Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

We are German nationalists who believe in the liberatory power of nationalism and that every country deserves national self-determination and every person and group national, linguistic, and cultural rights.

In any case just by living in our country and our state and being very well treated, people are likely to integrate into communities. They might not speak only German, they might continue being Orthodox Christians, but they'll be loyal citizen-comrades.
[X] Plan: The moderate case for war
-[X] Build upon our successful peace conference to deepen ties with the Entente, focusing on our shared enmity with the imperial league to see how much the Entente is likely to let us get away with if we go to war east.
-[X] Organize a dedicated national counter intelligence agency to investigate foreign spies and sabotage, answering to the assembly directly.
-[X] Organize a dedicated foreign intelligence agency under the assembly to keep it informed of political developments in other countries.
-[X] Seek to renew our alliance with Italy by promising them gains at the expense of Austria if war breaks out. Reassure them that shared strategic interests matter more than divergence in internal politics.
-[X] Discreetly reach out to Japan to see if they would be amenable to opening up another front in a hypothetical war with Russia, and generally deepen ties with the country.
-[X] Send diplomats touring Europe and America, building a case for war against the autocrats of Russia and Austria.
We are currently isolated not just nationally but ideologically so our national construct still makes sense, but hopefully that won't last, and as we make like minded partners, why would we want nationalism to stand between us and them?

I mean, I myself don't particularly care about nationalism, but a lot of people we are arming are. Like, we are a great power, German culture is not being oppressed, there is nothing much to lose if we embrace internationalism. However, I doubt the Polish, the Baltic people, or the Slovaks, or any other discriminated minorities we are hoping to fight with us against the Imperial League is going to be so willing to abandon nationalism and embrace internationalism so quickly when their culture were - and are - being repressed by the imperial powers up until now.
[X] To Moscow by 1900
-[X] Begin construction of the Friedrich-Engels-Canal* and the Rhein-Herne-Canal* using the expertise we gained from the Karl-Marx-Canal. Use all technological methods to finish construction quickly and hire foreign workers if necessary, supplying the Ruhr area and taking strain away from our railway network is essential.
-[X] Build large railway routes that will allow fast mobilization and steady supply along our most likely offensive routes against the Imperial League. Conduct regular mobilization drills and work-out mobilization schedules that involve the War Commission, the Unions and other interested parties.
-[X] Provide funding and training for radical groups in Italy and begin drawing up plans for quick intervention to support progressive forces should the situation escalate.
-[X] Formalize the counter-intelligence role of the National Gendarmerie and provide the additional funding, training and manpower the agency needs to fulfil that role. Also create an intelligence agency that collects intel on foreign nations and provides it, along with analysis, to the War Commission and authorized Assembly members.
-[X] Bankroll a program of subsidies and no-interest loan to accelerate the growth of future industries like the Benz Motor Co-op. Technological leadership is crucial for the security of the Republic.
-[X] Offer military goods at factory price to Spain and encourage barter deals instead of currency payment.
I mean, I myself don't particularly care about nationalism, but a lot of people we are arming are. Like, we are a great power, German culture is not being oppressed, there is nothing much to lose if we embrace internationalism. However, I doubt the Polish, the Baltic people, or the Slovaks, or any other discriminated minorities we are hoping to fight with us against the Imperial League is going to be so willing to abandon nationalism and embrace internationalism so quickly when their culture were - and are - being repressed by the imperial powers up until now.

I don't disagree. As I said, nationalism can be temporarily revolutionary and we shouldn't spurn it when it is.

Just because we turn away from it because we've secured our place doesn't mean our internationalism can't recognize the validity of struggles for national liberations in countries that haven't freed themselves yet (while remaining vigilant for possible minority issues in those, which can be real too).
[X] To Moscow by 1900
-[X] Begin construction of the Friedrich-Engels-Canal* and the Rhein-Herne-Canal* using the expertise we gained from the Karl-Marx-Canal. Use all technological methods to finish construction quickly and hire foreign workers if necessary, supplying the Ruhr area and taking strain away from our railway network is essential.
-[X] Build large railway routes that will allow fast mobilization and steady supply along our most likely offensive routes against the Imperial League. Conduct regular mobilization drills and work-out mobilization schedules that involve the War Commission, the Unions and other interested parties.
-[X] Provide funding and training for radical groups in Italy and begin drawing up plans for quick intervention to support progressive forces should the situation escalate.
-[X] Formalize the counter-intelligence role of the National Gendarmerie and provide the additional funding, training and manpower the agency needs to fulfil that role. Also create an intelligence agency that collects intel on foreign nations and provides it, along with analysis, to the War Commission and authorized Assembly members.
-[X] Bankroll a program of subsidies and no-interest loan to accelerate the growth of future industries like the Benz Motor Co-op. Technological leadership is crucial for the security of the Republic.
-[X] Offer military goods at factory price to Spain and encourage barter deals instead of currency payment.
Ah i see, sorry about that then,its just as far as i was aware "nation" means "a people" no?.

No, at least to me, a nation is more (or less, really) than a set of people or even than their culture. It's an organized social construct built around an in group ideal (and thus implicitly or explicitly an out group).
[X] Rekindling the Republic of Virtue
-[X] Create a new national holiday, Mobilization Day, where all citizens of the Republic participate in a mock mobilization. This is to bring our citizens together, and provide regular stress testing for mobilization practices.
-[X] Continue naval expansion and army reforms
-[X] Formalize an intelligence agency to gather information on our enemies and organize the activities of graduates of our Alpine Academy.
-[X] Provide recognition and funding for social groups that promote republican virtues in defense of the republic, such as community halls and hunting clubs.
-[X] Support the creation of Junior War Clubs in high schools across Germany, where students will practice and compete against each other in mock war games. These clubs will be democratically organized, preparing students for service in the Landwehr.
-[X] Facilitate the organization of a civic religion devoted to the republican struggle and dissolution of crowns.
[X] Vanguard Communist Party (Valkyrie Clique)
-[X] As the implementation of Labor Recognition has only just begun, provide full support to the Commission on Equality to avoid immediate backsliding and continue the effort.
-[X] Centralize the planning committees of the various Commissions into a standing Planning Conference Committee with the initiative to place sectoral and cross-sector planning bills before the Assembly.
-[X] Establish a national system of borrowing centers and goods libraries to reduce redundant production while improving the standard of living of the populace.
-[X] Reintroduce and formalize the morale and mental-healthcare functions that the commissariat in the United Front had taken on during the Second German Revolution.
-[X] Legally enshrine a right to literacy, with anyone who has been prevented from obtaining literacy in their mother-tongue being provided the materials and instruction needed.
-[X] Celebrate the wedding of Walpurga Voight and her wife as a proverbial gauntlet thrown at the face of reaction.
[X] Vanguard Communist Party (Valkyrie Clique)
-[X] As the implementation of Labor Recognition has only just begun, provide full support to the Commission on Equality to avoid immediate backsliding and continue the effort.
-[X] Centralize the planning committees of the various Commissions into a standing Planning Conference Committee with the initiative to place sectoral and cross-sector planning bills before the Assembly.
-[X] Establish a national system of borrowing centers and goods libraries to reduce redundant production while improving the standard of living of the populace.
-[X] Reintroduce and formalize the morale and mental-healthcare functions that the commissariat in the United Front had taken on during the Second German Revolution.
-[X] Legally enshrine a right to literacy, with anyone who has been prevented from obtaining literacy in their mother-tongue being provided the materials and instruction needed.
-[X] Celebrate the wedding of Walpurga Voight and her wife as a proverbial gauntlet thrown at the face of reaction.

switching my vote to this plan, very sad no one wants to expand the Labour Voucher program this turn :cry: :cry: :cry:
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[X] Plan: How To Do More With Less.
-[X] Establish Libraries of goods, allowing even rarer goods and luxuries to be shared widely, and freeing up resources while improving the wellbeing of the people.
-[X] The instatement of a peacetime industrial commission, tentatively the Industrial Production Board, tasked with engaging in stress testing with specific sectors of the economy to see how well they could handle unfavorable conditions (ie, wartime, global economic downturn, embargo etc.).
-[X] Establish pilot communes in places within Germany that have strong anarchist and less-centralist socialists' support which also have a balance of urban and rural production. Construct with them examples of self-organized, localized versions of the labor voucher system.
-[X] Seek to renew our alliance with Italy by promising them gains at the expense of Austria if war breaks out. Reassure them that shared strategic interests matter more than divergence in internal politics.
-[X]Establish generous programs and permanent grants for supporting artists, local fairs, cultural festivals etc celebrating German culture, folkways and nationalism.
-[X] Create a new national holiday, Mobilization Day, where all citizens of the Republic participate in a mock mobilization. This is to bring our citizens together, and provide regular stress testing for mobilization practices.
[X] Vanguard Communist Party (Valkyrie Clique)
-[X] As the implementation of Labor Recognition has only just begun, provide full support to the Commission on Equality to avoid immediate backsliding and continue the effort.
-[X] Centralize the planning committees of the various Commissions into a standing Planning Conference Committee with the initiative to place sectoral and cross-sector planning bills before the Assembly.
-[X] Establish a national system of borrowing centers and goods libraries to reduce redundant production while improving the standard of living of the populace.
-[X] Reintroduce and formalize the morale and mental-healthcare functions that the commissariat in the United Front had taken on during the Second German Revolution.
-[X] Legally enshrine a right to literacy, with anyone who has been prevented from obtaining literacy in their mother-tongue being provided the materials and instruction needed.
-[X] Celebrate the wedding of Walpurga Voight and her wife as a proverbial gauntlet thrown at the face of reaction.
Just because we turn away from it because we've secured our place doesn't mean our internationalism can't recognize the validity of struggles for national liberations in countries that haven't freed themselves yet (while remaining vigilant for possible minority issues in those, which can be real too).
Subjection of national minorities is hardly the only problem associated with pure-and-simple national liberation struggles. They are also necessarily cross-class movements, so attention must be paid to the balance of class forces in them - it does the workers and peasants of oppressed nations no good to win their national freedom already subordinated to a national bourgeoisie.
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I think the idea we can just abolish the German national identity with a few plank is what's flawed. We need to create material conditions that foster multiculturalism and internationalism so we should focus on sound policies instead of like....gestures.
I'll probably go back to the anarchists to do some culturally diverse planning once the war prep is over. @Aranfan has the right idea with planning for non territorial cultural councils as a way to make immigrant cultures part of our system without trying to copy paste ours over theirs.
Austro-Marxism is bad, actually. Universal suffrage to highly autonomous local government, with full language rights (usage, education, accommodation in government documents, and subsidy of news and literature) is more than sufficient to the purpose without setting up a whole parallel system.