So here's how I see the major plans going if they were to be enacted-
[] Plan for Domestic Consumption
-[] We will cast down tyrants and liberate nations.
-[] Poland, Lithuania, and Galicia shall be placed under Allied control.
-[] The Alliance shall receive the old Confederal borders.
-[] The Habsburg Empire must be partitioned.
-[] Russia and Austria must pay modest reparations.
-[] The other League states shall not be punished.
This has -2 leverage, the borderline of rejection, which combined with the middle diplomatic stances, puts it on the line of getting a counteroffer or a rejection. Could go either way. If we get a counter offer we'll probably get a choice of taking it or having a diplomatic hit. A counter offer will of course mean removing or weakening some of these demands. Maybe we'll get a choice on what we compromise on.
[] Dispense Liberation, Eliminate Hapsburg (-1 Leverage)
-[] We will cast down tyrants and liberate nations.
-[] Poland, Lithuania, and Galicia shall be placed under Allied control.
-[] The Alliance shall receive the old Confederal borders.
-[] The Habsburg Empire must be partitioned.
-[] Russia and Austria do not have to pay reparations.
-[] The other League states shall not be punished.
As it says, -1 leverage. Same as "for Domestic Consumption" but without any reparations. Maybe a chance of being accepted (with international hit), less likely for an outright rejection. Probably gets a counteroffer.
[] Plan The Pink Map (No Sabotage)
-[] We will cast down tyrants and liberate nations.
-[] Poland, Lithuania, and Galicia shall be placed under Allied control. (-4)
-[] The Alliance shall receive the old Confederal borders. (-2)
-[] The Habsburg Empire must be partitioned. (-1)
-[] Russia and Austria do not have to pay reparations. (+0)
-[] The other League states must be reorganized. (-2)
-3 leverage, so an automatic rejection. This will be taken by the Entente and League as roughly indicating our war aims (Any peace offer will, but I think this is most important in a peace deal that will absolutely not be accepted). So they'll expect our final aims to be Confederation borders, Poland-Lithuania, remaining Habsburg areas partitions, and reorganizing Romania/Bulgaria.
[] Plan: The limits of our ambition
-[] We will engage in good faith.
-[] Poland, Lithuania, and Galicia shall be placed under Allied control.
-[] The Alliance shall receive the old Confederal borders.
-[] The Habsburg Empire must be partitioned.
-[] Russia and Austria do not have to pay reparations.
-[] The other League states shall not be punished.
-1 leverage, and in good faith. Other than the stance, same as "Dispense Liberation, Eliminate Hapsburg." With the stance change, probably more likely to be accepted, or it may receive a more stringent counteroffer if the League thinks this means we're eager for peace. Probably not a rejection. The partition of the Habsburg domains may be more against us as a result of the stance.
[] Plan: Engineered Continuation of War
-[] We will cast down tyrants and liberate nations.
-[] Poland shall remain under Allied control. (-2)
-[] The Alliance shall additionally take Slovakia and Hungary.(-4)
-[] The Habsburg Empire must be partitioned. (-1)
-[] Russia and Austria must pay severe reparations. (-2)
-[] The other League states shall not be punished. (0)
-3 leverage, another automatic rejection. Aligns with territory presently occupied, plus reparations and partitioning of what is left of the Habsburgs.
[] Plan The Pink Map (Sabotaged)
-[] We will sabotage the talks.
-[] Poland, Lithuania, and Galicia shall be placed under Allied control. (-4)
-[] The Alliance shall receive the old Confederal borders. (-2)
-[] The Habsburg Empire must be partitioned. (-1)
-[] Russia and Austria do not have to pay reparations. (+0)
-[] The other League states must be reorganized. (-2)
Identical with the first Pink map plan, but with the sabotage stance. This will get a harsher diplomatic response from the Entente, unclear impact on final peace if we make more extreme demands there.
[] Plan: The Red Map
-[] We will sabotage the talks.
-[] Poland, Lithuania, and Galicia shall be placed under Allied control.
-[] The Alliance shall additionally take Slovakia and Hungary.
-[] The Habsburg Empire must be placed under Alliance control.
-[] Russia and Austria must pay severe reparations.
-[] The other League states must be reorganized
-8 leverage, wildly unacceptable to the League, automatic rejection. In etranger's words "if you put up a -8 Leverage plan it indicates that you're about to go Napoleon on Eastern Europe" with accompanying consequences from the Entente. The war will continue and Entente intervention becomes much more likely, and sooner.
These are the only plans with more than five votes right now, so they're all I'll cover.
Overall, none of these plans are in the positive, which means none are automatic acceptance. The ones at -1 or -2 may be accepted, or rejected, or face a counter offer. The others are auto rejects. This means there's a very real possibility, even for the -1 or -2 plans, that we're forced to either compromise for less in the peace, or continue the war anyways. Fundamentally I don't think the leverage and costs here allow us to get what I consider an acceptable peace. We have the League on the ropes, the Habsburg Empire is dying, the Russians strain and rely on Entente support to keep in the fight, and Romania and Bulgaria have been thrown into the fray to staunch the bleeding and done basically nothing to help. If we push on only a little bit more we can secure a more decisive peace.
So I endorse any of the -3 leverage plans, they'll ensure the war continues without upsetting the Entente too much. The -1 and -2 plans leave open the issue of counter offers, or worse an outright acceptance. Red Map is unfortunately the worst choice, since it both ensures the war continues and all but guarantees Entente intervention of some form.