Leverage can also be spent on influence, and we still have Croatia that Istria would attach to.I don't think we should give Serbia everything because I want things to spend leverage on later. And it'd be a betrayal of Istria.
@Etranger is it still possible to do this under federation of equals?
I'll approval-vote for this, too.[x] Plan Sellout
-[x] We will build a federation of equals.
-[x] We accept the Montenegrin request for Kotor.
-[x] We accept the Serbian request for Bosnia.
-[x] We decline the Romanian request.
Voting for this to get it on the board. May approval-vote other plans later, I dunno. Note that this plan preserves for later federation and Alliance reconstruction the entirety of pre-Bosnia-annexation Translethania, and so mostly realizes the Long Con.