-Mouse and Charity are certainly getting an eyeful of what Molly is about.
-Loving the Sumerian. That was a very nice touch.
Its interesting to see that speaking ancient Sumerian procs as Occult knowledge.
I wonder if ancient Etruscan will as well. The threat was hilarious though.
-Confirmed that this was the pack we ran into, since we recognize one.
We have names for six of the nine: Adam the leader, Sarah the youngest, Lena, Jim, and two called Bones and Lockjaw.
The names of the first four suggest that they are first generation ghouls, born of human descent relatively recently; the last two might either be significantly older, or might be second/third/fourth generation ghouls born in the wild and orphaned.
-Hockey gear is not particularly out of the ordinary.
Police combat gear is a lot more eyeraising and combined with the Jason mask is proof the leader at least has had dealings with people aboveground. People with access to police issue equipment and either too arrogant or too poor to simply buy civilian body armor from a gunstore, instead misappropriating police gear.
This is something to watch out for.
-Acquisition of skill from the bodies of the dead?
That puts a different spin on their preference for human meat if anthropophagy might actually result in the accelerated acquisition of survival skills and memories from the dead.
Yet Molly calls them accursed by their makers, suggesting that their condition is deliberately inflicted.
We could always come back and use one ghoul as a focus to discover the truth. Later.
-Moderate monthly grocery bill for a single adult is ~$300 as per the USDA in 2019.
Assuming they are consuming 2x the food of an adult human which would be $600/month, nine ghouls will have a monthly grocery bill of $5600.
And thats before other stuff like (used) clothes and bedding and camping gear and even entertainment, if we can get our hands on stuff like a used laptop or a radio. And of course, protective gear and (blunt)weapons, for deterrence in case someone attempts to take this stuff from them by force. Si vis pacem, para bellum, after all.
We can mitigate some of those costs by making the items ourselves, but this still represents a significant ongoing cash outlay.
Good thing we are making more precious stones, and hired Thomas to help secure our cash flow.
We're going to need that cash. Soon.
TLF should probably ave applied to most of these rolls.
Doesnt matter though.
Occult still loves us though.
Any meat will do, it's just that they have a supernatural compulsion to eat humans, that is now not an issue, though if they use their powers often they will need their calories.
Point of order: Preference for human meat, not compulsion.
Any form of meat will do. Or would do, prior to MiS kicking in.
Just how far do we want this news to spread? Getting more minions would be good but we probably don't want attention from the really big hitters yet.
We should be willing to accept people we stumble upon, but we do not have the logistic resources to be involved in largescale active recruitment.
And frankly, the big hitters wont care; if they wanted ghouls they have recruited them a long time ago.
Some already have.
The others have qualitatively and quantitatively better forces.
We have the attention of Mab, Odin and the Red court. We are in the mouth right now we need to grow too big for the throat.
[X] Spread the word, the powers that be are going to react to your message of succor soon so you need to get it out there as fast as possible
What has that got to do with ghoul recruitment? If you are under the impression that ghoul recruitment is of any sort of relevance on that scale, you are mistaken. Look at the 1st and 2nd Battle of Cleveland last story arc, and remember that those were minor detachments of force by mid-tier supernatural nations.
There are three reasons we're recruiting here:
-Clearing up the vicinity of our worksite
-Asset denial to potential enemies, so that people like Kattrin cant just roll into town, spend a couple hundred dollars and pick up a set of disposable mooks
-Humanitarian reasons
None of them include them making us too big to be attacked.