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[X] "By the way, are we all part Demon? I met these 2 mercs named Dante and Vergil who figured out me being part-demon and could be helpful since they're really strong, but probably expensive."
This feels like an awkward way to put it imo.

How about:
[X] "Speaking of clan records, I've been trying to figure out some of the odder stuff going on with me. So like do we have a special bloodline or something? Like being decendants of a demon or Oda Nobunaga?"
-[X] "Also, do we have a budget for some hired help? Haven't checked their prices, but I know a couple demon hunters we could hire."
[X] "Speaking of clan records, I've been trying to figure out some of the odder stuff going on with me. So like do we have a special bloodline or something? Like being decendants of a demon or Oda Nobunaga?"
-[X] "Also, do we have a budget for some hired help? Haven't checked their prices, but I know a couple demon hunters we could hire."
i think this was already asked? i can't look for the chapter right now, but i'm pretty sure we have asked this and the answer was "we don't know"
[X] "Speaking of clan records, I've been trying to figure out some of the odder stuff going on with me. So like do we have a special bloodline or something? Like being decendants of a demon or Oda Nobunaga?"
-[X] "Also, do we have a budget for some hired help? Haven't checked their prices, but I know a couple demon hunters we could hire."
--[X] "There's also another demon summoner guy who's a trained soldier, if I can find and talk to him. I was thinking of asking him to help with teamwork training, anyway."
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[X] "Speaking of clan records, I've been trying to figure out some of the odder stuff going on with me. So like do we have a special bloodline or something? Like being decendants of a demon or Oda Nobunaga?"
-[X] "Also, do we have a budget for some hired help? Haven't checked their prices, but I know a couple demon hunters we could hire."
[X] "Speaking of clan records, I've been trying to figure out some of the odder stuff going on with me. So like do we have a special bloodline or something? Like being decendants of a demon or Oda Nobunaga?"
-[X] "Also, do we have a budget for some hired help? Haven't checked their prices, but I know a couple demon hunters we could hire."
--[X] "There's also another demon summoner guy who's a trained soldier, if I can find and talk to him. I was thinking of asking him to help with teamwork training, anyway."
[X] "Speaking of clan records, I've been trying to figure out some of the odder stuff going on with me. So like do we have a special bloodline or something? Like being decendants of a demon or Oda Nobunaga?"
-[X] "Also, do we have a budget for some hired help? Haven't checked their prices, but I know a couple demon hunters we could hire."
--[X] "There's also another demon summoner guy who's a trained soldier, if I can find and talk to him. I was thinking of asking him to help with teamwork training, anyway."
[X] "Speaking of clan records, I've been trying to figure out some of the odder stuff going on with me. So like do we have a special bloodline or something? Like being decendants of a demon or Oda Nobunaga?"
-[X] "Also, do we have a budget for some hired help? Haven't checked their prices, but I know a couple demon hunters we could hire."
--[X] "There's also another demon summoner guy who's a trained soldier, if I can find and talk to him. I was thinking of asking him to help with teamwork training, anyway."
"So, lemme get this straight, bud," Dante begins, "You're guarding some floating island full of secrets and treasure, and you haven't even explored all of it?"

Knuckles shakes his head, "The Master Emerald requires constant vigilance."

"...New question, can I--?"

Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Oct 21, 2023 at 11:20 PM, finished with 15 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] "Speaking of clan records, I've been trying to figure out some of the odder stuff going on with me. So like do we have a special bloodline or something? Like being decendants of a demon or Oda Nobunaga?"
    -[X] "Also, do we have a budget for some hired help? Haven't checked their prices, but I know a couple demon hunters we could hire."
    [X] "Speaking of clan records, I've been trying to figure out some of the odder stuff going on with me. So like do we have a special bloodline or something? Like being decendants of a demon or Oda Nobunaga?"
    -[X] "Also, do we have a budget for some hired help? Haven't checked their prices, but I know a couple demon hunters we could hire."
    --[X] "There's also another demon summoner guy who's a trained soldier, if I can find and talk to him. I was thinking of asking him to help with teamwork training, anyway."
618: Arrival!
[X] "...I have no idea who this is." Lex Luthor in Flash's body.

"Wait, we have clan records?" You ask calmly.

Grandma nods, "Apparently so."

You blink, your eyes widening. "Wait, just how big is our clan?!"

"How would I know?" Grandma shrugs playfully, "I just married the man."

You sigh, a smile on your face, "Fair enough." You flop down onto the couch next to her. "Speaking of clan records, do you think it might shed some light on the... Stranger goings on about me? Like, do we have a special bloodline or something?"

"The most I can say is that the Kuzunoha side of our family has been closely involved with demonic affairs for..." Grandma shrugs, this time less playfully, "...Since its founding, I would guess. I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone like you rolled around."

"Someone like me?" You repeat.

"Indeed. Someone so in tune with battling demons that they begin to inherit their powers. Although, that's just my personal perspective."

(INT ROLL: 20+8)
OOC: Hey, you're back, 20! How's the missus?

Kazuya's hand twitches, and his face scrunches for a split second. Then, it's right back to business as usual.

Should you...

...Should you ask him about that later?

[] Yes.
[] No.
[] ??????

You brush it off for now, and continue with your train of thought. "Anyhow, do we have a budget for hired help? I haven't checked their prices, but there are a couple of demon hunters we could--?"

"No, you don't." Kazuya interrupts, "I tried to check with Dante for a price, and..." He sighs, "It would have costed me all of my Macca and then some."

"Oh. That's too bad." You quietly reply, looking at your feet.

"Well, on the bright side," Grandma pats you on the shoulder, "At least you still have your other friends!"

"I can help as well." Kazuya confirms, tapping away on his arm computer, "Provided I'm in the area."

"And there's always that military looking guy!" You smile, snapping your fingers, "I'm sure he'll help out of I ask, and I was planning on trying to get him to help with teamwork training anyways!"

"My, my, Yumi!" Grandma claps her hands, "You have a few connections of your own, it seems! Raido would be so proud of you right now!"

"What military?" Kazuya asks quickly.

"Huh? I..." You tap your foot against the floor, "...Never thought to ask."

"Was he American?" Is it just you, or does Kazuya seem stressed?

"I mean, he kinda looked American, but I--?"

"Be cautious around him." Kazuya orders, "Until I meet this guy, don't fully trust him."

You're incredibly confused now, "What are you...?"

There's a knock at the door.

"Yumi, could you...?"

"Oh, yeah!" You jump up and trot over to the door, and open...

"...Wow, you two got here fast!" You greet Oriko and Kirika, letting them inside.

"It seemed urgent." Oriko explains, "I'd quite hate to be tardy for something that worked you up that way."

Kirika has a big dopey grin, "I got to carry my Oriko...!" She mutters to herself.

[] ?????????????????????????????????
Kirika is a happy girl.

Grandma giving zero shits about the family she married into is hilarious. So she gets a fun reveal down the line.

And yeah, Kazuya is probably finally getting a clue that Yumi really does have something strange going on with her.
"Was he American?" Is it just you, or does Kazuya seem stressed?

"I mean, he kinda looked American, but I--?"

"Be cautious around him." Kazuya orders, "Until I meet this guy, don't fully trust him."

You're incredibly confused now, "What are you...?"

...this is a plot point from the game, isn't it?

nukes were involved if i remember right. (edited this line)
...this is a plot point from the game, isn't it?

nukes were involved if i remember right. (edited this line)
Yup, on SMT Thor was passing by as the American ambassador with the name of Thorman on japan and he was the one to called the nukes on japan to get rid of the demon problem by design of YHVH plan.

So Kazuya suspictions are not entirely unfounded.

Especially since it was him and by association the americans that technically sent his life spiraling down to hell.
[X] Just another day in Mitakihara
-[X] Yes.
-[X] We have roughly 2 days or so until the city gets sieged by a cult who call themselves the Disciples and use Demon Magic. So all things considered a Tuesday.
--[X] Anyway, I wonder if I still have that guy's contact info? He tracked me down to the junkyard but he did help us there, so if I can get him in contact we could probably start actually coordinating stuff.
---[X] If they help us at all.
Luckily, contacting Hitonari will be easy enough, we have Arthur's contact info from previous times Yumi's spoken with the AI assistant, and he'd be able to respond immediately by his very nature.
[X] Yes, but be gentle about it... and do not pass off any concerns he has as 'unimportant'.

The Power of Friendship goes above and beyond any mere Chaos Hero, and outshines the false light of Law! There is no kicking the can down the road like Neutrality here; if the Amala Universe tells us there's no hope, we shall recycle it! Or something! With some application of incredible violence, sure...

[X] "Ah, youn-" "Grandma, shh."
-[X] Discretely give Kirika a thumbs-up and a wink.
-[X] "We have roughly 2 days or so until the city is besieged by a cult who call themselves the Disciples. and use Demon Magic. So all things considered a Tuesday, aside from the magical brainwashing. That's more a Thursday thing, and I could never get the hang of Thursdays. Patra clears it up, Grandma taught me how to recognize it... I think I get it well enough to teach everyone? That's gonna be a critical skill going forward."
--[X] "Anyway, I wonder if I still have that guy's contact info? He tracked me down to the junkyard but he did help us there, so if I can get him in contact we could probably start actually coordinating stuff, and introduce you."
---[X] "If he's willing to help us at all."
---[:V] "I'm sure nothing Thor-rible will happen."

We need to come up with more than this, though, we're asking everyone to show up for it. I assume we're going to set up a planning session?
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We need to come up with more than this, though, we're asking everyone to show up for it. I assume we're going to set up a planning session?
Yeah, cause we need to allocate everyone properly rather than just have them run around like headless chickens.

Considering the possible collateral damage, we need them either out of the way or actually fight. Worst case scenario, the city gets flattened and everyone dies, and it won't be our problem at that point.

Edit: I doubt it will ever reach that point without severe luck or unforeseen multiple final-boss level enemies, but it pays to overprepare.
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Thanking about it, we could easily get Hitonari (military guy) on board the minute we mention Asura. Which leads nicely into

"Do you know about Morax?"

"Oh, he died before you got here."
Yeah, we do have multiple boss-level enemies coming in, don't we.

The Disciples. Another cult Yumi doesn't even know about. Asura. Eris+Victoria. Whatever that Archangel who talked to Lucifer a few updates ago is up to. Possibly the result of Yumi fusing herself with The Bucket for an emergency power-up. Dante and Vergil getting annoyed at there being a party they weren't invited to.

Edit: corrected Pandora to Eris.
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