Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

[X] Case Arquebus

I wonder if all those rebel we support will made much of a different? At least I expect IL mobilization progress to be much slower than our.
[X] Case Arquebus

I'm convinced. We push a bit against everyone to keep the pressure up on them. Taking the Jutland is important too since it will force Scandinavia and Russia to try to naval invade it to take it back. That puts them on the back foot in the region. It also lets us potentially link up with Polish and Czech resistance without overly committing to pushing too hard into Russia or Austria. Normally I'd agree on an all out assault on Austria, but I feel like if it doesn't work out, we'd risk being too focused on them.
It is my opinion that we must meet the Poles and beg their forgiveness for being so late.

[X] Case Hussar
[X] Case Hussar

I don't think we can knock Austria out in one blow, but if we secure Poland we might be able to convince Russia to sue for peace. Then with Jutland secured it's just us vs Austria on land and us vs Scandinavia at sea, and we can win that no problem.
[X] Case Hussar

I don't think we can knock Austria out in one blow, but if we secure Poland we might be able to convince Russia to sue for peace. Then with Jutland secured it's just us vs Austria on land and us vs Scandinavia at sea, and we can win that no problem.
I think the idea that taking Poland will knock out Russia is unfounded. It won't physically stop them from continuing, and the Tsar and his nobles care nothing for the lives of their soldiers. Moreover Russia has been written as extremely confident in the quest—look at how they're described in the update where Franz Josef blinks. They believe that they'll come out on top no matter what, so a single crushing defeat is very unlikely to phase them.
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