Lydia is saying this?
Vanilla (1 pt. Flaw) Oh my gods, you're such an innocent! In a world filled with sex magick and power plays, you're the little lamb who's strayed far away from home. Jokes get past you, clues escape you, and references to anything rawer than a Disney flick go straight over your head. Maybe you grew up in a secluded place with overprotective parents; or you could be in denial about the things you see all around you because life can't possibly be that twisted… can it? Regardless, hold firm to your innocence. Once it's gone, it ain't never coming back again!
She is of a lineage that guarded, guided, and housed the dead, so this makes sense. It also makes me wonder if we might have scared the piss out of people like Tuzi, who also fall in that category. It might be worth reaching out to her again purely to see if you needed to be an exalt to have that good a resonance or not.we resonate together, like when we made Bane remember? Your power your Essence feels more like mine than anyone else I encountered."
Need to thread mark the post.
Also, not threadmarked @DragonParadox
Lydia is saying this?
The welsh demigod who somehow has this on her character sheet?
Or maybe a ruler that's being redeemed.
My assumption would be that a Yama King who never fell or indulged in corruptive practices would feel like a regular god. Hades for example is in charge of the good and bad ends of an afterlife, but doesn't come off as a demon.
What lore you need to see the difference is an interesting question too.
It's worth noting that the FCF have their own gauntlet separate from the rest of reality, and is still a living soul as much as it's functionally its own plane of existence.
My bet is that someone who's less of a meathead than Harry could see that, and maybe begin to understand aspects of it if they're particularly brilliant, but that it wouldn't contradict anything about it being a hell.
They'd be doing research from first principles without historical context, it'd 'just' look like a very powerful spirit being very weird, which is par for the course.
They know what death is, it's just that for them it's less a terrible mystery and more a cosmic waiting room.It's funny because we bring her to our Kingdom and introduce her as the goddess of death and our people are going to be like "goddess of what?"
That is neat, if we have time a visit would be fun.There are unfallen or mostly unfallen Yama Kings. Perhaps several of them. They just generally have a lot less influence in the mortal world because if they haven't fallen that means they're staying in their lane and not interfering in Earthly matters as that's not the job that Heaven gave them.
The main exception is the Yama King that's also an ocean deity of the Pacific, so has mortal worshipers and servants because of that.
It would be interesting to visit her realm, or the Hell of Never Dying Sorrow to visit Bao Zhong, the last unfallen and uncursed Wan Xian outside of Heaven.
I don't think the goal is everything, just to give a taste of what happened.[x] Take her to your Palace, maybe you can make a day of it, visit some of the cities
-[x] Start with Venus city for the theaters and restaurants.
-[x] Dress like a tourist.
Visiting to more then one city seems like going too thin. Going population wise it would be like touristing China and India in one day and thinking you got everything.
DPE makes it hard to do disguises in the courts. We would need that 5 dot disguise charm first.-[x] Start with Venus city for the theaters and restaurants.
-[x] Dress like a tourist.
We probably can't pull off tourist, but there's something else we could try that would let us wander off in relative privacy:
Lord of the Land hasn't really come into play yet, and large portions of the FCF aren't really habitable or even frequently visited. We could start in the palace and then go out into the wastes to play with our godlike power over the environment while we talk.
Not disguise, dress. Less "I am not the Empress" more "I am the Empress, but am currently here in the role as a tourist. Please stop making this weird."DPE makes it hard to do disguises in the courts. We would need that 5 dot disguise charm first.
Gods damn it. Lydia and the girl's mother are going to have to get together and give her the talk at some point. Every White Court has a countdown timer to murder attached to, well, pretty much puberty and puberty-related activities.