We can talk to people in-character. If they don't want to get boosts, that's something to be discussed.
This isnt an computer RPG and we do not get unlimited word count or unlimited AP to do whatever.
We dont spend much wordcount on routine training for much the same reason.
No. It lasts an action. So, if Peabody is doing crafting, making his magic ink for example, and we ssc him from afar, he'll lose dice on the crafting roll. Or if he's summoning something and accumulating successes, he loses dice on the action, not the turn.
Like I pointed out before, basic spirit charm provides defense or mitigation.
You could try to tap the person of power, but you have no way of knowing how much power they have available.
Why? No, serious question here - how and why? You might adjust the numbers so we can't carry aircraft carriers around, but how does this break storytelling?
I clarified a little under this post; you should have seen it.
These things are cooperative storytelling exercises between player and QM.
There's things I've seen in the books that are completely legal, and I've passed on bringing to the thread because of how they would complicate the QM's life. And our own.
You are ignoring carriage of the Ankou due to some strange (to me) hangup about what is and isn't personal transport, already demonstrated stuff like drones Lydia developed, and her ghost calling, which isn't a direct summon, but might be used this way.
Mab can seal the NeverNever against anyone going in or out. So can Ferrovax and Odin; we saw them do it to Chicago.
Mikaboshi just demonstrated the ability to contest Lydia's attempts to open a magic door.
River Shoulders can outright disrupt teleports of the Big Daddy of the Black Court.
A lot of people can contest that sort of thing.
And like I pointed out, the golems themselves are kinda shit, as per disposable units. Not terrible, but not really combat dealers.
They're just bags of 10 HP for enemies to batter through so she doesnt have to watch her back.
At least, until we max out her Familiar.
If the issue is the total carrying capacity, we can work on that. Adjust the scale, he'll, make it logarithmic. But in general I don't think bags of holding and similar items / magics break gameplay or story.
Both the carrying capacity, and the narrative implications.
Not to mention the extra ongoing bookkeeping to track inventory contents
That's your opinion, I disagree. Exaltation shards aren't to be left alone, way too dangerous. And Lydia will be getting a dog anyway, we may as well help her.
Yeah, we arent going to agree on that.
The shards have been where they are for thousands of years, they can wait a couple more months. We have put a lot of this social shit off for 8-9 months now IC, and there's few things as dangerous as ignoring your backyard to solve far-off problems.
As for Lydia, we have no control over her AP or her actions.
There's no indication she's travelling anywhere either, instead of having stuff brought to her. Like I pointed out, she's still significantly vulnerable, and after a raid on a major Power, she's not likely to be running around abroad, far from backup.
I'd like to note that Inugami were decent minions at the time this charm was created.
Brawl-dicepool like a professional, with a strong and armor-piercing bit, also a good deal tougher than humans, with more health and 4 dice of lethal soak.
I did not foresee the insane escalation of power this game would go through when making that Charm. It effectively replaces about 2 Dots of allies or retainers with free, replaceable combatants, which is not unreasonable in my eyes.
Look, thats what Exalted combat quests are like.
Im more offended by the fact that they literally do nothing else other than bite and soak damage. Whoever statted the damn things made them one-trick ponies.
That said, no that wasnt Allies 2/Retainers 2; they lack the power and skills to fit here.
2x Hounds? Thats sub-1 dot of the Backup Background.
G'night yall.