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[] "Ehhh, some?? Initially I kept quiet about the whole 'Magic' stuff 'cause it didn't seem like a big enough deal at the time. I told Dad about magic sometime between when I picked up Yuma and when I met Raido.

I don't remember when we called Dad for confession time, but I know it was after Yuma and before Raido.

[X] "I mean, I did tell dad about magic a few days ago. But the stuff I just told you all happened today, and he kinda has a job... So there really hasn't been a moment I could tell him."
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[X] "I mean, I did tell dad about magic a few days ago. But the stuff I just told you all happened today, and he kinda has a job... So there really hasn't been a moment I could tell him."
Last time we talked to Dad was when he called Yumi immediately after the Blizzard Witch was dispatched, we introduced him to Dawn then, this was right before we attempted to take on Vergil. Before that was when he called us and we told him about our new experiences with the Demons and about Kyubey, which was around when we first learned of Morax.

[X] "I mean, I did tell dad about magic a few days ago. But the stuff I just told you all happened today, and he kinda has a job... So there really hasn't been a moment I could tell him."
Mami trots over to the bench across from you, "Well, I think you need to build up muscle, and the best way to do that would be..." She puts a finger to her chin, "...Let's see... Have you tried lifting weights?"

"I don't have any time!" You bemoan, "I get up, I eat breakfast, I come to school, I go home, I do homework, and that's it."
What the fuck, Sayaka, you have a talking sword that's too heavy for you and you don't even lift? Did you think showing you where the gym is was a joke?
[X] "I mean, I did tell dad about magic a few days ago. But the stuff I just told you all happened today, and he kinda has a job... So there really hasn't been a moment I could tell him."
[X] "I mean, I did tell dad about magic a few days ago. But the stuff I just told you all happened today, and he kinda has a job... So there really hasn't been a moment I could tell him."
[X] "I mean, I did tell dad about magic a few days ago. But the stuff I just told you all happened today, and he kinda has a job... So there really hasn't been a moment I could tell him."
[X] "I mean, I did tell dad about magic a few days ago. But the stuff I just told you all happened today, and he kinda has a job... So there really hasn't been a moment I could tell him."
I'm not sure I'm remember correctly, but didn't Yumi's dad not take things seriously when she was telling him what had happened, earlier?

[X] Melt into the couch. "This is just what happened TODAY, and this is the first chance I've gotten to sit down and rest from it. Haven't had a chance yet."
-[X] "It's not like I can stop time and take a breather when I need to."
-[X] "Besides, he didn't take me entirely seriously when I told him, at first."
--[X] "And honestly? I don't want to strip him of his coping mechanism, or he'll start to worry he'll lose me too."

I don't think Yumi knows about Homura's specific powers yet, but spittakes are always funny.
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[X] "I mean, I did tell dad about magic a few days ago. But the stuff I just told you all happened today, and he kinda has a job... So there really hasn't been a moment I could tell him."
A Recommendation
If you haven't already seen it, I cannot recommend the web series "Angel Hare" enough. It is...

...I can't even find the words. It has short episodes, but they are quality videos! I recently watched it, and I just wanted to share something that wasn't the overhanging dread of Walpurgisnacht or the--

Nevermind. Anyways, voting closed!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Oct 10, 2023 at 10:57 PM, finished with 15 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] "I mean, I did tell dad about magic a few days ago. But the stuff I just told you all happened today, and he kinda has a job... So there really hasn't been a moment I could tell him."
    [X] Melt into the couch. "This is just what happened TODAY, and this is the first chance I've gotten to sit down and rest from it. Haven't had a chance yet."
    -[X] "It's not like I can stop time and take a breather when I need to."
    -[X] "Besides, he didn't take me entirely seriously when I told him, at first."
    --[X] "And honestly? I don't want to strip him of his coping mechanism, or he'll start to worry he'll lose me too."
607: Surprise Guest.
[X] "How would I bring it up?"

"I mean, I did tell Dad about magic a couple of days ago," You admit, "But all of the stuff I just told you about happened today. Not to mention that he has a job, and there hasn't really been a good time to--"

"I'll tell him." Grandpa interrupts, drawing all eyes to him, "What? I've got free time."

"I... Uh, thanks...?" You awkwardly smile at him.

"Haruki, dear, it may not be the best idea to tell him absolutely everything." Grandma says, "After all, there isn't really anything he can do. And when there's nothing he can do..."

"You're not giving that man enough credit." Grandpa replies sternly, "He has a right to know."

"I'm just saying that there's no reason to cause unnecessary stress!" Grandma reiterates, "Takeshi already has enough to worry about. Piling on the fact that Yumi--?"

"This will become his concern sooner or later, whether you tell him or not."

You blink as you turn to Kazuya, who suddenly spoke up.

"It's not exactly my place to say, but this is going to grow uncontrollable very quickly." Kazuya steps forward, "If we don't tell him now, he'll just find out a different way. Someone else could tell him, someone who could embellish or omit vital pieces of information. Right now, we need to--?"

"Hold that thought." Grandpa holds one finger up, looking to the window...


"...Kyubey." You almost growl.

"It has been some time since our last proper meeting, Yumi Konishi." Kyubey slips into the living room, "We have some problems to sort out."
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If you haven't already seen it, I cannot recommend the web series "Angel Hare" enough. It is...
If you haven't seen it, there's a tie in game that came out. Which is how I found out about the series, even if I haven't watched it (yet).
Maybe we could tell Kyubey something about how his attempts to 'ensure' that we would ever want to work with him, pretty much only showed that he is untrustworthy and unable to keep to his own agreements.

I mean the whole 'go after someone where we would have no idea where they went', someone who Kyubey intentionally revived after they tried to kill us and our friends both before and after (unless I'm misremembering), only for he himself to decide to attack people we care about with a Witch because we were 'too slow', and no amount of deceitfulness can excuse it. It was intentional action, with the barest semblance of plausible deniability.

And shows just how unreliable an ally he would be. That he lacks patience at all. Despite how long he's been around. If something takes a day? He'd sabotage himself to make it happen in thirty minutes instead. Even if it meant that he'd lose it five minutes later.

Why, he's already likely made another similar deal with Magical Girls to attack either us, or our friends, much like (what's her name). And implying a very, very different story than what actually happened. With the excuse that they didn't ask for the truth.

"The problems to sort out, Kyubey? It's that your own actions are sabotaging yourself, and you make excuses to avoid having to blame yourself."

(Bleh, kind of ramble-y in general, but it's a base that someone better at figuring out what to reveal/not reveal can mine from. Hence why I'm not sticking it in a vote. Along with it not really feeling quite right.)
I mean the whole 'go after someone where we would have no idea where they went', someone who Kyubey intentionally revived after they tried to kill us and our friends both before and after (unless I'm misremembering), only for he himself to decide to attack people we care about with a Witch because we were 'too slow', and no amount of deceitfulness can excuse it. It was intentional action, with the barest semblance of plausible deniability.
Tremendous explained that Kyubey was indeed who revived Victoria though of course, Yumi would have no idea about it especially with from her PoV Eris suddenly swooping in and Kyubey's very quick insistence on getting her back. Pretty sure Kyubey was open about the fact Victoria made for a good Puella and Witch farmer for him though, might be mistaking who said that to who but she's definitely a decent source of energy in Japan for Kyubey.
We also had suspictions that it was him, but we kinda never voiced those out.

The problem with Kyubey is that well he is a machine, he doesn't wait because he has calculated the best logical outcome for him during his pacts, that is why he pretty much does what he does, because he sees his way as the most profitable path and logical outcome from his actions.
Tremendous explained that Kyubey was indeed who revived Victoria though of course, Yumi would have no idea about it especially with from her PoV Eris suddenly swooping in and Kyubey's very quick insistence on getting her back. Pretty sure Kyubey was open about the fact Victoria made for a good Puella and Witch farmer for him though, might be mistaking who said that to who but she's definitely a decent source of energy in Japan for Kyubey.
I mean, yeah, the bit where Kyubey revived Victoria is why I had that. It's more 'Yumi can reasonably assume that Kyubey revived Victoria'. Specifically, yoinking Victoria's soul gem from where it was. (Blanking on the exact specifics.)

Plus, from what I recall, it's explicitly that Victoria is walking around. Not her soul gem going missing. Kyubey also had no idea who took her, I think? So him knowing that she was around is, from everything Yumi would know, reasonable confirmation that he was the one that brought her back.
[] "Yeah, we do. Kyubey, don't attack my friends and family like you did with Yuma. All that does is either get them killed or spooked, and neither is something I'll take lightly. If you've got a problem, just let me know. It's faster and saves time that way."
-[] "I swear, you really feel like just a machine at times. Anyway, what is it you want? If it's about Victoria, she got yoinked by some god and I was going to go looking her her regardless."
--[] "Unless there is something else we've gotta worry about now?"

Just initial thoughts on some dialogue. I'm hoping to open up the conversation a bit from what happened before with Victoria and Yuma.
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[X] "You'll need to narrow that down a bit."
-[X] If he accuses you of breaking your promise, explain that he initiated hostilities by targeting Yuma. And you have no reason to keep an agreement with a hostile force.
-[X] If he wants help fighting demons: "Your system is inherently flawed in ways demons can take advantage of. From a purely logical standpoint, unless you're willing to take up a whole new modus operandi, the smart thing to do would be to keep your assets out of the way and avoid causing problems for the people that are trying to fix the problem."
--[X] If he asks for the flaws: "Let's see... Some demons can consume a Witch and take over it's labrynth, some can directly turn a Magical Girl into a normal human, and not only do your girls not grow stronger, but they are actively penalized for using their magic to protect themselves. So basically, your own decisions have left them relatively defenseless."
[X] "And how many and what would those problems be, expressed as a complete description taking five minutes or less, using no jargon the people present would not understand completely, leaving nothing within two degrees of separation out, that your own actions have created by either direct action or influencing others?"
-[X] "Um, Arisu, would you mind taking notes for this? You've the clearest handwriting of anyone I know."
-[X] If he accuses you of breaking your promise, explain that he initiated hostilities by targeting Yuma. And you have no reason to keep an agreement with a hostile force.
--[X] If Kyubey claims that targeting Yuma does not constitute hostilities against us, politely inform it that such a claim is bullshit in the philosophical sense -- not technically lying, due to having no qualms about being caught in the deception -- due to having clearly spent at least a few centuries studying humanity and its personal bonds. Attacking those a human cares about is as much an assault on that human's well-being as a direct attack, as it can't possibly not know.
-[X] If he wants help fighting demons: "Your system is inherently flawed in ways demons can take advantage of. From a purely logical standpoint, unless you're willing to take up a whole new modus operandi, the smart thing to do would be to keep your assets out of the way and avoid causing problems for the people that are trying to fix the problem."
--[X] If he asks for the flaws: "Let's see... Some demons can consume a Witch and take over it's labyrinth, some can directly turn a Magical Girl into a normal human, and not only do your girls not grow stronger, but they are actively penalized for using their magic to protect themselves. So basically, your own decisions have left them relatively defenseless."
---[:V] "Congratulations, by treating an independent intelligent species as uninformed cattle, not only did you remove the possibility of a differing utility function and forms of creativity, utilizing constrained-error-rate information propagation, from generating alternative answers to Entropy... you also ensured that a competing force beyond your comprehension cannot be contained by your own system, and have to rely on and trust relatively unknown factors to generate a solution ANYWAY. In short: YOU PLAYED YOURSELF TWICE."
-[X] Someone, not necessarily Yumi, straight-up ask if Kyubey is what humanity would consider an artificial intelligence
--[X] If it tries to deflect, insist on an honest answer first but promise to answer the "why do you ask" question.
---[X] Point out that evolved self-awareness on Earth requires social interactions between such beings, and would inherently involve some degree of social bonds. Even lacking an emotional component, the shared genetics and drive to preserve them would lead to the same logic of "an attack on one in-group member is an attack on the entire in-group". Assuming this trait holds true elsewhere, Kyubey therefore is unlikely to have evolved, and must therefore have been created by evolved intelligence or by another artificial intelligence in a chain of such leading back to something which arose by chance. Barring this universe having creator beings involved, which is seeming less unlikely than previously, in which case Kyubey would not be so perplexed by the demons appearing now.

I so badly wish we could actually say that :V part, but Yumi does not in-character know that stuff afaik? My ADHD-brain got distracted from the re-read. :(
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[X] "You'll need to narrow that down a bit."
-[X] If he accuses you of breaking your promise, explain that he initiated hostilities by targeting Yuma. And you have no reason to keep an agreement with a hostile force.
-[X] If he wants help fighting demons: "Your system is inherently flawed in ways demons can take advantage of. From a purely logical standpoint, unless you're willing to take up a whole new modus operandi, the smart thing to do would be to keep your assets out of the way and avoid causing problems for the people that are trying to fix the problem."
--[X] If he asks for the flaws: "Let's see... Some demons can consume a Witch and take over it's labrynth, some can directly turn a Magical Girl into a normal human, and not only do your girls not grow stronger, but they are actively penalized for using their magic to protect themselves. So basically, your own decisions have left them relatively defenseless."

Changing my vote.
[X] "You'll need to narrow that down a bit."
-[X] If he accuses you of breaking your promise, explain that he initiated hostilities by targeting Yuma. And you have no reason to keep an agreement with a hostile force.
-[X] If he wants help fighting demons: "Your system is inherently flawed in ways demons can take advantage of. From a purely logical standpoint, unless you're willing to take up a whole new modus operandi, the smart thing to do would be to keep your assets out of the way and avoid causing problems for the people that are trying to fix the problem."
--[X] If he asks for the flaws: "Let's see... Some demons can consume a Witch and take over it's labrynth, some can directly turn a Magical Girl into a normal human, and not only do your girls not grow stronger, but they are actively penalized for using their magic to protect themselves. So basically, your own decisions have left them relatively defenseless."
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