[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Accept the offer (The quest, as it is, will conclude after this turn. There will be a series of votes to choose the planet, sector, etc of your starting point in the next arc. Any hanging plot threads will remain unresolved, and come to a conclusion independent of lizardmen interference. You are guaranteed a limited duration of time where the Eldar Dominion will ignore your existence in the next arc. The quest will continue in a new thread.)

I recognize that many people want to ball, but I'd rather play it safe.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)

I suspect that any gods we create are going to be fairly tiny and delicate compared to the Eldar gods, at least for the forseeable future. To us, Sotek is big and large and powerful, but to, say, Kurnous, he's smol snek.

I made a thing

I suspect Vaul probably has them covered beyond anything we could manage in a reasonable time frame

Ah, but consider: Slaanesh essentially has 'type advantage' against the Eldar Gods, cause it's essentially their antithesis/the psychic representation of karmic retribution against the Aeldari as a species. This would almost certainly also apply to all the stuff made by crafting-gods like Vaul.

However, stuff made by our crafting god would not be as such, and in fact, may narratively be extra effective against Chaos due to our nature as the Ideological Antithesis to them, which could give the Gods enough bite to, if not win, possibly survive until the Sublime Communion and Co. can try to intervene.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
However, stuff made by our crafting god would not be as such, and in fact, may narratively be extra effective against Chaos due to our nature as the Ideological Antithesis to them, which could give the Gods enough bite to, if not win, possibly survive until the Sublime Communion and Co. can try to intervene.
That's basically what I was saying yeah, we could more effectively create targetted weapons or armor that would allow the eldar gods to do more damage and more importantly *take* more damage or even escape. Might be the biggest thing we can do is give them all emergency teleport devices to allow them to go to ground like ceg did.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)

Let's go let's go.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)

I feel like you're retreating into a cloud of "who can possibly know, eh?"

It seems like a very counterintuitive claim that a series of warp storms that formed because Slaanesh was about to be born soon, within the next few millennia, would hang around for very long if Slaanesh wasn't about to be born anymore. Sure, anything's possible, but some things are a lot more plausible than others.
Evidently your not up to speed on this topic. So welcome to talking about the Warp, where any notion of time is a shot in the infinite dark.
If your thinking it's counterintuitive then you are clearly confused by something. I'll explain the difference between the canon version and this potential versions to help you.

First how it happened in canon where Slannesh is born.
First cause, is Slaanesh's gestation begins. Which has the side effect of warp storms popping up across the galaxy making travel impossible.
Roughly 5 millennia go by and the second cause takes place, her birth. The effect is a massive psychic explosion that creates the eye and blows away all the warp storms.

Now if she's not born.

First cause, is Slaanesh's gestation begins. Which has the side effect of warp storms popping up across the galaxy making travel impossible.
Roughly 5 millennia go by and the second cause takes place, she isn't born. The effect, she's not creating additional warp storms as a side effect anymore, among numerous other potential effects.

But if none of those effects are a massive psychic explosion, or at least similar in function to cause the current lingering warp storms to disperse. Then all you can do is wait, since they aren't gonna do it till they run out of steam.
And that has to do with time and the warp, which again "any, notion, of, time, is, a, shot, in, the, infinite, dark" when the warp is concerned.

Aye, I'll confirm that neither option affects your eventual tech tree development, and it's only if you mess up real hard after declining that next arc will be … not harder, but you'll end up in different circumstances. If you want a guaranteed safe start to your interstellar days and room to expand without the Dominion noticing you for the duration of the grace period (which will be a notable mechanic a la the psyker blooms from mouli's Keeping To The Dream quest), then I'd pick Accept.
That seems really illogical, since if the Deny option requires resources and what not to be used on aspects like getting rid of the curse in the stone and moving toward effecting the Fall. Then those are resources that aren't focused on improvement and research.
And in contrast the Accept option would guarantee all resources go into improvement and research. So how could it possibly not effect tech tree development and development in an of itself.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)

Not really interested in dropping the ongoing plot threads, but I'm not sure how we'd deal with Aeldari attention. Political stuff we may be able to navigate but actual combat crossfire seems like a bit of a problem assuming we have just a few centuries to prepare.
That seems really illogical, since if the Deny option requires resources and what not to be used on aspects like getting rid of the curse in the stone and moving toward effecting the Fall. Then those are resources that aren't focused on improvement and research.
And in contrast the Accept option would guarantee all resources go into improvement and research. So how could it possibly not effect tech tree development and development in an of itself.
Issue is that the Accept option will require us to relocate our everything and then spend a lot of time making sure everything is properly aligned. That would take a considerable amount of time that eats into research.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
Issue is that the Accept option will require us to relocate our everything and then spend a lot of time making sure everything is properly aligned. That would take a considerable amount of time that eats into research.
Na that's already covered.
Post by Marcrawsky
1 will moving include our current infrastructure
2 will we have to restart the geomantic web if we move
3 will the independent slaan be able to find us

1. Yup, you keep everything.
2. Nope, Isendral will help you set up.
3. Yup!
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Accept the offer (The quest, as it is, will conclude after this turn. There will be a series of votes to choose the planet, sector, etc of your starting point in the next arc. Any hanging plot threads will remain unresolved, and come to a conclusion independent of lizardmen interference. You are guaranteed a limited duration of time where the Eldar Dominion will ignore your existence in the next arc. The quest will continue in a new thread.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Accept the offer (The quest, as it is, will conclude after this turn. There will be a series of votes to choose the planet, sector, etc of your starting point in the next arc. Any hanging plot threads will remain unresolved, and come to a conclusion independent of lizardmen interference. You are guaranteed a limited duration of time where the Eldar Dominion will ignore your existence in the next arc. The quest will continue in a new thread.)
That seems really illogical, since if the Deny option requires resources and what not to be used on aspects like getting rid of the curse in the stone and moving toward effecting the Fall. Then those are resources that aren't focused on improvement and research.
And in contrast the Accept option would guarantee all resources go into improvement and research. So how could it possibly not effect tech tree development and development in an of itself.
Ah, I see the disconnect, my bad. I meant that it wouldn't artificially set a cap in terms of what level of tech or whatnot you'd be able to reach over the long term. It would indeed mean that you wouldn't be able to devote all your attention and resources to increasing your own strength, though - that's intentional by quest design. Any agreement, compromise, or concession to another species or being will mean that you'd take the opportunity cost of having potentially been able to grind, research, and strengthen yourselves with the time and effort it'd take to accommodate and work with other people. So it's not a hard limit per se, but you are right that the lizardmen empire of the Accept option would probably become stronger in a shorter amount of time than the lizardmen who chose to Decline.
That seems really illogical, since if the Deny option requires resources and what not to be used on aspects like getting rid of the curse in the stone and moving toward effecting the Fall. Then those are resources that aren't focused on improvement and research.
And in contrast the Accept option would guarantee all resources go into improvement and research. So how could it possibly not effect tech tree development and development in an of itself.
Probably because the original post made it sounds like those tech options are closed off, instead if we stay those options are high likely not to get done at anywhere near the same speed because of all the slann power going elsewhere. So by moving to the new world we will be able to focus on research and a big one is by leaving we should be able to get to 6th gen slann spawning a lot sooner which will also add to our research

Basically there'll be a meter, say 0/100 for example's sake. It's the Dominion Attention Meter, and it represents how much attention you've drawn from the Dominion at large. As you do stuff that draws attention or creates a notable fuss on an interstellar scale, it goes up. When it hits certain thresholds - say 20/40/60/80 for the sake of example - you start getting bored pre-Fall Eldar messing with you with increasing numbers, frequency, and severity. It can be made to go down by stuff like hiding, waiting until it goes down, or bribery. The intended result is that you have to balance expansionism and interfering in galactic events with the need to avoid drawing too much attention and having the Dominion decide you need to be put in your place.

You don't want the meter to max out.
A good way to do it though that meter will be annoying to try and dance around. Hmm bribery sounds like having to spend slann power and/or actions to bring that meter down.
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[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Accept the offer (The quest, as it is, will conclude after this turn. There will be a series of votes to choose the planet, sector, etc of your starting point in the next arc. Any hanging plot threads will remain unresolved, and come to a conclusion independent of lizardmen interference. You are guaranteed a limited duration of time where the Eldar Dominion will ignore your existence in the next arc. The quest will continue in a new thread.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)