If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

  • Yes.

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  • Maybe.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 8 50.0%

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*The power of a closed vote shines within you.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 1, 2023 at 11:43 PM, finished with 14 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Now That We Can See
    -[X] Nadja casts Tarukaja again
    -[X] Wendigo casts Fog Breath
    -[X] Raiju casts Sukunda
    -[X] Yumi attempts to combine Scorching Slash and Zanma (if this fails, prioritize Scorching Slash)
    [X] Plan: playing on same terms.
    -[X] Have Nadja cast Diarama on Wendigo
    -[X] Have Wendigo cast Fog Breath on witch.
    -[X] Have Raiju cast Sukunda on the witch.
    -[X] Finally after the spells are casted ignoring if they have hit or not, use Scorching Slash alongside Zanma on the witch, if fusion fails prioritize Scorching Slash.
415: Slice And Dice!
[X] Plan Now That We Can See

You'll worry about Wendigo later. Killing the Witch takes priority as of now.

"Hit 'em harder, Summoner!" Nadja cheers, using her spell again.


"ME AM HELPING TOO!" Wendigo shouts over the smaller demon.


Wendigo takes a deep breath, and exhales a nasty looking fog towards the Witch. It seems to have some effect, making the Witch move more sluggishly.


After his spell is cast, more Magatsuhi leaks from his back. You wince, but redouble your focus on the Witch...

...Just in time to see it begin to target you.


You sidestep as quick as you can. This time, the arrow doesn't hit anyone else.

"Raiju!" You call, "Can you slow it down more?!"

"Eh, sure!" He replies, casting a new spell.


"You hit this thing hard for me, boss, alright?!" He shouts back.

"Can do!" You place your hand on Dawn's hilt, and swing!


Dawn erupts into flames, and your attack connects!

(DMG ROLL: (8+36)+(5+10+18+5))
(TOTAL: 215)

With one mighty cleave, you slice the Witch in two! You hear a startled gasp as the Witch incinerates, leaving behind its Grief Seed.

You breathe out. It's done.

"Good fuckin' shot, boss!" Raiju cheers, "That thing didn't even know what hit 'em!"

"We won!" Nadja pumps her arms, "We won, we won, we won!"

"AM HAPPY, BUT HURTY!" Wendigo says.

"Oh, right!" Snapping back to attention as the Barrier fades, Nadja hops over to Wendigo's back. "Show me where it hurts, big guy!"

As you watch your demons interact, you find yourself smiling. A single thought fills your mind...

[] Your teacher was wrong about demons.
[] They can be expendable. But not to you.
[] Just because they're expendable doesn't mean you can't help them.
[] Write in?

Your phone buzzes, snapping you out of your stupor. You check the screen, only to see that you're getting a call. It's from Dad!

You happily answer. "Hey Dad! How are--"

"You have a fire sword?" He asks in a tired voice.

[] ??????????????????????
[] Just because they're expendable doesn't mean you can't help them.

[X] "I did tell you I had a magic sword. And Dawn can do a bit more than fire. There are also skills for wind, light, ice, and a damage type called Almighty."
Last edited:
[X] They can be expendable. But not to you.

[X] "I did tell you I had a magic sword. And Dawn can do a bit more than fire. There are also skills for wind, light, ice, and a damage type called Almighty."
Last edited:
[X] They can be expendable. But not to you.
[X] "I did tell you I had a magic sword. And Dawn can do a bit more than fire. There are also skills for wind, light, ice, and a damage type called Almighty."
[X] Your teacher was wrong about demons.
[X] "I did tell you I had a magic sword. And Dawn can do a bit more than fire. There are also skills for wind, light, ice, and a damage type called Almighty."
[X] Just because they're expendable doesn't mean you can't help them.

[X] "I did tell you I had a magic sword. And Dawn can do a bit more than fire. There are also skills for wind, light, ice, and a damage type called Almighty."
[X] They can be expendable. But not to you.

[X] "I did tell you I had a magic sword. And Dawn can do a bit more than fire. There are also skills for wind, light, ice, and a damage type called Almighty."
[X] They can be expendable. But not to you.

[X] "I did tell you I had a magic sword. And Dawn can do a bit more than fire. There are also skills for wind, light, ice, and a damage type called Almighty."
Which would you pick?

A. Pixie in a cowboy outfit.

B. Yuma hanging onto Griffon for dear life.

C. The PMMT Cast starts a Minecraft Server.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 3, 2023 at 12:06 AM, finished with 9 posts and 9 votes.
416: "She's Magic!"
[X] They can be expendable. But not to you.

Just because they can revive easily doesn't mean they're expendable. They're your allies, and you're their leader. You'll watch out for your own, demon or not.


[X] "But Daaaaaaaaaad!" jk

"I told you I had a magic sword." You shrug, "Wait, did I...? Pretty sure I did, any--?"

"Please stop talking like that's normal!" Dad begs of you.

"And Dawn can do a lot more than fire! There's Ice, Wind, Light, and even this weird element called Almighty--!"

"Yumi. My darling daughter. Please, for the love of God, slow down." Dad sighs, "I am not keeping up with you at all."

"...Sorry." You scratch the back of your neck.

"Firstly." You can almost hear him raise his index finger, "You have magic?"

"Yep." You nod, beginning to walk back to your apartment. You silently motion for your demons to follow.

Nadja responds by dismissing herself and Wendigo. Raiju floats by your shoulder, keenly listening in to your call.

"And, among this magic, you have... Light? What does that mean?"

"Mmm... I've had that question rattling around in the back of my head, too. I'll ask later. But, Ice and Fire are pretty self explanatory, right?"

"In terms of magic, I guess." He chuckles slightly. "I'm also guessing you don't know what Dark and... Almighty are either?"

"Oh, good call!" You walk slowly past the road, careful to look both ways, "Lots of good questions for later!"

Dad sighs deeply. "Okay. Lastly, who is Dawn? Is she one of your friends?"

"She's my sword."




"What do you mean "what"? Dawn's a magic sword."

"She talks?"


Dad groans. "First a kid, now a sword. You're leading an interesting life, Yumi."

You smile, "But it's my interesting life. I wouldn't change it for the world!"

"I expected that kind of attitude. In the future, just... Send me a text when you make an earth shattering revelation, okay?"

"I'll try!" Your smile grows, "Love you, Dad! Talk to you soon!"

"Love you too. Call if anything weird... Nevermind. Call me whenever." With an audible smile in his voice, he hangs up.

If you called him any time something weird happened, you'd probably run the phone bill to hell and back.

"Man, that guy seems cool." Raiju comments, "I wish I had a Dad."

[] ??????????????????????????
Honestly he shouldn't have too much trouble understanding Light since he played DnD. It's basically Radiant damage. If he was really paying attention he might have noticed that Yumi has various flavors of smite.

Infact, his DnD knowledge might include sentient weapons as well. Fun fact: Curse of Strahd has a sentient sun-sword.
Should we shill our dad as their dad?
I think it would be rude to dad to shackle him with more kids without getting the a-okay from him first.

[X] "Huh, that makes me wonder. Weird question, but did you have a life before I fused you?" You really don't know much about the demons you've fused...
[X] "Huh, that makes me wonder. Weird question, but did you have a life before I fused you?" You really don't know much about the demons you've fused...
A. Pixie in a cowboy outfit.

What's cuter than pixie? cosplayer pixie!
[X] "Huh, that makes me wonder. Weird question, but did you have a life before I fused you?" You really don't know much about the demons you've fused...
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