Unf unf that''s some Left Hand of Cai shit.
Everything turns into crabs eventually
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Everything turns into crabs eventually
I mean I'd rather get them to help out with more knowledge than use their own methods to find out info we already have. In the first option we can work together with their methods rather apart.Honestly thinking getting White Sky to try their own methods is worth not upping their SL.
"Minimal. Decoys and looping trails. Was able to record some traces of composition despite the dissolution of the objects."
"Not…. the greatest over here. I killed the root-y, worm-y thing that came crawling out of the one guy's thoughts. It was made to dig in and stir up the mountain, pretty sure, but the fella it hatched out of went a little nutty on the foreign folks, accusing them of cursing him. He's passed out now. Not broken, just hurt. I tried to be precise but there was some kind of feedback. Not a trace of the gribbly now."
Ling Qi sucked in a breath. Was there further conflict brewing?
"Some shouting, stepped out, keeping folks calm."
favorability goes from -10 to 10 and gives 10% odds on certain diplomacy rolls with them. For example: we were able to avoid a -1 Emerald Seas Favorability because they already have a positive Favorability and we rolled well. +2 with MoI would give a 20% instead of a 10%Does Favorability work on the same KIND of scale as Reputation, even if it's short-term/for the duration of the conference?
As in, if we get to 6 Favorability with White Sky, is it the max we can get for them just like 6 is the max reputation you can get with an organization?