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[:V] Why is Yuma and Dante here- oh god look at that combo go- welp bye bye witch.

[] The Endurance Witch
-[] The Labyrinth seems to be a coliseum of sorts, and the Labyrinth functions like one too. Every round, the familiars get tougher and tougher until the Witch spawns on the final round. ...There seems there might be someone/some people already here, your not sure yet though.
--[] The Familiar take the form of various kids of armored fighters, some look akin to knights with swords, others bowmen, shielders, and spear wielders. On some later rounds, there may be some more mage like Familiars, each on having a color and using fire, water, earth, or wind magic.
---[] The Witch itself, when it spawns, takes the form of an armored lion with the top half of its face missing, a bristle of spears poking out of the hole where the top half used to be.
----[] Well, there is no time like the present: See about you and Madoka trying out the first challenge if everyone is okay with that, with Homura and Mami ready to jump in if something goes wrong. If not, you and Madoka can focus on Familars by themselves while Mami and Homura handle the main batch.

Edit: Kutenaiabi gave a great idea for what the Witch itself would look like- Thanks!

I like this idea, we should be trying to level Sayaka and Madoka up with this if we can. Further more, I want to make it open for the QM to surprise us with the dynamics of who may be in this Labyrinth. For all we know they could throw in a new demon summoner or magical girl and wouldn't that make things more fun!

Btw what would you say the level of Sayaka and Madoka is right now? I'm guessing like 3-5, maybe around 10 if we want to be generous?
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[:V] Why is Yuma and Dante here- oh god look at that combo go- welp bye bye witch.

[X] The Endurance Witch
-[X] The Labyrinth seems to be a coliseum of sorts, and the Labyrinth functions like one too. Every round, the familiars get tougher and tougher until the Witch spawns on the final round. ...There seems there might be someone/some people already here, your not sure yet though.
--[X] Well, there is no time like the present: See about you and Madoka trying out the first challenge if everyone is okay with that, with Homura and Mami ready to jump in if something goes wrong. If not, you and Madoka can focus on Familars by themselves while Mami and Homura handle the main batch.

Do you want to describe what the Witch itself looks like? And if you don't have an idea, I have one I really like.
[X] Isiri Pudireach

The Endurance Witch sounds like a great way to get someone killed via getting overconfident from earlier waves. This is Mami Tomoe leading her kohais we're talking about here...

Wait if this is mostly SMT Strange Journey Demons, I can't get my boi Seigfried?

Drains Physical, level 61 with 67 in all stats, comes with Endure SMT IV Siegfried? Not as an enemy in the Labryinth, I hope! :o
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Ha. Might be interesting.

"As your people say, 'give me a ring' when you're strong enough to fight dragons. ...on second thought, no rings. Or belts. In fact, don't call me, I'll call you."

"You're killing me, here."

"That's what I'm worried about, in reverse."

Sigurd/Siegfried/Sigurðr/whatever's death involved a ring and belt stolen from a woman in an massively shitstormy bit of drama and... well, stuff I'd need to put trigger warnings on. Suffice it to say he'd want nothing to do with rings from girls, even if telephone rings are unrelated.
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Tldr is that Sigurd, in the guise of Kriemhild's brother Gunnar, is forced into pressuring Brynhildr into a marriage with Gunnar by falsely passing a trial she set up in a way she believed only Sigurd could accomplish and takes a ring and belt from her. These are then gifted to Kriemhild which eventually sets up the dominoes leading to almost everyone involved or otherwise related to them getting killed in revenge and grief.

Brynhildr would make for a interesting Witch concept. A divine Valkyrie who suffered repeated tragedies before eventually falling on a sword in grief.
hmm, I'm surprised no one else gave any Witch ideas. I thought people would us this as a an excuse to pop off. Even if you don't vote for em, this is a good excuse to throw some Witch Ideas at the QM for later.

Here is another one from me I've had on my brain for a while that I would like to throw down (Can you guess what inspired this?)
[X] The Toy Maker Witch
-[X] The Labyrinth takes the form of a winding factory, that goes deeper and deeper into the earth. Inside there are ruined toys layed about with red stains around them. The familiars of the Labyrinth come in many shapes, teddy bears, dolls, small toy bots, all of which are rather weak but do not stop until either they have filled themselves full of meat or have been ripped to literal shreds. The Witch at the bottom of the Labyrinth takes the form of a small girl in a cage with one way mirrors for walls (being able to see in, but not out), endlessly making new toys to be put out into her Labyrinth to spend the time. The Witch itself is rather friendly, and does not attempt to harm anyone, even acting as if she was still a little girl. The real threat comes from the large toys that surrounds her, much stronger familiars that feed themselves on the smaller ones. Beating these won't even cause the Witch to act violently either... maybe she can be reasoned with?

This child, before she became what she is now, had severe depression, which at times got to the point where she couldn't even leave her bed. She never gave up against it though, and actively pushed herself to keep a healthy mind. When the Incubator came for her, she Wished for what she had been trying to for so long, that no matter what happens, she would always be able to pull herself back together.

The power born of this Wish was to allow herself to literally stitch herself back together like a toy and to always be able to get back up, emotionally, physically, and mentally. She still suffered sadness, and despair, but she never got into borderline catatonic depression territory, and it never was something she couldn't recover from. Her Wish also protected her from those emotions clouding her Soul Gem, as well as protecting her from the Soul Gem's taint effecting her mind.

She only became a Witch due to over using her magic to save people from a powerful Witch in her city, in what she thought was a self sacrifice, knowing both what a Soul Gem really was, and that something bad happened when her Soul Gem got fully black, but thinking it was death, instead of what she soon became.

When she woke up as the Toy Maker Witch, her memories of her past became rather unfocused and hard to recall, however her Wish still protected her even now, preventing the Witchification Process from altering her mind and keeping her somewhat human. She spent her time in the Labyrinth alone, trapped within her cage, unable to leave it, and soon found herself losing it from isolation. It was then that she found that she could make things within her cage, having any material she wanted come straight out of the walls. And so she made a friend, and another, and another, until she had a group of friends she could talk to.

She continued on, until she ran out of room within her cage... so she asked the Cage to put those toys away, and so it did- just not how she thought. Those Toys became Familiars who now stalk the halls of the Labyrinth, always hungry, always hunting. and when there wasn't any outsiders, they fed on each other.

Even now she continues this, unaware of anything she is doing. Should someone enter her Cage, she would be very friendly, and border line clingy from being heavily touched starved, imprinting on the first person she saw. She might slur a-ton at first, not used to talking with people at all. If she learned about what her toys became, she would be devastated for a very long time at what she had done, apologizing as much as she could for what her creations had become for months while hugging onto the person her imprinted onto.

I'm not sure about the rules of Witches much, but my current idea is that should she be taken out of the her Labyrinth, it would decay and disappear, leaving her in the outside world (homeless). She can kinda survive on normal food, but still needs to eat negative emotions from people time to time if she wants to stay healthy, but maybe that would be a boon to someone who gets sad all the time.

I meant to make this quick and just share it... but now I've spent an hour on this Witch (kinda inspired by Bebe as well, not gonna lie to ya)... why am I like this? Anyways this is my vote now- feel free to do what you wish with it!
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might as well give this a shot then

[X] The Twin Doll Witches
-[X] Twin Witches that resemble western porcelain dolls with long black hair, wearing a vague french maid uniform, and a single black halo with cracks between them, one with blue eyes and another with red eyes. the Blue Eyed Witch is the Fallen Knight Witch and the Red Eyed Witch is the Abandoned Servant Witch. The Labyrinth is a ruined city with a red sky and a single tower that has fallen in half. The witches' minions look like smaller porcelain dolls with various different head ornaments and all wield weapons that vaguely resemble plastic toy firearms, all with black halos with cracks. The Red Witch is fast and will defend the Blue Witch, even though the Blue Witch has much better defense. The Blue Witch will occasionally fire a powerful beam of black and blue energy.
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hmm, I'm surprised no one else gave any Witch ideas. I thought people would us this as a an excuse to pop off. Even if you don't vote for em, this is a good excuse to throw some Witch Ideas at the QM for later.
I did provide one with my vote:
-[] The Labrynth looks like a school, with origami Familiars. The Witch looks like the Wonderland boss from Kingdom Hearts 1. All relatively weak. Good for training. There is a small band of low level Neutral demons that got pulled in and are fighting the familiars.
If Witches had some sort of online advice WitchTube service, I can just imagine this being a thing. Maybe. I dunno, I'm tired and have eaten an entire bowl of ice cream, I'm sugar-charged. :p

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