Lore in Update: You only lost a single ship and the Lamenters took some painful casualties.
Update as per the Thread: Your entire fleet was lost, half your planets have been razed by Tyranids, and your spiced chocolate got deleted from existence by Shit-Squid Supreme.
Stay classy, SV.
I think around 5? Need to check the update again, but it is too late for that.
To be fair, her original plan was to poke you
once, see how that goes (not good, but not bad either), and then fortify her system.
But then she got updated orders from her superiors and several bomb ships, and the rest is an enforced and enthusiastic charge against foes she didn't believe were worth bothering at the moment.
You are already doing S&R for your people, but Chaos is getting ignored for very obvious reasons right now.
Around 3 Companies worth. And as of before this update.
Have done so.