And I would appreciate more votes for Chakra Burst Network...
We have confirmation with the QM of a how well synergyzes with senjutsu and that it scales up with strength.
Point of correction:
We have Word of QM that
1)Strength synergizes with senjutsu
2)A-rank strength is a prereq for Sage Mode, which is something we want. Eventually.

Sage Mode is canonically a S-class, but our only guess for what unlocks it in this setting is S-class Fuinjutsu or Chakra Control.
And our stat closest to S-class is Speed at 230.
80 points away.
And I would appreciate more votes for Chakra Burst Network...
We have confirmation with the QM of a how well synergyzes with senjutsu and that it scales up with strength.
But we only have baseless speculations about what Spiral Consuming Seal can do... We know that it can seal/block ninjutsu (which is pretty neat don't get me wrong) but there is no confirmation that it can be used to block Bijudamadas or to Seal edo tensei spirits
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
Literally right there in the option fluff.

For reference for those who dont remember the technique being used as a benchmark, Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method was the technique he used to seal Amaterasu after Itachi tried to kidnap Naruto in that inn, and hit Sasuke with Tsukiyomi.

Fire Sealing Method

The user first readies a scroll that they've previously inscribed with a special sealing formula, which has a blank space left in its centre. They then activate this technique, quickly sucking any nearby Fire Release into the blank space and sealing it there, signified by the appearance of the...
The user first readies a scroll that they've previously inscribed with a special sealing formula, which has a blank space left in its centre. They then activate this technique, quickly sucking any nearby Fire Release into the blank space and sealing it there, signified by the appearance of the kanji for "seal" (封). Regardless of any special properties that the flames may have, such as those of Amaterasu, they will remain sealed until the user chooses to unseal them. Because this technique is designed for Fire Release, performing it requires expertise in not only using seals but ninjutsu as well.[1]

Spiral Consuming Seal is explicitly not limited to Fire Release.
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Point of correction:
We have Word of QM that
1)Strength synergizes with senjutsu
2)A-rank strength is a prereq for Sage Mode, which is something we want. Eventually.

Sage Mode is canonically a S-class, but our only guess for what unlocks it in this setting is S-class Fuinjutsu or Chakra Control.
And our stat closest to S-class is Speed at 230.
80 points away.


Literally right there in the option fluff.

For reference for those who dont remember the technique being used as a benchmark, Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method was the technique he used to seal Amaterasu after Itachi tried to kidnap Naruto in that inn, and hit Sasuke with Tsukiyomi.

Fire Sealing Method

The user first readies a scroll that they've previously inscribed with a special sealing formula, which has a blank space left in its centre. They then activate this technique, quickly sucking any nearby Fire Release into the blank space and sealing it there, signified by the appearance of the...

Spiral Consuming Seal is explicitly not limited to Fire Release.
Yeah, but here is the thing... The Fire Sealing Method could seal Amateratsu because it was a seal specialized in Sealing fire (and then it barely managed to seal it IIRC)...

If we are aiming for a more generalist seal then it is logical to assume means that we won't be reach the upper levels of what can be done with a more specialized seal...

So sorry I really doubt that we will be able to seal S class jutsu, spirits, edo tensei zombies or yin/yang release jutsu (for game balance if nothing else)...

I am the first one to admit that Sealing/blocking ninjutsu up to A rank is pretty neat, but it is not the game changer that you are hyping up to.
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[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
Yeah, but here is the thing... The Fire Sealing Method could seal Amateratsu because it was a seal specialized in Sealing fire (and then it barely managed to seal it IIRC)...

If we are aiming for a more generalist seal then it is logical to assume means that we won't be reach the upper levels of what can be done with a more specialized seal...

So sorry I really doubt that we will be able to seal S class jutsu, spirits, or yin/yang release jutsu (for game balance if nothing else)...
I am the first one to admit that Sealing/blocking ninjutsu up to A rank is pretty neat, but it is not the game changer that you are hyping up to.
The text of the seal is right there.

The QM said it was being more generalist, not less powerful.
If they meant to say it would be less powerful with that, they would say so. For example:
Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
High level sealing in this AU is allegedly personal.
Its entirely plausible that Hisana's personal experiences lead her to make a broader seal than Jiraiya, based on the same principles.

Or it could just be a difference in philosophy.
Jiraiya makes specialized seals for groups of techniques(Fire, Water,Earth etc) because he prioritizes chakra efficiency. And Hisana makes a generalized version because she prefers flexibility, and eats the reduced efficiency with her Final Hurricane seal.
Current Tally: 2 vote difference
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Oct 14, 2022 at 2:58 PM, finished with 180 posts and 76 votes.

Once again putting out a call for Spiral Consuming Seals votes
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
Current Tally: 2 vote difference
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Oct 14, 2022 at 2:58 PM, finished with 180 posts and 76 votes.

Once again putting out a call for Spiral Consuming Seals votes
And once again I do the same for Chakra Burst Network

And just to clarify @Tekomandor would you mind to clarify wether the Spiral Consuming Seal, as a generalist seal, would be less effective to seal away certain high tier jutsus than a specialised seal, like The Fire Sealing Method (on that specialised field) ?

Because there are people that think that with that skill we will be able to seal bijudamas, Amaterasu or do tensei zombies
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[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.

Sometimes, the best defense is simply a good defense. Hisana seems to be somewhat lacking in that area currently, so I think we should change that. And who's to say the sealing scroll has to be the end of it? "Sealing techniques" certainly seems like a field of study Hisana might want to study more closely.
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Sometimes, the best defense is simply a good defense. Hisana seems to be somewhat lacking in that area currently, so I think we should change that. And who's to say the sealing scroll has to be the end of it? "Sealing techniques" certainly seems like a field of study Hisana might want to study more closely.
Well, that is the only option that doesn´t specifically say that it can be upgraded or that it unlocks a new sealing skill so... I don´t think it is a dead end but it seems to indicate that the possibilities are more limited than the other two options
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Well, that is the only option that doesn´t specifically say that it can be upgraded or that it unlocks a new sealing skill so... I don´t think it is a dead end but it seems to indicate that the possibilities are more limited than the other two options
Its an A-rank Perk for Storage Seals. Its not being upgradeable suggests its utility is front-loaded compared to the other two.
Given as we're going into Orochimaru territory, thats a welcome thought. We came perilously close to death or corruption when we tangled with him, and again when we tangled with Kimimaro.

The dude who fucks around with undead, mind influence and soul phylacteries is really someone you want exotic defenses for.
Never mind Kabuto.
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[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
Oh man I remember reading this before I even made an account here.

[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.

It's awesome finally participating :D


If you have five minutes to spare. Old men doing Iaido demonstrations at a tournament.
Seriously, its a combat art. The first strike matters, but its not a system where if you fail to end things with the first blow, you resheathe your sword.
They... Aren't as fast as I expected. I was, probably, subconsciously, expecting "You are already dead" animu-speed. Instead, what I got was "Pretty spry for an old guy".

[X] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
Current tally:
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Oct 15, 2022 at 5:06 AM, finished with 190 posts and 82 votes.

Once again, Spiral Consuming Seal calls for aid votes
They... Aren't as fast as I expected. I was, probably, subconsciously, expecting "You are already dead" animu-speed. Instead, what I got was "Pretty spry for an old guy".

[X] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
You and most other people. Blame anime.
One has to think that iaido would have been an actual killing style back then, and thus could not have been designed to always return the blade to the sheath after cutting once.

Kinda like how gunslingers didnt return their pistol to the holster after a single quickdraw.
You know, it is kind of annoying that every few hours whenever Spiral Consuming Seal is not winning you post a tally and ask for more votes for your favorite option...

Like a telemarketer interrupting your shower trying to sell you a new Internet plan
To be honest, its been annoying enough that I was thinking of switching away from the vote despite it being my favorite.

No content vote begging is just aggravating.
To be honest, its been annoying enough that I was thinking of switching away from the vote despite it being my favorite.

No content vote begging is just aggravating.

Well, I don´t have much of a problem if you do it once or twice per voting period (I also do it from time to time)... But @uju32 has been doing it 3-4 times in the last 24 hours...
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[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.