Your vote has a typo.[X] Threaten Austria with war of they don't back down.
pragmatism's for nerds
whoopsies, thank!
I like the cut of your jib![X] Immediately mobilize and march towards Vienna
Might as well seize this moment of revolutionary war atmosphere, lol
The only true path to secure the revolution of the Roman Republic!
What's cursed about the resurrection of one of our revolutionary contemporaries?Ngl the revolutionary roman republic is kinda cursed, but also oddly fitting
Yeah, okay, fine. Crisis update imminent.
Scheduled vote count started by Etranger on May 26, 2023 at 10:07 PM, finished with 87 posts and 53 votes.
[X] Threaten Austria with war if they don't back down.... and 7 more.
- nachtingale
- CogAndStar
- TheArcanist
- notbirdofprey
- HelioA
- Potato Anarchy
- mcclay
- Zimmerwald1915
- Oseanman
- DracoDracul
- MisRAR1
- Weygand
- Physici
- Anchises
- Whenyouseeyou
- ArvisPresley
- Chipsy_21
- Parzival95
- spiritualatheist
- Nate700
- grimely
- Redtape
- Aedan777
- Wypa
- Shadowhisker
- Fission Battery
- ReluctntCrusader
- Oxford
- maelstrom.seeker
- TheMaskedReader
- Godwinson
- BrigadierN
- Gadjo
- Cathari
- Celti
- 01paradox01
- Doctor Elsewhere
- AKuz
- aeqnai
- Nerdorama
[X] Immediately mobilize and march towards Vienna
[X] Guarantee the Roman Republic's integrity and demand a negotiated settlement.
The workers of Vienna were among the most admirable revolutionary battalions in '48, and I'm sure given the loss the Empire just took will make their wishes known again soon enough.COWARDS! WE'LL RIP YOUR FUCKING ARMS OFF! YOUR KING AND NOBLE'S BLOOD WILL RUN THROUGH THE STREETS!
i am very saddened vienna won't be liberated from imperialist tyranny