What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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But yeah, to add dynamism, none of the positions that are adopted as Canon are new ones. Origen's scholastic work is from 189, and the earlier consensus that reigned up until it began to fall out of favor in the 150s was made about six decades after Liberation.

But as is usually the case for these things, Theologians are busy throwing every possible dart on a blank dartboard, and then after the fact this Council or that Council declares that half of them were heretics and the other half truly inspired by the Star Child or whatever. :V

E: This makes our Action less, "The first time anyone's ever thought about it" which would be silly, and more us declaring that the music's stopped in this game of Theologian's Musical Chairs.
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I mean even in the Imperium, there literally are not enough criminals to supply the demand for servitors and so most are just assembled meat robots.

Not enough criminals? In the Imperium? The same Imperium that is willing to condemn entire worlds home to billions for the smallest of crimes? I guarantee you that "criminals" in the Imperium's eyes are anyone who doesn't tow the line or frankly anyone caught at the wrong time. The Imperium will easily there will always be enough to become servitors. Like fuck there are entire worlds dedicated just to making servitors from people.

[X] The "Origen" of Souls.
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[X] The "Origen" of Souls.

Is the Laurent vote the older version of the updated one above?

edit: wait no they're one in the same.

The Laurent

is the poster, the Origen is the vote name.
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You know, I wonder.

Is Food Infrastructure V what we need to unlock "System Specializations?" We were told that we'd need something like a Mining System if we wanted to accelerate our shipbuilding, but none of the other options on the table seem like they handle that. We get R&D from HI 5, we get Colonization from CI 5, we get Military Doctrine from MI 5, and presumably MeI 5 gives us some biotech goodness.

The thing about having lots of food security though is that you can put more people in one place, which means you can specialize to a much greater degree than you could before because fewer people are involved in producing greater amounts of food. I wonder if that's the prize behind Food 5 then? If so, that makes getting it almost as high priority as getting CI to 5 so we can lock down the two Ork systems in our subsector after we dislodge them.

Fortunately, we can have Food 5 by next turn, if I'm right.
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I got a crazy idea. You guys know how some ships are so big they have factories in them? Why not make a big ass mining facility with engines on it so it can fly around an asteroid belt and harvest all the ores?
Fortunately, we can have Food 5 by next turn, if I'm right.
yep one point on integating Perfinda, and one point on food production will get us to 5 don't even need any point from ransaking the station the question there is do we want to put all the point from ransaking the station onto civ infrastrutre so we can get colonzation asap in the turns afterward or get mil indrusty 5 or heavy indrust 5 ect
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So something that came to mind: I think it'll be very important for us to expedite the Lamenters' power armor before we think about hitting the Ork held systems neighboring us.

The Lamenters are our best bet for headhunting Ork Nobs and Warbosses. And they'll need their powered armor to have the best results and minimize losses.

And on the topic of the power armor, I wonder if getting to Heavy Industry V would result in better power armor due to unlocking RnD?
@HeroCooky if we get Heavy Industry V before the Lamenters power armor project is done will the project have a better outcome due to the Candle Keepers unlocking RnD?

Also, to the rest of the thread here's my idea about the Aries-II Corvette to refit our Aries corvettes into.

Current Available DP: 7

[] Aries-II class Corvette
-[] Length
- 1.300 Meters +1 DP
-[] Width - 300 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 8 Gravities -1 DP
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Three Emitters
-[] Weapons - 2x Light Rotary Macrocannon Turrets -4 DP
-[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Advanced Alloying/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations -3 DP

Its role will be skirmishing and chunking down enemy shields as the opportunity presents itself. Two light rotary macrocannon should give it the firepower to chunk down enemy escort and be tough for a destroyer-sized vessel. Plus it'll be extremely fast and maneuverable. If I had 2 more DPs I would have added autoloader.
Fortunately, we can have Food 5 by next turn, if I'm right.
Not sure about rushing that, seeing how we'll have 3 actions next turn and that station is still there, I'm thinking on putting Food V off till the turn after so we can build another frigate, either a Crux or a Taurus. I really think we should be building up our navy more.

If I had 2 more DPs I would have added autoloader.
You could compromise on the Acceleration by bringing it down to 7 (which is what our current model is at now).
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Not sure about rushing that, seeing how we'll have 3 actions next turn and that station is still there, I'm thinking on putting Food V off till the turn after so we can build another frigate, either a Crux or a Taurus. I really think we should be building up our navy more.
Definitely another Crux. The Crux is supposed to be basically guardians and line holders for the Libra to allow the Libra to do its job and savage the enemy at range with its strikecraft.

Preferably we'd have 2 to 4 Crux and 4 to 6 Lupus for every Libra as the core of task force. Plus update the Aries design to give it more focus as a skirmishers.

You could compromise on the Acceleration by bringing it down to 7 (which is what our current model is at now).

Hm, that works. Though that would mean that none of our ships will be able to catch/interdict Cobra destroyers. Cobras are the standard torpedo destroyers with 7.6 gravity speed and the standard Chaos Iconoclast destroyer has 7.2 gravity speed.
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[X] The "Origen" of Souls.

I'm a bit iffy on the second point, how do you define "unable to communicate"? If an a AI is programmed to be completely unable to communicate, but fulfills the other criteria, what then? How would we even know?
[X] The "Origen" of Souls.

I'm a bit iffy on the second point, how do you define "unable to communicate"? If an a AI is programmed to be completely unable to communicate, but fulfills the other criteria, what then? How would we even know?

Someone programming something which is "unable to communicate" but may fulfill all the rest falls under the, "Don't fucking do it, you bozos" clause. Because whenever someone tries to play fucking games with the line, wherein if 1 means a sapient person they just need to get to .99 and then exploit it... they usually wind up on the wrong side of the line.