[X] "Okay." She says, as awkwardly as possible.
"I mean, nothing's succeeded in killing me yet!" You cheerfully state, "At least we know they're coming. We can prepare for them."
Homura sighs, letting a little bit of her stress go. "That's the most tactical thing you've said since I met you. Goodnight, Yumi."
"I'm sure we'll cross paths again soon, Yumi Konishi!" Louis waves, guiding Homura outside.
"Stay safe, you two!" You respond, closing the door behind them. You turn to Kohaku, wiping your forehead. "That was emotional."
"I... That's one word for it." Kohaku sits, confused. "So, we- err, you have to fight skeletons?"
"And a super Witch, Kohaku!" You add, "And a super Witch."
Kohaku places her hands on her temples, "You certainly lead an exciting life."
"Hey, it's led me to you and Yuma!" You smile, cracking your neck.
"Kid, turn this crap off!" You hear Griffon flap his wings, "I can't stand watching Real House Wives!"
Yuma nods, changing the channel. "Is this better, Mr. Griffon?"
You hear the familiar intro of a show you used to watch when you were little. You snicker, hearing Power Rangers translated into Japanese.
Truth be told, you always watched them subbed.
"Now that's more like it!" Griffon nestles into the couch, "Explosions, bad guys, and rad robots!"
"Robots are cool...!" Yuma adds, now engrossed in the show.
With the weight of the world temporarily off of your shoulders, you smile a little.
[] Write in your stat growth!
[] Blizzard Slash: Adds Blizzard Slash: (10 MP) [SWORD+BUFULA] {PHYSICAL/ICE}
[] Channeling: Allows Dawn to cast a spell from one of your stock demons at double the MP cost.
[] Siphon Strike: Adds Siphon Strike: (18 MP) [SWORD DMG, BUT HEALS YOU 1/4 DMG DEALT] {PHYSICAL}
There's still a bit of time before you should go to bed. Kohaku looks like she's thinking about something, but doesn't seem nervous.
Yuma and Griffon watch Power Rangers together, with Griffon taking up most of the couch.
What to do...?
[] ??????????????????????