[X] Yumi: "It is what it is."
"Sorry, guys, I'm getting real low on funds at the moment." You admit, sighing, "But if I find some cash on the way back after I take care of Yuma, you'll be the first place I check."
"Oh, okay." Pyro Jack floats slowly behind the railing, "Just thought I'd ask, Hee-Ho. Well, I'm gonna bother some of the other Hee-Humans from the other night!"
As you process what he just said, Pyro Jack floats away, lantern in hand.
"So, is that just what demons do around here?" Griffon asks, "Just open stores?"
"These ones, I guess." Kohaku replies, not entirely sure of herself.
"...Anyways." You begin to make your way to the stairs, "Let's get you to school, Yuma."
"Yuma likes the pumpkin guy's big hat!" She says, running up to join you.
You ruffle her hair, and truly begin your walk.
Although you keep an eye out for the resident psychopath, you don't see any sign of her. Good.
...Or maybe not. You need to at least find out if she's dead or not, if for no other reason than to put you at ease.
Come to think of it, you haven't seen any demons, either. Guess they aren't really morning people, which is understandable...?
You were so lost in thought that you almost walked right past the school. Bopping yourself on the head, you turn to see Yuma off.
"See you tonight!" You wave, which Yuma returns. Griffon perches in a tree not too far away, probably getting ready to nap.
"Back home, then?" Kohaku smiles at you, beginning to walk back the way you came.
You nod, "I guess, but maybe we can make a plan on the way--?"
To your surprise, you see Kyoko stomp out of an alleyway. Her hair is a little... Crazy, and she looks like she hasn't slept.
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