[X] "And how many and what would those problems be, expressed as a complete description taking five minutes or less, using no jargon the people present would not understand completely, leaving nothing within two degrees of separation out, that your own actions have created by either direct action or influencing others?"
-[X] "Um, Arisu, would you mind taking notes for this? You've the clearest handwriting of anyone I know."
-[X] If he accuses you of breaking your promise, explain that he initiated hostilities by targeting Yuma. And you have no reason to keep an agreement with a hostile force.
--[X] If Kyubey claims that targeting Yuma does not constitute hostilities against us, politely inform it that such a claim is bullshit in the philosophical sense -- not technically lying, due to having no qualms about being caught in the deception -- due to having clearly spent at least a few centuries studying humanity and its personal bonds. Attacking those a human cares about is as much an assault on that human's well-being as a direct attack, as it can't possibly not know.
-[X] If he wants help fighting demons: "Your system is inherently flawed in ways demons can take advantage of. From a purely logical standpoint, unless you're willing to take up a whole new modus operandi, the smart thing to do would be to keep your assets out of the way and avoid causing problems for the people that are trying to fix the problem."
--[X] If he asks for the flaws: "Let's see... Some demons can consume a Witch and take over it's labyrinth, some can directly turn a Magical Girl into a normal human, and not only do your girls not grow stronger, but they are actively penalized for using their magic to protect themselves. So basically, your own decisions have left them relatively defenseless."

] "Congratulations, by treating an independent intelligent species as uninformed cattle, not only did you remove the possibility of a differing utility function and forms of creativity, utilizing constrained-error-rate information propagation, from generating alternative answers to Entropy... you also ensured that a competing force beyond your comprehension cannot be contained by your own system, and have to rely on and trust relatively unknown factors to generate a solution ANYWAY. In short: YOU PLAYED YOURSELF TWICE."
-[X] Someone, not necessarily Yumi, straight-up ask if Kyubey is what humanity would consider an artificial intelligence
--[X] If it tries to deflect, insist on an honest answer first but promise to answer the "why do you ask" question.
---[X] Point out that evolved self-awareness on Earth requires social interactions between such beings, and would inherently involve some degree of social bonds. Even lacking an emotional component, the shared genetics and drive to preserve them would lead to the same logic of "an attack on one in-group member is an attack on the entire in-group". Assuming this trait holds true elsewhere, Kyubey therefore is unlikely to have evolved, and must therefore have been created by evolved intelligence or by another artificial intelligence in a chain of such leading back to something which arose by chance. Barring this universe having creator beings involved, which is seeming less unlikely than previously, in which case Kyubey would not be so perplexed by the demons appearing now.
I so
badly wish we could actually say that

part, but Yumi does not in-character know that stuff afaik? My ADHD-brain got distracted from the re-read.