What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Oh hey also, either the Orks just suddenly all killed themselves, a few Scouts are enough to gain equality... or, it turns out that the information we have was not reliable and was overstating how dangerous the Orks were. Not that they're not dangerous, to be clear, but our Scouts now seem to be saying that there's no mobile, inter-system enemy formation that's larger than all of our mobile, inter-system ships.

Now, we absolutely do need to be ready to go on the attack and start building in the next turn or two, because the Orks aren't going to be still... but that's good news.

....Or we could go on the attack now before they build up and attack us. We can do that right? Plus if we crush their navy now and gain superiority over them in space that would make ground warfare easier then wouldn't it?
No point in attacking, we can't hold the systems until we can colonize them--they've been in Ork Hands too long enough to have survivors, and if we don't have boots on the ground to keep them from recovering, the Orks will just respawn.

We can get Civ and Food V next turn though with The Laurent's plan though, as well as getting a tranche of Wolves ready to go. Afterwards, we can start working at pushing back to the Itani chokepoint while locking in the other unclaimed, neighboring systems. That definitely unlocks Colonization as well as whatever Food V unlocks, then we can start preparing to take an offensive stance again. We also want HI, Med V, and MI V ASAP as well, while getting the last few bits to get non-shit Warp Travel and ideally Astrotelepathy unlocked too. (Though Astrotelepathy requires most of the same Melodies as Navigation, so...)

... On that note, Colonizing won't hit our Infrastructures, will it @HeroCooky ?
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That definitely unlocks Colonization as well as whatever Food V unlocks, then we can start preparing to take an offensive stance again. We also want HI, Med V, and MI V ASAP as well, while getting the last few bits to get non-shit Warp Travel and ideally Astrotelepathy unlocked too. (Though Astrotelepathy requires most of the same Melodies as Navigation, so...)
And Tech Sharing + Kil'drabi teaching so the Kil'drabi can build proper stuff on their own.
I think we really need to aim for Heavy Industry V before the Lamenters complete the power armor project. Unlocking RnD with Heavy Industry 5 will improve the power armor of the Lamenters project. The better they are the easier pacifying the Ork held systems will be via eliminating Ork Warbosses and Nobs much more easily.
Not unless you decide to colonize non-habitable worlds or very hostile ones.
oh wow civ infra 5 let us colonize non-habitable worlds too! I was just thinking it be only habitable ones we could and non habitable be civ 10 or something. Sure we do take a infra hit from doing it but on the other hand it be very satisfying to be able to colonize all worlds in our systems and be able to fully utilize them too instead of really just the habitable world, prob get us a lot closer to increasing our ship production

edit: anyway I think we should go all in on civ industry with the station so we can unlock colonization asap and get the two new empty habitable systems right by us and the system to our west filled with orks after we kicked them out
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No point in attacking, we can't hold the systems until we can colonize them--they've been in Ork Hands too long enough to have survivors, and if we don't have boots on the ground to keep them from recovering, the Orks will just respawn.

You do realize raiding is a thing, right? We can totally attack a system without intention of staying there. While the Greenskins will still be there, if we're successful there will be less of them than before and they would still need to spend time to rebuild the ships and infrastructure they wreck. Think of it as the choice between 2 medium or 1 medium and 1 easy fight, and 1 hard fight.
You do realize raiding is a thing, right? We can totally attack a system without intention of staying there. While the Greenskins will still be there, if we're successful there will be less of them than before and they would still need to spend time to rebuild the ships and infrastructure they wreck. Think of it as the choice between 2 medium or 1 medium and 1 easy fight, and 1 hard fight.

Raiding is part of a deployment, and it costs precious actions to start one. There'll be a time to strike, but once we start, we're committed.
[X] Plan Breakpoint Setup
-[X] [General] Integrate Perfinda (1/2)
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure II

I'm essentially taking someone else's idea and posting it first. The idea being that we set up to have 4 in both Food and Civ Industry this turn via the DAOT station so that next turn we can pop both over 5 for the development breakpoints in those categories next turn alongside building another pair of Lupus destoyers to start filling out our fleet a little with our new-model designs.
[X] Plan: The Two Fours
-[X] [General] Integrate Perfinda (1/2)
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure II

I like the original plan name from The Laurent more
[X] Plan: Food Five
-[X] [General] Integrate Perfinda (1/2)
-[X] [General] Construct Something
-[X] Food Production III
I like to see what food V gives us before the next problem appears.
Well, hopefully we get our full turn choices too after the doot drops, so we can dicker over that and ascend to hitting the Food and CI breakpoints.