Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

[] Plan: How To Do More With Less.
-[] Establish Libraries of goods, allowing even rarer goods and luxuries to be shared widely, and freeing up resources while improving the wellbeing of the people.
-[] The instatement of a peacetime industrial commission, tentatively the Industrial Production Board, tasked with engaging in stress testing with specific sectors of the economy to see how well they could handle unfavorable conditions (ie, wartime, global economic downturn, embargo etc.).
-[] Establish pilot communes in places within Germany that have strong anarchist and less-centralist socialists' support which also have a balance of urban and rural production. Construct with them examples of self-organized, localized versions of the labor voucher system.
-[] Seek to renew our alliance with Italy by promising them gains at the expense of Austria if war breaks out. Reassure them that shared strategic interests matter more than divergence in internal politics.
-[] Create a new national holiday, Mobilization Day, where all citizens of the Republic participate in a mock mobilization. This is to bring our citizens together, and provide regular stress testing for mobilization practices.
-[]Establish generous programs and permanent grants for supporting artists, local fairs, cultural festivals etc celebrating German culture, folkways and nationalism.

A mixture of planks foreign and domestic, for consideration. Again, not going to be constantly campaigning here, but I feel as if the whole, like, libraries of goods/etc would actually synergize pretty well with industrial planning for future scarcities, in terms of ensuring a high standard of living through communal ownership even when war will likely bring resource scarcities.
[] Rational Thinking, Reasonable Future
-[] Plan new neighbourhoods to accommodate the influx of migrants, designed according to scientific principles. Include space for parks, public transport, electrical infrastructure, and so on.
-[] Select respected authorities on socialist and republican thought to live in migrant-dominated communities, in order to help them acclimate to the German economic system and to assist them in their democratic decision-making.
-[] Establish direct liaisons between universities and all local government entities. This will permit local administrators to draw on the latest breakthroughs in social science, while universities will be able to collect research data more easily.
-[] Make research grants available via a new bureau of independent citizen-researchers, charged with comprehensively answering questions posed to them by legislators, cooperatives, public petitions, or Leutewehr officers.
-[] Create a new commission to examine and review the operations of government, with the aim of cutting unnecessary red tape and minimizing wasted effort in the remainder of the central bureaucracy.
-[] Eliminate compulsory education, making school attendance voluntary. Direct the Commission for Education to produce modular curricula and standardized assessments that students may pursue independently according to their own wishes.

If we are to face the perils of this new age, then we must embed the scientific method into the very foundations of our society. It's no longer enough to prescribe rules and regulations from Frankfurt: now that our great machine is in motion, top-down solutions are no longer optimal. Every piece of the system must be robust and able to correct itself. Anything less will lead to the machine spinning out of control, and a tyranny of a different sort to that faced by our monarchist neighbours. Vote for a brighter future. Vote for techno-anarchism.
This is both a Quest (IE a story), and one based on actual history.

This means that war will come at a time that might well be incredibly inconvenient and will not be within our control to schedule the way you schedule a hair appointment.
[X] Vanguard Communist Party (Valkyrie Clique)
-[X] As the implementation of Labor Recognition has only just begun, provide full support to the Commission on Equality to avoid immediate backsliding and continue the effort.
-[X] Centralize the planning committees of the various Commissions into a standing Planning Conference Committee with the initiative to place sectoral and cross-sector planning bills before the Assembly.
-[X] Establish a national system of borrowing centers and goods libraries to reduce redundant production while improving the standard of living of the populace.
-[X] Reintroduce and formalize the morale and mental-healthcare functions that the commissariat in the United Front had taken on during the Second German Revolution.
-[X] Legally enshrine a right to literacy, with anyone who has been prevented from obtaining literacy in their mother-tongue being provided the materials and instruction needed.
-[X] Celebrate the wedding of Walpurga Voight and her wife as a proverbial gauntlet thrown at the face of reaction.
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[x] Plan National Market
–[x] Establish the German Foreign Development Bank to help direct investment and provide loans to our allies in need of financial aid. Most of the focus will be on Spain for now to aid in local development.
--[x] Establish a streamlined framework for issuing and trading of bonds by local governments, banks and commercial enterprises to let them raise more capital from the people to fund projects. Bonds will only be nominally taxed to encourage their use.
--[x] Establish generous programs and permanent grants for supporting artists, local fairs, cultural festivals etc celebrating German culture, folkways and nationalism.
--[x] Pass a major tax relief package for families to encourage population growth. The more children, the greater the benefits.
--[x] Establish a guest worker and student program with all expenses sponsored travel from anyone willing including their families, with the option to become a citizen or return home whenever they wish.
--[x] Encourage mergers of industrial co-operatives to allow for better economies of scale through formation of industrial giants, capable of competing with capitalist corporations on equal ground.

Ok so, since we are now lacking in domestic labour, it's about time to pivot to investing and building up our allies while further tying them to us economically. It's a necessary part of creating our own faction on the international stage while increasing the amount of resources our economy has access to.

The other focus is on giving the local governments and enterprises more tools to fund local projects while increasing immigration from our neighbors. I feel they work rather well together.

The rest is more long term bits like natalism and universally popular cultural stuff. There has been lack of focus on the latter so here it is.
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[X] Plan No, Seriously, Fuck Austria and Russia
-[X] Conduct a campaign of domestic propaganda and revitalization of patriotism. Utilize refugee and immigrant accounts of monarchist and capitalist tyranny to help convince our people of the need for world liberation.
-[X] Fund, support, and train Italian republicans and socialists, both for gaining popular support and for revolution. Assure them of our intent to aid them in any revolutionary struggle or peaceful handover of power.
-[X] Continue to implement the recommendations for the army and navy as fast as possible. Look into updating arms and weapons designs with trade and research.
-[X] Begin mandatory mobilization practice and preparation for deployment with both the Landwehr and Army of Labor. This recent brush with war shows that our enemies are ready to attack at any time.
-[X] Mint the Silver Mark, similar to the Gold Mark, but based on silver, to continue to bolster our international trade and hamper any domestic currency instability. Use it to fund war material purchases from America, Spain, and other friendly countries.
-[X] Expand the remit of the Gendarmerie to crackdown on smuggling and international espionage.
[X] To Moscow by 1900
-[X] Begin construction of the Friedrich-Engels-Canal* and the Rhein-Herne-Canal* using the expertise we gained from the Karl-Marx-Canal. Use all technological methods to finish construction quickly and hire foreign workers if necessary, supplying the Ruhr area and taking strain away from our railway network is essential.
-[X] Build large railway routes that will allow fast mobilization and steady supply along our most likely offensive routes against the Imperial League. Conduct regular mobilization drills and work-out mobilization schedules that involve the War Commission, the Unions and other interested parties.
-[X] Provide funding and training for radical groups in Italy and begin drawing up plans for quick intervention to support progressive forces should the situation escalate.
-[X] Formalize the counter-intelligence role of the National Gendarmerie and provide the additional funding, training and manpower the agency needs to fulfil that role. Also create an intelligence agency that collects intel on foreign nations and provides it, along with analysis, to the War Commission and authorized Assembly members.
-[X] Bankroll a program of subsidies and no-interest loan to accelerate the growth of future industries like the Benz Motor Co-op. Technological leadership is crucial for the security of the Republic.
-[X] Offer military goods at factory price to Spain and encourage barter deals instead of currency payment.

*Dortmund–Ems Canal - Wikipedia
*Rhine–Herne Canal - Wikipedia
[X] Vanguard Communist Party (Valkyrie Clique)
-[X] As the implementation of Labor Recognition has only just begun, provide full support to the Commission on Equality to avoid immediate backsliding and continue the effort.
-[X] Centralize the planning committees of the various Commissions into a standing Planning Conference Committee with the initiative to place sectoral and cross-sector planning bills before the Assembly.
-[X] Establish a national system of borrowing centers and goods libraries to reduce redundant production while improving the standard of living of the populace.
-[X] Reintroduce and formalize the morale and mental-healthcare functions that the commissariat in the United Front had taken on during the Second German Revolution.
-[X] Legally enshrine a right to literacy, with anyone who has been prevented from obtaining literacy in their mother-tongue being provided the materials and instruction needed.
-[X] Celebrate the wedding of Walpurga Voight and her wife as a proverbial gauntlet thrown at the face of reaction.
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[X] Rekindling the Republic of Virtue
-[X] Create a new national holiday, Mobilization Day, where all citizens of the Republic participate in a mock mobilization. This is to bring our citizens together, and provide regular stress testing for mobilization practices.
-[X] Continue naval expansion and army reforms
-[X] Formalize an intelligence agency to gather information on our enemies and organize the activities of graduates of our Alpine Academy.
-[X] Provide recognition and funding for social groups that promote republican virtues in defense of the republic, such as community halls and hunting clubs.
-[X] Support the creation of Junior War Clubs in high schools across Germany, where students will practice and compete against each other in mock war games. These clubs will be democratically organized, preparing students for service in the Landwehr.
-[X] Facilitate the organization of a civic religion devoted to the republican struggle and dissolution of crowns.
This is both a Quest (IE a story), and one based on actual history.

This means that war will come at a time that might well be incredibly inconvenient and will not be within our control to schedule the way you schedule a hair appointment.

I mean, we could just invade or make a mess. If we're not afraid of being the aggressor, war can in fact come on our schedule.

On that note.

[X] To Moscow by 1900
-[X] Begin construction of the Friedrich-Engels-Canal* and the Rhein-Herne-Canal* using the expertise we gained from the Karl-Marx-Canal. Use all technological methods to finish construction quickly and hire foreign workers if necessary, supplying the Ruhr area and taking strain away from our railway network is essential.
-[X] Build large railway routes that will allow fast mobilization and steady supply along our most likely offensive routes against the Imperial League. Conduct regular mobilization drills and work-out mobilization schedules that involve the War Commission, the Unions and other interested parties.
-[X] Provide funding and training for radical groups in Italy and begin drawing up plans for quick intervention to support progressive forces should the situation escalate.
-[X] Formalize the counter-intelligence role of the National Gendarmerie and provide the additional funding, training and manpower the agency needs to fulfil that role. Also create an intelligence agency that collects intel on foreign nations and provides it, along with analysis, to the War Commission and authorized Assembly members.
-[X] Bankroll a program of subsidies and no-interest loan to accelerate the growth of future industries like the Benz Motor Co-op. Technological leadership is crucial for the security of the Republic.
-[X] Offer military goods at factory price to Spain and encourage barter deals instead of currency payment.
[X] Rational Thinking, Reasonable Future
-[X] Plan new neighbourhoods to accommodate the influx of migrants, designed according to scientific principles. Include space for parks, public transport, electrical infrastructure, and so on.
-[X] Select respected authorities on socialist and republican thought to live in migrant-dominated communities, in order to help them acclimate to the German economic system and to assist them in their democratic decision-making.
-[X] Establish direct liaisons between universities and all local government entities. This will permit local administrators to draw on the latest breakthroughs in social science, while universities will be able to collect research data more easily.
-[X] Make research grants available via a new bureau of independent citizen-researchers, charged with comprehensively answering questions posed to them by legislators, cooperatives, public petitions, or Leutewehr officers.
-[X] Create a new commission to examine and review the operations of government, with the aim of cutting unnecessary red tape and minimizing wasted effort in the remainder of the central bureaucracy.
-[X] Eliminate compulsory education, making school attendance voluntary. Direct the Commission for Education to produce modular curricula and standardized assessments that students may pursue independently according to their own wishes.

Vote changed for the purpose of building computers.
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[X] To Moscow by 1900
-[X] Begin construction of the Friedrich-Engels-Canal* and the Rhein-Herne-Canal* using the expertise we gained from the Karl-Marx-Canal. Use all technological methods to finish construction quickly and hire foreign workers if necessary, supplying the Ruhr area and taking strain away from our railway network is essential.
-[X] Build large railway routes that will allow fast mobilization and steady supply along our most likely offensive routes against the Imperial League. Conduct regular mobilization drills and work-out mobilization schedules that involve the War Commission, the Unions and other interested parties.
-[X] Provide funding and training for radical groups in Italy and begin drawing up plans for quick intervention to support progressive forces should the situation escalate.
-[X] Formalize the counter-intelligence role of the National Gendarmerie and provide the additional funding, training and manpower the agency needs to fulfil that role. Also create an intelligence agency that collects intel on foreign nations and provides it, along with analysis, to the War Commission and authorized Assembly members.
-[X] Bankroll a program of subsidies and no-interest loan to accelerate the growth of future industries like the Benz Motor Co-op. Technological leadership is crucial for the security of the Republic.
-[X] Offer military goods at factory price to Spain and encourage barter deals instead of currency payment.

Look, canals are just cool af.
[X] Rekindling the Republic of Virtue
-[X] Create a new national holiday, Mobilization Day, where all citizens of the Republic participate in a mock mobilization. This is to bring our citizens together, and provide regular stress testing for mobilization practices.
-[X] Continue naval expansion and army reforms
-[X] Formalize an intelligence agency to gather information on our enemies and organize the activities of graduates of our Alpine Academy.
-[X] Provide recognition and funding for social groups that promote republican virtues in defense of the republic, such as community halls and hunting clubs.
-[X] Support the creation of Junior War Clubs in high schools across Germany, where students will practice and compete against each other in mock war games. These clubs will be democratically organized, preparing students for service in the Landwehr.
-[X] Facilitate the organization of a civic religion devoted to the republican struggle and dissolution of crowns.
[X] Plan: The moderate case for war
-[X] Build upon our successful peace conference to deepen ties with the Entente, focusing on our shared enmity with the imperial league to see how much the Entente is likely to let us get away with if we go to war east.
-[X] Organize a dedicated national counter intelligence agency to investigate foreign spies and sabotage, answering to the assembly directly.
-[X] Organize a dedicated foreign intelligence agency under the assembly to keep it informed of political developments in other countries.
-[X] Seek to renew our alliance with Italy by promising them gains at the expense of Austria if war breaks out. Reassure them that shared strategic interests matter more than divergence in internal politics.
-[X] Discreetly reach out to Japan to see if they would be amenable to opening up another front in a hypothetical war with Russia, and generally deepen ties with the country.
-[X] Send diplomats touring Europe and America, building a case for war against the autocrats of Russia and Austria.
[X] Rekindling the Republic of Virtue
-[X] Create a new national holiday, Mobilization Day, where all citizens of the Republic participate in a mock mobilization. This is to bring our citizens together, and provide regular stress testing for mobilization practices.
-[X] Continue naval expansion and army reforms
-[X] Formalize an intelligence agency to gather information on our enemies and organize the activities of graduates of our Alpine Academy.
-[X] Provide recognition and funding for social groups that promote republican virtues in defense of the republic, such as community halls and hunting clubs.
-[X] Support the creation of Junior War Clubs in high schools across Germany, where students will practice and compete against each other in mock war games. These clubs will be democratically organized, preparing students for service in the Landwehr.
-[X] Facilitate the organization of a civic religion devoted to the republican struggle and dissolution of crowns.

Make sure Your family knows about Mobilization Day, Today!
[X] Rekindling the Republic of Virtue
-[X] Create a new national holiday, Mobilization Day, where all citizens of the Republic participate in a mock mobilization. This is to bring our citizens together, and provide regular stress testing for mobilization practices.
-[X] Continue naval expansion and army reforms
-[X] Formalize an intelligence agency to gather information on our enemies and organize the activities of graduates of our Alpine Academy.
-[X] Provide recognition and funding for social groups that promote republican virtues in defense of the republic, such as community halls and hunting clubs.
-[X] Support the creation of Junior War Clubs in high schools across Germany, where students will practice and compete against each other in mock war games. These clubs will be democratically organized, preparing students for service in the Landwehr.
-[X] Facilitate the organization of a civic religion devoted to the republican struggle and dissolution of crowns.
[X] Plan To Moscow by 1900
-[X] Begin construction of the Friedrich-Engels-Canal* and the Rhein-Herne-Canal* using the expertise we gained from the Karl-Marx-Canal. Use all technological methods to finish construction quickly and hire foreign workers if necessary, supplying the Ruhr area and taking strain away from our railway network is essential.
-[X] Build large railway routes that will allow fast mobilization and steady supply along our most likely offensive routes against the Imperial League. Conduct regular mobilization drills and work-out mobilization schedules that involve the War Commission, the Unions and other interested parties.
-[X] Provide funding and training for radical groups in Italy and begin drawing up plans for quick intervention to support progressive forces should the situation escalate.
-[X] Formalize the counter-intelligence role of the National Gendarmerie and provide the additional funding, training and manpower the agency needs to fulfil that role. Also create an intelligence agency that collects intel on foreign nations and provides it, along with analysis, to the War Commission and authorized Assembly members.
-[X] Bankroll a program of subsidies and no-interest loan to accelerate the growth of future industries like the Benz Motor Co-op. Technological leadership is crucial for the security of the Republic.
-[X] Offer military goods at factory price to Spain and encourage barter deals instead of currency payment.
[x] Plan National Market
–[x] Establish the German Foreign Development Bank to help direct investment and provide loans to our allies in need of financial aid. Most of the focus will be on Spain for now to aid in local development.
--[x] Establish a streamlined framework for issuing and trading of bonds by local governments, banks and commercial enterprises to let them raise more capital from the people to fund projects. Bonds will only be nominally taxed to encourage their use.
--[x] Establish generous programs and permanent grants for supporting artists, local fairs, cultural festivals etc celebrating German culture, folkways and nationalism.
--[x] Pass a major tax relief package for families to encourage population growth. The more children, the greater the benefits.
--[x] Establish a guest worker and student program with all expenses sponsored travel from anyone willing including their families, with the option to become a citizen or return home whenever they wish.
--[x] Encourage mergers of industrial co-operatives to allow for better economies of scale through formation of industrial giants, capable of competing with capitalist corporations on equal ground.
[X] Vanguard Communist Party (Valkyrie Clique)
-[X] As the implementation of Labor Recognition has only just begun, provide full support to the Commission on Equality to avoid immediate backsliding and continue the effort.
-[X] Centralize the planning committees of the various Commissions into a standing Planning Conference Committee with the initiative to place sectoral and cross-sector planning bills before the Assembly.
-[X] Establish a national system of borrowing centers and goods libraries to reduce redundant production while improving the standard of living of the populace.
-[X] Reintroduce and formalize the morale and mental-healthcare functions that the commissariat in the United Front had taken on during the Second German Revolution.
-[X] Legally enshrine a right to literacy, with anyone who has been prevented from obtaining literacy in their mother-tongue being provided the materials and instruction needed.
-[X] Celebrate the wedding of Walpurga Voight and her wife as a proverbial gauntlet thrown at the face of reaction.
[X] Vanguard Communist Party (Valkyrie Clique)
-[X] As the implementation of Labor Recognition has only just begun, provide full support to the Commission on Equality to avoid immediate backsliding and continue the effort.
-[X] Centralize the planning committees of the various Commissions into a standing Planning Conference Committee with the initiative to place sectoral and cross-sector planning bills before the Assembly.
-[X] Establish a national system of borrowing centers and goods libraries to reduce redundant production while improving the standard of living of the populace.
-[X] Reintroduce and formalize the morale and mental-healthcare functions that the commissariat in the United Front had taken on during the Second German Revolution.
-[X] Legally enshrine a right to literacy, with anyone who has been prevented from obtaining literacy in their mother-tongue being provided the materials and instruction needed.
-[X] Celebrate the wedding of Walpurga Voight and her wife as a proverbial gauntlet thrown at the face of reaction.
[X] Vanguard Communist Party (Valkyrie Clique)
-[X] As the implementation of Labor Recognition has only just begun, provide full support to the Commission on Equality to avoid immediate backsliding and continue the effort.
-[X] Centralize the planning committees of the various Commissions into a standing Planning Conference Committee with the initiative to place sectoral and cross-sector planning bills before the Assembly.
-[X] Establish a national system of borrowing centers and goods libraries to reduce redundant production while improving the standard of living of the populace.
-[X] Reintroduce and formalize the morale and mental-healthcare functions that the commissariat in the United Front had taken on during the Second German Revolution.
-[X] Legally enshrine a right to literacy, with anyone who has been prevented from obtaining literacy in their mother-tongue being provided the materials and instruction needed.
-[X] Celebrate the wedding of Walpurga Voight and her wife as a proverbial gauntlet thrown at the face of reaction.
[X] The War Economy
-[X] Begin gradual implementation of the labor voucher system, following the scientific commission's recommendations.
-[X] The instatement of a peacetime industrial commission, tentatively the Industrial Production Board, tasked with engaging in stress testing with specific sectors of the economy to see how well they could handle unfavorable conditions (ie, wartime, global economic downturn, embargo etc.).
-[X] Establish a National Institute for Research and Development, tasked with the development and creation of new technologies, whether civilian or military in nature.
-[X] Ensure that by 1895, that the Landwehr is armed to the teeth with as much as the economy may handle. Modernization must be kept as a top priority.
-[X] Supply revolutionary forces in the Imperial Alliance with weaponry no longer fit for Landwehr service.
-[X] Heavy investment into continued infrastructure developments, most especially the electrification of the nation.