What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[] PLAN: Simple and Clear

the pictogram doesn't really need to do much more then warn them about jumping, and hopefully getting them to stop while we talk to them and can break their language, at that point we can actually describe and show records of the horribly gribbly things that an unprotected Drive can do to you, while opening a actual dialog. this is the cop pulling the seven year old over for driving, before they crash, traffic school can wait until we speak their language.


Oh no, I just noticed this. Like any respectable species under threat of extinction, they sent out colony ships The colony ships are unshielded and are intended for a long trip, their drives are slow, but that could still be a lot of warp exposure, especially if whatever manner of stasis they are using leaves them vulnerable to warp exposure mentally.

That's not good, That's three Ships of a LOT of innocents that are under threat of warp exposure. Fingers crossed we got here before they left, but if not we may need to send ships out to go chase them down, and either cut their journey short before they poison themselves to much, or in the worst case scenario, Provide Mercy.
SHIT, we need to follow up on this before we end up with chaos Corrupted Yeena's running around causing chaos with a little C for Chaos with a Big C. hopefully we got here before they left, but I'm doubtful.
The sleeper ships are slower than light. They don't have the skimmer drives. They are specifically said to take decades to reach another star system instead of a year that a ship with their skimmer drive.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Mar 27, 2024 at 4:34 PM, finished with 53 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] PLAN: Simple and Clear
    -[X] This is a Message about Danger, with other messages to follow. Pay Attention to it! We consider ourselves to be an wise culture
    --[X] The Danger is in Moving to the Stars, This is a statement we consider to be important.
    ---[X] The Danger increases as Moving to the Stars continues.
    ----[X] The Danger is to body and mind, and it can kill.
    -----[X] Include simple pictograms to help add clarity with these messages. Making use of obvious astronomical data of their home system and where their ship ended up on our side of the line. A simplified version of a Circinus on both sides, and one 'In Travel' with a circle around it, that arrives on both sides, and then a simple version of one of their own vessels leaving without that circle, with a show of it being damaged in the 'Transition' period and ending up on the other side a distorted mess. Make these as simple and clear as we could
    ------[X] Work at cracking the language while keeping our envoy here, at least until we can better clarify the terms to them.
    [X] Plan: Monkey Noises
    -[X] "Warp travel not safe. Faster than light travel not safe. Do not jump. Do not travel. Warp dimension/area hostile." Repeat.
    [X] Plan: We come in peace, please don't summon demons.
    -[X] "Greetings. We come in peace. We have recently discovered that you have breached the barriers between Reality and the Warp. Firstly we must congratulate you, creating a warp drive is no small feat and is a credit to your civilisation. Unfortunately there is much danger regarding the Warp that you do not yet know. The parallel dimension that you are attempting to traverse is inimical to life and is plagued by beings that are actively hostile to every known species in the galaxy. Your exploration vessel was sadly lost to the madness that is ever present in that realm and came upon our territories. Through this we came to learn of your attempt to travel the Immaterium without a suitable means of protection, and thus we must warn you. Cease. You are only drawing more attention towards yourself and are actively increasing the chances of warp contamination to your species and culture. We are willing to remain in contact for any questions you may have."
    -[X] Send pictures and videos of the exploration ship that we found.
323.M42 - The Threat Is To Your Flesh
Starshine had never known just how much she had taken talking for granted. Yes, there were different languages to take note of, especially on Ground, within the various nations and cultures of her people, but there had always been the assumption within her that they'd be able to...talk with the Winged Watchers.

How could she not? They had guarded them from the Archangels, watched, and waited for a signal that they were ready to be contacted. She had always assumed they had already translated their languages to be able to talk seamlessly. Then again...

Once more, she stared at the transcript of the message sent by the two titanic ships, one repeated continually, with a heavy heart and drooping ears, within the solace of her cabin.

"This is a [talk/speaking/directive] concerning [Foe/Hurt/Danger], [more/additional/further] [talk/speaking/directive] soon. [Purchase/Buy/Heed] Attention to [this/us]. [We/Us] [faith/think/pray] [our people/these souls] to be a [thinking/foreseeing/careful] culture."

"This is a message concerning danger," she whispered, breathing deeply to steady herself as a chuckle rumbled within her throat. "We will talk more soon. Pay attention. We think we are no fools to say this," Starshine continued, carefully trying to put the last few months out of her mind.

It was one thing to make contact with someone you were trying to meet and have your expectations not met.

Quite another for them to race to stop you from accidentally hurting yourself, all but shouting at you not to do anything.

"The [Foe/Hurt/Danger] is within [movement/transport] [from/to/the] Stars. This is a [talk/speaking/directive] we [believe/think] [critical/noteworthy]."

When that line had been revealed to the public, there had been almost a species-wide panic. How could there be not? The Winged Watchers had just told them all that there was something inherently dangerous to either the Miracle Drive...or something far worse than the Archangels dwelled within the worldspace. The following lines translated from broken and scratched-together languages, seemingly thrown together in a hurry, did not ease that panic. It made it far worse.

"The [Foe/Hurt/Danger] [moves/heightens] as [movement/transport/distance] [from/to/the] Stars [endures/increases/happens]."

"The [Foe/Hurt/Danger] is to the [self/flesh/bones] and [soul/self], and it can [destroy/erase/mutate/change]."

There was a fringe religion on Gnaril—a temple near her hometown had even been dedicated to it—that preached that there were Demons between the stars, lurking underneath the light to devour all who stepped away from the cleansing light of their suns. "The danger increases the more you move away from the stars. The threat is to your flesh and soul, warping and destroying it."

It had grown massively since the last two sentences had been released.

Perhaps even more damningly, the Winged Watchers had sent them a lot of data, little of which had been deciphered up to now but almost assuredly contained the same pictures as had been given to them carved into a sheet of metal delivered by a shuttle.

The same ship that had watched her people moving from one system to another, a "bubble" around it, arriving safely.

And what could only be the Bold Explorer moving in the same way...only to arrive as a twisted and warped wreck on the other side.

A large hand grasped for the pack of alcohol she had smuggled aboard, squeezing it dry in a few gulps as she tried to ignore the rampant horror within her mind as people realized that they had all but sent all the souls aboard the Bold Explorer to a fate worse than death.

She eyed the rumpled and empty pack of alcohol in her hand. It was her last one, out of five she had intended to drink in total: one for their first journey, one for meeting the Winged Watchers, another after seeing one in person, the one for her name day, and the last when she and her crew returned. Now they were all gone, and nothing could silence her mind of the visions she now imagined.

She looked at her cabin and the empty, cold bedding strapped to the wall. Her ears twitched.

"Not like I'd get to sleep anyway," she mumbled with a raw chuckle and pressed a button on her console. "Maf to the Captain's Cabin, now," she said, uncaring about decorum.

She needed another mind to steady hers more than dignity.

Warning Delivered! Yeeni Languages (mostly) Translated! What Now?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)
How do you wish to continue with your contact? (Intent, Desires, etc.) What information do you share? (Chaos, Daemons, Psykers, Tech, etc.) Do you try to make any pacts? (Protectorate Status? Neutrality? etc.)
We probably should explain some of the Imperium stuff. Probably explain Chaos and Psykers in general, and basically warn, "If you have people who love blood and violence or who go around spreading diseases, be careful."

I'm unsure how to warn about Tzeentech without making him seem perhaps like the least-bad of the Four, which He isn't.
We should probably tell them we have a way to help reduce the danger of traveling using Gellar shields. Otherwise the planet might erupt into mass hysteria/depression and that only helps chaos.

I'm unsure how to warn about Tzeentech without making him seem perhaps like the least-bad of the Four, which He isn't.

Beware manipulative, deceptive, lying/half truth, sneaky people? Also beware people who do anything in excess because that might be Slanesh.
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Ok, Great! Language is translated, danger is past, we can sit down and explain calmly now.

I feel bad for the yeens having to learn like this, but this is so much better then if something had actually gone wrong, So now that we have cut off the problem, we can actually open a calmer dialogue. Probably best we start off with some explaining that Yes, we are refering their drive, They are lacking a type of shielding that makes it super dangerous, We are willing to explain more later, but while we translated your language we were rushing in hopes t prevent a possible species wide tragedy.

Dangerous part is over, we have their language and they know their is something dangerous, we can afford to slow down and explain, because approaching this from a place of "Cause we said so you dumb child" Never fucking works as shown by the big golden skeleton.

It feels like just saying "Beware Plague cultists, sneaky gits, excessive people and bloodthirsty physcopaths" Leaves a lot of "No duh but why" up in the air, Its probably best to start with how their is STUFF that lives in the warp, and likes to fiddle with stuff on our side. Of course, that also feels like it could be day 3 of a week long diplomatic conference.
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We should initiate a knowledge transfer of gellar field technology to the Yeeni first and foremost. Once they have that we can tell them how to get to Cradle Station if they wish to visit.
They've been using the skimmer drive for who knows how long, and there's a big plague problem in their world. Might need to ask for permission to send some investigators (Celestial Choir with escorts) to make sure it's not a Warp-related plague.

So we want to build friendly relations with the Yeens, give them Gellar field tech, give them a briefing on the dangers of the Warp- but make sure to teach them that the dangers can be manageable with the right tools. Offer them protectorate status and ask about any large scale problems on their world so that we can see about investigating if its something truly nefarious.
we could explain that things live in the warp, and can spread a type of contagious madness. Then give them the four general ways it is expressed. Though we would for sure want a way better grasp of their language first.

In the long term, do we offer them protectorate status? Given how quickly they advanced they would be effective and they seem like good people.
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-[] 1) The Geller Field: That there are ways to reduce the risks of traveling between the Stars, and that many species have discovered them. However, that there is no such thing as total safety. The Warp is dangerous.
-[] 2) The Warp. That the warp as beings in it, including beings of the Warp, and four Ways of its Corruption attached to powerful dark beings who feed on the evil in hearts. One that feeds on manipulation and lies, one on rage and hate, one on hopelessness, despair, and disease, and one on excess and cruel decadence. Be wary for these enemies may corrupt good people and you should watch your society for organizations of Schemers, Plaguebearers, Corruptors or Bloodthirsty Monsters.
-[] 3) The Imperium of Mankind: A government flawed and evil, which has dominated much of the galaxy but not all of it, and which has withdrawn from this region. Make it clear that some in the Glittering Federation were of the Imperium, but are no longer, having been abandoned to die--those who show no kindness and mercy to those they deem enemies rarely have kindness or mercy to the innocent on their own "side."
-[] 4) The Glittering Federation: A government of and by the people, which has included even non-Humans as part of the Protectorate or, in the case of the Kil'drabi, as Kin. The basic categories and priorities, focusing especially on the moral and ethical.
-[] 5) The Kil'drabi: A full accounting of their story so as to illustrate the character of the Federation, their character and the Five Ranks that have been recently qualified.
-[] 6) The Star Child: the five-fold religion, proselytizing it with vigor but making it very clear that they would never force faith at lasgun point. Being an account of at least the generalities of the religion.
-[] 7) The Orks and other beings: Being a brief enumeration of the dangers of the Orks that caused the Imperium's retreat, and how those Left Behind righteously battled to save the innocent from destruction, and how these battles have ultimately saved tens of millions if not more, and how they are ongoing but the region is partially secure from Orks.
-[] 8) Elder: They exist. Say little else. Say they would probably prefer not to be disturbed.
-[] 9) Problems: Ask about problems they've been having, especially in light of the Information with the Warp. Offer to potentially send Psykana to scan for them, and investigators, should they ask for help. Make it clear this is not a demand, and refusal will be accepted.
-[] 10) Refusal: If they refuse, give them at least a bit of basic information to help them find problems.
-[] 11) Psykana: Explain what Psykers are and aren't. Simple terms. Very basic.
-[] 12) Trade of Information: Reveal the Five-Fold points and admit willingness in controlled circumstances to share the Geller Drive Technology and discuss the best way to make a fair trade in which the absence of knowledge on the part of one party does not become a threat.
-[] 13) Status: Offer and explain both Neutrality and Protectorate status, and leave it to them to decide or to counteroffer.
-[] 14) Inquiry: Ask of their government, way of life, culture, music, science, etc, etc. Send messages back to the educated of the Federation, and no doubt they will have more. Or requests to send crazy academics to study an entirely new people, etc, etc!

Here's what I have right now?
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Honestly, we should give them Gellar Field tech regardless of the outcome. They are already using Skimmer drives for intra-system travel. While that won't be *that* dangerous compared to trying to go to other systems, that's still a vulnerability point.

Give them Gellar Field tech no matter what.
Honestly, we should give them Gellar Field tech regardless of the outcome. They are already using Skimmer drives for intra-system travel. While that won't be *that* dangerous compared to trying to go to other systems, that's still a vulnerability point.

Give them Gellar Field tech no matter what.

We did just establish a principle of Fair Trade, so while it isn't worth much to us and we shouldn't gouge them, I do have to wonder whether we should... oh, there's an idea for a trade.

Information on music and culture and government and food and so on, etc, etc, in exchange for the Geller Field.

Both parties have their "world" expanded.
Honestly, we should give them Gellar Field tech regardless of the outcome. They are already using Skimmer drives for intra-system travel. While that won't be *that* dangerous compared to trying to go to other systems, that's still a vulnerability point.

Give them Gellar Field tech no matter what.

Agreed, gellar field tech makes US safer, because it decreases the chance of Chaos either turning their planet into a port/base, Opening a warp rifts and Daemoning everything, Or using their souls to do a big fucking ritual. It doesn't make it zero, but it gets rid of one of the easier paths to attack them.

EDIT: A trade for cultural and historical info is actually perfect, its both "trade Items" That actually benefit the party to give. It benefits us to give them the Gellar field, and assuming no part of their culture is absolutely abhorrent, or they are already practicing deamon worship, if good for them to provide information so we know more about who we are talking to. A trade of items that help the trading parties to give. a Good fair trade.
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-[] 1) The Geller Field: That there are ways to reduce the risks of traveling between the Stars, and that many species have discovered them. However, that there is no such thing as total safety. The Warp is dangerous.
-[] 2) The Warp. That the warp as beings in it, including beings of the Warp, and four Ways of its Corruption attached to powerful dark beings who feed on the evil in hearts. One that feeds on manipulation and lies, one on rage and hate, one on hopelessness, despair, and disease, and one on excess and cruel decadence. Be wary for these enemies may corrupt good people and you should watch your society for organizations of Schemers, Plaguebearers, Corruptors or Bloodthirsty Monsters.
-[] 3) The Imperium of Mankind: A government flawed and evil, which has dominated much of the galaxy but not all of it, and which has withdrawn from this region. Make it clear that some in the Glittering Federation were of the Imperium, but are no longer, having been abandoned to die--those who show no kindness and mercy to those they deem enemies rarely have kindness or mercy to the innocent on their own "side."
-[] 4) The Glittering Federation: A government of and by the people, which has included even non-Humans as part of the Protectorate or, in the case of the Kil'drabi, as Kin. The basic categories and priorities, focusing especially on the moral and ethical.
-[] 5) The Kil'drabi: A full accounting of their story so as to illustrate the character of the Federation, their character and the Five Ranks that have been recently qualified.
-[] 6) The Star Child: the five-fold religion, proselytizing it with vigor but making it very clear that they would never force faith at lasgun point. Being an account of at least the generalities of the religion.
-[] 7) The Orks and other beings: Being a brief enumeration of the dangers of the Orks that caused the Imperium's retreat, and how those Left Behind righteously battled to save the innocent from destruction, and how these battles have ultimately saved tens of millions if not more, and how they are ongoing but the region is partially secure from Orks.
-[] 8) Elder: They exist. Say little else. Say they would probably prefer not to be disturbed.
-[] 9) Problems: Ask about problems they've been having, especially in light of the Information with the Warp. Offer to potentially send Psykana to scan for them, and investigators, should they ask for help. Make it clear this is not a demand, and refusal will be accepted.
-[] 10) Refusal: If they refuse, give them at least a bit of basic information to help them find problems.
-[] 11) Psykana: Explain what Psykers are and aren't. Simple terms. Very basic.
-[] 12) Trade of Information: Reveal the Five-Fold points and propose a trade. Information on the Geller Field, therefore making all parties safer, in exchange for information on culture, music, the religions of the people of this system, dead languages, historical information, etc, etc: both parties will therefore expand their galaxy! (Also let us look for signs of Chaos.)
--[] Little did the negotiators know it was a vile trap!
---[] For one of the music genres shared by the new species would turn out to be incredibly popular among the youths, and one day, a mere decade or two later, their own children would call them lame, square, and boring for thinking that the latest music fad sounds like just noise. Even when they go, "I negotiated for that!" their children will just roll their eyes and say, "Ok, Parent."
-[] 13) Status: Offer and explain both Neutrality and Protectorate status, and leave it to them to decide or to counteroffer.
-[] 14) Inquiry: Ask of their government, way of life, culture, music, science, etc, etc. Send messages back to the educated of the Federation, and no doubt they will have more. Or requests to send crazy academics to study an entirely new people, etc, etc!

Modified version! :V
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I'm unsure how to warn about Tzeentech without making him seem perhaps like the least-bad of the Four, which He isn't.
Link the Chaos Gods to disease, they recently had one that killed around ~9% of their total population. That will make them far more receptive to "DO NOT INTERACT!" talks.
They've been using the skimmer drive for who knows how long
Eight years, as told. That's how long they had the drive.
aceraptor said:
and there's a big plague problem in their world.
*was. There was a plague problem. It was burned out via quarantine and medicine.
proselytizing it with vigor but making it very clear that they would never force faith at lasgun point.
*Until someone outright refuses to listen to the proselytizing attempts.
Remember that you are Zealots of the Star Child, and those who cannot be brought into the fold by peaceful means shall be taught to heed the harbingers of a better Age.
(You also do not have any restrictions on forcing faith by force, I checked.)
Link the Chaos Gods to disease, they recently had one that killed around ~9% of their total population. That will make them far more receptive to "DO NOT INTERACT!" talks.
Eight years, as told. That's how long they had the drive.
*was. There was a plague problem. It was burned out via quarantine and medicine.

*Until someone outright refuses to listen to the proselytizing attempts.
Remember that you are Zealots of the Star Child, and those who cannot be brought into the fold by peaceful means shall be taught to heed the harbingers of a better Age.
(You also do not have any restrictions on forcing faith by force, I checked.)

I'll change it to, "Will not in this case do so" because I'm pretty sure that diplomats wouldn't go, "Oh, but if you piss us off enough we'll attack and convert you."
Sure hope they accept, "Sorry about not actually talking to you, but once we saw you were relatively stable and the system wasn't on fire or filled with enemies, we had to deal with the 100 other raging Promethium fires that had broken out. We really do feel bad that we could only find time to rush back over here when we noticed you were about a big mistake, But we have been Rushing from Crisis to crisis" as a explanation for why we never actually contacted them lmao

*was. There was a plague problem. It was burned out via quarantine and medicine.

Look at that! they already have 50% of how to deal with chaos! Just replace "Medicine" with "Fire" for 75% of them and their golden!

Yah, Definitely make sure our diplomats know that we can take time with converting them, There basically toddlers, we can take time to actually talk and guide them without resorting to harsh methods. Not like these are imperials.
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[] Plan: Easy as One Two Three... Fourteen? The Fourteen Points?!
-[] 1) The Geller Field: That there are ways to reduce the risks of traveling between the Stars, and that many species have discovered them. However, that there is no such thing as total safety. The Warp is dangerous.
-[] 2) The Warp. That the warp as beings in it, including beings of the Warp, and four Ways of its Corruption attached to powerful dark beings who feed on the evil in hearts. One that feeds on manipulation and lies, one on rage and hate, one on hopelessness, despair, and disease, and one on excess and cruel decadence. Be wary for these enemies may corrupt good people and you should watch your society for organizations of Schemers, Plaguebearers, Obsessionists or Bloodthirsty Monsters. Compare it to an illness of the mind, heart and soul, as well as the body, and acknowledge that major disasters on their planet may be the Warp.
-[] 3) The Imperium of Mankind: A government flawed and evil, which has dominated much of the galaxy but not all of it, and which has withdrawn from this region. Make it clear that some in the Glittering Federation were of the Imperium, but are no longer, having been abandoned to die--those who show no kindness and mercy to those they deem enemies rarely have kindness or mercy to the innocent on their own "side."
-[] 4) The Glittering Federation: A government of and by the people, which has included even non-Humans as part of the Protectorate or, in the case of the Kil'drabi, as Kin. The basic categories and priorities, focusing especially on the moral and ethical.
-[] 5) The Kil'drabi: A full accounting of their story so as to illustrate the character of the Federation, their character and the Five Ranks that have been recently qualified.
-[] 6) The Star Child: the five-fold religion, proselytizing it with vigor but making it very clear that you shall not be trying to force them to convert at this moment. (Leave out the fact that you're not necessarily religiously opposed to Forced Conversion, this is diplomacy.) Create an account of at least the generalities of the religion. Give it your best pitch.
-[] 7) The Orks and other beings: Being a brief enumeration of the dangers of the Orks that caused the Imperium's retreat, and how those Left Behind righteously battled to save the innocent from destruction, and how these battles have ultimately saved tens of millions if not more, and how they are ongoing but the region is partially secure from Orks. Make it clear that this is the situation that led to leaving them be after the incident involving suspected attack, and that it is only now moving towards one stage of resolution.
-[] 8) Elder: They exist. Say little else. Say they would probably prefer not to be disturbed.
-[] 9) Problems: Ask about problems they've been having, especially in light of the Information with the Warp. Offer to potentially send Psykana to scan for them, and investigators, should they ask for help. Make it clear this is not a demand, and refusal will be accepted.
-[] 10) Refusal: If they refuse, give them at least a bit of basic information to help them find problems.
-[] 11) Psykana: Explain what Psykers are and aren't. Simple terms. Very basic.
-[] 12) Trade of Information: Reveal the Five-Fold points and propose a trade. Information on the Geller Field, therefore making all parties safer, in exchange for information on culture, music, the religions of the people of this system, dead languages, historical information, etc, etc: both parties will therefore expand their galaxy! (Also let us look for signs of Chaos.)
--[] Little did the negotiators know it was a vile trap!
---[] For one of the music genres shared by the new species would turn out to be incredibly popular among the youths, and one day, a mere decade or two later, their own children would call them lame, square, and boring for thinking that the latest music fad sounds like just noise. Even when they go, "I negotiated for that!" their children will just roll their eyes and say, "Ok, Parent."
-[] 13) Status: Offer and explain both Neutrality and Protectorate status, and leave it to them to decide or to counteroffer.
-[] 14) Inquiry: Ask of their government, way of life, culture, music, science, etc, etc. Send messages back to the educated of the Federation, and no doubt they will have more. Or requests to send crazy academics to study an entirely new people, etc, etc!
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Should we make sure that the "used to be part of the imperium" is properly denoted as 500~ ish years? Used to be part of the imperium makes it sounds more recent, and while 500ish years is incredibly recent to us and the imperium, to a young species, 500 years at the very least isn't as recent and should buy us bit more good will. Right now they think we fought a war on their behalf, or at least for their territory, Learning were just picking up the pieces and used to be part of the archangels could transfer some of the feelings of the archangels unto us.
I'll change it to, "Will not in this case do so" because I'm pretty sure that diplomats wouldn't go, "Oh, but if you piss us off enough we'll attack and convert you."
Ah, ye, sorry. Am a bit tired right now, so things don't register correctly. :V
Am going to sleep now, so if anyone has any questions, please ask them now before I go to bed.
properly denoted as 500~ ish years?
For you (the starting players/seed = Cradle Station)? Never. You were Dark Mechanicum slaves that rose up.
The rest has joined within the span of the last ~330 years.
Do you have any pictures of what the Space hyena's look like?
Like this, but with big hands. Beeeg hands. Think Snow Leopard proportions.

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Ah, ye, sorry. Am a bit tired right now, so things don't register correctly. :V
Am going to sleep now, so if anyone has any questions, please ask them now before I go to bed.

Do you have any pictures of what the Space hyena's look like?

EDIT: Cool!

Wonder what evolutionary pressures led to the extra big hands. Leftover evolutionary straight from having to walk on surfaces with low surface tension just like snow leopards? Is the arm similar sized as their hands, like how the leopards legs look similarly thick? If the arms are relatively thicker like the hands, It might be a evolutionary weapon, Letting them swing their claws, and then a weapon faster and harder.

Anthropomorphism itself isn't that strange of a evolutionary trait, and thats if the warp doesn't have any effect on the form of evolving species. Between the eldar, orks and humans and their relative effect on the warp and the chaos gods as their primary food source, it could be promoting bipedalism in species with large enough souls that wouldn't have originally evolved that way.

Poor yeenas are about to have so many of their starry eyes visions crushed. the archangels weren't close to the most dangerous thing in the stars, the Miracle drive opens a hole into hell, but its still the only manner of ftl, and the watchers didn't fight or protect them at all, except blowing up an old station and possibly stopping the ork waaagh from spreading in their direction.
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