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[X] "Are you girls sure? After the first one, the only Witch I fought that survived more than one hit was actually three of them fused together. So it might be a short match."
First, which Witch are you counting as the first one? Because the one that would come to mind for most of them is the one that had Nagisa in its Labyrinth (Updates 43-45).

Second, are you only counting hits that Yumi got in? Because Hiroko's Witch, Nori's Witch and the Vulture Witch were all damaged by our Demons before Yumi actually landed a hit. Furthermore, the one from Updates 413-415 survived both a Mazio from Raiju and two hits from Yumi's Maragi.
[X] "Sure, what the hell. Let's see what trouble we can get into tonight."

Because you know Yumi is going to get mixed up in something when she steps out of the house. Yumi is basically bait for incidents. If it's not magical girls, it's random demons picking a fight.
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[X] "Only if we have backup whose job is to not be distracted by competition or tunnel-visioned in the middle of a combat zone, and to make sure nobody loses their head."
-[X] "If that's covered -- I can't watch everyone at once after all -- and it'll get you two to stop flirting right in front of my spaghetti, sure."

In-character, Yumi's just referring to someone getting hot-headed and trying to show them both how it's supposed to be done, Kyoko. /j Out-of-universe, wellllll....

Wait, what time is it now in-universe? We've had a lot of stuff happen today, and I'm sure at least some of the girls have homework to do.
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[X] "Only if we have backup whose job is to not be distracted by competition or tunnel-visioned in the middle of a combat zone, and to make sure nobody loses their head."
-[X] "If that's covered -- I can't watch everyone at once after all -- and it'll get you two to stop flirting right in front of my spaghetti, sure."
[X] "Only if we have backup whose job is to not be distracted by competition or tunnel-visioned in the middle of a combat zone, and to make sure nobody loses their head."
-[X] "If that's covered -- I can't watch everyone at once after all -- and it'll get you two to stop flirting right in front of my spaghetti, sure."
Yumi: Right in front of my spaghetti? Really?
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 19, 2023 at 8:12 PM, finished with 14 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] "If it'll get you two to stop flirting right in front of my spaghetti, sure."
    [X] "Only if we have backup whose job is to not be distracted by competition or tunnel-visioned in the middle of a combat zone, and to make sure nobody loses their head."
    -[X] "If that's covered -- I can't watch everyone at once after all -- and it'll get you two to stop flirting right in front of my spaghetti, sure."
    [X] "Sure, what the hell. Let's see what trouble we can get into tonight."
677: Devastating
[X] A critical hit! It's super effective!

You sigh, "If it gets you two to stop flirting in front of my spaghetti, sure."


Mami audibly gasps, her face turning red, "I-I, um, that wasn't...! Yumi!!"

Homura glares daggers at you, "Mami and I aren't involved in that kind of relationship!" She hurriedly defends.

Sayaka nearly chokes, causing Madoka to pat her on the back in an effort to help.

Kyoko is howling in laughter, gasping for air, "I always knew...!" She breathes in, "...You swung that way...!"

"Kyoko Sakura!!" Mami verbally flails, "Homura and I aren't in that kind of relationship! I mean, she's pretty, but...!" She realized what she just said. Her face is almost glowing now.

This causes Kirika to join in, laughing her head off.

Shoji just shakes his head fondly, "You broke them. Good job."

Oriko stares at you, trying desperately to stifle a smile.

You take immense satisfaction in the fact that, with but one sentence, you derailed the entire conversation. Go you.


[] Write in your stat growth!
-[] Learn/Replace skills?


[] Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)
[] Restrike: The first Dawn-Involved attack roll that would miss is rerolled once per fight.
[] Sharpening: Turns your bonus D6 into a D8.
[] Proficiency: Sword Skills cost 33% less (rounded down).

As you finish up your plate, you look around the room. Although the situation isn't as chaotic as it was just moments ago, there's now an odd sense of tension between Mami and Homura. It's not hostile, just...

Oh, it seems like Yuma and Nagisa went to the living room when all of this went down.

[] ?????????????????????????
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[X] Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)

Form to bypass Fusion Check and fuse all the Elemental Slashes let's gooo

Anyway, should we mention it's a joke and we know there's nothing between them? IC Yumi believes Homura likes Madoka so.

[X] Confess that you were messing with them, and know they don't feel that way about each other.
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Extra Choice: Adds an extra Sword Perk to every choice after this.
What happened to this?

[X] +7 STR, +1 LUK
-[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath

Much as I would like to boost our INT or CHR (mostly INT), STR seems to be the stat we use for non-lethally incapacitating the cultists, and I would like that extra boost to our chance of pulling that off before the invasion.

As for Skills, swapping out the ones we don't need from Nadja (Patra and Zandyne do Posumudi's and Zanma's jobs better than they do) as well as Maragi (which is now outdated and not giving us a point from any of our Demons) for the rest of Nue's Skills (meaning we will still get 8 points per level as well as having Ziodyne and Acid Breath). Even if the thread is against this specific change, I still think we should swap out Maragi, if only by upgrading it to Maragion.

[X] Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)

I distinctly remember this being called Storm Slash, but that aside, let's please get the last element for our Sword Skills.
[X] +7 STR, +1 LUK
-[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath

[X] Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)
[X] +8 LUK
-[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath

[X] Confess that you were messing with them, and know they don't feel that way about each other.
[X] +7 STR, +1 LUK
-[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath

[X] Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)

Definitely want to complete the set finally.

[X] Confess that you were messing with them, and know they don't feel that way about each other.
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[X] +7 STRM +1 LUK
-[X] Replace Posumudi, Zanma and Maragi with Shock, Ziodyne and Acid Breath
[X] Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)

[X] Confess that you were messing with them, and know they don't feel that way about each other.
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