The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[] A-Mei-Zing Trip
-[] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.)
-[] Do Cute things with Mei x6
I love the idea of crafting more! Here's a simple charm that could be simple and cool to make:

Dreamlight Vessel (Teapot)
Scholar charm (Moon, Star, Dream)
Description: The Dreamlight Vessel is a small, delicately crafted pot with an openwork design that allows the light to diffuse gently. The Pale Glowing Blossoms are inlaid in swirling patterns around the body of the vessel, while the Startouched Eggshell fragments are arranged in star-like constellations, making the vessel both a functional and decorative piece.
Effect: When water is poured out of the teapot a magical light that immerses the surroundings in an enchanting, dreamlike state. This light has the unique property of allowing those within its radius to enter a state of lucid dreaming while awake. The effect combines the calming and illuminating aspects of the Moon, the guiding and inspirational qualities of the Star, and the imaginative and subconscious nature of Dreams. In a fight, the Dreamlight Vessel will influence the user's imagination and allow him to use attack and use his tricks withe the freedom of dreams, for example if the user normally brings for a fireball, maybe this time the fireball could be changed a little so that instead of a ranged attack it forms as a shield in front of the user.

Basically, this is gaslighting, the charm, you convince yourself that like in a dream the imposible will happen and it does.
The vote for what to actually craft will be interesting

Looks back at the Faxe and the Gem vote wars….

As a heads up on charmcrafting on the road

Alright, after some careful consideration of some valid points raised to me, we've come to some decisions regarding the cutting of the rolls in the cycling/crafting options during campfire votes. They are as follows:

1. Cycling is still getting cut, but only to two rolls, so it's like it was back when the plans were daily, not weekly.
2. The Design Phase of charmcrafting is not going to be changed at all. However, the other phases are also cut down to two rolls.

Hopefully this helps alleviate some concerns. If not, then... well, it's not changing again.

We now return you to your previously scheduled vote, already ongoing.

… from last 2022!?

Damn time flies. Take note of concerns of getting to meet the build with our limited set of actions in camp.

In the meantine, gonna shoot my shot at a plan:

-[] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.) (This action is mandatory.)
-[] The only true way to walk the Path Unending is to cycle the anam of the world. Kong Zhi has his Natural Treasures, but Jingyi's Summit also has half a dozen Natural Wonders carefully guarded and set aside for use by traveling Artists- for a fee, of course.
--[] Steelwind Beach (Steel/Water/Creation 100 (Cost: 3 Talents)
---[] Shadow of the Prince
-[] Daiyu has discovered that one of the schools within Jingyi's Summit is home to an order of Spirit Beast tamers and trainers, and she is interested in their methods. She's mentioned that such tips could be helpful for Kukuni as well as Spirit Beasts; I will tag along to see what knowledge I can glean.
-[] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
-[] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
-[] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
-[] Rumors are flying on the streets of the Summit about an incident on one of the peaks. It was something about vicious, man eating birds- and that has jarred free a half-forgotten memory. Or perhaps a dream? All I know is that something about vicious birds in Jingyi's Summit strikes a chord. I will investigate it to find out why.
--[] Invite Mei Daiyu
[] Send personal letters (free action, -2 bronze talents)
--[] To Fa (and friends)
---[] Tell her the broad strokes of the events in the Hills. Elaborate upon how we as a trio fought and drove off a Farmer. Postscript: we somehow started dating Daiyu due to finding and sharing a technique with her.
--[] To Mom (and family)
---[] Inform her of how we met and accidentally antagonized Dun Lihan, sadly got into Garden of Beasts, and the broad strokes of the Twelve Winds incident, for which the technique that Auntie Bi taught us was crucial. Emphasize that we got the Sen's Worldstream technique, the Blue Skies card, a new form, and that the Sen are likely in the market for an upgrade to some of their lesser security systems and may be open to the Kongs offering their services. We also look forward to introducing mom to our girlfriend. Postscript: The culprit of this event was a fan of Uncle Fang, we apologize to him for having to kill them.

This plan is essentially sourced from @CedeTheBees Creative Plan but without the charmcrafting, in exchange for getting to know Chui Dao and Mooncake better with a chance of possible Nokai Goodboi encounter.

But damn, just 1 more Ap Yoooo.
Everything's too good that AutumnHunterZhi should be here instead. 😭
Current tally:
Adhoc vote count started by Enjou on May 28, 2024 at 2:36 PM, finished with 135 posts and 56 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Creative Process
    [x] Plan Wondrous Things
    [X] Plan: All Socials
    -[X] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.)
    -[X] Jingyi's Summit is Zhuan Kun's home, and as such, the local schools are held to a higher standard. That standard must be enforced, and Zhuan Kun has made it clear that I am welcome to join him if I desire to test my skills.
    -[X] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
    -[X] Daiyu has discovered that one of the schools within Jingyi's Summit is home to an order of Spirit Beast tamers and trainers, and she is interested in their methods. She's mentioned that such tips could be helpful for Kukuni as well as Spirit Beasts; I will tag along to see what knowledge I can glean.
    -[X] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
    -[X] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
    -[X] Rumors are flying on the streets of the Summit about an incident on one of the peaks. It was something about vicious, man eating birds- and that has jarred free a half-forgotten memory. Or perhaps a dream? All I know is that something about vicious birds in Jingyi's Summit strikes a chord. I will investigate it to find out why.
    -[X] Send personal letters (free action, -2 bronze talents)
    --[X] To Fa (and friends)
    ---[X] Tell her the broad strokes of the events in the Hills. Elaborate upon how we as a trio fought and drove off a Farmer. Postscript: we somehow started dating Daiyu due to finding and sharing a technique with her.
    --[X] To Mom (and family)
    ---[X] Inform her of how we met and accidentally antagonized Dun Lihan, sadly got into Garden of Beasts, and the broad strokes of the Twelve Winds incident, for which the technique that Auntie Bi taught us was crucial. Emphasize that we got the Sen's Worldstream technique, the Blue Skies card, a new form, and that the Sen are likely in the market for an upgrade to some of their lesser security systems and may be open to the Kongs offering their services. We also look forward to introducing mom to our girlfriend. Postscript: We send our apologies to Uncle Fang for needing to put down one of his living fans like a rabid animal.
    [X] Plan Winds and Sights
    [X] Plan Intrigue, Intentions, Innovation, and Ass Kicking
    -[X] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.) (This action is mandatory.)
    -[X] Even a city such as Jingyi's Summit has those that will fall through the cracks, or will simply try to avoid being tested. Some hide, some linger, and others may flee the city. Kong Zhi will seek those hard to locate prospects and ensure they have their turn before the testing treasure. Kun and Daiyu are invited to help if they wish.
    -[X] Jingyi's Summit is Zhuan Kun's home, and as such, the local schools are held to a higher standard. That standard must be enforced, and Zhuan Kun has made it clear that I am welcome to join him if I desire to test my skills.
    -[X] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
    -[X] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
    -[X] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
    -[X] Upon Kong Zhi's belt hangs a small hammer inhabited by a Kukuni of Steel named Chui Dao. It seems to be an affable spirit with a passion for beating metal, but there may be more hidden beneath its surface. He will experiment with Chui Dao and see what other secrets hide within its metal.
    --[X] (Write-In how Kong Zhi will experiment with Chui Dao.)
    ---[X] Kong Zhi will buy two categories of low-grade materials; those that seem to resonate with Chui Dao and those that he seems to reject. He will then craft rock bottom basic charms as fast as he can, of the minimal quality Kong pride and standards will allow, then record the results. Daiyu is invited to come along and participate if she wishes.
    [X] Plan Intrigue, Intentions, Innovation, and Ass Kicking - Bird Edition
    -[X] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.) (This action is mandatory.)
    -[X] Even a city such as Jingyi's Summit has those that will fall through the cracks, or will simply try to avoid being tested. Some hide, some linger, and others may flee the city. Kong Zhi will seek those hard to locate prospects and ensure they have their turn before the testing treasure. Kun and Daiyu are invited to help if they wish.
    -[X] Jingyi's Summit is Zhuan Kun's home, and as such, the local schools are held to a higher standard. That standard must be enforced, and Zhuan Kun has made it clear that I am welcome to join him if I desire to test my skills.
    -[X] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
    -[X] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
    -[X] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
    -[X] Rumors are flying on the streets of the Summit about an incident on one of the peaks. It was something about vicious, man eating birds- and that has jarred free a half-forgotten memory. Or perhaps a dream? All I know is that something about vicious birds in Jingyi's Summit strikes a chord. I will investigate it to find out why.
    [X] Plan: Worldstream Progress, Making a Gift
    [X] Night on the Town
-[] Rumors are flying on the streets of the Summit about an incident on one of the peaks. It was something about vicious, man eating birds- and that has jarred free a half-forgotten memory. Or perhaps a dream? All I know is that something about vicious birds in Jingyi's Summit strikes a chord. I will investigate it to find out why.
Any chance you would add inviting Mei Daiyu?
A charm that would benefit us greatly is a battery to store a bunch of anam, that's the current "weakness" of KZ, all of his techs costs a bunch of anam and he only has about 30.