[X] "...I have no idea who this is." Lex Luthor in Flash's body.
"Wait, we have clan records?" You ask calmly.
Grandma nods, "Apparently so."
You blink, your eyes widening. "Wait, just how big is our clan?!"
"How would I know?" Grandma shrugs playfully, "I just married the man."
You sigh, a smile on your face, "Fair enough." You flop down onto the couch next to her. "Speaking of clan records, do you think it might shed some light on the... Stranger goings on about me? Like, do we have a special bloodline or something?"
"The most I can say is that the Kuzunoha side of our family has been closely involved with demonic affairs for..." Grandma shrugs, this time less playfully, "...Since its founding, I would guess. I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone like you rolled around."
"Someone like me?" You repeat.
"Indeed. Someone so in tune with battling demons that they begin to inherit their powers. Although, that's just my personal perspective."
(INT ROLL: 20+8)
OOC: Hey, you're back, 20! How's the missus?
Kazuya's hand twitches, and his face scrunches for a split second. Then, it's right back to business as usual.
Should you...
...Should you ask him about that later?
[] Yes.
[] No.
[] ??????
You brush it off for now, and continue with your train of thought. "Anyhow, do we have a budget for hired help? I haven't checked their prices, but there are a couple of demon hunters we could--?"
"No, you don't." Kazuya interrupts, "I tried to check with Dante for a price, and..." He sighs, "It would have costed me all of my Macca and then some."
"Oh. That's too bad." You quietly reply, looking at your feet.
"Well, on the bright side," Grandma pats you on the shoulder, "At least you still have your other friends!"
"I can help as well." Kazuya confirms, tapping away on his arm computer, "Provided I'm in the area."
"And there's always that military looking guy!" You smile, snapping your fingers, "I'm sure he'll help out of I ask, and I was planning on trying to get him to help with teamwork training anyways!"
"My, my, Yumi!" Grandma claps her hands, "You have a few connections of your own, it seems! Raido would be so proud of you right now!"
"What military?" Kazuya asks quickly.
"Huh? I..." You tap your foot against the floor, "...Never thought to ask."
"Was he American?" Is it just you, or does Kazuya seem stressed?
"I mean, he kinda looked American, but I--?"
"Be cautious around him." Kazuya orders, "Until I meet this guy, don't fully trust him."
You're incredibly confused now, "What are you...?"
There's a knock at the door.
"Yumi, could you...?"
"Oh, yeah!" You jump up and trot over to the door, and open...
"...Wow, you two got here fast!" You greet Oriko and Kirika, letting them inside.
"It seemed urgent." Oriko explains, "I'd quite hate to be tardy for something that worked you up that way."
Kirika has a big dopey grin, "I got to carry my Oriko...!" She mutters to herself.
[] ?????????????????????????????????