Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Also, and importantly, shaping enhancer. Which means it could probably be used to boost Dresdenverse magic, possibly by a lot. Maybe allow Dresden and others access to Ancient Sorcery.

Besides, if we combine normal learning with stuff like Cracked Cell Circumvention and other difficulty and dice pool modifiers, we might learn quicker. Not "burn XP to learn immediately", but getting to plot relevant learning rates. @DragonParadox if Molly throws everything she has into doing her homework and studying, maybe buys Academics excellency, would that increase her learning rates enough that it would affect her abilities? I mean, spending one or two essence points per evening on doing homework and studying ahead isn't costly at all.

Actions specifically to improve abilities are possible to get an XP discount, but just going to school would not do it which was the original question
Honestly given it is just 5xp for the first 2 dot in none Key abilities from zero dots. It is more cost effective to hard buy them, and spend more time adventuring. Grab the excellency for another 4xp to really make it go far.

And for Key abilities it is only 39xp to max all of them, definitely worth it to hard buy.
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I mean schools just sounding more and more useless honestly. Like its a huge waste of time we are already gonna get access to money and have an absurd amount of ways to make more throughout our life schools not worth much of anything.
I mean schools just sounding more and more useless honestly. Like its a huge waste of time we are already gonna get access to money and have an absurd amount of ways to make more throughout our life schools not worth much of anything.
Essentially this relegates school and college to social-only activity. Meaning that we aren't choosing college for education, but for connections and politics, for example.
Also, and importantly, shaping enhancer. Which means it could probably be used to boost Dresdenverse magic, possibly by a lot. Maybe allow Dresden and others access to Ancient Sorcery.
Really doubt that. Gossamer might be solidified dreams, but ancient sorcery is based on legacy stuff that we only get access to through the exalted's old admin accounts. Being able use it with the help of a fistful of raw magical materials seems ridiculous to me.
[] Write in battle plan
Two security minions, and a doctor or medical tech who can tell us what exactly they are doing here.
Might be the director if we're lucky, but I doubt it.
Regardless, we want him.

[X]Plan Raging Behemoth Charge
-[X]Turn 1:
--[X]Reflexive activation: Viridian Legend Exoskeleton + Melee Excellency : -2 Essence
--[X]Reflexive activation: all Rage Recast Aspects + Anima banner power: No cost or roll, already spent 4 Essence in the scene
--[X]Movement: ~20 yards. Activate shield and move into melee range of gunmen.
--[X]Attack: Shield bash and pommelstrike gunman 1 into gunman 2 into the wall and floor
--[X]STUNT:"....." Lydia's voice catches in her throat as she enters the room behind you.You feel...light, on your feet as your shield unfolds itself silently, while behind you Amoracchius comes to life in response to the badwrongforbidden aura in the room, a white counterpoint to your viridian green. As the alarms blare your eyes catalog the room's contents. The six victims in restraints silently screaming in their nightmares. The moving manipulator arm. The central tank.

The response team bursting into the room with drawn weapons.

As the first bullets whine past you charge the shooters, Lydia on your heels, angling to hit the first two responders you mentally call Spongebob and Patrick. "Git the labcoat" you bark, right before you smash shield first into Spongebob with your full hundred and sixty plus pounds, carrying him into Patrick, and bringing them both to the ground, clearing the way as Lydia hurdles your form to tackle the labcoat-clad cultist you've labelled as Squidward. Then you hit them with Dark Sun until they stop moving.

Imperial Primacy Mantle: Mental defenses
Viridian Legend Exoskeleton: +4 Soak
Scar-Writ Saga Shield: -1 DC to soak rolls. Soak DC is now 5.
Melee Excellency: 3x combat turns
Rage Recast Aspects: Flight, Transcendent Anathema.
Anima Banner: Active. Surprise negator

Essence 8-2= 6
Temp WP = 7/9
Current HL = 11/11
Wound penalty: 0
Max Movement rate = 32 yards/turn

The room is 20 yards by 20 yards. Hypotenuse is 28 yards.
So there's no point in the room Molly cant reach in a combat turn of 3 seconds.

Primary goal are gunmen. Single entry door, two shooters.
They're already opening fire in a room with civilians and unknown magical hazards, so there's no margin in trying to call them to surrender. We want to draw their fire, stop them fast and block reinforcements from entry.

They're carrying handguns. Semiautomatics.
A giggle switch would allow full auto and give +10 dice to the attack pool, but they would only get one shot before needing to reload, and it would increase their DC to hit by +2. So semiautomatics.

So charge them down, tackle one into the other, and use your shield to to smash the one above the other until they both stop resisting. Or moving.

Also, VLE?
Is described as almost a second skin with glowing demon script.
Think Asura's Wrath esthetics. But I dont expect her to notice until the end of the fight
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Somewhere Charity looks up and frowns as her mom sense tingles.
This is one of those things where roleplay trumps mechanics.
Charity went to community college IIRC, and I dont know if Michael went to uni at all, instead of trade school or apprenticing.
Parents always want better for their kids. Even if they are suddenly lottery millionaires.

And there's the whole point of being an example for the rest of the jawas.
Also, and importantly, shaping enhancer. Which means it could probably be used to boost Dresdenverse magic, possibly by a lot. Maybe allow Dresden and others access to Ancient Sorcery
Doubt it.
Dresdenverse magic is a lot more flexible than Ancient Sorcery. Sorcery is a lot more powerful, and has some applications DF magic does not, but I honestly dont think its all that much of a gamechanger for a wizard.

Now, if sorcerous workings are allowed, thats a different matter.
Hmm... Do red half-vampires dream of eating people? It's a burning desire, after all. What about Whites? Could a raksha feed off White Hungers? Something to think of.
If they're they're mortal enough to count as human for both Mab and the Swords?
They're mortal enough to dream and be dream eaten.

But I was thinking more along the paths of dealing with humans.
People sell blood plasma to pharmaceutical companies and are employed to be the subject of drug trials. If you can safely harvest gossamer as a renewable MM resource, pay someone five figures for and send them home to recover.

If you have the money for it.
[X] Uju32

Isn't the pommel/handle of Molly's demon weapon a bladed hook that she can only hold without hurting herself because it's part of her soul?
I think pommel strikes from her would end up more like icepick lobotomies.
To the best of my recollection its a normal sword with some funky iconography, like an eye on the hilt/guard
Ancient Sorcery for mortals
Not really necessary. DP models Major Practitioners with OWoD spheres; that means that local Mages can accomplish almost anything Ancient Sorcery - henceforward, AS - can do if you just give them enough XP. Rare exceptions are generally less "this is impossible" and more "this is very difficult."

If thou must, that VEE 7 dots Magical Genius merit most assuredly does more for personal power and broad utility of a Mage than the ability to buy AS spells for 10 xp a pop.

Ancient sorcery for Exalts, and Molly specifically
There are two stand-out AS spells. Sapphire Ritual of Exorcism and Burning Eyes of the Offender. Both offer effects that would either require approx. 6 dots in Linear Magic to accomplish or are flat-out impossible.

Sapphire Ritual of exorcism can banish Archdevil out of people and is approximately the only way to forcibly part a Denarian with their Fallen. Linear Magic needs like 6 dots/50xp to accomplish anything like that, if it is even possible.

Burning Eyes of the Offender hits enemies around Molly with a no save -2 difficulty to everything debuff. Together with Shadow Spite Curse Signature -3, this spell makes it so our enemies automatically fail at almost everything as long as they stay in Molly's presence; an incredibly powerful combination.

Everything else is kind of ehh. Long story short, 3(21 xp before discounts) dots of any select path is almost always a better buy than any two Ancient Sorcery spells (20xp). Maybe Skin of Bronze is also worth it for stacking and convenience, but idk. Linear Magic is also easier to get discounts on, which further skewers the xp ratio.
Absolutely useful if it could be mass-produced. Otherwise... IDK, magical materials that provide +1 point parameter buff to items are like, 3 dots of Alchemy. It isn't a big deal.
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Absolutely useful if it could be mass-produced. Otherwise... IDK, magical materials that provide +1 point parameter buff to items are like, 3 dots of Alchemy. It isn't a big deal.
Gossamer can be made into anything. For crafting Gossamer is needed at the highest level, for sourcing of ingredients. Wyld energy like Gossamer is needed as the strongest ingredients outright don't exist unless directly made.
Gossamer can be made into anything. For crafting Gossamer is needed at the highest level, for sourcing of ingredients. Wyld energy like Gossamer is needed as the strongest ingredients outright don't exist unless directly made.
Universal materials are Alchemy 4, and +1 to a parameter is Alchemy 3. Maybe the upper ceiling of Gossamer is higher - not guaranteed - but we are a bit off from being able to exploit that.
Universal materials are Alchemy 4, and +1 to a parameter is Alchemy 3. Maybe the upper ceiling of Gossamer is higher - not guaranteed - but we are a bit off from being able to exploit that.
Gossamer can be use to make things like the "Sigh of a rock" something that cannot exist otherwise. If you want to make legendary stuff like the philosopher stone, that is what you need.
To the best of my recollection its a normal sword with some funky iconography, like an eye on the hilt/guard
Here: The guard is normally unusable and has sharp points, but the pommel should be ok:
Out of your heart, or perhaps the place behind your heart you you pull out a blade of gleaming bronze. In it not one of the arming swords you had trained with a little when you were younger, but a hand and a half sword that is somewhere between a katana and a scimitar, its guard sharpened on one side to a wicked point and on the other coming to a sharpened hook that should by rights take off your fingers if you try to use it as a guard. But this sword will never cut you, you know, it cannot, it is a part of you... a part of your soul maybe. The pummel flares to light, a great eye wreathed in heaatless green flame.

This is one of those things where roleplay trumps mechanics.
Charity went to community college IIRC, and I dont know if Michael went to uni at all, instead of trade school or apprenticing.
Parents always want better for their kids. Even if they are suddenly lottery millionaires.

And there's the whole point of being an example for the rest of the jawas.
Honorary degrees are a thing, and if you demonstrate a PhD level of knowledge, you can get one without actually going through courses. With a hefty donation and actually showing the knowledge (a bit of studying, a bit of buying ability points and a bit of CCC abuse to pass the exams) we could pass university in a month or so. Donate a million or so, ask them to arrange exams for you, not for admission but to see if you already know what they teach, obtain honorary diploma. A prestigious university would be glad to have a self-made genius millionaire to be associated with them.
But I was thinking more along the paths of dealing with humans.
People sell blood plasma to pharmaceutical companies and are employed to be the subject of drug trials. If you can safely harvest gossamer as a renewable MM resource, pay someone five figures for and send them home to recover.
I'm not sure if being dream-eaten is as recoverable from as using soulfire or donating blood, it might be more like donating organs. We'll have to check / see. The reason I spoke of Whites is because we are likely to have access to those in the Chicago underground.

Not really necessary. DP models Major Practitioners with OWoD spheres; that means that local Mages can accomplish almost anything Ancient Sorcery - henceforward, AS - can do if you just give them enough XP. Rare exceptions are generally less "this is impossible" and more "this is very difficult."
The problem with this is that only original Merlin (and then only maybe) approaches the threshold of "having enough XP".
Shadow Spite Curse Signature
While that's more useful, probably, I think Crowned With Fury signature is better for roleplay reasons.
While that's more useful, probably, I think Crowned With Fury signature is better for roleplay reasons.
Uh, I'm not comfortable even buying Crowned With Fury, much less making it a signature.

Honestly, while there are plenty of potential signature charms that I would be fine with, I'm not 100% absolutely sold on any of the ones from the book, and would like to possibly do a custom signature charm effect that sticks more with Molly's themes, once we've played enough to develop them. It specifically states in the book that a signature charm is supposed to be a reflection of who the Infernal is as a person, after all, and calls out the possibility of custom effects.

Granted, it's still something that will have to be an extension of a charm we already have, but that gives a lot of leeway for some cool customization, still. After all, signature charm decision is one of the few build decisions that's permanent once selected. We want to pick the right one.
The problem with this is that only original Merlin (and then only maybe) approaches the threshold of "having enough XP".
Yeah, 10 xp a pop AS really not going to improve that economy. Just take Harry on some adventures instead.
While that's more useful, probably, I think Crowned With Fury signature is better for roleplay reasons.
TBH, I look at our shintai form as a primarily face-smashing form, so I don't really feel that CWF signature gonna get particularly much use. Still, as far as self-buff signature charms go, I prefer Keys and The Kingdom Signature; it got a lot of style going for it, and another perpetual -1 difficulty buff is very much welcome.
Uh, I'm not comfortable even buying Crowned With Fury, much less making it a signature.

Honestly, while there are plenty of potential signature charms that I would be fine with, I'm not 100% absolutely sold on any of the ones from the book, and would like to possibly do a custom signature charm effect that sticks more with Molly's themes, once we've played enough to develop them. It specifically states in the book that a signature charm is supposed to be a reflection of who the Infernal is as a person, after all, and calls out the possibility of custom effects.

Granted, it's still something that will have to be an extension of a charm we already have, but that gives a lot of leeway for some cool customization, still. After all, signature charm decision is one of the few build decisions that's permanent once selected. We want to pick the right one.
The CWF charm itself (non-signature) is something Molly would find morally dubious to say the least, and I don't see many uses for it, outside of using it against creatures of darkness like vampires (though we could have probably used it on the nurse here). The signature charm's lore description is a bit more easy to swallow:
Signature Effect: The Infernal's Shintai form
wears a crown of emerald flames, and her words tear
at the minds of those who hear them. She adds her Es-
sence rating to all social rolls, and the cost of Crowned
with Fury drops to 1 Essence.
The "her words tear at the minds of those who hear them" path is problematic, but it's much better than Shadow Spite Curse's signature description
While she wears her Shintai form,
the world around the Infernal is fractured into a jagged
landscape of tortured and bleeding Essence, where all
actions taken to oppose her suffer a –3 penalty.
On the custom signature effect, you are probably right, but then again... What is Molly? I am guessing a seeker of secrets, and a questing paladin righting the wrongs and defeating monsters. A face smasher with a sid-order of crafter / summoner / mage (we aren't doing magic now, but we'll probably be doing it later). I am guessing some kind of Naked Wicked Souls signature effect could work.
TBH, I look at our shintai form as a primarily face-smashing form, so I don't really feel that CWF signature gonna get particularly much use. Still, as far as self-buff signature charms go, I prefer Keys and The Kingdom Signature; it got a lot of style going for it, and another perpetual -1 difficulty buff is very much welcome.
That's rather a question, isn't it? What we are considering our Shnitai's form primary function to be. I mean, yeah, taking The King and the Kingdom as a signature effect would probably work. And it's a nice "neutral" choice. If Fivefold Courts of Fate wins, it would probably mean ice and possibly cityscape area manifestation. Which, in turn, would mean that Ablation of Brass and Fire becomes useable everywhere (which is great) - and it would work perfectly lore wise too, given its description of our kingdom suffering harm instead of us; as well as WHWH. MInus points would be subjecting allies to environmental conditions of our kingdom when we activate shintai. They'll probably need some magical items made to shield them from those.
BTW, don't worry about malicious fluff too much. DP already promised to not fuck us over with charms that have ominous fluff.

Like, there is approximately nothing to be done about NightmareFV which has perpetual nightmares and inability to sleep as its uttermost core function, but stuff like SSC isn't going to fuck us over anymore than hateful flame of Green Sun Nimbus Flare or the happy fun Without Honor, Without Hope.
Also, and importantly, shaping enhancer. Which means it could probably be used to boost Dresdenverse magic, possibly by a lot. Maybe allow Dresden and others access to Ancient Sorcery.

To give a mortal access to Ancient Sorcery you would have to give them not more power, but more authority in the name of whatever aspect of reality governs the use of that ancient art. Granted Gossamer is literally made of improbable possibility, but you would have to understand what it is you are trying to counterfeit.
To give a mortal access to Ancient Sorcery you would have to give them not more power, but more authority in the name of whatever aspect of reality governs the use of that ancient art. Granted Gossamer is literally made of improbable possibility, but you would have to understand what it is you are trying to counterfeit.
So if it's a matter of authority, could Dragons or Gods learn it?