at the rate 1 kilobyte per gram of matter
No comment on how expensive this is, but I will note that this has the notable weakness of said matter being poof if the digital object is broken so...
On a success, a mystic symbol carves itself into the bodies of the faction leaders.
5 * years the binding held
1) Which faction leader is gonna accept Mysterious Spooky Symbols carving themselves in? We aren't Mab, are we?
2) Bruh, that is Yes Damage for breaking long term pacts, and ironically that encourages people to break pacts faster or never do it?
I like the spirit of the charm though
By taking an action and spending 1 Essence, the Infernal can conjure a copy of any physical record to exist in her hands. The record persists for five days and then disappears.
NO (This is more broken than the Crown with the caveat of said physical record not necessarily containing truths, you understand?)
Whenever they make a roll, the Infernal may choose to act instead, substituting their appropriate dice pools for her own, and rolling at the same difficulty as they would have had.
So... what's the point then?? Second half of the Charm looks fine though, if a bit underpowered for 2 dots.
conjures a vortex of iron-filled tornado around them, which inflicts 10 dice of lethal damage
1) This Charm has nothing to do with the Hell she has?
2) What I forsee is Denarian trolls doing this all day long to screw over whoever is around her?
Infernal must spend one point of essence or willpower in order to stop this automatic defense.
Whenever someone attempts to read the Infernal's mind by any means, roll Perception + Awareness against difficulty 8. Success reveals not only the mind-reading attempt, but also who is responsible. The Infernal may then pay 1 Essence to reflexively shield her thoughts, making them impossible to read for the rest of the scene.
If you must have this Charm, this is good enough and lower it to 2 dots? (And does reflexive work before any thoughts are successfully read?)
The Infernal can pay additional 2 essence to smoothly integrate the newly awakened memories and thoughts into the current ego, granting the benefits of the charm to the target while shielding them from harmful consequences.
Isn't this an budget form of VEE and thus worth more dots?
five days training, all subjects gain 30 experience points
Bruh, this seems better than Legendary Scholar Curriculum??? Should be a 5 dot Charm if such is even legal to begin with, and harsher penalties too.
By reflexively spending 1 Essence, the Infernal perfectly defends against a pair of attacks striking her on the same turn, forcing them to parry each other.
On one hand, 3 dots; on the other Perfect Defense is a lot - perhaps style this as Mass Combat Penalty Reduction instead? Again this has nothing to do with her Hell so...
Anyone attempting to directly use computerized equipment, and especially anything exclusively relying on information technology, against the target of this charm does so at +3 DC. Any wholly automated process simply fails outright
Based off vibes this is too effective for a 3 dot Charm, but I could be wrong. The idea definitely works though, so that's good.
This is a perfect prison they cannot escape from.
In this setting, where even Demonreach is not a Perfect Prison, and how Infernals don't like Perfect Prison this seems totally unworkable, and unrelated to Molly's Themes?
Instead of ending in their intended afterlife
You definitely need to add a "if the target agrees" clause, otherwise Molly might be stealing souls from the White God and I cannot see her doing that? Even if you do it seems a little iffy anyway, considering how being bound to Fivefold Courts is effectively binding them permanently to her Faction and all.
She can shorten that time by spending what essence she has at the moment of her would-be death at the rate of 56 days per point of essence. Alternatively, her followers can shorten her return by offering their essence through a ritual similar to Prayer Eating (see Exalted vs. World of Darkness: Revised, p. 292).
Definitely a 5 dot Charm, but this needs to be combed through with a fine tooth comb to avoid being too broken? Sounds like it would work though.
By spending 2 Essence and touching someone, the Infernal imposes her law upon their destiny. Should they be killed in the same manner as designed to kill the Infernal, their soul would be shredded by the spinning of the wheel, with no possiblity of resurrection or reincarnation of any kind.
Wait, what's the difference between this and MiM? As things stand the only thing I can see this being useful for is to kill Denarians for ??? story beats.
Unity of Five Cities ●●●●●
Doesn't this just make balancing combat infinitely harder for the QM? (Also, does Molly watch that many Sentai shows?

Feels a little like shoehorning the unity aspect of the Hell a bit too strongly to me.