What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Funnily enough, Although they live with many more logical contradictions daily, the chance of anthropomorphic hyenas that are so outlandishly similar to Ancient terran hyena's is almost impossible. That Implies that they have a good chance that their evolutionary ancestors were possibly brought here by DAOT humanity, in some manner, at which point possible gene plasticity combined with like 10k+ years of evolution led to Human-intellect Hyenas.

Their origin as such, then doesn't actually count as Xeno's depending on the criteria. They also don't count as mutants because unless the DAOT human population dosed themselves up with hyena DNA, They don't originate from human genetically.

Of course, even IF true, Knowing of this wouldn't really matter to the imperium for so many reason its funny, but it would be yet another point on the list of imperial hypocrisy's
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...damn, there aren't any Orks in the next subsector over? Really?

...was that even an actual WAAAAAGH? We never encountered a proper Warboss, from what I remember.

Did an Ork Infestation just get strong enough to take like a single star-system and fend off that single Dauntless the Imperials sent before they left to try and deal with a Chaos Invasion on the other side of the subsector, then just...expand without any real direction?

I feel like that's what happened. It would certainly explain the haphazard-at-best efforts the Orks put up to try and kill us.

...well, at the very least, we might have free reign to expand away from Imperial Space now. Maybe we can slam out another tranche of Scouts to see if that will give us a deeper view into the Amratur Subsector.

Just another thing to add to the list...what else is there now? We gotta spend-

-2 actions on getting the Blazing Suns their Kharnivores
-spend at least 5 actions worth of ships to fill out Task Group Alpha (Aries-S Refit, 2 more Crux, and 4 more Lupus)
-probably build 1-2 more Taurus'
-we need to Sing the Navigator Song
-we need to spend another 2 Psyckana actions getting the Astropath Song
-we wanna start working on getting our Industries up to level-5 across the board
-there's more Faith actions to take in order to solidify our people
-need to further diplomance the Hyenas and maybe at least speak to the Eldar to agree to mutually leave each other alone

...we got a lot of stuff to work on lol.

Edit: It wasn't even a single Dauntless, it was a Gothic Cruiser, 2 Dauntlesses, and like 9 escorts. How the fuck did the Imperials lose half a subsector to these single-system Orks when they had that much firepower on-hand???

...corruption, probably lol.
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Isn't our scouting only a little better than shit?

I don't know if I trust that Brotar is empty. Maybe the orks there went feral?

Either way next turn should be Nav Song, Karnivores and a yeen diplo action. That the next sector is empty is a nice reprieve.
We need Heavy Industry to 5 before the Lamenters get their armor done unless we want to have to do another armor project when the Lamenters have better things to do than having to improve the power armor again with our AP contraints.
We really should keep the Karnivore in mind, We have a knight house, but without any actual Mechs, They can't even practice, which means we have a Vestigal... thing we made that isn't doing anything. They can't practice, They can't fight, They can't do anything right now.
We really should keep the Karnivore in mind, We have a knight house, but without any actual Mechs, They can't even practice, which means we have a Vestigal... thing we made that isn't doing anything. They can't practice, They can't fight, They can't do anything right now.
I say we do Heavy Industry, Karnivore Sanctification, and Navigator Song next turn.
Funnily enough, Although they live with many more logical contradictions daily, the chance of anthropomorphic hyenas that are so outlandishly similar to Ancient terran hyena's is almost impossible. That Implies that they have a good chance that their evolutionary ancestors were possibly brought here by DAOT humanity, in some manner, at which point possible gene plasticity combined with like 10k+ years of evolution led to Human-intellect Hyenas.

Their origin as such, then doesn't actually count as Xeno's depending on the criteria. They also don't count as mutants because unless the DAOT human population dosed themselves up with hyena DNA, They don't originate from human genetically.

Of course, even IF true, Knowing of this wouldn't really matter to the imperium for so many reason its funny, but it would be yet another point on the list of imperial hypocrisy's
Conclusion from reading your post:
DAoT Furries.
We are picking up DAoT Furries.
This world was settled by DAoT people that turned themselves into anthro hyenas for fun. And somehow they lost their tech level in the meantime.
Conclusion from reading your post:
DAoT Furries.
We are picking up DAoT Furries.
This world was settled by DAoT people that turned themselves into anthro hyenas for fun. And somehow they lost their tech level in the meantime.

That is indeed a possibility, alongside evolving from regular earth strain hyenas, warp fuckery biomimecry (ie their is a concept in the warp, and a species subconsciously evolves to be closer to the concept for some reason) or 40ks bending probability over its knees again and them having no connection to terran, evolving like this out of pure chance
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I think this rush to get Heavy Industry done is kinda silly. If we do have a Better Space Marine Armor design we can start researching after we get to HI 5, that itself will likely take multiple turns. This rush as if everything is doomed if we don't get it all done in time feels a little premature. Like if we want to go towards Heavy Industry that's fine, but giving ourselves an arbitrary and not actually real deadline doesn't necessarily help.
I think this rush to get Heavy Industry done is kinda silly. If we do have a Better Space Marine Armor design we can start researching after we get to HI 5, that itself will likely take multiple turns. This rush as if everything is doomed if we don't get it all done in time feels a little premature. Like if we want to go towards Heavy Industry that's fine, but giving ourselves an arbitrary and not actually real deadline doesn't necessarily help.
The QM has outright stated that if we get HI V before the Lamenters complete the project it'll improve the outcome.
@HeroCooky if we get Heavy Industry V before the Lamenters power armor project is done will the project have a better outcome due to the Candle Keepers unlocking RnD?
By the sheer fact that you will ahve better tech and industry to offer them, yeah.

By extension, if we don't get it done before they complete it the Lamenters will need another project down the line to improve their armor when we unlock R&D which will push back other projects they could be doing.
The QM has outright stated that if we get HI V before the Lamenters complete the project it'll improve the outcome.

By extension, if we don't get it done now the Lamenters will need another project down the line to improve their armor when we unlock R&D which will push back other projects they could be doing.

That's a very understated "yes." It's not, "There's a magic special bonus for doing it" it's "well yeah, having better Heavy Industry will let you make better armor, sure." And there's all sorts of directions we can go, honestly.
Just another thing to add to the list...what else is there now? We gotta spend-

-2 actions on getting the Blazing Suns their Kharnivores
-spend at least 5 actions worth of ships to fill out Task Group Alpha (Aries-S Refit, 2 more Crux, and 4 more Lupus)
-probably build 1-2 more Taurus'
-we need to Sing the Navigator Song
-we need to spend another 2 Psyckana actions getting the Astropath Song
-we wanna start working on getting our Industries up to level-5 across the board
-there's more Faith actions to take in order to solidify our people
-need to further diplomance the Hyenas and maybe at least speak to the Eldar to agree to mutually leave each other alone
also colonize most of the nearby systenems so we can increase the scale of our actions, the sooner they get colonized the sooner they can spool up to full effecincy.
[X] Plan: Easy as One Two Three... Fourteen? The Fourteen Points?!
-[X] 1) The Geller Field: That there are ways to reduce the risks of traveling between the Stars, and that many species have discovered them. However, that there is no such thing as total safety. The Warp is dangerous.
-[X] 2) The Warp. That the warp as beings in it, including beings of the Warp, and four Ways of its Corruption attached to powerful dark beings who feed on the evil in hearts. One that feeds on manipulation and lies, one on rage and hate, one on hopelessness, despair, and disease, and one on excess and cruel decadence. Be wary for these enemies may corrupt good people and you should watch your society for organizations of Schemers, Plaguebearers, Obsessionists or Bloodthirsty Monsters. Compare it to an illness of the mind, heart and soul, as well as the body, and acknowledge that major disasters on their planet may be the Warp.
-[X] 3) The Imperium of Mankind: A government flawed and evil, which has dominated much of the galaxy but not all of it, and which has withdrawn from this region. Make it clear that some in the Glittering Federation were of the Imperium, but are no longer, having been abandoned to die--those who show no kindness and mercy to those they deem enemies rarely have kindness or mercy to the innocent on their own "side."
-[X] 4) The Glittering Federation: A government of and by the people, which has included even non-Humans as part of the Protectorate or, in the case of the Kil'drabi, as Kin. The basic categories and priorities, focusing especially on the moral and ethical.
-[X] 5) The Kil'drabi: A full accounting of their story so as to illustrate the character of the Federation, their character and the Five Ranks that have been recently qualified.
-[X] 6) The Star Child: the five-fold religion, proselytizing it with vigor but making it very clear that you shall not be trying to force them to convert at this moment. (Leave out the fact that you're not necessarily religiously opposed to Forced Conversion, this is diplomacy.) Create an account of at least the generalities of the religion. Give it your best pitch.
-[X] 7) The Orks and other beings: Being a brief enumeration of the dangers of the Orks that caused the Imperium's retreat, and how those Left Behind righteously battled to save the innocent from destruction, and how these battles have ultimately saved tens of millions if not more, and how they are ongoing but the region is partially secure from Orks. Make it clear that this is the situation that led to leaving them be after the incident involving suspected attack, and that it is only now moving towards one stage of resolution.
-[X] 8) Elder: They exist. Say little else. Say they would probably prefer not to be disturbed.
-[X] 9) Problems: Ask about problems they've been having, especially in light of the Information with the Warp. Offer to potentially send Psykana to scan for them, and investigators, should they ask for help. Make it clear this is not a demand, and refusal will be accepted.
-[X] 10) Refusal: If they refuse, give them at least a bit of basic information to help them find problems.
-[X] 11) Psykana: Explain what Psykers are and aren't. Simple terms. Very basic.
-[X] 12) Trade of Information: Reveal the Five-Fold points and propose a trade. Information on the Geller Field, therefore making all parties safer, in exchange for information on culture, music, the religions of the people of this system, dead languages, historical information, etc, etc: both parties will therefore expand their galaxy! (Also let us look for signs of Chaos.)
--[X] Little did the negotiators know it was a vile trap!
---[X] For one of the music genres shared by the new species would turn out to be incredibly popular among the youths, and one day, a mere decade or two later, their own children would call them lame, square, and boring for thinking that the latest music fad sounds like just noise. Even when they go, "I negotiated for that!" their children will just roll their eyes and say, "Ok, Parent."
-[X] 13) Status: Offer and explain both Neutrality and Protectorate status, and leave it to them to decide or to counteroffer.
-[X] 14) Inquiry: Ask of their government, way of life, culture, music, science, etc, etc. Send messages back to the educated of the Federation, and no doubt they will have more. Or requests to send crazy academics to study an entirely new people, etc, etc!

As always, open for suggestions.
Should the existence of Warp Storm and Warp Rifts/Great Rift also be mentioned in the message?

To be honest, we are probably going information overload as is, hopefully we will have time to tell them about more stuff later, But right now this gives them a rundown of the various minefields they need to avoid if they decide to not become a protectorate.

[X] Plan: Easy as One Two Three... Fourteen? The Fourteen Points?!
[X] Plan: Easy as One Two Three... Fourteen? The Fourteen Points?!

therse poor buggers are getting the mother of lectures hefted onto them...that star-captain is going to be drinking themselves into the grave, along with their government.

were going to be damn well streched thing, and we *need* Heavy Industry V soon...just hope we can get enough actions to do so...