[X] Planet!
You can't. Added [Chocolate Compatibleness] to the Known Species information cards to have that aspect shown directly.pretty sure word of QM is that you can mix the puppers and chocolate, except for the 4% that have an allergy, same as humans
You can use a Melody multiple times if yoi'd like to enhance its aspects.Not sure what other melodies would fit in such a Song-maybe Silence?
That is a given.Can we go recover the bodies of the Lamenters (and Gene-Seed) who died on the Slaughter Cruiser?
They do, but they use unarmed transports so they didn't fight, just hang back and observe.... actually @HeroCooky ? Do the Neonites have any Guard units available with them to send down and help us reclaim their planet? I want to assume basic competence, but well...
I think that we should give lamenters time to heal while we get psycana action as well as healthcareAnyways, Neon should be busy trying to shore up defenses against Chaos and shouldn't be in any position to attack us. I say that in the upcoming turn we hit the pirate base alongside the Lamenters.