[X] Hug Yuma, "That's okay, do you wanna talk about it?"
-[X] "Want to know a secret? We have bad dreams sometimes too."
You lay your other arm over her, "That's okay, Yuma. Do you want to talk about it?"
"...Mama was there." She admits, "And she hurt Yuma. And Big Sis Kyoko." Her voice wavers, "A-And Big Sis Yumi...! Yuma was scared...!"
You pull her in. "It's okay, it's just a bad dream." You reassure her, before adding, "You wanna know a secret?" When she nods, you continue, "Even we have bad dreams sometimes."
"I can attest to that...!" Kohaku mumbles, keeping her focus on cooking.
"Just remember that it was all imaginary!" You smile as Yuma slowly attempts to sit up. "Dreams can't hurt you."
Griffon scoffs, but doesn't grace you with a sarcastic comment.
As you attempt to find a way to reassure her more, Kohaku finishes her work, already setting the table.
"Are you hungry, Yu-"
Yuma flops up, gets her feet on the ground, and marches to the table.
"...ma?" You finally finish.
Kohaku shakes her head, "She's very food motivated...!"
You sigh fondly. Never change, Yuma.
You follow suit, slowly getting up to eat breakfast. You stretch out, hearing your back pop as you settle back into your usual posture.
You make your way to the table, where everything is all ready for you. Griffon takes the opportunity to glide over to the couch, taking up the entire seat.
Looks like Kohaku made omelettes for everyone! Yours even has ketchup!
[] Breakfast topics?