[X] Head back to the group
You nod to Grandma, turning to enter the dining room. Grandma silently smile at you, turning back to what she was doing earlier.
You open the--?
Sayaka slams into you, stumbling backwards. "Jeez, what are you made out of?!" She laments, holding her face.
"Yumi, I'm so sorry! I tried to stop her, but she just kept insisting that she needed to check up on you!" Mami gently moves Sayaka away from the door, "And it also didn't help that someone was egging her on."
Kyoko scoffs, "I just said that she should do what she wanted."
"You said that, and I quote," Mami clears her throat, ""If you really care that much, go check yourself"."
Oriko sighs, not adding to the conversation (out of choice).
"Guys, calm down...!" Madoka meekly orders, but unfortunately adds nothing to the conversation.
"Excuse you all, but I'm trying to eat in peace." Homura requests, taking another bite.
"But she started it!" Mami and Kyoko say at the same time.
"Am I glad I'm an only child." Shoji dryly remarks.
"Guys!" You call over everyone, which brings silence over the table, "Sayaka, I'm fine, don't worry. Just needed to talk to my uncle."
Sayaka sighs, wiping her forehead, "Okay, good."
"Mami, Kyoko, I don't care who started it, but I'm ending it." Kyoko and Mami both look a little remorseful. "And Kirika...?"
"What?" Kirika asks innocently, finishing her plate.
"...Sorry, force of habit." You shrug, sitting back down at the table. You produce your plate of spaghetti from your Gauntlet, and take a bite.
...Still warm! Nice!
You look around the room, and notice a conspicuous lack of Cerberus. And Kazuya, for that matter.
"Where's Kazuya?" You ask.
"He popped off to the bathroom." Kyoko answers, "Got some sauce on his shirt."
You nod, continuing to eat.
"...So, what did you and Raido talk about?" Sayaka asks, tilting her head.
"Sayaka! Don't be rude!" Madoka scolds her blue friend, "It's their matter, so you shouldn't--?"
"Oh, he was just worried I was turning you guys into a private army." You tell them frankly.
Everyone is quiet.
Eh, good enough opportunity to bring it up. "So, anyone want a magic ring?"
"Magic ring? What's it do?" Sayaka seems interested.
"Apparently, it increases the accuracy of ranged weapons," You explain, "But I don't use mine enough to warrant having it."
"That could be useful to have." Homura nods, "If you aren't going to use it, I would like it."
"That kind of ring could benefit me, too!" Mami claps her hands softly, "But if Homura wants it, then she can have it. I'm already accurate enough with my muskets."
(INT ROLL: 11+8)
Is Mami trying to...?
"Are you implying I need that handicap, Mami Tomoe?" Homura asks, "It's simply a useful item."
"No, of course not~!" Mami smiles, a particularly mischievous glint in her eye, "Although, since you're the one who brought it up, perhaps that says more about your own insecurities, hm?"
"I have no need to prove myself." Homura flips her hair, "And besides, "accuracy by volume of fire" isn't always a viable strategy."
"Homura, tell me that you think I'm inaccurate!" Mami grins playfully, "...That is, unless you can back up your claim~."
"Is this a challenge?" Homura asks, eyeing Mami suspiciously.
"Why, yes it is!" So that's Mami's game! "We'll both go through a Witch's Labyrinth, counting our shots and Familiar kills, and whoever defeats the most Familiars wins the ring!"
"So be it." Homura...
...She's grinning a little.
"Yumi, since we'll only be counting the Familiars as kills, can you take care of the Witches?" Mami's tone turns sincere, "I would rather them not hurt anyone while we have our competition."
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