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[X] "Yeah. Though, now I'm wondering what it would take for me to earn Yen off this stuff..."
-[X] Clean yourself up, then ask your Grandparents if they ever got around to pulling out whatever mom had said was under her bed.
I was watching a story overview of the Dead Space trilogy, and something putrid just wormed its way into my mind.

"Brother Moon Prism Power; Make-Up!" *Turns into a fucking necromorph*
[X] "Yeah. Though, now I'm wondering what it would take for me to earn Yen off this stuff..."
-[X] Clean yourself up, then ask your Grandparents if they ever got around to pulling out whatever mom had said was under her bed.
[X] "Yeah. Though, now I'm wondering what it would take for me to earn Yen off this stuff..."
-[X] Clean yourself up, then ask your Grandparents if they ever got around to pulling out whatever mom had said was under her bed.
"Dante, she's here again."



"She wants to train under us."

"St-Stop ignoring me!" Sayaka shouts.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 17, 2023 at 8:16 PM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] "Yeah. Though, now I'm wondering what it would take for me to earn Yen off this stuff..."
    -[X] Clean yourself up, then ask your Grandparents if they ever got around to pulling out whatever mom had said was under her bed.
    [X] Complain
    -[X] Whatever, we can do this, I bet I can be a better demon hunter than Dante, I'll run a better business than him, etc.
    [X] "Yeah. Though, now I'm wondering what it would take for me to earn Yen off this stuff..."
    -[X] Grumble a bit. "Hmph. He probably would've spend it all on pizzazz and pizza, anyway."
    -[X] Clean yourself up, then ask your Grandparents if they ever got around to pulling out whatever mom had said was under her bed.
675: Cleaning Up
[X] "Please." - Yumi, "Nah." - Dante

"Yep." You agree, "...Although, now I'm curious. What would it take for me to earn some money from this stuff?"

"You would need to prove yourself a capable demon hunter, first." Raido explains, "Then, you-- Yumi, you're still..."

"Still what?" You give yourself a quick once over, and...


"I look like I just murdered someone. Good call." You give your uncle a thumbs up, and...


"Perfect!" You grin, "Now, I...?"

"So, um..." Kohaku fiddles with her fork, "...What happened?"

"Oh, I fought Dante." You state casually, "First to three hits won, and I managed to beat him."

"The demon hunter?" Kohaku asks.

"The very same."

"...Good job?" She doesn't sound too sure of herself.

"She was impressive." Raido agrees, "But don't let it go to your head."

"Wouldn't dream of it!" You smile, walking past him to get to the kitchen. Just as you'd hoped, Grandma is there, ordering some spices in her cabinets.

"How did it go with your uncle?" Grandma asks, worried for the both of you.

"We had a bit of a heart to heart, I yelled at him, he spoke to me, I got emotionally drained, then I fought Dante." You finish regaling her with your tale. "Pretty normal night, all things considered."

"I expected more yelling, in truth." Grandma says, "I'm glad it worked out."

"Me too- say, did either of you get the chance to look for...?" You leave the rest unsaid.

"I'm sure Haruki did." She pats you on the shoulder, "Now, I'm sure your friends are anxious about what happened with Raido. I think that showing them that you're fine will be quite the relief to them!"

[] ???????????????????????
Bringing this up now because I don't know how many more updates this whole get together is going to last, but something I think we should do while we're here is loan the Marksman's Ring to either Mami or Homura. We're not using it at the moment, and both of them are ranged fighters. Heck, if they're willing compensate us for the 1500 Yen we spent on it in the first place, I say we let them keep it.
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Now I am starting to wonder if what's under the bed is as important as what was in the basement in Attack on Titan.

[X] Patched things up...?
-[X] "Hey guy, I'm fine don't worry. My uncle was just worried I was turning you all into cultists."

Is this a funny answer? It's a bit too late for me here to come up with a witty response.
Bringing this up now because I don't know how many more updates this whole get together is going to last, but something I think we should do while we're here is loan the Marksman's Ring to either Mami or Homura. We're not using it at the moment, and both of them are ranged fighters. Heck, if they're willing compensate us for the 1500 Yen we spent on it in the first place, I say we let them keep it.
I just recently found this story, and yeah I agree with you. I'm not sure many people on this thread realize we have a gun.
[X] Head back to the group
-[X] "Hey guy, I'm fine don't worry. My uncle was just worried I was turning you all into cultists."
-[X] "Also, anyone want this Marksman Ring? It apparently makes you more accurate with ranged weapons, but I don't really use mine enough to justify keeping it."

Edit. So we actually go back to the group
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[X] Head back to the group
-[X] "Hey guy, I'm fine don't worry. My uncle was just worried I was turning you all into cultists."
-[X] "Also, anyone want this Marksman Ring? It apparently makes you more accurate with ranged weapons, but I don't really use mine enough to justify keeping it."
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[X] Head back to the group
-[X] "Hey guy, I'm fine don't worry. My uncle was just worried I was turning you all into cultists."
-[X] "Also, anyone want this Marksman Ring? It apparently makes you more accurate with ranged weapons, but I don't really use mine enough to justify keeping it."

Edit. So we actually go back to the group
Just realized that the vote made no mention of returning to the group, so I edited it.
Technically, Raido said:

"...These kids... You aren't gathering some kind of army, you're teaching them how to survive. Now, I can't say whether or not you're doing the right thing..." He puts his hand on your shoulder, smiling softly, "...But I think you're doing the best you can. And that's all you can do, at the end of the day."

So, I'm switching out a few words, if that's okay...
[X] Head back to the group
-[X] "Hey everybody, I'm fine don't worry. My uncle was just worried I was turning you all into my personal army."
-[X] "Also, anyone want this Marksman Ring? It apparently makes you more accurate with ranged weapons, but I don't really use mine enough to justify keeping it."

I feel Homura should absolutely, positively be the one who gets it, no question.

Mami's guns, at least from what I remember from the anime, are smoothbore muskets -- which from several different endviews have a spiral visible so they should be considered rifles instead but whatever -- with sights on them. If she wants more accuracy, all she has to do is... aim down the sights. And maybe intentionally rifle the bore, with practice and concentration, but that would probably take time and concentration she can't depend on in a fight for one more-accurate shot.... a single-shot sniper rifle would probably be possible.

Homura, on the other hand... sure, she has anywhen (;)) up to or more than twenty years of practice, depending on how many loops she's been through, but she's still working with pistols most of the time, no? In the short term, she gets more benefit out of it without having to drain her Soul Gem for a time stop -- which may not even affect some demons. Plus, if she doesn't like the result she gets here and moves on to try again, and the ring keeps working, she gets the most long-term benefit too.
[X] Head back to the group
-[X] "Hey everybody, I'm fine don't worry. My uncle was just worried I was turning you all into my personal army."
-[X] "Also, anyone want this Marksman Ring? It apparently makes you more accurate with ranged weapons, but I don't really use mine enough to justify keeping it."
[X] Head back to the group
-[X] "Hey everybody, I'm fine don't worry. My uncle was just worried I was turning you all into my personal army."
-[X] "Also, anyone want this Marksman Ring? It apparently makes you more accurate with ranged weapons, but I don't really use mine enough to justify keeping it."
Loki, Part 2
OOC: Remember this Apocrypha?

Loki. You figure it was only a matter of time before other pantheons got involved. But what's odd about him (besides the fact that he was in a Barrier, fighting a Witch, and has a general distain for Kyubey) is that he doesn't feel like a demon.

With other demons, you can feel your skin crawling as you get close to one. Loki doesn't elicit this reaction, which troubles you. You would rather sense whatever threat is coming your way than be oblivious.

You digress, rationalizing it as Loki causing "mischief" to your senses. He could be a devious--

"So, uh..." Loki begins from behind you, "... What's it like living... Here?"

"Like living anywhere else in Japan." You reply matter-of-factly.

"Japan?" Loki repeats, obviously confused, "Never heard of that realm."

"It's not a "realm", it's a country." You feel your patience slipping away from you.

"Huh." Loki grunts, silently following you for a few fleeting moments, "Is it in Midgard?"

"What?" You ask.

"I mean, it kinda has to be, with all of the humans running around." Loki comments, "Either way, where do you--?"

"Is this your attempt at making small talk?" You dread the answer.

"...Yeah." Loki nods, "Is it good?"

"Not even a little bit."


Silence hangs between you and Loki.

"Loki, what kind of god are you?" You already know the answer, so if he tries to lie...

"How did you know I was part god?" Loki asks, seemingly surprised.

"I have my methods." You cryptically reveal. "Now, back to my question."

"...That's a tricky one, actually." Loki admits, "I guess I'm just... A wandering god. Y'know, trying to find my place in the realms." As you think over his answer, he adds, "What about you?"

"Pardon?" You stop, turning to him.

"What kind of god are you?" Loki asks again, "No normal mortal walks around with a shield like that one, do they?"

"Perhaps I killed a god and claimed it." You half-taunt, "Or I stole it from one."

"No, it's yours."

"How do you know for certain?"

"It's got your magic all over it." Loki informs you, "What kind of powers do you have?"

"Excuse me?"

"Is that a rude question? Sorry." Loki shakes his head, "I can, uh, turn into animals. That's cool."

You begin to wonder if this is, truly, Loki.
[X] Head back to the group
-[X] "Hey guy, I'm fine don't worry. My uncle was just worried I was turning you all into cultists."
-[X] "Also, anyone want this Marksman Ring? It apparently makes you more accurate with ranged weapons, but I don't really use mine enough to justify keeping it."
[X] Head back to the group
-[X] "Hey everybody, I'm fine don't worry. My uncle was just worried I was turning you all into my personal army."
-[X] "Also, anyone want this Marksman Ring? It apparently makes you more accurate with ranged weapons, but I don't really use mine enough to justify keeping it."
[X] Head back to the group
-[X] "Hey everybody, I'm fine don't worry. My uncle was just worried I was turning you all into my personal army."
-[X] "Also, anyone want this Marksman Ring? It apparently makes you more accurate with ranged weapons, but I don't really use mine enough to justify keeping it."
Yumi, getting down on one knee in front of Homura: Will you... Be my designated sniper?

Homura: Shit, I guess.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 18, 2023 at 9:23 PM, finished with 15 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Head back to the group
    -[X] "Hey everybody, I'm fine don't worry. My uncle was just worried I was turning you all into my personal army."
    -[X] "Also, anyone want this Marksman Ring? It apparently makes you more accurate with ranged weapons, but I don't really use mine enough to justify keeping it."
    [X] Head back to the group
    -[X] "Hey guy, I'm fine don't worry. My uncle was just worried I was turning you all into cultists."
    -[X] "Also, anyone want this Marksman Ring? It apparently makes you more accurate with ranged weapons, but I don't really use mine enough to justify keeping it."
    [X] Patched things up...?
    -[X] "Hey guy, I'm fine don't worry. My uncle was just worried I was turning you all into cultists."
676: Challenged!
[X] Head back to the group

You nod to Grandma, turning to enter the dining room. Grandma silently smile at you, turning back to what she was doing earlier.

You open the--?

Sayaka slams into you, stumbling backwards. "Jeez, what are you made out of?!" She laments, holding her face.

"Yumi, I'm so sorry! I tried to stop her, but she just kept insisting that she needed to check up on you!" Mami gently moves Sayaka away from the door, "And it also didn't help that someone was egging her on."

Kyoko scoffs, "I just said that she should do what she wanted."

"You said that, and I quote," Mami clears her throat, ""If you really care that much, go check yourself"."

Oriko sighs, not adding to the conversation (out of choice).

"Guys, calm down...!" Madoka meekly orders, but unfortunately adds nothing to the conversation.

"Excuse you all, but I'm trying to eat in peace." Homura requests, taking another bite.

"But she started it!" Mami and Kyoko say at the same time.

"Am I glad I'm an only child." Shoji dryly remarks.

"Guys!" You call over everyone, which brings silence over the table, "Sayaka, I'm fine, don't worry. Just needed to talk to my uncle."

Sayaka sighs, wiping her forehead, "Okay, good."

"Mami, Kyoko, I don't care who started it, but I'm ending it." Kyoko and Mami both look a little remorseful. "And Kirika...?"

"What?" Kirika asks innocently, finishing her plate.

"...Sorry, force of habit." You shrug, sitting back down at the table. You produce your plate of spaghetti from your Gauntlet, and take a bite.

...Still warm! Nice!

You look around the room, and notice a conspicuous lack of Cerberus. And Kazuya, for that matter.

"Where's Kazuya?" You ask.

"He popped off to the bathroom." Kyoko answers, "Got some sauce on his shirt."

You nod, continuing to eat.

"...So, what did you and Raido talk about?" Sayaka asks, tilting her head.

"Sayaka! Don't be rude!" Madoka scolds her blue friend, "It's their matter, so you shouldn't--?"

"Oh, he was just worried I was turning you guys into a private army." You tell them frankly.

Everyone is quiet.

Eh, good enough opportunity to bring it up. "So, anyone want a magic ring?"

"Magic ring? What's it do?" Sayaka seems interested.

"Apparently, it increases the accuracy of ranged weapons," You explain, "But I don't use mine enough to warrant having it."

"That could be useful to have." Homura nods, "If you aren't going to use it, I would like it."

"That kind of ring could benefit me, too!" Mami claps her hands softly, "But if Homura wants it, then she can have it. I'm already accurate enough with my muskets."

(INT ROLL: 11+8)

Is Mami trying to...?

"Are you implying I need that handicap, Mami Tomoe?" Homura asks, "It's simply a useful item."

"No, of course not~!" Mami smiles, a particularly mischievous glint in her eye, "Although, since you're the one who brought it up, perhaps that says more about your own insecurities, hm?"

"I have no need to prove myself." Homura flips her hair, "And besides, "accuracy by volume of fire" isn't always a viable strategy."

"Homura, tell me that you think I'm inaccurate!" Mami grins playfully, "...That is, unless you can back up your claim~."

"Is this a challenge?" Homura asks, eyeing Mami suspiciously.

"Why, yes it is!" So that's Mami's game! "We'll both go through a Witch's Labyrinth, counting our shots and Familiar kills, and whoever defeats the most Familiars wins the ring!"

"So be it." Homura...

...She's grinning a little.

"Yumi, since we'll only be counting the Familiars as kills, can you take care of the Witches?" Mami's tone turns sincere, "I would rather them not hurt anyone while we have our competition."

[] ???????????????????????
[] "Are you girls sure? After the first one, the only Witch I fought that survived more than one hit was actually three of them fused together. So it might be a short match."

Incorrect info
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