The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

mmm. Not saying its wrong, just want to note that I feel like the Chariot's rain is kinda core to it. More so than the other components.

But, eh, I'm curious to see what we get out of it.
[X] Northern Aurochs Onslaught
-[X] Wood

Can we even use Searing Chariot? Guys edit the one we know.
[X] Northern Aurochs Onslaught
-[X] Wood
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[X] Shatter the Mirror
-[X] Time

I'm not kidding.

Ct said that Time operates on really weird rules, and that it's an idea that we overlooked when Ves made that joke about doing it.
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though not a single strand of it remains on the majority of his head. Master Warrior does not even have eyebrows.


…just how monstrously skilled is Master Warrior? Anyone can hold back, but to limit one's self to just barely above their student's skills with such a frightening degree of accuracy… It is frankly awe inspiring.

Passing is the artist that beats his fellow, overcome through one's strength
Good is the artist that beats his fellow, their own skill reflected
Great is the artist that beats his fellow, only to build them back

"A group of hummingbirds is called a Charm, Disciple Kong."


Well played, well played.

Natural Wonders
A Second of Eternity (Time 25)
The Prospector's Tears (Earth/Water/Mud 75)
The Lost Armory (Steel/War 75)
The Black Anvil (War 50)
The Bathhouse (Water/Fire/Steam 200)
The Twice-Forged Thicket (Steel/Wood 125)
The Firesnake's Coil (Fire/Smoke 50)

Natural Treasure
Cloud's Breath (Fire, Wind, Smoke 7)
- Bonded to Kong Zhi
Scepter of the Moloth (Royalty 22)- In Kong Zhi's possession

So on what's on hand we'll need to figure what we need to cut out in order to finish integrating techs faster the moment we hit the Delving Heart.

We don't have Sound and Beast for Nokai's Warhound's Cry tech, but I really don't want to ruin said gift by editing something we haven't really integrate as our own. Other than that, we could ask Nokai out for tips in how to find beast and sound wonders back at the Delving Heart.

This leaves us Searing Chariot and TNAO

Rain seems like it's a harder anam aspect to get a hold of, being underground in the Delving Heart, So..

[X] Searing Chariot
-[X] Rain

Also, we got confirmation that to ascend more efficiently post Teacher:

"To take the Warlord's Step," Master Warrior continues. "There are many things an Artist must do. One of the most important, however, is to gain a clear sense of self. To become a Warlord is to reforge your body in anam and take on the role that has always been meant for you. But to know where you are meant to be, you must first know yourself- and to an Artist, there is nothing held closer to your spirits than your integration."
"Discordant techniques become a discordant self," the master continues. I stare at him with wide eyes as he casually tells me truths about the Warlord's Step as if it is the most casual and well-known knowledge in the world. "And a discordant Artist is doomed to languish at Teacher until they have smoothed their Path."

We'll have to follow an underlying theme unique to Zhi (that doubtless we'll have to grapple over in the future) and stick with it; and in doing so gain or smooth out techs that support Zhi's said theme.
For NAO, I'd rather take War out than Wood if we wanted to change that tech. Wood is the dominant element, so we'd end up with a tech that's much, much weaker if we took that out. We also have a much better source of Wood anam than we do War.