- Demigods whose parents were assholes or just hated their guts generally acted very similarly to those who were on good terms with one or more divine parent
- While technically true, trying to get into her head without first influencing her emotions would be a fool's errand akin to running head first into the walls of a castle with no breach
1) I dont recall any Greek demigod who was hated by their parent and made it out of childhood.
I think the person who had it bad was Heracles, and even he was simply hated by his father's wife Hera(who was not his mother btw); all the other gods, from his father to his step-sister Athena were either neutral or actively supportive.
Now perhaps you are referring to some other mythology, which I havent heard of; the Greeks had the most promiscuous pantheon, and the one whose mythology has the most stories of part-human demigods.
But neither Grecian nor Norse mythology has any demigods walking around with hostile parents I can recall.
2)If thats your ruling for this AU, no problem.
But thats not how it appears to have worked in the Dresden Files canon.
The Nightmare did not need emotional influence or mental control to bodyjack Lydia in Grave Peril; if he had it, she'd have never been able to flee to Dresden or the Church of St Mary's. It didnt need emotional influence or mental control to possess Justine in the same Grave Peril book when the Reds had her, Dresden and Susan prisoner.
Corpsetaker did not need emotional or mental influence to bushwhack Luccio and steal her body in Dead Beat.
And while he was dead, Dresden did not need permission to jump into Molly's body and possess her and cast magic through her during the firefight with the turtlenecks in Ghost Story.
Corpsetaker did need explicit permission to possess Mortimer Lindquist in Ghost Story, mind. Hence her having him kidnapped and tortured go try and get it. But he was an experienced, skilled and powerful ectomancer who was allegedly in the same tier of power as Dresden, while she was comparatively weakened.
18 is a mostly arbitrary legal line, not something based in science. Brains
finish development in mid-20s.
Physical development for girls ends at ~ 15-16. For boys it's an average of 17, but can be as early as 15 or as late as 20.
Like I mentioned earlier, everyone keeps growing.
Epiphyseal fusion in the skeleton can happen as early as 12 or as late as 21. Neurological growth tapers off in the mind-20s, but neuroplasticity appears to persist from the cradle to the grave.
A 25-year old does not have the maturity of someone in their forties; adulting is not just about the hardware, but the software.
But we still consider 18 years to be a reasonable minimum floor for biological and temporal maturity, as well as legal responsibility.
It used to be 21.
Unlike when she fucked up, she has her father advising her now.
Arawn? You mean the same man/god who spent the last century trying to stay out of Mab's way and to hide in the real world because even for a being of his age and knowledge, hanging out in the NeverNever while having the displeasure of Winter was a contrasurvival strategy?
Her father's response to some attempt to go questing in the NeverNever while explicitly still owing Winter is going to be scathing.
You are inventing this wholecloth.
You are apparently unfamiliar with Greek mythology.
Theseus, son of Poseidon, had three wishes from his father.
Bellorophon, son of Zeus, had Athena guide him and give him a magic bridle for saddling Pegasus. When he pissed off Zeus, his father sent a gadfly to sting his flying horse, that bucked him off in midair and he died.
Perseus, son of Zeus, literally had much of the pantheon helping out; Athena provided guidance and lent him a shield, Zeus gave him a sword and Hades' helm of darkness, Hermes literally lent him his winged sandals.
Heracles, son of Zeus, when born had his half-sister Athena dupe Hera into nursing him, and supping on divine milk is in part why he is attributed with superhuman strength.
Achilles, son of the nymph Thetis, literally had his armor forged by Hephaesthus.
Sarpedon, son of Zeus, has Zeus about to personally intervene in his death duel with Patroclus during the Trojan War before another god talks him out of it. And after he's killed Zeus sends Apollo to steal the body, hand it over to Sleep and Death and have them take it back to Lycia for burial.
The list goes on; I dont have the focus to keep going.
But there is a persistent theme that even the mightiest of demigods who walk the earth do what they do with the tacit connivance of their parents. Also a persistent theme of Zeus being an unscrupulous man-whore, but we all knew that.
Worth recalling that many, if not most ghosts arent souls of the dead.
More along the lines of psychic impressions of the person that was. Some arent really sapient, and many of them werent necessarily good people in life; Dresden counts an extraordinary number of homicidal ghosts in the Chicago area being coralled and kept quiescent by Mortimer Lindquist.
Souls generally are free to move on when whatever is holding them here is resolved, as long as they arent being actively impeded.
At least thats Dresdenverse canon.
Kindred of the East and Exalted canon is different.
How the QM intends to play this is unknown.
This sounds like a venture we should consult our people over. We might set off a crisis of nativism or overpop issues if we do this at too large a scale.
This, basically.
And I have my reservations about how we're supposed to send these ghosts to Molly's Hell and if said method is vulnerable to attack or subversion by any of our many, MANY enemies or other power-hungry opportunists out there.
This isnt something Im in any hurry to test.
Its only been what, two days?