[X] +7 STR, +1 LUK
-[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath
[X] Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)
[X] Confess that you were messing with them, and don't think they don't feel that way about each other, and honestly never thought one way or the other about it. Add that yes, girls can love girls, and that you'll personally punchisize the face of anyone who tries to give them a problem. Fo' free.
-[X] If anyone asks if you're into girls, fluster. "Every sapphic is valid except me. I mean, I'm not sapphic, I'm just trying to be a good ally! Moving on!"
-[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath
[X] Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)
[X] Confess that you were messing with them, and don't think they don't feel that way about each other, and honestly never thought one way or the other about it. Add that yes, girls can love girls, and that you'll personally punchisize the face of anyone who tries to give them a problem. Fo' free.
-[X] If anyone asks if you're into girls, fluster. "Every sapphic is valid except me. I mean, I'm not sapphic, I'm just trying to be a good ally! Moving on!"
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