What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
[] Plan: A Moment for Faith
-[] [Faith] Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Siblinghoods, And Orders of Faith
-[] [Faith] Monuments for Martyrs, Graves for the Forgotten
-[] [Faith] Psykana Of The Outside And Unknown
-[] [General] Forge Closer Economic/Political/Spiritual Ties With The Yeeni
[] Plan: If You Are What You Eat, Then the Yeeni are Bones And, This Decade, + Scale increase
-[] [General] Forge Closer Economic/Political/Spiritual Ties With The Yeeni
-[] [Military] Karnivore Sanctification And Manufactorium
-[] Ultima Sigritta
-[] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete)
--[] Unity

basically the same as laurent plan except it gets rid of the song action to instead keep the colonzation push going by putting one ap on it which I think is very impormant we do so we can increase the scale of our actions
No, we don't need to colonize more right now, we already have two new colonies. Let's digest our gains before we start looking out again.

The Song is very important, however, as that's what makes maintaining our society more practical.
[] Plan: If You Are What You Eat, Then the Yeeni are Bones And, This Decade, We Are Psykana and Steel
-[] [General] Forge Closer Economic/Political/Spiritual Ties With The Yeeni
-[] [Military] Karnivore Sanctification And Manufactorium
-[] Ultima Sigritta
-[] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete)
--[] Unity

basically the same as laurent plan except it gets rid of the song action to instead keep the colonzation push going by putting one ap on it which I think is very impormant we do so we can increase the scale of our actions

...please don't make a plan literally stealing my plan name and changing something about it. At least make it a variant or something?
No, we don't need to colonize more right now, we already have two new colonies. Let's digest our gains before we start looking out again.
I don't think we actually need to worry about digesting our gain here or anything they talk 5-10 turns to get up to full effeciny not something we need to worry about here imo
...please don't make a plan literally stealing my plan name and changing something about it. At least make it a variant or something?
I already edited the post and changed the plan name before u replied to this
I am most definitely in favor for Karnivores this turn, Our poor Knights are sitting around at 0% strength, have nothing to even practice with. Not to mention, even armigers are a very powerful battlefield unit, So it's better to develop them now instead of trying to do it when the next fucking oil fire flares up. Its 40k, If we try to put it off for when we don't have a Dumpster fire going on, we will never have actually used our lucky reward lmao.
I agree that new colonies should come after the Karnivore and the Astropath and Navigator Songs.

So around 2 turns from now.

Another thing we should add on the docket is poking our heads into End of Line. Because if they are pirates they need to be squashed, if they are not they could probably benefit from hearing of our lord and saviour the Star Child.
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I agree that new colonies should come after the Karnivore and the Astropath and Navigator Songs.

So around 2 turns from now.

Another thing we should add on the docket is poking our heads into End of Line. Because if they are pirates they need to be squashed, if they are not they could probably benefit from hearing of our lord and saviour the Star Child.

Oh yeah, that probably is important, though at the moment they're not a huge danger. I do think, if there's some major threat in the next sector, we should probably bite the bullet and begin expanding towards the Imperium to see what the fuck is happening over there.

I have a question regarding 1.5 of the [] [General] Integrate the Kil'drabi Kin (1.5/2) autocompletes on the next turn?

Yep, it's completing this turn, which means we actually have FIVE actions, effectively. Which is nifty!
[] Plan:???A
-[] Heavy Industry II
[] [Military] Karnivore Sanctification And Manufactorium
[] [General] Forge Closer Economic/Political/Spiritual Ties With The Yeeni

-[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[] Song, Humanity, Protection, The Sun, The Home, Fire

[] Plan:???B
-[] Military Industry III
[] [Military] Karnivore Sanctification And Manufactorium
[] [General] Forge Closer Economic/Political/Spiritual Ties With The Yeeni
-[] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete)
--[] Unity
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@HeroCooky I am surprised the Lamenters have stuck around this long, considering what the Imperium will think if they get caught with us. Or has Chapter Master Chyron decided that the chapters future is with us and all he can do is ensure it lives another day?
An Action to establish an Order of History to better direct and structure your efforts to keep your history and that of the galaxy in order. Also grab STCs if possible.
I have a question regarding 1.5 of the [] [General] Integrate the Kil'drabi Kin (1.5/2) autocompletes on the next turn?
Yes, it does.
@HeroCooky I am surprised the Lamenters have stuck around this long, considering what the Imperium will think if they get caught with us. Or has Chapter Master Chyron decided that the chapters future is with us and all he can do is ensure it lives another day?
He is hovering on the edge of "I need to be here to ensure they don't get murdered the moment the Imperium arrives" and "...I am...doing what I was meant...to do. I am protecting humanity. I am guarding the innocent...and doing it here feels...right."
Archeologic records for their species puts them at 18,000, which means that the sapient form of Yeeni would have developed around 32k~.
You are off by several thousand years. They have record placing their origin at around ~M24.
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Age Range: ~60 years for individuals, ~18.000 years assumed by archeological records.
Technology Level: Warp Space.
Psychological Compatibility: High.
Physiological Compatibility: High-Extreme. Notably, their diet consists mostly (70%) of bones.

Hmmm, I feel like this tilts the scale for their origins that I was talking about. Archeologic records for their species puts them at 18,000, which means that the sapient form of Yeeni would have developed around 32k~.

Notably, 32k decreases the chance that they are human decedents, as not only would their archeological record includeweird space stuff, Its about 3000 years to late. If the Doat Humans were furry's where ancestors, they would have been around sooner, such as 29k or 31k. In this case, That puts the first archological records as to late to reasonably assume descendance.

On the contrary, That time frame is actually PERFECT for if their ancestors where earth strain hyena's dumped on a planet as an experiment/ Biophorming project. If we assume some form of genetic plasticity to help them survive better, Speeding up evolution, That time frame is actually near prefect, Giving then 2-3000 years to go from Genetically modified hyena's into the Modern sapients, similar to what happened to ogryn or ratlings.

Speaking of, high-extreme is right, Humans can eat bones, and their are recipes to extract as much nutrition as posssible, but without lots of processing/cooking, bones are typically the least useful parts of a animal with some exceptions. That means, even without a large amount of food processing, humans and yeena's could reasonably survive off the same livestock without actually doubling up the stress on the food source, overlapping to a degree, which is really good if Yeeni and Humans every settle a colony world together, while at the same time being able to share, so you don't need two different farms.

You are off by several thousand years. They have record placing their origin at around ~M24.
Oh... I'm a big dumb who can't math.
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[] Plan: If You Are What You Eat, Then the Yeeni are Bones And, This Decade, We Are Psykana and Industry
-[] [General] Forge Closer Economic/Political/Spiritual Ties With The Yeeni
-[] [General] Construct Something
--[] Heavy Industry II

-[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[] Song, Humanity, Protection, The Sun, The Home, Fire
-[] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete)
--[] Unity

Basically Laurent's plan but with Heavy Industry instead of Karnivores.
Are there background rolls for population growth or have all the various food and civilian industry, medical upgrades just been narrative and to avoid getting a malus?
An Action to establish an Order of History to better direct and structure your efforts to keep your history and that of the galaxy in order. Also grab STCs if possible.

Yes, it does.

He is hovering on the edge of "I need to be here to ensure they don't get murdered the moment the Imperium arrives" and "...I am...doing what I was meant...to do. I am protecting humanity. I am guarding the innocent...and doing it here feels...right."
You are off by several thousand years. They have record placing their origin at around ~M24.
I dont want to take the Lamenters for granted, barring us going Chaos, are we ever going to be at risk of losing the allegiance of the Lamenters? Especially considering that Candle Keepers are the *only* source of recruits Chyron has access to? Like we fully anticipate hostile conflict with the Imperium of Man who are going to come kill us and they wont be too kind to the Lamenters if they fight on our side.
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Are there background rolls for population growth or have all the various food and civilian industry, medical upgrades just been narrative and to avoid getting a malus?
There are no background rolls for that stuff, but they govern your ability to perform and maintain your economy, actions, and nation. They also unlock permanent goodies if you reach certain milestones.
I dont want to take the Lamenters for granted, barring us going Chaos, are we ever going to be at risk of losing the allegiance of the Lamenters?
The Lamenters, as a Chapter and as their Culture, are Ride Together, Die Together in their mentality and dealings. Unless you go Chaos, they will stand by you.

They have already fought against the Imperium on the matter of Honor and Chapter Independence for those they considered their only true allies and friends, only ceasing resistance when it was revealed to them that the same friends had been Chaos corrupted. Chyron still remembers that, and has fought in the following Punishment Crusade, before working for the Inquisition until he got grabbed by a Dark Mechanicum ship and ended up with you.

He was at the lowest possible point there is for a Space Marine, and you did nothing but support and aid him and the Lamenters.

At this point, there is a 50/50 chance he'd tell Rowboat Grillmaster to fuck off if ordered to attack you.
There are no background rolls for that stuff, but they govern your ability to perform and maintain your economy, actions, and nation. They also unlock permanent goodies if you reach certain milestones.
The Lamenters, as a Chapter and as their Culture, are Ride Together, Die Together in their mentality and dealings. Unless you go Chaos, they will stand by you.

They have already fought against the Imperium on the matter of Honor and Chapter Independence for those they considered their only true allies and friends, only ceasing resistance when it was revealed to them that the same friends had been Chaos corrupted. Chyron still remembers that, and has fought in the following Punishment Crusade, before working for the Inquisition until he got grabbed by a Dark Mechanicum ship and ended up with you.

He was at the lowest possible point there is for a Space Marine, and you did nothing but support and aid him and the Lamenters.

At this point, there is a 50/50 chance he'd tell Rowboat Grillmaster to fuck off if ordered to attack you.
The blood we spill together runs thicker than the water of the womb.
After reading the update a bit more, I've got to say things when pretty well, though unfortunate that we sort of have the Yeeni a species wide depression they at least know just how fucked this galaxy is. And the fact that their opinions of us have only grown makes things a lot easier.

Another thing we should add on the docket is poking our heads into End of Line. Because if they are pirates they need to be squashed, if they are not they could probably benefit from hearing of our lord and saviour the Star Child.

Agreed, we should scout them out the following turn. Compared to the Orks I see this Pirate Den as a cake walk (assuming Chaos doesn't have a hand there that is).
For the next few turns, can we work on giving our various industries some love? There's always going to be some special action to do one thing or another, but this needs doing.

Getting everything up to level 5 at the very least would be adequate.
They also unlock permanent goodies if you reach certain milestones.

That's part of my original question, it doesn't feel like those bonuses to those industries, outside of void industry, have had any effect. I know we are only going to have three actions every but civilian infrastructure getting us an extra two actions the first ten levels would have made sense.
That's part of my original question, it doesn't feel like those bonuses to those industries, outside of void industry, have had any effect. I know we are only going to have three actions every but civilian infrastructure getting us an extra two actions the first ten levels would have made sense.
As explained in the FAQ, there will only ever be three Actions. You get an extra One on special occasions, but only rarely. And getting 5 Civ Ind is not on that list.

And to point it out; the thread did pick only Lore-relevant Milestone Bonuses, not Quest-Mechanical ones.