16th of September 2006 A.D.
There aren't enough chairs for all the newcomers, but the old stone benches will do in a pinch, once the site of impatient commuters waiting for the next train, now the seat of people listening raptly to hear what the next station of their lives might be, ghoul, vampire, mortal, even the baby had turned her head to face you, as if drawn by the light of flames unseen upon your brow. Firstly you speak aloud of truths Deborah, Dean, Theodora, and James had heard only in whispered rumors that there are more than just humans in these tunnels, hunting in the dark, but then in even tone you make it clear that it does not have to be so, tis not some cruel 'law of nature' that would make God's children make kine of one another, but the malice of those who would give false council and raise themselves upon a throne of cruelty wrought.
"To each of us us given to bear a burden in our lives, some are lighter and some heavier, but none are more than we can bear, not if we have friends to help us carry it along the way. It is in my power to help lift the burden of Hunger and need from the shoulders of those of the ghoul-kin or the White Court." your gaze travels across the three vampires, sitting together almost back to back, as though expecting the axe to fall at any moment. "But that gift is worth nothing if you do not also choose not to give in to the darker instincts of your nature. For making that choice I thank you."
Just as you had intended this is not what they had been expecting, So you take advantage of that surprise ruthlessly, setting down rules for when it one might feed and how, only with permission and without permanent harm...
Save in battle, the demon in your mind points out, and you cannot deny the point so you repeat it. On the goes, the formalities of guest right, familiar enough to those of the unseen world, but strange indeed to people born and raised in the modern world, of how breaking those rules would lead to exile, but also of parting freely chosen. Elections you leave as is save that now either a group of three or Sarah can call them.
"Above all else remember the golden rule..." you say in closing.
"Do onto others as you would others do onto you?" Paul, the vampire who had accepted the deal in the name of his fellows interjects.
"Let's just go with don't be an asshole, you guys have better things to worry about than whether it's the positive, the negative or the empathic form. We all know what an asshole looks like right?"
A laugh ripples through the whole company. Of course they do, no one ends up in Undertown by choice.
20th of September 2006 A.D.
Of course being in charge isn't just about sitting speeches, it is also about driving a mother and her baby first to the supermarket to get some warm and sturdy clothes then to a clinic to get some already delayed shots, it is setting up the checking account and debit cards as well as finding out what meds Dean needs and getting them to him. It really
shouldn't be that easy to get a pharmacist to hand you those without a doctor's note even at a compounding pharmacy, but in this case you are glad the system is glitching. Getting those who want it reintegrated into society is not going to be a natter of a few days, even a few weeks.
Essence at 9/12
Truth be told you are a little surprised when all three vampires take you up on the offer, though perhaps it shouldn't have. The White Court are fundamentally social beings, they need others to survive. Two hundred dollars a month are more than enough to get them all the movie seats to horror flicks they could want, though it hadn't just been the lack of money that had stopped them before, but a lack of control.
As for the work on the station itself most of the work you do this month is on the electrical grid so people without uncanny senses can walk around unhindered. It costs a good fifteen thousand dollars to fix the wiring, though in exchange you realize what has been powering the sickly lights you had found when you first stumbled over this place... Porter himself. An elemental moving around near a crossing of the Dragon Lines is a bit like a moving a magnet though an electrical field, not that it causes a current exactly, more like it's a proto-spell, a kind of shaped magic that is sensitive to will, in this case to the will of Adam and his gang as well as others who lingered around the station. Since they did not neat more than the poor and flickering lighting that is all they got.
Lost 115,000 Dollars (Jade Dog payment+rewiring the station)
That now raises the question of how you want to power the place, you could let it work off of the ley line as it had, there is more than enough power in here, but you worry about how safe it is to have the inhabitants define the lighting parameters when one of those inhabitants is a baby. On the other hand a generator would provide reliable power without any wibbly wobbly magic, but you would lose the chance to study the pattern which had converted the power to the ley lines to electricity. You could also get Harry in here to see if you can preserve the arcane lighting in some rooms while using a generator in others, but while you have no doubt he'd do it something tells you he would balk at being paid for his time and he already has so much to worry about.
What do you do?
[] Leave the magic-to-electricity connectors in place (can study later; lights and potentially other electrical applications at no cost)
[] Plug in a generator (6,000 Dollars+500 Dollars/month to operate)
[] Fetch Harry for a second opinion
OOC: As Molly does not have a crafting charm or enchanting she does not understand enough about how this works to do more than let it continue working or rip it out, but she got enough successes to understand that the effect is probably mutable and unpredictable given that is arose accidentally