If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • No.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 46.7%

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[X] +7 STR, +1 LUK
-[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath

[X] Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)

[X] Confess that you were messing with them, and don't think they don't feel that way about each other, and honestly never thought one way or the other about it. Add that yes, girls can love girls, and that you'll personally punchisize the face of anyone who tries to give them a problem. Fo' free.
-[X] If anyone asks if you're into girls, fluster. "Every sapphic is valid except me. I mean, I'm not sapphic, I'm just trying to be a good ally! Moving on!"
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[X] +7 STR, +1 LUK
-[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath
[X] Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)
[X] +7 STR, +1 LUK
-[X] Ask Grandma to teach up her super-strong Mute-infliction spell, replacing Maragi
-[X] Replace Posumudi and Zanma with Ziodyne and Acid Breath

This will be our greatest weapon in the fight against Kyubey, whether it's Makajam or Makajamon or whatever. Because no, it will not keep its mouth shut if it feels it can extract more energy. I know it's experimenting with "equals" and all, but that doesn't mean it won't resume trying to recruit after the demon invasion is over, or otherwise fail to keep its mouth shut.

[X] Restrike: The first Dawn-Involved attack roll that would miss is rerolled once per fight.

Coddamnit I want to complete the set, but better options just keep coming up!

[X] Confess that you were messing with them, and don't think they don't feel that way about each other, and honestly never thought one way or the other about it. Add that yes, girls can love girls, and that you'll personally punchisize the face of anyone who tries to give them a problem. Fo' free.
-[X] If anyone asks if you're into girls, fluster. "Every sapphic is valid except me. I mean, I'm not sapphic, I'm just trying to be a good ally! Moving on!"
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[X] Confess that you were messing with them, and know they don't feel that way about each other.
-[X] "Which is good, because I think at least half the student body would riot if you were, and I'm not just talking about the boys. You're both kind of the type that everyone has at least a bit of a crush on."

Edit: Additionally, I feel like I have to include this given the chapter title:

Such devastation! This was absolutely my intention!
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This has gone just as perfect as I wished for. Big Sis Yumi to rescue and/or embarrassment.
Personally, I feel like we could twist the knife just a smidge more by bouncing off Mami's flustered remark on how Homura's rather pretty herself by commenting on how the hell she manages to get her hair so bloody perfect all the time, but I have no idea how to WORDS it.
(Seriously, how does Homuhomu manage that?)
[X] +7 STR, +1 LUK
-[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath

[X] Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)

[X] Confess that you were messing with them, and know they don't feel that way about each other.
I know it's experimenting with "equals" and all, but that doesn't mean it won't resume trying to recruit after the demon invasion is over, or otherwise fail to keep its mouth shut.
That will probably just make it our enemy again and have it going back to attacking us when we're away. You know this right?

Besides, muting isn't permanent and Yumi has no reason to know it exists.

At least, not that I recall.
Grandma had cast a silence spell earlier iirc
Oh yeah, that. God, Yumi is way too busted. Silence as an effect is super broken as well, cause it locks you out of spells.

Mostly cause we can silence, buff up before they hurt us too much, then just one shot for easy boss kill. It's either broken or useless with no in between.
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That will probably just make it our enemy again and have it going back to attacking us when we're away. You know this right?

Besides, muting isn't permanent and Yumi has no reason to know it exists.

At least, not that I recall.

Uh, what? It has no reason to believe we're acquiring the ability for that reason, and it has agreed to leave our family and us alone to work as we wish, so it wouldn't have a complaint about us learning it?

Further, Grandma threatened to silence someone so hard it wouldn't wear off for like a week, earlier, in Yumi's hearing?
Uh, what? It has no reason to believe we're acquiring the ability for that reason, and it has agreed to leave our family and us alone to work as we wish, so it wouldn't have a complaint about us learning it?
I'm sorry, I assumed we would actually use the ability in the way you said. I guess we aren't?
Further, Grandma threatened to silence someone so hard it wouldn't wear off for like a week, earlier, in Yumi's hearing?
Still not permanent. Also, does muting one body mute all the Kyubeys or just the one? It's imoportant.
I'm sorry, I assumed we would actually use the ability in the way you said. I guess we aren't?

We are if it tries pressuring Madoka to contract, that's for sure. Or tries to Witch-out one of our friends.

That agreement we got Kyubey to agree to only lasts as long as the demonic incursion does, after all, and even then I don't trust it to not decide to model human morality off a self-centered shortsighted politician when considering shenanigans.

Like, for example, deciding again that we aren't making sufficient progress solving the incursion to count as our holding up our end of the bargain.

Still not permanent. Also, does muting one body mute all the Kyubeys or just the one? It's imoportant.

It doesn't need to be permanent, it just needs to last long enough to cast foot.

As for the question, that entirely depends on whether the spell counts each body separately, or the whole technological I Can't Believe It's Not Eldritch Abomination single-identity network as one unified being.

In any case, Makajam doesn't cost that much MP, we can just spam it if we need to, if it comes to that.

And like you said, it's a pretty broken skill against SMT bosses who aren't resistant or immune to ailments.
"I'm trying to do some "brotherly bonding" with Vergil," Dante begins, taking another sip of his drink, "But I can't take him anywhere! Like, I tried taking him to a casino once, and not one person played at our table. Then, he spun the slots one time. As soon as he lost, he cut the damn thing in half!"
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM, finished with 27 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)
    [X] Confess that you were messing with them, and know they don't feel that way about each other.
    [X] +7 STR, +1 LUK
    -[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath
    [X] Confess that you were messing with them, and don't think they don't feel that way about each other, and honestly never thought one way or the other about it. Add that yes, girls can love girls, and that you'll personally punchisize the face of anyone who tries to give them a problem. Fo' free.
    -[X] If anyone asks if you're into girls, fluster. "Every sapphic is valid except me. I mean, I'm not sapphic, I'm just trying to be a good ally! Moving on!"
    [X] +8 LUK
    -[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath
    [X] +7 STRM +1 LUK
    -[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath
    [X] +7 STR, +1 LUK
    -[X] Ask Grandma to teach up her super-strong Mute-infliction spell, replacing Maragi
    -[X] Replace Posumudi and Zanma with Ziodyne and Acid Breath
    [X] Restrike: The first Dawn-Involved attack roll that would miss is rerolled once per fight.
    [X] Confess that you were messing with them, and know they don't feel that way about each other.
    -[X] "Which is good, because I think at least half the student body would riot if you were, and I'm not just talking about the boys. You're both kind of the type that everyone has at least a bit of a crush on."
678: Recovery
[X] Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)
[X] +7 STR, +1 LUK
-[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath

OOC: Just putting these here for the ease of editing stats and stuff.

[X] Confess that you were messing with them, and know they don't feel that way about each other.

You sigh, chuckling a little, "I'm just messing with you guys!" You smile, "I know you two aren't an item!"

Mami huffs, putting her hands on her hips, "That was embarrassing, Yumi! How would you feel if--?"

"Don't do that again." Homura stares at you with an icy glare.

You put your hands up defensively, "I saw an opportunity for comedy, and I took it. Sorry if it got to you."

"Apology accepted." Mami nods, looking to Homura, "Are you still up for that contest?"

Homura huffs, "Honestly, I just want to hunt something. If only to take my mind off of..." She points to you.

You wave to Homura as she points at you, a content smile on your face.

"That's fair. I suppose the challenge can wait until tomorrow. Besides, I'd rather go into that contest with a clear mind." Mami winks, "Wouldn't want to lose my cool, would I?"

"Absolutely. Losing focus on a Witch's Labyrinth will result in a swift death." Homura agrees, "I am still going to hunt a Witch tonight."

"Cool, I'm coming too." Kyoko tells the raven haired girl, "This is still technically my stomping ground and all. Plus, it couldn't really hurt to start learning everyone's fighting style!"

"Kyoko, that was..." Mami blinks, "...Surprisingly well thought out!"

"Hey, even I can have a good idea once and a while!" Kyoko smirks, "Anyone else coming?"

Kirika looks to Oriko, and the ivory girl simply nods in return.

"Count me in!" Kirika rallies, hopping out of her seat.

"So, just the four of us, then?" Mami claps softly, "Okay! Let's get going! Thanks for having us, Yumi!"

"Make sure to thank your grandparents for dinner." Homura nods, walking past. "And don't do that again."

"Bye bye, Oriko!" Kirika waves, "I'll get you something nice on the way home!"

Oriko smiles to herself, waving back. "Don't take too long, dear."

Kyoko simply walks by you, seemingly excited to fight something tonight.

Just as they walk out, Grandpa walks into the dining room.


"...Wait, when did you leave?" Sayaka asks, clearly confused.

"Yumi, can I talk to you real quick?" Grandpa asks, motioning his head to the hallway.

[] ??????????????????????????
[X] "Sure what's up? Was gonna take a walk anyway, clear my head before it all goes down."

Don't see why not, I am also curious on what grandpa has to say. Odds are that it's about the "under the bed" thing.
[X] "No... but you can talk to me at a normal pace. I know your tricks!" Go with him.
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