Of Trust and Testimony
9th of November 2006 A.D.
There are two ways you could go about this, the
noire way... and the actual common sense way. Much as it pains you to do so you don't start with 'there's a body in the trunk and it's going to take both of us to deal with it properly'. Instead you just give your account, detailed to the street name and the minute
"I saw the shadows move strangely and knew something weird was going on, mortal magic flexes against the world when you cast it so a fire wizard would make candles flare, a lightning wizard would make the air smell of ozone, but it takes a lot to be visible far off even to someone like me..."
She has her note pad and pen, looking no worse for wear for it being late evening after a long shift on duty, but you can sense she is waiting for the other shoe to drop.
"The victim here is a member of a sort of self defense group. Not anything assertive, just people with a little bit of magic looking out for each other." Anger tickles the back of your throat, not white hot but there. " People with just a little magic are nearly the bottom of a very literal food chain, and it can be hard for them at the best of times. She god lucky... she got incredibly lucky to be able to get the vampire before it got her. Even though this was the least physically powerful sort, even though the first mental attack failed pretty much the only chance she had of getting out of there was throwing everything she had at him."
"She?" The syllable is a little clipped, but not outright accusing. Detective Murphy is willing to extend some credit here.
"She could really use her privacy right now. I got her account and an interview on some other stuff that may be connected," So saying you tilt your head in Clippy's direction.
By way of answer Karin Murphy sighs and shakes her head, not taking her eyes off her notes. "And the perp?"
"Dead, body's in the truck."
That gets her to look up. Not so long ago that look would be having you spilling your guts so fast the words would come out smashed together, now you just explain: "He was killed and moved by telekinesis, no prints, no marks of any sort."
"And the inside of your trunk?" She isn't writing things down anymore.
"Is going to be cleaned with a flamethrower. Might make a Geiger counter blip a bit over the background for a few weeks if anyone waves one around inside but nothing forensics could pick up."
As she puts her left hand to her temples to massage away the ache you resist the impulse to offer to realign her chi. "Play the interview please."
Without prompting Clippy starts to play the file in question to which the detective listens carefully to the end. "Not good."
Though you are quick to assure her 'the person in question' was being honest she shakes her head. "Not what I meant, she was jittery, still coming down from the adrenaline of the attack, scared half out of her mind. That is not a good state to get a statement out of someone if you can help it. It... reinforces biases."
"What do you mean?" you ask, not a little intrigued. Not where you thought this night would be going.
"There's not a single person out there that walks into an interview or interrogation without biases. If someone's emotional it's going to get you emotionally worked out so you are just going to go down whichever rabbit hole that is. What were you feeling when she finished?"
Seeing no reason to lie you answer in the spirit it was asked: "A desire to go back in time and kill whoever did the King James Translation of the Bible, in particular Exodus 22:18."
A sort of grim amusement glitters in her eyes for just a moment, but she keeps up the didactic tone: "So now you are going to be looking for fanatics who think it's 1692 and that is going to tilt the whole investigation in that direction."
"Oh I know who is part of the plot on the White Court side of things at least," you assure her, rattling off all nine names as well as what you know about Madrigal and the Skavis scion.
Now she's taken aback. "How...?"
You wave your hand clockwise next yo your head. "Magic. Also internet searching."
"Right, right... What are you planning to do with it?" Being honest with yourself it is pretty gratifying to have someone like detective Murphy assume you have a plan and that is something to take into account, even if judging by her expression, she is not at all set on this being a good thing.
"I'm planning to call Lara Raith since I know she's not involved. She's..."
"Their leader yeah, head of the families."
After a bit of a double take and a silent staring game of you-know-I-know-you-know you explain why this is best kept as a matter internal to the White Court: they have the means to do it and the current regime is a stabilizing influence and overall the least predatory if the Vampire Courts compared to the Cocaine and Cthulhu of the Red Court, the violent isolationism of the Jade Court and the undead horror that are the remains of the Black Court. "I still think they are pretty terrible, but all of us play with the hand we've got not the one we wished we had." You sneak a smile thinking back to the look on not-Maeve's face. "Sometimes I get to deal a card from the bottom though."
She taps her fingers on the dashboard for a few minutes. "These people aren't going to be able to stay holed out in their houses long term. If I had names for the 'self-defense' club I could put some people on alert, make sure calls are given priority, scare off any would be lunatics who fancy hunting witches if any of them are around. Conduct interviews..." She stops, obviously considering if she should consider. "Harry does this thing too where he thinks he can handle everything on his own because he is the wizard sheriff or whatever they call it, but there is one of him and this is a
city. There is a reason we do not work off Old West rules anymore. He can be in only one place at one time and so can you. I'd like those names, please. I want to make sure these people are as safe as I can make them."
What do you reply?
[] Give her Anna's name and address, as the leader of the Ordo she would be the most trusted, but she is also rather.. prickly
[] Give her Abby's name and address, she is friendly though a bit shy
[] Give her Olivia's name and address, given her taxation without representation speech something tells you she'd be willing to recount everything she knows about the magical world on a dime
[] Give her multiple names
-[] All of them
-[] Write in
[] You cannot share any names with her at this time
[] Write in
OOC: Since you guys specifically allowed Dr Jackson to leave so she would not meet Murphy I chose to keep that one back.