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I don't like the 'not being able to read the room' bit but that's just a personal gripe.

We already know Yumi's is good at reading people cause we need magic gains but she's also unaware at times.
[] *to Vergil* "Does he always put his foot this far into his mouth?"

Ngl, this is the option that amuses me the most of the ones presented.

[X] "Don't worry about it, you didn't know. She died when I was 4. Dad decided to have me pick up self-defense after that, and the rest is history. Wonder if that explains how I picked things up so fast?"

But I'm gonna opt for this one.
We already know Yumi's is good at reading people cause we need magic gains but she's also unaware at times.
It's Dante not being able to read the room. Though I feel the vote is blowing it a bit out of proportion.

[X] "Don't worry about it, you didn't know. She died when I was 4. Dad decided to have me pick up self-defense after that, and the rest is history. Wonder if that explains how I picked things up so fast?"
[X] "Don't worry about it, you didn't know. She died when I was 4. Dad decided to have me pick up self-defense after that, and the rest is history. Wonder if that explains how I picked things up so fast?"
[X] "Don't worry about it, you didn't know. She died when I was 4. Dad decided to have me pick up self-defense after that, and the rest is history. Wonder if that explains how I picked things up so fast?"
[X] "Don't worry about it, you didn't know. She died when I was 4. Dad decided to have me pick up self-defense after that, and the rest is history. Wonder if that explains how I picked things up so fast?"
Fun Facts 9: The Manga Adaptation That No One Talks About
1. Kyoko never accepted Dante's offer, but she didn't refuse him, either. She's on the fence, as of now.

2. They weren't joking. Dante and Vergil would have made Sayaka drag that sword all the way to Mami's apartment, much to Sayaka's dismay.

3. Yuma is surprisingly good at FPS games, despite never playing one.

4. Shadow, decidedly, likes being pet by Yuma. He won't actually look at her when she does, however. He's embarrassed.

5. Griffon gives Yuma a hard time a lot, but he likes her. He just doesn't know how to express himself any other way.

6. Homura has a hobby of collecting guns, even if she doesn't use them. It's her guilty pleasure.

7. Shoji is horrible at expressing his feelings, often to the point where he doesn't even emote.

8. Kohaku would gladly watch Cardcaptor Sakura with Yuma, but she has to sit one space away from Yuma. It breaks her heart to see Yuma so...

9. Nagisa is ecstatic to have her mother back home. Nagisa's mother is just happy to be alive. Sure, she's not yet fully recovered from her hospital stay, but they have calm fun around the house.

10. Louis wishes he had a family.
Last edited:
4. Shadow, decidedly, likes being pet by Yuma.

He just doesn't know how to express himself and other way.

9. Nagisa is estatic to have her mother back home.

10. Louis wishes he had a family.
*meanwhile in the void of nonexistence*

Alex: "So you're telling me that my mom is the literal Devil!?"
10. Louis wishes he had a family.
Nb4 this ends up a Devil Children timeline. Speaking of... One of Lucifer's kids is named Mirai Kaname lol.

Actually, Yumi is kinda showing similarities to Devil Children:

Devil Child

A Devil Child (デビルチルドレン, Debiru Chirudoren)?, called DemiKids in the English localization, are half-human half-demons in the Devil Children series. Their counterparts are the Angel Children. Devil Children Black Book & Red Book Devil Children White Book DemiKids: Light & Dark Devil Children...
Especially her being able to have a special partner demon that grows with her.
Bonus fact: Yuma can't swim. At all.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 24, 2023 at 11:36 PM, finished with 23 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] "Don't worry about it, you didn't know. She died when I was 4. Dad decided to have me pick up self-defense after that, and the rest is history. Wonder if that explains how I picked things up so fast?"
    [X] "Okay. There's not being able to read a room and then there's whatever that was. But yeah, dead. Exploded in fact since that might be related, though no one knows why or how unless we can call up her spirit for a talk."
    [X] "Okay. There's not being able to read a room and then there's whatever that was. But yeah, dead. Murdered, specifically, when I was four. No one knows who did it or why."
499: A Nightmare...?
[X] An actual, mature response. Good job.

You take a deep breath, and exhale. "Don't worry about it. It's not like you could've known." The tension in the room slowly dissolves, causing everyone to relax slightly. "I know what you're gonna ask, and the answer is that she died when I was four."

(INT ROLL: 17+7)

Vergil's eyes soften for a moment. Then, they're right back to his confident glare. Regardless, you continue.

"My old man had me take some self defense classes, and the rest is history." With a shrug, you conclude your story. "Maybe that's how I was able to pick that stuff up so fast."

"Hey, you've still got one up on me." Dante replies, "You've still got a dad, at least."

"I thought you said that you had no father." Vergil verbally prods his brother. "I remember distinctly--"

"Oh, you remember that, but not Jackpot?" Dante flops into the seat beside you, "That was our thing!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Vergil tells his brother.

"Come on, you know the thing! It was our catchphrase!"

"I do not recall."

"Hold on!" Kyoko slams her hands onto the table, getting everyone's attention, "Is there anyone here who has both of their parents alive?!"

You look around the room, only to find...

"...Now I feel awkward." Shoji says, raising his hand.

Kyoko looks deeply disturbed to find no other people here with two living parents.

"Yuma's getting hungry." Yuma declares, taking her seat.

"Yeah, hurry it up! My poor host is gonna starve!" Griffon bemoans, "And she won't even get to show you all of her new nightmares!"

Yuma stiffens as all eyes flock to her. "Um, Yuma made a n-new friend!"

"What kind of friend?" Kyoko hazards, looking Yuma over for something.

"The kind you get when..." She trails off, "...Yuma will show you!"

Yuma's scarf reappears, and suddenly...

...In front of you kneels a... Girl. Her hair is about medium length, and wild looking. She has an armored dress, but it looks rusted in places. There's a small buckler shield on her left arm, and a lance in her right hand.

Horns protrude from her head, almost like a horned lizard of some sort. All across her skin, you see... Scales?

"Um, this is..." Yuma presents the girl, "...Yuma's new friend...!"

She silently continues to kneel.

[] ????????????????????

OOC: Sorry this took so long, I was playing SCP Secret Laboratory.
[jk] is that a dragon or are you just happy to see me?

[X] "Does she speak? What's her name? Also, where did you find her? Does she want curry?"
-[X] Go check if the food is done.

All I've got atm.
[X] "A Dragon Girl Knight!? That is so cool! Does she speak? What's her name? Also, where did you find her? Does she want curry?"
-[X] Go check if the food is done.
[X] "A Dragon Girl Knight!? That is so cool! Does she speak? What's her name? Also, where did you find her? Does she want curry?"
-[X] Go check if the food is done.
[X] "Does she speak? What's her name? Also, where did you find her? Does she want curry?"
-[X] Go check if the food is done.

This is too funny not to do! Just, nope not dealing with this right now, basic questions only.
[X] "A Dragon Girl Knight!? That is so cool! Does she speak? What's her name? Also, where did you find her? Does she want curry?"
-[X] Go check if the food is done.
[X] "Does she speak? What's her name? Also, where did you find her? Does she want curry?"
-[X] Go check if the food is done.
[X] "Does she speak? What's her name? Also, where did you find her? Does she want curry?"
-[X] Go check if the food is done.
[X] "A Dragon Girl Knight!? That is so cool! Does she speak? What's her name? Also, where did you find her? Does she want curry?"
-[X] Go check if the food is done.
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