A good chunk of the Hyuga are as well, given the Caged Bird Seal.

That doesn't follow. Whoever put the seals on presumably knows at least some sealing, but that could literally be one person per generation. Everyone else in the main house just needs to know how to activate it.
I'd wager they actively keep any sealing knowledge from the branch house.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
Gaara. Danzo. Sasori. Chiyo. Orochimaru. Kakashi. And thats off the top of my head.
A good chunk of the Hyuga are as well, given the Caged Bird Seal. Literally every Sand puppet user.
The Fourth World War brought entire battalions of sealing specialists onto the field.

Many a time its easier and faster to simply shank a bitch.
That does not denote a lack of knowledge, or an inability to apply other solutions.
Most of those specialists either can't use it fast enough in combat or know how to do something useful to combat.

Gaara a seal specialists? He used his sand to lock down while someone else placed a seal. Oro I agree with he used it during his fight with Team 7 in the forest. During the war those sealmasters had prepared scrolls. This shows very few can use it in combat.

Edit: I'll have to rewatch the war arc now.
That doesn't follow. Whoever put the seals on presumably knows at least some sealing, but that could literally be one person per generation. Everyone else in the main house just needs to know how to activate it.
I'd wager they actively keep any sealing knowledge from the branch house.
I wouldnt agree.
You would need redundancy in your knowledgebase to avoid losing the capability because some dude choked on a fishbone.
And Konoha is not going to tolerate actively crippling its shinobi by denying a good chunk access to knowledge.

Most of those specialists either can't use it fast enough in combat or know how to do something useful to combat.
Gaara a seal specialists? He used his sand to lock down while someone else placed a seal. Oro I agree with he used it during his fight with Team 7 in the forest. During the war those sealmasters had prepared scrolls. This shows very few can use it in combat.

Edit: I'll have to rewatch the war arc now.
1)You can prepare seals before combat. A lot of the shinobi in the 4th War carried prepared seals.
Even Jiraiya sealed Amaterasu in a prepared scroll back in Part 1.
You dont need to be able to use touch seals to use seals in combat.

Its just not necessary for fighting normal shinobi, who you can stab or fireball to death.
From a distance.

2) I quote:

Desert Layered Imperial Funeral Seal

Using a large quantity of sand, the user covers the enemy with several successive layers of the material, before compressing it into the form of a huge pyramid which serves to imprison the target upon its completion. Sealing tags can be placed onto the pyramid to increase its sealing power, or...

Remember that Shukaku literally has juinjutsu inscribed over most of its body.
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And Konoha is not going to tolerate actively crippling its shinobi by denying a good chunk access to knowledge.

Except it literally does do that already with the branch house, who aren't taught the primary defensive technique of the gentle fist.

Konoha seems to tolerate quite a lot with regards to the Hyuuga's internal practices.

Considering that Konoha was originally created by clans making alliances, I'd guess there's some 'clan business' protections that prevent easily interfering in their internal policies.
[X] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
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Except it literally does do that already with the branch house, who aren't taught the primary defensive technique of the gentle fist.
Konoha seems to tolerate quite a lot with regards to the Hyuuga's internal practices.
Considering that Konoha was originally created by clans making alliances, I'd guess there's some 'clan business' protections that prevent easily interfering in their internal policies.
Kaiten isnt the primary defensive technique of the Gentle Fist, its the pinnacle defensive technique. Most Hyuga will never be in a position where they need to be able to defend against a 360 degree threat like Kaiten enables.
And it isnt exactly easy to use Kaiten. Or to sustain the chakra expenditure necessary to use it in the field.

Neji's reputation was well earned, and not just for reverse-engineering it.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
Strength enhancer = Big confirmed kenjutsu aid.
Consuming seal = Big defense enhancer which is also confirmed.

Anything else is speculation. Choice should be made based on which you prefer for Hisana to upgrade, kenjutsu or defense. I made an earlier post but it was too confrontational so i deleted it. Bad faith debates and such should be avoided.
Well, this is still extremely close.
Adhoc vote count started by Fanhunter696 on Oct 14, 2022 at 4:28 AM, finished with 157 posts and 68 votes.

Come on guys!!! Just a few more votes... We have confirmation thanks to the QM that the Chakra Burst Network both scales with our strength stat and synergizes with Sage Mode...

But while Spiral Consuming Seal is great to block/seal ninjutsu, the rest of the things that some people says it could do (locking Edo Tensei spirits, Bijudamas, etc) is pure specualtion
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I would imagine that if Chakra Burst Network is not chosen it will be an offer when strength is upgraded. Though taking Chakra Burst Network and upgrading strength could probably provide a trait that improves it.
I would imagine that if Chakra Burst Network is not chosen it will be an offer when strength is upgraded. Though taking Chakra Burst Network and upgrading strength could probably provide a trait that improves it.
Yeah, like we did with the Lightning Blood Seal... We first got it through speed and we upgrade through sealing
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
I would imagine that if Chakra Burst Network is not chosen it will be an offer when strength is upgraded. Though taking Chakra Burst Network and upgrading strength could probably provide a trait that improves it.
there's no guarantee of that, it's a sealing technique after all, so it wouldn't make sense to gain it from a strength vote
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.

Sadly it doesn't look like the elemental seals option is going to gain traction. Second choice time.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.

Somewhere to put nasty undodgable attacks would be nice.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
Fair enough, but I think we'd be better off finding solutions for specific exotic attacks in that case.

Have people blocked bijuudama blasts before?

The first one we see got orochimaru to panic, throw up a bunch of walls, and blocked it enough that he merely dug a furrow in the ground instead of dying outright.

The first one we see got orochimaru to panic, throw up a bunch of walls, and blocked it enough that he merely dug a furrow in the ground instead of dying outright.

I completely forgot about Orochimaru vs Four Tails Naruto, and Orochimaru summoning multiple Rashomon Gates to try to survive Naruto bijuudama-ing him in the face.
That did happen. And there are a bunch of other jinchuuriki around the Elemental Nations.

Current tally: 1 vote difference:
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Oct 14, 2022 at 11:02 AM, finished with 167 posts and 71 votes.

I would appreciate more votes for Sealing Art Spiral Consuming Seal please.
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[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.

I've been wavering back and forth on this for a while now, but I think I'm gonna have to go with the Spiral Consuming Seal after all.

There are simply more avenues that can be used to boost Hisana's strength available, than there are avenues to survive some of the incredibly powerful WMD techniques that get thrown around in the endgame.

Plus, we've already stolen one of Tsunade's techniques, but haven't stolen any of Jiraya's yet. We should rectify that. :V
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[x] Sealing Art: Spiral Consuming Seal. This method of sealing creates a scroll capable of sealing away a technique, though it is costly to use and equally costly to unseal the technique - this is a defensive seal, not a fully functioning 'jutsu scroll'. It is, however, more general than Jiraiya's Fire Sealing Method.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
I would appreciate more votes for Sealing Art Spiral Consuming Seal please.

And I would appreciate more votes for Chakra Burst Network...

We have confirmation with the QM of a how well synergyzes with senjutsu and that it scales up with strength.

But we only have baseless speculations about
what Spiral Consuming Seal can do... We know that it can seal/block ninjutsu (which is pretty neat don't get me wrong) but there is no confirmation that it can be used to block Bijudamadas or to Seal edo tensei spirits