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[X] "That would be a pretty big bummer yeah. How can I keep those cult goons from screwing things up if that happens?" Quietly mutter about how it's just like that light novel you read on the way when you first moved here. In fact, personal note; loan it to Kohaku later tonight, she's sure to get a laugh out of how incompetent the cultists there were. I mean really, how were they going to summon their dark god by sacrificing cheese wheels of all things?! Even the characters and story itself lampshaded how stupid the idea was!
-[X] "Anyhow, you guys stay safe too. And don't be a stranger either, you hear?"
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For reference on why Louis found it impressive that Yumi did that.

From his perspective Yumi is a level 18, that until a few hours ago was only rocking low level demons. Yumi just admitted to beating a higher level boss (lvl 22 in this case) without anyone else even noticing the fight.
For reference on why Louis found it impressive that Yumi did that.

From his perspective Yumi is a level 18, that until a few hours ago was only rocking low level demons. Yumi just admitted to beating a higher level boss (lvl 22 in this case) without anyone else even noticing the fight.
There's also the fact that, short of himself and the Tyrant clade of demons, Fiends are the biggest 'oh fuck not them' out of all the different demonic categories. So someone beating any of their number is cause to be impressed. Not for nothing are they generally regarded as optional superbosses!
Matador is the only one that feels unfair, and he's mandatory.
He's also The New Guy as far as Fiends are concerned. Up until Nocturne, he wasn't a member. It was just David, Mother Harlot, Trumpeter, and the Four Horsemen.
I bet it was an elaborate hazing ritual on the part of the rest. 😆

ADD: In fact, all of the Nocturne Fiends were prior members of the group in previous games, like Daisoujou, Hell Biker, and the Four Horsemen.
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As I mentioned before, yeah even among demons the fiends are some of the highest rankeds on the hierarchy.

And they are not to be taken slightly.

David got the short end of the stick for being the introductory one and not having a very diverse kit.

Our next is probably matador and we would have been utterly fucked had we not gotten dekaja, red capote is fucking nasty if you don't play his same game.
Also just remembered, if our teacher is really flynn and he went trough the fiends boss battles, then he has the right to be scared, outside david, every other fiend on SMT 4 and 4A was an optional superboss with something like of 1 on 256 chances to appear on specific spots at levels over 80.

Outisde that David seemed to have his SMT 4 kit which only consists of Mamudo, Blight and Pulinpa.

If we find Matador Tremendous will prolly use his SMT 3 kit.

Good thing we have null phys, that kit has focus and it is pretty nasty should someone managed to get the buff and get off a physical attack.

[X] "Haven't let anything kill me yet. At least we know the things we know are coming we can prepare for. Keep safe''.
[X] "Haven't let anything kill me yet. At least we know the things we know are coming we can prepare for. Keep safe.,
Speaking of the Fiends, do you think we could nab Hell Biker's bike?
"Fuck. That. You ain't touchin' this bike, Red Girl!"

"Do calm yourself, Hell Biker, you haven't even been introduced in the story."

"...Fuck you, noogie time."
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 1, 2023 at 12:54 AM, finished with 15 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] "Haven't let anything kill me yet. At least we know the things we know are coming we can prepare for. Keep safe.,
    [X] "That would be a pretty big bummer yeah. How can I keep those cult goons from screwing things up if that happens?" Quietly mutter about how it's just like that light novel you read on the way when you first moved here. In fact, personal note; loan it to Kohaku later tonight, she's sure to get a laugh out of how incompetent the cultists there were. I mean really, how were they going to summon their dark god by sacrificing cheese wheels of all things?! Even the characters and story itself lampshaded how stupid the idea was!
    -[X] "Anyhow, you guys stay safe too. And don't be a stranger either, you hear?"
383: Goodbye, And Goodnight!
[X] "Okay." She says, as awkwardly as possible.

"I mean, nothing's succeeded in killing me yet!" You cheerfully state, "At least we know they're coming. We can prepare for them."

Homura sighs, letting a little bit of her stress go. "That's the most tactical thing you've said since I met you. Goodnight, Yumi."

"I'm sure we'll cross paths again soon, Yumi Konishi!" Louis waves, guiding Homura outside.

"Stay safe, you two!" You respond, closing the door behind them. You turn to Kohaku, wiping your forehead. "That was emotional."

"I... That's one word for it." Kohaku sits, confused. "So, we- err, you have to fight skeletons?"

"And a super Witch, Kohaku!" You add, "And a super Witch."

Kohaku places her hands on her temples, "You certainly lead an exciting life."

"Hey, it's led me to you and Yuma!" You smile, cracking your neck.

"Kid, turn this crap off!" You hear Griffon flap his wings, "I can't stand watching Real House Wives!"

Yuma nods, changing the channel. "Is this better, Mr. Griffon?"

You hear the familiar intro of a show you used to watch when you were little. You snicker, hearing Power Rangers translated into Japanese.

Truth be told, you always watched them subbed.

"Now that's more like it!" Griffon nestles into the couch, "Explosions, bad guys, and rad robots!"

"Robots are cool...!" Yuma adds, now engrossed in the show.

With the weight of the world temporarily off of your shoulders, you smile a little.


[] Write in your stat growth!


[] Blizzard Slash: Adds Blizzard Slash: (10 MP) [SWORD+BUFULA] {PHYSICAL/ICE}
[] Channeling: Allows Dawn to cast a spell from one of your stock demons at double the MP cost.
[] Siphon Strike: Adds Siphon Strike: (18 MP) [SWORD DMG, BUT HEALS YOU 1/4 DMG DEALT] {PHYSICAL}

There's still a bit of time before you should go to bed. Kohaku looks like she's thinking about something, but doesn't seem nervous.

Yuma and Griffon watch Power Rangers together, with Griffon taking up most of the couch.

What to do...?

[] ??????????????????????
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You snicker, hearing Power Rangers translated into Japanese
??? Do they have that? Because Power Rangers was originally a Japanese series called Super Sentai before being adapted to what we know.

STR: 28
DEX: 28
END: 28
AGL: 36
INT: 36
CHR: 28
LUK: 8
Current stats for quick reference
[] Blizzard Slash: Adds Blizzard Slash: (10 MP) [SWORD+BUFULA] {PHYSICAL/ICE}
probably best option
[] Siphon Strike: Adds Siphon Strike: (18 MP) [SWORD DMG, BUT HEALS YOU 1/4 DMG DEALT] {PHYSICAL}
Suprised it doesn't deal Almighty since thats what the drain skills do.
Channelling looks like it's giving us versatility, but it's really only giving us speed (and safety for the demon): out of combat we can just summon, in combat we can swap if necessary. Low priority, imho.

That puts us between Blizzard Strike and Siphon Strike: one heals us, one does Ice damage. If we didn't have Piercing Slash, which does Almighty damage, it'd be no contest, Blizzard Strike. However, Blizzard Strike loses a good chunk of it's value: even if we run up against an enemy that nulls everything but ice, we can still use Piercing Slash. Siphon Strike, conversely is still useful whenever we're low on HP and can't afford to take a turn to heal (aka, enemy is outputting enough damage that we need to heal every turn).

In this case, Siphon seems to cover more scenarios than blizzard, but it's close.
[X] Stats: Agl+4, Int+3

[X] Swap Ice Breath for Mudoon

[X] Blizzard Slash: Adds Blizzard Slash: (10 MP) [SWORD+BUFULA] {PHYSICAL/ICE}

[X] Call the Chief

Any idea on what to do? I was thinking we call the Chief. But I'm open to ideas

That puts us between Blizzard Strike and Siphon Strike: one heals us, one does Ice damage. If we didn't have Piercing Slash, which does Almighty damage, it'd be no contest, Blizzard Strike. However, Blizzard Strike loses a good chunk of it's value: even if we run up against an enemy that nulls everything but ice, we can still use Piercing Slash. Siphon Strike, conversely is still useful whenever we're low on HP and can't afford to take a turn to heal (aka, enemy is outputting enough damage that we need to heal every turn).

In this case, Siphon seems to cover more scenarios than blizzard, but it's close.
Blizzard Slash gives Yumi a permanent 2nd tier Ice attack that she can "solo fusion." Siphon doesn't give any elemental advantages that our base attacks lack.
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You hear Griffon flaps his wings,

You snicker, hearing Power Rangers translated into Japanese.

Truth be told, you always watched them subbed.
*opens mouth*

??? Do they have that? Because Power Rangers was originally a Japanese series called Super Sentai before being adapted to what we know.

[X] +7 CHR

Let's please get this up to +5 before we have to make another CHR roll.

[X] Replace Ice Breath, Agilao and Mazio with Auto-Sukukaja, Lunge and Mazionga

Objective here is to get another point per level. Much as I would like Mudoon, by itself it doesn't give us another point, and we cannot learn the rest of Raiju's Skills or Wendigo's at the moment (not to mention that trying would cut into our points per level due to lack of room for our other Demons's Skills), so I'd like to hold off on it for a couple more levels. Aside from that, between getting Dekaja and Zandyne and getting Auto-Sukukaja and Mazionga, right now I'd rather get Mazionga so that we don't lose out on our elemental versatility.

Also, thanks to Scorching Slash, I feel like it's safe to get rid of Agilao, since we still have access to Fire regardless. And on that note…

[X] Blizzard Slash: Adds Blizzard Slash: (10 MP) [SWORD+BUFULA] {PHYSICAL/ICE}

This also makes sure that we will always have access to Ice as well, which reduces my concerns getting rid of Ice Breath.

EDIT: Adding Solarstream's course of action.

[X] Ask Kohaku what she's thinking about
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Imo, having calculated Yumi's effective level, I think we have enough stat points right now.
While Yumi's stats are, with exception of LUK, much higher than those of Demons around her level, I don't see that as a reason not to try to maximize the amount of points we get per level, especially when you factor in 1) that some of our stats (*cough*INT*cough**cough*) have a tendency to be used outside of Combat very frequently (meaning we want our to get our stat modifiers high as quickly as possible), and 2) Walpurgisnacht is going to be arriving sooner than expected (potentially much sooner), so every bit helps. Granted, I'm advocating for boosting the non-combat stat, but still.

And Lunge just doesn't feel worth adding to our kit, it usually deals weak (lowest tier) damage.
While I agree that Lunge is basically worthless to us in and of itself, I still think it's worth grabbing for an extra point per level, if only temporarily. We can swap it out for something more useful in a few levels, and in the meantime we still have plenty of other good options when it comes to combat.
It never occurred to me until this exact moment that we are playing what is essentially stat point simulator.

Get enough numbers are we are completely untouchable to the point that Yumi is a walking war crime lmao.
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