning out hundreds of methods to turn a population for or against any thing, opinion, person, action, or idea as long as it is allowed to work its magic unmolested.(6)
--[] Large Mobile Civilian Manufactory - A large manufactory designed to produce sophont aid goods, such as tents, medicine, and construction equipment, with materials sourced locally.(5)
--[] Orders of the Guiding Hands - "We can help these misguided souls. Thus, we shall." This is the guiding motto of a large, if not remarkably cohesive, collection of Faith Orders seeking to aid, preach to, and protect the populations of recently liberated or conquered worlds. How can we deny the requests of the faithful to extend a guiding hand if we seek a better Age?(5)

A ship designed to help with worlds after they have been taken. With propoganda and the orders to change them to our ideals and faith, and aid Manufactory to keep them alive while doing so.
So I know that nobody's responded to this, and I wanted to give a brief response that we had a pretty large argument around here on a pretty similar design. That led to the direct invention of the civilian manufactory modules, and the request that we primarily put the civilian modules (i.e. the propaganda center and the civilian manufactory) on the new freighter-class ships.
[] [Destroyer] Aid(16DP)
-[] Length - 1.600 Meters
-[] Width - 400 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 8 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull +1
-[] Shields - One Array
-[] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Type/Mounting.)
--[] Medium Hangars - [Mixed] x2 (2)
-[] Equipment - (Write-In, Example: #1, #2, #3.)
--[] Tiny Mobile Civilian Manufactory - A tiny manufactory designed to produce sophont aid goods, such as tents, medicine, and construction equipment, with materials sourced locally.(3)
--[] Medical Deployment Division - Sometimes, a ship should not bring war. Sometimes, a healing hand must be given freely. And with the ability to deploy medical care to entire planets, even if only the most critical locations, that helping hand shall be extended. Always.(5)
--[] Orders of the Guiding Hands - "We can help these misguided souls. Thus, we shall." This is the guiding motto of a large, if not remarkably cohesive, collection of Faith Orders seeking to aid, preach to, and protect the populations of recently liberated or conquered worlds. How can we deny the requests of the faithful to extend a guiding hand if we seek a better Age?(5)
--[] Enhanced Supply Generation - Internal factories and mining shuttles capable of gathering and manufacturing limited maintenance supplies for a ship on extended patrols. (1)
--[] Ship Shrines - Shrines dedicated to the Machine Spirit of the ship, the crew lost in battles and operations past, and to bolster the faith of all aboard.

If the Tiny Mobile Civilian Manufactory does not fit onto a destroyer it could be replaced with the 2 DP version:
Civilian Supply Generation - Internal factories and mining shuttles capable of gathering and manufacturing limited supplies for a ship aiding a planetary of void station suffering a disaster.

Intended to be build by the automated shipbuilding once we have enough scouts
These ships are intended to repsond to disasters inside our borders or be part of a larger fleet, mostly ones containing the troop ships.

herocooky comfired that:
Titanic ones: Heavy Freighter only
Large: max one per Light Freighter

For civilian modules i would propose the following
Medium: Light Freighter/Cruiser and larger only
Small: Frigate and larger
Tiny: destroyers and larger only
Vote closed
774.M42 - Shipwright's Alliance And Stellar Growth Intelligence Report
Shipwright's Alliance Intelligence Report

1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Shipwright's Alliance has access to a trading and transportation fleet of 79 unique ships noticed by our traders keeping logs and our sensor specialists within Scout Fleet Alpha. Their primary imports/exports consist of bulk goods such as people, ores, manufactured base goods (construction materials, armor plating, and tools ranked highest), and medicine. They maintain several trade stations with the Stellar Growth, alongside a dual-colonization effort of Erfestfort in the K'ali A'shi Sub-Sector.

They operate an estimated ~100 military vessels, most of which are on dispersed defensive duty to bolster local SDF efforts to combat a constant low-level pirate threat from within the various Oort Clouds of their claimed and held systems.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their total ship production capabilities outstrip those of the Glimmering Federation by a factor of 1.9x due to their cultural and societal mindset, which enforces the continual expansion of habitation stations, asteroid settlements, and the subsequent needed intra-stellar infrastructure. Most of their shipyards are privately owned, with the rest distributed between dedicated military shipyards and corporate holdings. It should be noted here that the Alliance enforces a clause within any new yard construction that sets aside 7.5% of the yard's total output for use by the Alliance Military, which can be called upon in the form of maintenance, re-fitting, or the construction of new ships.

Their Destroyers are between 1.2km and 1.6km, Frigates between 1.6km and 2km, Light Cruisers between 4km and 4.4km, Heavy Cruisers between 5km and 5.2km, and their sole Grand Cruiser 'Jubilation of the People' has a length of 7.2km.

Their armaments are focused on a mix of Macro-Cannons, Lances, and some torpedos sprinkled in, with their Destroyers primarily outfitted with the latter. At the same time, their Frigates are armed with only Lances. The Jubilation of the People is armed with one Heavy Revolving Prow Lance, three Medium Plasma Macro-Cannon Batteries, and two Heavy Lance Turrets.

On that note, the Star-Mechanicum section assigned to analyzing and studying the Heavy Revolving Prow Lance has said that they have no idea how such a feat was accomplished, as the waste heat of a Prow Lance of that scale firing as fast as it does should have cooked the crew of the entire ship within four minutes of operation.

2) Socio-Economics
The Shipwright's Alliance was born out of the planets and systems abandoned by the Imperium of Man; its primary purpose, defense, was soon supplanted by closer and more connected cooperation between its member systems. Alongside that, its people have relished the chance to throw off the shackles of the Imperial Tithe to vastly expand their void infrastructures where they can, even if it has sometimes come at the cost of fringe elements of their societies, leaving the inner systems to create break-away nations within the Oort Clouds of the same.

Their political hierarchy is not elected but based on pure merit. You cannot become a shipyard leader if you do not put in the hours in that same yard working alongside everyone else. You cannot rise to become a Minister of Medicine if you have never had the displeasure of assisting in an outbreak of cholera within a station whose sanitation systems have broken down. There is no captain amongst their people that their crews do not trust implicitly with their lives. This system is reinforced by top-down propaganda efforts to ensure that hard work is not only rewarded but seen to be rewarded by all people they can reach. The downside of such a system is that their upper leadership generally tends to be on the older side, with changes in Ministers happening roughly every ~7 years due to either death by old age or retirement.

It should be noted here that they have a co-habitation agreement with the Stellar Growth, with around ~2.8 million Irrita officially citizens of the Alliance upon their request or their "sprouting/birth" within the borders of the Alliance outside a transitory visit.

Their education system is heavily based and reliant on an apprenticeship relationship between older workers and younger generations. However, a six-year schooling period starting at age 6 is mandated, with a focus placed on math, reading, law, first aid, quick repairs, and emergency drills.

The most popular sport within the Alliance is Void Racing, where pilots of unique strike craft-derivative race a prepared track of asteroids, caverns, and old useless hulks against each other. Deaths are supposedly relatively uncommon despite the sport's dangerous and highly lethal nature once an accident occurs.

Law enforcement is more rag-tag and consists of community-appointed and rotating enforcers keeping the peace with a higher organization called in to investigate High Order Crimes like murder, abductions, and smuggling of illegal substances.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption likely exists.

4) Propaganda
The majority of their propaganda is focused on supporting their political systems and generating buy-in from their population, alongside a minor note of xenophilia slowly entering their messages to the population regarding the Irrita. No wonder, as the bio-mechanical technologies being deployed over Howling Gale have caused no minor stir within the Genetors of the Star-Mechanicum who have made no attempts to disguise their coveting of the mysteries and secrets the Irrita possess.

Stellar Growth Intelligence Report
Notice: This Report has been flagged with the [Unreliable] Warning.​

1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

As far as we can determine, the Stellar Growth does not attempt to index the number of its ships, and attempts to do so have been wholly unsuccessful because even a low count returns over ~49k different vessels, which is obviously impossible.

This is an effect of the species ship-building approach, which is wholly artisanal in nature. Not only are their Warp Drives and Gellar Field Generators not manufactured but individually grown, augmented, and combined self-sustaining bio-mechanical creations that then interface with the hulls they are placed within in turn. It should be noted here that an Irrita is not only capable of but expected to create their own Warp Drive and Gellar Field Generator with nothing but some advice, second-hand parts, and the drive to make their own in case they lack parts they require should they desire to become a Song-of-the-Void.

1.b) Shipbuilding
See above. Warp Ship sizes range from ~180m to ~9.9km.

2) Socio-Economics
The Irrita are a self-professed "Federal Anarchy" composed of their will to grow harmoniously and bring new blooms to the galaxy. Though they have some positions of respect, typically translated as "Song-of-[Subject]" by Federation and Shipwright linguists due to the words and concepts used being too complex to be described outside of an academic paper, even those only possess the respect given to them by their actions and willingness to perform their self-imposed role and do not hold any actionable authority.

They regard Humans with a minor note of self-professed joy as they "enjoy the sight of [our] linear bioluminescence." It is unclear what this means.

Their education system is not comparable to that of any polity encountered, as the Irrita seem to have a pre-installed genetic memory of certain topics. They also heavily use implants and cybernetic augments to download and unpack information and lessons within days instead of years.

Do not ask a Song-of-Growth about their work. They will literally not tire of talking, as they lack the biological components to do so. You have been warned.

Law enforcement is utterly unknown in their worlds and what few stations they inhabit, as criminals are dealt with by communal decision and force.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption likely does not exist.

4) Propaganda
They have none that we could identify.

Next Intelligence Reports:
[X] Eldar - (Lone Wave) and the Republic of Asharru

Further Questions:

(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)
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The most popular sport within the Alliance is Void Racing, where pilots of unique strike craft-derivative race a prepared track of asteroids, caverns, and old useless hulks against each other. Deaths are supposedly relatively uncommon despite the sport's dangerous and highly lethal nature once an accident occurs.
Have any Thules attempted to join, and got their ass handed to them?
It should be noted here that they have a co-habitation agreement with the Stellar Growth, with around ~2.8 million Irrita officially citizens of the Alliance upon their request or their "sprouting/birth" within the borders of the Alliance outside a transitory visit.
Oooh, we could copy that to get plant people into our federation!

Do not ask a Song-of-Growth about their work. They will literally not tire of talking, as they lack the biological components to do so. You have been warned.
Step 1:
Find Star Mechanicum Magis Biologis,
Step 2:
Have them ask a Song-of-Growth about their work.
Step 3:
(Research) Profit.
Have any Thules attempted to join, and got their ass handed to them?
None have joined. There is still a border, and travel between your polities is not seen as desirable by Thules. After all, they can already race as much as they want here. :V
Step 1:
Find Star Mechanicum Magis Biologis,
Step 2:
Have them ask a Song-of-Growth about their work.
Step 3:
(Research) Profit.
They'd literally info-dump about a singular mycellian colony they have grown for seven decades to the Magos for several days until said Magos either manually removes their ability to hear or runs away onto the nearest spaceship. :V
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They'd literally info-dump about a singular mycellian colony they have grown for seven decades to the Magos for several days until said Magos either manually removes their ability to hear or runs awa onto the nearest spaceship. :V
Well, just means we'd have to prepare by finding a Magos specialized into that type of mycellian colony so they'd be equally interested.

If we make sure that the Magos has a noosphere connection we'd also invent a non-scrapcode-based anti-noosphere weapon!
Voting is open