We spend word count on school, and crafting. I plan to fold in proposals for boosts into crafting AP, it seems like a natural enough thing to do. And we consistently have training with shih.
We spend word count on school because and when its interesting social, and we only spend word count on Crafting when interesting social things are happening then.
Compare the difference between Molly making Lily's talisman to when we raised Watchful Bane.
There's a reason most permanent changes are done at one time at the end of the story arc.
Whoever is tracking the bookkeeping does it all at once, edits the character sheets at once, and the players know what the expected stats of their characters are for the next story arc, instead of having to guess.
This whole thing simply creates busywork for the QM that displaces actually plot-relevant shit.
And makes unnecessary friction for the players.
Since the charm doesn't spend resources, we'll win that.
Against a low-level spirit sure.
Maybe even against a mage who has received this spirit charm as a Gift from a spirit totem.
Someone with a protective magic talisman or wards, or organic countermagic like a not!HITMark or not!ATLAS?
Or even a mortal Infernalist with an Investment? Nope.
Nevermind a Walker or a Yama King.
Story wise we are already low key benefitting from this via stunts and politely ignoring some details (like how did we haul out that Malfean brass haul from Wicked City). This just makes it more defined. Maybe switch from mass to total number of items?
Thats not true.
When we killed the Fomor sorcerer, we had a truck, and we took time to stash everything we looted in a cavern that we bricked up. When we killed the Will of Kakuri, we spent significant time burying bodies in safe caches for later retrieval. In Vegas, preserving Harrowmont's library was a significant consideration in our deciding to stay at the University instead of simply leaving.
In the Wicked City, we had 15x Iron Elementals in our baggage train hauling our loot.
This is likely to be very distorting on gameplay going forward, when Molly can basically loot places to bedrock without much in the way of concern. And thats not counting how it affects combat going forward.
Think of Vegas, where chemical weapons were a significant concern that shaped the entire story.
Would this be an issue if we had a bag of holding with gas masks and antidotes? Or if we were captured somewhere or somehow, and the QM cannot try to arrange a story that includes having to break out because we are always equipped.
Its largely moot now, but this was always a bad idea.
Consider why Holden, and even the better homebrew, all avoided this design space.
The man gave us a 3-dot charm that produces modern weapons with infinite ammunition, but he didnt give us an inventory.